- calculateEnergy(String, SubNet, int) - Method in class ui.controller.SimulationManager
calculates the energy of either all producers or consumers.
- calculateMinimumEnergy(SubNet, int) - Method in class ui.controller.SimulationManager
Calculate the Minimum Energy.
- calculateState(boolean) - Method in class classes.CpsEdge
Calculates the state of the edge (see description of isWorking).
- calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep() - Method in class ui.controller.Control
calculates the flow of the edges and the supply for objects for the
current Timestep.
- calculateStateForTimeStep(int) - Method in class ui.controller.Control
calculates the flow of the edges and the supply for objects.
- calculateStateForTimeStep(int) - Method in class ui.controller.SimulationManager
calculates the flow of the edges and the supply for objects.
- CanvasController - Class in ui.controller
Controller for the Canvas.
- CanvasController(Model, MultiPurposeController) - Constructor for class ui.controller.CanvasController
- Category - Class in classes
Class "Category" performs the functionality of listing elements into groups.
- Category(String) - Constructor for class classes.Category
Category Constructor.
- CategoryController - Class in ui.controller
Controller for the Categories.
- CategoryController(Model, MultiPurposeController) - Constructor for class ui.controller.CategoryController
- CategoryListener - Interface in interfaces
Listener for Categories.
- CategoryPanel - Class in ui.view
Here should be the Category Panel.
- CategoryPanel() - Constructor for class ui.view.CategoryPanel
- changeForExAndNew(float) - Method in class ui.view.EditEdgesPopUp
Set the Capacity for all existing and new edges.
- changeForExisting(float) - Method in class ui.view.EditEdgesPopUp
Set Capacity for all existing Edges.
- changeForNew(float) - Method in class ui.view.EditEdgesPopUp
set edge capacity for new edges.
- checkIfPartiallySupplied(int) - Method in class classes.HolonObject
Check if Partially Supplied.
- classes - package classes
- cleanObjectsToHandle() - Method in class ui.controller.SimulationManager
ensures that objectsToHandle only contains HolonObjects.
- clearConsole() - Method in class ui.controller.ConsoleController
Clears the console.
- clearConsole() - Method in class ui.controller.Control
Clears the console.
- clearConsole() - Method in class ui.view.Console
Clears the console.
- componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ui.view.UnitGraph
- componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ui.view.UnitGraph
- componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ui.view.UnitGraph
When the Component is Resized.
- componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class ui.view.UnitGraph
- Console - Class in ui.view
A Console is a Pane where text can be Printed on.
- Console() - Constructor for class ui.view.Console
- ConsoleController - Class in ui.controller
Controller for the Canvas.
- ConsoleController(Model) - Constructor for class ui.controller.ConsoleController
- consolePrint(String) - Method in class api.CpsAPI
prints a given text on the console.
- consolePrint(String, Color, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class api.CpsAPI
prints a given text on the console with more details.
- Control - Class in ui.controller
The Class represents the controller in the model, controller view Pattern.
- Control(Model) - Constructor for class ui.controller.Control
- convert(int) - Method in class ui.controller.LoadController
converting saved Integers into Booleans.
- convertToCanvasY(float) - Method in class ui.view.UnitGraph
converts the number to fit the canvas.
- convertToValueY(double) - Method in class ui.view.UnitGraph
converts the number to fit the value.
- copyElements(ArrayList<HolonElement>) - Method in class classes.HolonObject
Copy all Elements into a New Array.
- copyHashMap(HashMap<T, Integer>) - Static method in class ui.controller.MultiPurposeController
Copies a HashMap into a new One.
- copyObjects() - Method in class ui.controller.CanvasController
Copy all Selected Objects.
- copyObjects() - Method in class ui.controller.Control
Copy all Selected Objects.
- copyObjects(ArrayList<AbstractCpsObject>) - Method in class ui.controller.SimulationManager
copies the data of an array of Objects.
- CpsAlgorithm - Interface in api
API Class for the CpsAlgorithm.
- CpsAPI - Class in api
Api Class for the Cps Controller.
- CpsAPI(Control) - Constructor for class api.CpsAPI
- CpsEdge - Class in classes
The class "CpsEdge" represents the connections on the GUI.
- CpsEdge(AbstractCpsObject, AbstractCpsObject) - Constructor for class classes.CpsEdge
Constructor without max. capacity (by default as 100)
- CpsEdge(AbstractCpsObject, AbstractCpsObject, float) - Constructor for class classes.CpsEdge
Constructor with a user-defined max. capacity
- CpsNode - Class in classes
The class "CpsNode" represents empty Objects in the system.
- CpsNode(String) - Constructor for class classes.CpsNode
Create a new node in the system with an user-defined name.
- cutObjects() - Method in class ui.controller.CanvasController
Cut all Selected Objects.
- cutObjects() - Method in class ui.controller.Control
Cut all Selected Objects.