Hector V2 Nutzerstudie.csv 4.0 KB

  1. "时间戳记","How old are you?","What is your gender?","What is or was your major (e.g. Computer Science)?","How much VR experience do you have?"," I found it easy to move robot in desired position"," I found it easy to concentrate on controlling the robot"," I found it easy to perceive the details of the environment"," I found it easy to move robot in desired position"," I found it easy to concentrate on controlling the robot"," I found it easy to perceive the details of the environment"," I found it easy to move robot in desired position"," I found it easy to concentrate on controlling the robot"," I found it easy to perceive the details of the environment"," I found it easy to move robot in desired position"," I found it easy to concentrate on controlling the robot"," I found it easy to perceive the details of the environment","Which operation mode do you like best? ","Why do you like it best? ","Which operation mode do you dislike the most?","Why do you dislike it the most? "
  2. "2021/07/16 4:51:55 下午 GMT+2","32","Male","Computer Science","2","5","5","3","5","5","4","5","5","5","5","5","5","UI","(UI) Most easiest to control (less dimensions)","Handle","(Handle) Too many things to control at the same time"
  3. "2021/07/16 4:53:22 下午 GMT+2","27","Male","Computer Science","1","3","2","2","2","5","1","5","5","5","5","5","5","UI","(UI) I can rescue people without concentrating on controlling car","Lab","(Lab) too many screens, so that I need always shift my head to find the target"
  4. "2021/07/17 2:52:00 下午 GMT+2","24","Female","Industrial Engineering","1","4","3","3","2","2","2","5","4","4","5","5","5","Remote","(Remote) I can very simply command the robot to detect the designated target area, while I can manually search for targets in the explored area. Dual-threaded work is more efficient.","Lab","The physiological workload of operating the robot through the two-handed paddle is relatively high and requires a long time to maintain a posture."
  5. "2021/07/17 3:57:35 下午 GMT+2","27","Female","Wirtschaftsinformaitk","1","4","3","4","5","5","3","5","5","5","2","3","4","Remote","(Remote) The robot is always in sight, so I don't have to waste extra time looking for the robot. Control of the robot is also very easy.","Handle","(Handle) The operation of the rescue and the operation of controlling the robot are different, and it takes time to adapt to switch between these two operations. After saving people, sometimes I can't find the location of the robot, and it also takes time to find the robot."
  6. "2021/07/17 4:36:09 下午 GMT+2","28","Female","Wirschaftsinformatik","2","4","5","4","3","4","2","5","5","5","5","5","5","UI","(UI)In this mode, I can just let the robot follow me. I don't need to think about how to operate the robot. This way I can concentrate on the rescue. In this mode can save more people in a shorter time.","Lab","(Lab) In lab mode, I need to control the robot while performing rescue. Because it is VR, so there is no physical access to the joystick, which is slightly tough to control the robot. I need to be distracted while looking for people while manipulating the robot, it feels a little laborious and not very time-saving."
  7. "2021/07/17 6:47:01 下午 GMT+2","23","Male","information and communication engieering","2","4","4","5","4","4","4","5","5","4","5","5","3","Remote","it is not difficult to use the Car to explore the unknown area, and not much phyical and mental efforts are required to finish the task ","Lab","1. Blurred Images
  8. 2. Operation accuracy cant be guaranteed, error operation possible"
  9. "2021/07/18 3:26:59 下午 GMT+2","23","Male"," Maschinenbau","1","3","2","4","3","3","1","5","5","5","5","4","5","UI","(UI) Don't have to concentrate on controlling the robot.","Lab","(Lab) Burden on arms. Image on monitor unclear."
  10. "2021/07/18 4:07:00 下午 GMT+2","22","Male","Chemie","2","4","3","4","2","3","1","5","4","4","4","5","3","Remote","(Remote)auto driving makes the control easy and I can focus myself on the rescue task","Handle","(Handle)hard to play with the controller"