Jia, Jingyi před 3 roky

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+ 3 - 2

@@ -12,16 +12,17 @@ The evaluation for each mode of operation consists of two main parts. The first
+\subsection{Demographics and Introduction }
 Before the beginning of the actual testing process, participants were informed of the purpose of the project, the broad process and the content of the data that would be collected. After filling in the basic demographics, the features of each of the four modes of operation and their rough usage were introduced verbally with a display of the buttons on the motion controllers.
-\section{Entering the world of VR}
+\subsection{Entering the world of VR}
 After the basic introduction part, participants would directly put on the VR headset and enter the VR environment to complete the rest of the tutorial. Considering that participants might not have experience with VR and that it would take time to learn how to operate the four different modes, the proposed system additionally sets up a practice pattern and places some models of victims in the practice scene. After entering the VR world, participants first needed to familiarize themselves with the opening and closing menu, as well as useing the motion controllers to try to teleport themselves, or raise themselves into mid-air. Finally participants were asked to interact with the victim model through virtual hands. After this series of general tutorials, participants were already generally familiar with the use of VR and how to move around in the VR world.
-\section{Practice and evaluation of modes}
+\subsection{Practice and evaluation of modes}
 Given the different manipulation approaches for each mode, in order to avoid confusion between the different modes, participants would then take turns practicing and directly evaluating each mode immediately afterwards. 
 The sequence of modes to be tested  is predetermined. The order effect is an important factor affecting the test results. If the order of the operational modes to be tested was the same for each participant, the psychological and physical exhaustion caused by the last operation mode would inevitably be greater. In order to minimize the influence of the order effect on the results of the test, the Balanced Latin Square with the size of four was used to arrange the test order of the four operation modes.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ In this chapter, some research on the integration of VR and human-computer inter
 Robotic manipulation platforms combined with virtual worlds have several application scenarios. It can be used, for example, to train operators or to collaborate directly with real robots. Elias Matsas et al. \cite{Matsas:2017aa} provided a VR-based training system using hand recognition. Kinect cameras are used to capture the user's positions and motions, and virtual user models are constructed in the VR environment based on the collected data to operate robots as well as virtual objects, such as buttons. Users will learn how to operate the robot in a VR environment. The framework of VR purposed by Luis Pérez et al. \cite{Perez:2019ub} is applied to train operators to learn to control the robot. Since the environment does not need to change in real time, but rather needs to realistically recreate the factory scene, the VR scene here is not reconstructed in a way that it is captured and rendered in real time. Rather, a highly accurate 3D environment was reconstructed in advance using Blender after being captured with a 3D scanner.
-Building 3D scenes in virtual worlds based on information collected by robots is also a research highlight. Wang, et al. \cite{Wang:2017uy} were concerned with the visualization of the rescue robot and its surroundings in a virtual environment. The proposed human-robot interaction system uses incremental 3D-NDT map to render the robot's surroundings in real time. The user can view the robot's surroundings in a first-person view through the HTC-Vive and send control commands through the handle's arrow keys. The novel VR-based practical system provided by Patrick Stotko et al. \cite{Stotko:2019ud} uses distributed systems to reconstruct 3D scene. The data collected by the robot is fiest transmitted to the client responsible for reconstructing the scene. After the client has constructed the 3d scene, the set of actively reconstructed visible voxel blocks is sent to the server responsible for communication, which has a robot-based live telepresence and teleoperation system. This server will then broadcast the data back to the client used by the operator, thus enabling an immersive visualization of the robot within the scene.
+Building 3D scenes in virtual worlds based on information collected by robots is also a research highlight. Wang et al. \cite{Wang:2017uy} were concerned with the visualization of the rescue robot and its surroundings in a virtual environment. The proposed human-robot interaction system uses incremental 3D-NDT map to render the robot's surroundings in real time. The user can view the robot's surroundings in a first-person view through the HTC-Vive and send control commands through the handle's arrow keys. The novel VR-based practical system provided by Patrick Stotko et al. \cite{Stotko:2019ud} uses distributed systems to reconstruct 3D scene. The data collected by the robot is fiest transmitted to the client responsible for reconstructing the scene. After the client has constructed the 3d scene, the set of actively reconstructed visible voxel blocks is sent to the server responsible for communication, which has a robot-based live telepresence and teleoperation system. This server will then broadcast the data back to the client used by the operator, thus enabling an immersive visualization of the robot within the scene.
-Others are more concerned about the manipulation of the robotic arm mounted on the robot. Moniri et al. \cite{Moniri:2016ud} provided a VR-based operating model for the robotic arm. The user wearing a headset can see a simulated 3D scene at the robot's end and send pickup commands to the remote robot by clicking on the target object with the mouse. The system proposed by Ostanin et al. \cite{Ostanin:2020uo} is worth mentioning. Although their proposed system for operating a robotic arm is based on mixed reality(MR), the article is highly relevant to this paper, considering the high relevance of MR and VR and the proposed system detailing the combination of ROS and robotics. In their systemthe ROS Kinect was used as middleware and was responsible for communicating with the robot and the Unity side. The user can control the movement of the robot arm by selecting predefined options in the menu. In addition, the orbit and target points of the robot arm can be set by clicking on a hologram with a series of control points.
+Others are more concerned about the manipulation of the robotic arm mounted on the robot. Moniri et al. \cite{Moniri:2016ud} provided a VR-based operating model for the robotic arm. The user wearing a headset can see a simulated 3D scene at the robot's end and send pickup commands to the remote robot by clicking on the target object with the mouse. The system proposed by Ostanin et al. \cite{Ostanin:2020uo} is also worth mentioning. Although their proposed system for operating a robotic arm is based on mixed reality(MR), the article is highly relevant to this paper, considering the correlation of MR and VR and the proposed system detailing the combination of ROS and robotics. In their system, the ROS Kinect was used as middleware and was responsible for communicating with the robot and the Unity side. The user can control the movement of the robot arm by selecting predefined options in the menu. In addition, the orbit and target points of the robot arm can be set by clicking on a hologram with a series of control points.

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