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Jia, Jingyi 3 anni fa
55 ha cambiato i file con 1873 aggiunte e 514 eliminazioni
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@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Considering the training time and space constraints for rescuers \cite{Murphy:20
 Among them, VR has gained a lot of attention due to its immersion and the interaction method that can be changed virtually. VR is no longer a new word. With the development of technology in recent years, VR devices are gradually becoming more accessible to users. With the improvement of hardware devices, the new generation of VR headsets have higher resolution and wider field of view. And in terms of handle positioning, with the development of computer vision in the past few years, VR devices can now use only the four cameras mounted on the VR headset to achieve accurate spatial positioning, and support hand tracking, accurately capturing every movement of hand joints. While VR are often considered entertainment devices, VR brings more than that. It plays an important role in many fields such as entertainment, training, education and medical care.
-The use of VR in human-computer collaboration also has the potential. In terms of reliability, VR is reliable as a novel alternative to human-robot interaction. The interaction tasks that users can accomplish with VR devices do not differ significantly from those using real operating systems\cite{Villani:2018ub}. In terms of user experience and operational efficiency, VR displays can provide users with stereo viewing cues, which makes collaborative human-robot interaction tasks in certain situations more efficient and performance better \cite{Liu:2017tw}.
+The use of VR in human-computer collaboration also has the potential. In terms of reliability, VR is reliable as a novel alternative to human-robot interaction. The interaction tasks that users can accomplish with VR devices do not differ significantly from those using real operating systems\cite{Villani:2018ub}. In terms of user experience and operational efficiency, VR displays can provide users with stereo viewing cues, which makes collaborative human-robot interaction tasks in certain situations more efficient and performance better \cite{Liu:2017tw}. A novel VR-based practical system for immersive robot teleoperation and scene exploration can improve the degree of immersion and situation awareness for the precise navigation of the robot as well as the interactive measurement of objects within the scene. In contrast, this level of immersion and interaction cannot be reached with video-only systems \cite{Stotko:2019ud}.
 However, there remains a need to explore human-computer interaction patterns and improve the level of human-computer integration\cite{Wang:2017uy}. Intuitive and easy-to-use interaction patterns can enable the user to explore the environment as intentionally as possible and improve the efficiency of search and rescue. The appropriate interaction method should cause less mental and physical exhaustion, which also extends the length of an operation, making it less necessary for the user to frequently exit the VR environment for rest.
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Finally, in Chapter \ref{conclusion}, conclusions and future work are summarized
 In this chapter, some research on the integration of VR and human-computer interaction will be discussed. The relevant literature and its contributions will be briefly presented. The topic of VR and human-computer integration is an open research with many kinds of focus perspectives.
 Robotic manipulation platforms combined with virtual worlds have several application scenarios. It can be used, for example, to train operators or to collaborate directly with real robots. Elias Matsas et al. \cite{Matsas:2017aa} provided a VR-based training system using hand recognition. Kinect cameras are used to capture the user's positions and motions, and virtual user models are constructed in the VR environment based on the collected data to operate robots as well as virtual objects, such as buttons. Users will learn how to operate the robot in a VR environment. The framework of VR purposed by Luis Pérez et al. \cite{Perez:2019ub} is applied to train operators to learn to control the robot. Since the environment does not need to change in real time, but rather needs to realistically recreate the factory scene, the VR scene here is not reconstructed in a way that it is captured and rendered in real time. Rather, a highly accurate 3D environment was reconstructed in advance using Blender after being captured with a 3D scanner.
-Building 3D scenes in virtual worlds based on information collected by robots is also a research highlight. Wang, et al. \cite{Wang:2017uy} were concerned with the visualization of the rescue robot and its surroundings in a virtual environment. The proposed human-robot interaction system uses incremental 3D-NDT map to render the robot's surroundings in real time. The user can view the robot's surroundings in a first-person view through the HTC-Vive and send control commands through the handle's arrow keys. The novel VR-based practical system provided by Patrick Stotko et al. \cite{Stotko:2019ud} uses distributed systems to reconstruct 3D scene. The data collected by the robot is fiest transmitted to the client responsible for reconstructing the scene. After the client has constructed the 3d scene, the set of actively reconstructed visible voxel blocks is sent to the server responsible for communication, which has a robot-based live telepresence and teleoperation system. This server will then broadcast the data back to the client used by the operator, thus enabling an immersive visualization of the robot within the scene.
+Building 3D scenes in virtual worlds based on information collected by robots is also a research highlight. Wang, et al. \cite{Wang:2017uy} were concerned with the visualization of the rescue robot and its surroundings in a virtual environment. The proposed human-robot interaction system uses incremental 3D-NDT map to render the robot's surroundings in real time. The user can view the robot's surroundings in a first-person view through the HTC-Vive and send control commands through the handle's arrow keys. A novel VR-based practical system is presented in \cite{Stotko:2019ud} consisting of distributed systems to reconstruct 3D scene. The data collected by the robot is first transmitted to the client responsible for reconstructing the scene. After the client has constructed the 3d scene, the set of actively reconstructed visible voxel blocks is sent to the server responsible for communication, which has a robot-based live telepresence and teleoperation system. This server will then broadcast the data back to the client used by the operator, thus enabling an immersive visualization of the robot within the scene.
 Others are more concerned about the manipulation of the robotic arm mounted on the robot. Moniri et al. \cite{Moniri:2016ud} provided a VR-based operating model for the robotic arm. The user wearing a headset can see a simulated 3D scene at the robot's end and send pickup commands to the remote robot by clicking on the target object with the mouse. The system proposed by Ostanin et al. \cite{Ostanin:2020uo} is worth mentioning. Although their proposed system for operating a robotic arm is based on mixed reality(MR), the article is highly relevant to this paper, considering the high relevance of MR and VR and the proposed system detailing the combination of ROS and robotics. In their system,the ROS Kinect was used as middleware and was responsible for communicating with the robot and the Unity side. The user can control the movement of the robot arm by selecting predefined options in the menu. In addition, the orbit and target points of the robot arm can be set by clicking on a hologram with a series of control points.
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ After all the tests were completed, participants were asked to compare the four
-# Results
+# Results and discussion
 > ##### results and discussion
@@ -305,6 +305,83 @@ After all the tests were completed, participants were asked to compare the four
+##### Participants
+> ##### Demographics 
+> 8 Participants
+> age
+> study
+> experience vr
+##### Quantitative Results
+###### Robot Performance
+> introduce what was recorded
+> [table]
+> analysis
+###### Rescue situation
+> introduce what was recorded
+> [table]
+> analysis
+###### TLX Score
+> explain tlx
+> [4 figure for each mode]
+> analysis
+###### Likert Questionnaire Results
+> 3 questions: 
+> [3 figure for each question]
+> analysis
+A questionnaire was used to get their feedback:
+##### Qualitative Results
+> reason why like/dislike
+> other feedbacks
+##### Discussion
 # Conclusion


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     <bcf:citekey order="13">SOARES20151656</bcf:citekey>
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     <bcf:citekey order="15">Liu:2017tw</bcf:citekey>
-    <bcf:citekey order="16">Wang:2017uy</bcf:citekey>
-    <bcf:citekey order="17">Matsas:2017aa</bcf:citekey>
-    <bcf:citekey order="18">Perez:2019ub</bcf:citekey>
-    <bcf:citekey order="19">Wang:2017uy</bcf:citekey>
-    <bcf:citekey order="20">Stotko:2019ud</bcf:citekey>
-    <bcf:citekey order="21">Moniri:2016ud</bcf:citekey>
-    <bcf:citekey order="22">Ostanin:2020uo</bcf:citekey>
-    <bcf:citekey order="23">Whitney:2018wk</bcf:citekey>
-    <bcf:citekey order="24">Perez:2019ub</bcf:citekey>
-    <bcf:citekey order="25">Matsas:2017aa</bcf:citekey>
+    <bcf:citekey order="16">Stotko:2019ud</bcf:citekey>
+    <bcf:citekey order="17">Wang:2017uy</bcf:citekey>
+    <bcf:citekey order="18">Matsas:2017aa</bcf:citekey>
+    <bcf:citekey order="19">Perez:2019ub</bcf:citekey>
+    <bcf:citekey order="20">Wang:2017uy</bcf:citekey>
+    <bcf:citekey order="21">Stotko:2019ud</bcf:citekey>
+    <bcf:citekey order="22">Moniri:2016ud</bcf:citekey>
+    <bcf:citekey order="23">Ostanin:2020uo</bcf:citekey>
+    <bcf:citekey order="24">Whitney:2018wk</bcf:citekey>
+    <bcf:citekey order="25">Perez:2019ub</bcf:citekey>
+    <bcf:citekey order="26">Matsas:2017aa</bcf:citekey>
   <bcf:sortingtemplate name="none">

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+[319] Utils.pm:395> WARN - Entry 'Stotko:2019ud' (BibTexDatei.bib): Invalid format '2019/11/01' of date field 'date' - ignoring
+[327] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '1955-2505' in entry 'Matsas:2017aa' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details.
+[331] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '0166-3615' in entry 'Perez:2019ub' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details.
+[335] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '2472-7571' in entry 'Moniri:2016ud' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details.
+[340] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '2577-087X' in entry 'Ostanin:2020uo' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details.
+[344] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '2153-0866' in entry 'Whitney:2018wk' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details.
+[362] UCollate.pm:68> INFO - Overriding locale 'en-US' defaults 'variable = shifted' with 'variable = non-ignorable'
+[362] UCollate.pm:68> INFO - Overriding locale 'en-US' defaults 'normalization = NFD' with 'normalization = prenormalized'
+[362] Biber.pm:4168> INFO - Sorting list 'none/global//global/global' of type 'entry' with template 'none' and locale 'en-US'
+[362] Biber.pm:4174> INFO - No sort tailoring available for locale 'en-US'
+[377] bbl.pm:654> INFO - Writing 'Thesis_Jingyi.bbl' with encoding 'UTF-8'
+[391] bbl.pm:757> INFO - Output to Thesis_Jingyi.bbl
+[391] Biber.pm:128> INFO - WARNINGS: 16

+ 67 - 26

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+; user defined location classes
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+   :before "A")
+; additional sort rules

+ 0 - 41
Thesis_LaTeX/User Study/Procedure.md

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-## Procedure
-##### Demographics and Introduction 
-> 1. inform the purpose and collected data
-> 2. basic demographics(google form)
-> 3. introduce 4 mode: verbal + show motion controller
-Before the beginning of the actual testing process, participants were informed of the purpose of the project, the broad process and the content of the data that would be collected. After filling in the basic demographics, the features of each of the four modes of operation and their rough usage were introduced verbally with a display of the buttons on the motion controllers.
-##### Entering the world of VR
-> 1. wear the headset
-> 2. familiar with the menu : switch & select mode(practice) & close
-> 3. change position : teleport & raise or lower
-> 4. rescue 1 victim
-After the basic introduction part, participants would directly put on the VR headset and enter the VR environment to complete the rest of the tutorial. Considering that participants might not have experience with VR and that it would take time to learn how to operate the four different modes, the proposed system additionally sets up a practice pattern and places some models of victims in the practice scene. After entering the VR world, participants first needed to familiarize themselves with the opening and selecting options of the menu, as this involves switching between different modes and entering the test scenes. Then participants would use the motion controllers to try to teleport themselves, or raise themselves into mid-air. Finally participants were asked to interact with the victim model through virtual hands. After this series of general tutorials, participants were already generally familiar with the use of VR and how to move around in the VR world.
-##### Practice and evaluation of modes
-> 1. `foreach Mode`:
-> 	1. enter mode(practice)
-> 	2. try to move the robot
-> 	3. try to rescue 1-2 victims
-> 	4. enter test scene
-> 	5. -testing- 
-> 	6. Fill out the questionnaire: google form + TLX
-> 2. summary part of google form: 
-> 	- like/dislike most
-> 	- reason 
-> 	- feedback
-Given the different manipulation approaches for each mode, in order to avoid confusion between the different modes, participants would then take turns practicing and directly evaluating each mode immediately afterwards. The participant first switched to the mode of operation to be tested and manipulated the robot to move in that mode. After attempting to rescue 1-2 victim models and the participant indicated that he or she was familiar enough with this operation mode, the participant would enter the test scene. In the test scene, participants had to save as many victims as possible in a given time limit. Participants were required to move the robot around the test scene to explore the post-disaster city and to find and rescue victims. In this process, if the robot crashes with buildings, obstacles, etc., besides the collision information being recorded as test data, participants would also receive sound and vibration feedback. The test will automatically end when time runs out or when all the victims in the scene have been rescued. Participants were required to complete the evaluation questionnaire and the NASA evaluation form at the end of each test. This process was repeated in each mode of operation. 
-After all the tests were completed, participants were asked to compare the four operation modes and select the one they liked the most and the one they liked the least. In addition, participants could give their reasons for the choice and express their opinions as much as they wanted, such as suggestions for improvement or problems found during operation.


+ 243 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+\NewDocumentCommand{\newdualentry}{m m m m o o}{%
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+	}
+\newdualentry{conti} % label
+{RVC}            % abbreviation
+{Reality-Virtuality Continuum}  % long form
+{\glsresetall is a continuous, one dimensional scale with the two extremes \textit{real environment} and \textit{virtual environment}.
+Every possible combination of real and virtual objects can be placed on this scale with \gls{ar} and \gls{vr} making up the area between its two extremes.}% description
+\newdualentry{vr} % label
+{VR}            % abbreviation
+{Virtual Reality}  % long form
+{\glsresetall A computer generated reality comprised of, potential three dimensional, images and possibly sound.
+In the context specifically a generated reality experienced using specialized hardware other than simple computer monitors.
+The \gls{vr} replaces the normal reality by either utilizing specialized rooms with walls and ceilings being able to display an alternate reality e.g. \glspl{cave}.
+Or by donning a \gls{hmd} which displays the \gls{ve} in front of the user at all times, changing the view port according to the user's movements.
+Such \glspl{hmd} include the \gls{vive} and \gls{ocu}.
+These modern \glspl{hmd} track the user, enabling them to interact with the environment presented to them.}% description
+[Virtual Realities][VRs]% optional parameter !!! NO LEADING SPACE OR ANYTHING !!!
+\newdualentry{ve} % label
+{VE}            % abbreviation
+{Virtual Environment}  % long form
+{\glsresetall The environment in which a \gls{vr} experience takes place.
+Usually a level in a computer game or a specialized scene for training or showcasing purposes.
+Such a \gls{ve} is defined by its audio-visual design as well as the interaction possibilities and environmental conditions e.g. gravity which can differ from the normal reality we are used to.}% description
+\newdualentry{ar} % label
+{AR}            % abbreviation
+{Augmented Reality}  % long form
+{\glsresetall A computer generated reality overlayed onto the existing reality.
+Comprised of possibly three dimensional audio and visual information.
+\Glspl{ar} usually incorporate the real reality on some way into their representation.
+This can either be using physical surfaces and walls in computer generated scenes to e.g. place a 3D-Model on a table.
+Or additional information to what is already apparent in reality, augmenting the users vision e.g. labels denoting the content of containers in an industrial setting.
+Such augmentations are usually achieved using see through displays to visualize data on top of reality.
+The \gls{holo} is one of the most prominent \gls{ar} \glspl{hmd} currently in use.}% description
+[Augmented Realities][AVs]% optional parameter !!! NO LEADING SPACE OR ANYTHING !!!
+\newdualentry{hmd} % label
+{HMD}            % abbreviation
+{Head Mounted Display}  % long form
+{\glsresetall One or multiple displays being mounted on a users head and positioned in front of their eyes.
+This eliminates the need for multiple or curved displays to be able to offer information in every direction the user looks.
+They rely on tracking of the user's head's rotation and in most cases translation to change the view port displayed accordingly.
+\Glspl{hmd} can either be see through to facilitate \gls{ar} or not which can be used for \gls{ar} or \gls{vr} applications.
+\Gls{ar} applications using non see through \gls{hmd} however need additional cameras to display reality for the user.
+This form of \gls{ar} is also called \gls{av}.
+}% description
+\newdualentry{av} % label
+{AV}            % abbreviation
+{Augmented Virtuality}  % long form
+{\glsresetall The counter piece to \gls{ar}, augmenting a \gls{vr} experience with information from the real world.
+Real world information captured by cameras is incorporated into the \gls{ve}.
+An example for this is the topic of this thesis, augmenting the \gls{ve} with different representations of passersby.}% description
+[Augmented Virtualities][AVs]% optional parameter !!! NO LEADING SPACE OR ANYTHING !!!
+\newdualentry{svr} % label
+{SVR}            % abbreviation
+{SteamVR}  % long form
+{\glsresetall \Gls{svr} is a framework developed by Valve, aimed to provide a single API for \gls{vr} applications.
+Also, recently known as OpenVR, this API provides an abstraction from different \glspl{hmd} and input devices.
+Furthermore, it handles device recognition and 3D poser updates for the different tracked devices.
+In addition, it handles data about the physical world, overlaying \gls{chap} boundaries should a user approach the borders of their physical space.
+Fade to gray in case of tracking loss or applying time warping in case of low frame rates
+Time warping in this case is a technique to reduce motion sickness in case insufficient frame rates.
+Old camera images are re-rendered with slightly changed camera positions, allowing for close enough replacement of the missed frame, usually at the expense of black bars at the side of the images.
+}% description
+\newdualentry{rtlx} % label
+{RTLX}            % abbreviation
+{Raw NASA Task Load Index}  % long form
+{\glsresetall The NASA Task Load Index is a standardized, multidimensional test, developed to rate perceived workload of a given task.
+	The different dimensions are mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, overall performance, effort and frustration level.
+In its default method evaluation, participants are also tasked pairwise rank the different dimensions according to their perceived importance.
+When this ranking step is left out, the NASA TLX is designated \gls{rtlx}.
+}% description
+{Cave Automatic Virtual Environment}
+{\glsresetall An early approach for \gls{vr}, utilizing displays or rear-projection screens on walls, ceiling and floor to display the \gls{ve} around a user.
+	Early approaches simply displayed a two dimensional \gls{ve}, later installments utilized 3D glasses and head tracking to correctly adjust the field of view to the user's position.
+{Virtual Reality Toolkit}
+{\glsresetall A \gls{unity} SDK aiming to provide a single API for all \glspl{hmd} on the development side.
+Providing developers with easy to access, abstract interactions compatible with different \gls{hmd} systems.
+Also, implementing routinely needed functionalities such as a system for picking up and throwing items, which \gls{svr} does not provide at this time.}%
+	description={\glsresetall A display technology using more green than red and blue sub pixels.
+		Blue and red sub pixels in a line always have a green sub pixel to their left and right.
+		This gives a display a higher resolution for the color green, which the human eye is more sensible to.
+		This increased sensibility means, that humans can differentiate more shades of green than any other color, which this display technology can leverage.}
+{name={Microsoft Kinect V2},
+	description={\glsresetall A combined depth and infrared sensor with an RGB-Camera, developed by Microsoft.
+	The depth and infrared sensor operates on distances from 0.4m up to 4.5m, with a resolution of 512$\times$424.
+	The RGB-Camera works at a resolution of 1920$\times$1080.
+	Those three sensor work at 30Hz and have a field of view of 70° horizontal and 60° vertical.
+	Furthermore, the \gls{kinect} is equipped with an array of four microphones to accurately locate sound sources.
+	Apart from the color and depth data, the \gls{kinect} also offers skeleton data, computed on the device, for persons inside its field of view.
+	A complete, tracked skeleton is made up of 26 joints.}
+	description={\glsresetall The \glspl{light} server as external reference points used by trackables in a \gls{space}.
+	They periodically sweep the area in front of them with infrared lasers which can be picked up by \gls{light}-tracking compatible hardware such as the \gls{vive}.
+	By measuring the time between a sync flash and the incoming sweep, angle and thus position of infrared sensors can be triangulated in 3D space.
+	This allows for highly accurate rotational and positional tracking.
+	Furthermore, this tracking method works rather efficiently, since it does not rely on computer vision approaches to extract features from a video feed as \gls{worldsense} style tracking or the \gls{ocu} do.}
+	description={\glsresetall A game engine using C\#, widely used in academic environments.
+	Being a game engine, \gls{unity} provides basic functionality needed to creat virtual evironments, may it be for normal \gls{vr} games and applications.
+	These funcitonalities include but are not limited to providing a rendering engine, an audio engine or managing different types of input or output devives.}
+description={\glsresetall The feeling of being in the scene, forgetting about the real world.}}
+	description={\glsresetall The feeling of actually being in the scene and not only existing in a scene.}}
+{name = {chaperone},
+	description={\glsresetall The chaperone system uses the borders given in the \gls{svr} room setup to overlay a mesh into \gls{vr}.
+		This mesh helps to prevent users from bumping into obstacles in the real world.}
+{name={tracking space},
+	description={\glsresetall Tracking space is the space covered by \glspl{light}.
+		In this area \gls{svr} trackables, relying on infrared beacons emitted by the \glspl{light}, can accurately determine their position and orientations in 3D space.}
+{name={VIVE tracker},
+	description={\glsresetall Standardized trackables compatible with \gls{svr} tracking. Offering a 1/4'' screw nut, as used for standard camera mounts, for mounting purposes.
+		The round trackers have a diameter of $99.65mm$ and a height of $42.27mm$.
+		They offer similar features to the \glspl{wand} and using the six pogo pins, can even trigger most of the \gls{wand}'s button events.
+		The pogo pins can also be used to supply power to the unit.} 
+{name={HTC VIVE},
+	description={\glsresetall The \gls{vive} is a \gls{vr} \gls{hmd} using two motion controllers called \glspl{wand} de\-ve\-loped by HTC, utilizing Valve's lightouse tracking to aquire positional and rotational data.
+	It features two 1080$\times$1220 pixel \gls{pentile} OLED displays, one per eye, operating at idealy 90Hz.
+	Fresnell lenses are used to compensate for the short distance between the user's eyes, the resulting field of view is 110°.}
+{name={VIVE wand},
+	description={\glsresetall Motion controllers used by HTC's \gls{vive} \gls{hmd}.
+		They feature an analog trigger, a circular touchpad which can diferenciate between press and touch, two small buttons on top and two grip bottons on each side of the handle.
+		The trigger is placed so it can be operated using one's index finger and the touchpad is placed so it can be operated with the thumb.
+		The two small buttons are placed above and below the touchpad and are used to open \gls{svr}'s dashboard and usually a menu specific to the application currently running.
+		The feature a rechargeable battery for wireless operation and can be charged using a standard micro-USB cable.
+		They measure about 117$mm \times $219$mm \times$ 83$mm$.}
+	description={\glsresetall Google's inside out tracking approach used in Daydream headsets.
+	Using relying on to fish eye cameras to detect and track landmarks in the real world, combining the visual cues with data from an inertial measurement unit.
+{name={Oculus Rift},
+	description={\glsresetall A \gls{hmd} system developed by facebook, implementing a tracking approach different to the \gls{vive}'s.
+	Spatial tracking is achieved using multiple USB-cameras and computer vision to locate \gls{hmd} and controllers.
+	It features the same resolution as the \gls{vive}, 2160$\times$1200, also running at 90Hz and using OLED technology.}
+	description={\glsresetall Condition in which passersby are presented as 3D models.
+	Passersby's hands, torso and head are presented as 3D models in \gls{vr}, the style is similar to the ball game used as task for the study participants.
+	Users won't have to take of the \gls{hmd} in order to see the passersby}
+	description={\glsresetall Condition without any passersby overlay.
+	Users have to take off the \gls{hmd} in order to see the passersby.}
+{name={Point Cloud},
+	description={\glsresetall Condition in which passersby are presented as a point cloud.
+	Users won't have to take off the \gls{hmd} in order to see passersby.}
+{name={Camera Overlay},
+	description={\glsresetall Condition in which passersby are presented as a textured rectangle.
+	The \gls{vive}'s camera feed is used as texture, showing passersby and part of their surrounding in \gls{vr}.
+	Users won't have to take off the \gls{hmd} in order to see passersby.}
+{name={Microsoft Hololens},
+	description={\glsresetall An \gls{ar} \gls{hmd} developed by Microsoft, currently mostly used in buisiness and academic applications.}
+% Use glsunset to set the first-use-flag. This prevents gloassaries-extra to append the short form to the long form on first use.
+% Use this i.e. for entries where long and short form are identical.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 % summary
-In this chapter, the tools and techniques used in building this human-computer collaborative VR-based system are described. The focus will be on interaction techniques for different modes of operation. In addition, the setup of the robot and the construction of test scenes will also be covered in this chapter.
+In this chapter, the tools and techniques used in building this human-computer collaborative VR-based system are described. Special emphasis is given to the interaction techniques for different operation modes. In addition, the setup of the robot and the construction of test scenes will also be covered in this chapter.
-The main goal of this work is to design and implement a VR-based human-robot collaboration system with different methods of operating the robot in order to find out which method of operation is more suitable to be used to control the rescue robot. Further, it is to provide some basic insights for future development directions and to provide a general direction for finding an intuitive, easy-to-use and efficient operation method. Therefore, the proposed system was developed using Unity, including four modes of operation and a corresponding test environment for simulating post-disaster scenarios. In each operation mode, the user has a different method to control the robot. In addition, in order to better simulate the process by which the robot scans its surroundings and the computer side cumulatively gets a reconstructed 3D virtual scene, the test environment was implemented in such a way that the picture seen by the user depends on the robot's movement and the trajectory it travels through.
+The main goal of this work is to design and implement a VR-based human-robot collaboration system with different methods of operating the robot, in order to find out which method of operation is more suitable to control the rescue robot. Further, it is to provide some basic insights for future development directions and to provide a general direction for finding an intuitive, easy-to-use and efficient operation method. Therefore, the proposed system was developed using Unity, including four operation modes and corresponding test scenes for simulating post-disaster scenarios. In each operation mode, the user has a different method to control the robot. In addition, in order to better simulate the process by which the robot scans its surroundings and the computer side cumulatively gets a reconstructed 3D virtual scene, the test environment was implemented in such a way that the scene seen by the user depends on the robot's movement and the trajectory it travels through.
 \section{System Architecture}
 The proposed system runs on a computer with the Windows 10 operating system. This computer has been equipped with an Intel Core i7-8700K CPU, 32 GB RAM as well as a NVIDIA GTX 1080 GPU with 8 GB VRAM. HTC Vive is used as a VR device. It has a resolution of 1080 × 1200 per eye, resulting in a total resolution of 2160 × 1200 pixels, a refresh rate of 90 Hz, and a field of view of 110 degrees. It includes two motion controllers and uses two Lighthouses to track the position of the headset as well as the motion controllers.

+ 5 - 5

@@ -12,18 +12,18 @@ Considering the training time and space constraints for rescuers \cite{Murphy:20
 % VR and robot
 Among them, VR has gained a lot of attention due to its immersion and the interaction method that can be changed virtually. VR is no longer a new word. With the development of technology in recent years, VR devices are gradually becoming more accessible to users. With the improvement of hardware devices, the new generation of VR headsets have higher resolution and wider field of view. And in terms of handle positioning, with the development of computer vision in the past few years, VR devices can now use only the four cameras mounted on the VR headset to achieve accurate spatial positioning, and support hand tracking, accurately capturing every movement of hand joints. While VR are often considered entertainment devices, VR brings more than that. It plays an important role in many fields such as entertainment, training, education and medical care.
-The use of VR in human-computer collaboration also has the potential. In terms of reliability, VR is reliable as a novel alternative to human-robot interaction. The interaction tasks that users can accomplish with VR devices do not differ significantly from those using real operating systems\cite{Villani:2018ub}. In terms of user experience and operational efficiency, VR displays can provide users with stereo viewing cues, which makes collaborative human-robot interaction tasks in certain situations more efficient and performance better \cite{Liu:2017tw}.
+The use of VR in human-computer collaboration also has the potential. In terms of reliability, VR is reliable as a novel alternative to human-robot interaction. The interaction tasks that users can accomplish with VR devices do not differ significantly from those using real operating systems\cite{Villani:2018ub}. In terms of user experience and operational efficiency, VR displays can provide users with stereo viewing cues, which makes collaborative human-robot interaction tasks in certain situations more efficient and performance better \cite{Liu:2017tw}. A novel VR-based practical system for immersive robot teleoperation and scene exploration can improve the degree of immersion and situation awareness for the precise navigation of the robot as well as the interactive measurement of objects within the scene. In contrast, this level of immersion and interaction cannot be reached with video-only systems \cite{Stotko:2019ud}.
 However, there remains a need to explore human-computer interaction patterns and improve the level of human-computer integration\cite{Wang:2017uy}. Intuitive and easy-to-use interaction patterns can enable the user to explore the environment as intentionally as possible and improve the efficiency of search and rescue. The appropriate interaction method should cause less mental and physical exhaustion, which also extends the length of an operation, making it less necessary for the user to frequently exit the VR environment for rest.
 % What I have done (overview)
-For this purpose, this paper presents a preliminary VR-based system for the simulation of ground rescue robots with four different modes of operation and corresponding test scenes imitating a post-disaster city. The test scene simulates a robot collaborating with Unity to construct a virtual 3D scene. The robot has a simulated LiDAR remote sensor, which makes the display of the scene dependent on the robot's movement. In order to find an interaction approach that is as intuitive and low mental fatigue as possible, a user study was executed after the development was completed.
+For this purpose, this paper presents a preliminary VR-based system that simulates in real-time the cooperation between ground rescue robots and humans with four different operation modes and corresponding test scenes, which imitate a post-disaster city. The test scene simulates a robot collaborating with Unity to construct a virtual 3D scene. The robot has a simulated LiDAR remote sensor, which makes the display of the scene dependent on the robot's movement. In order to find an interaction approach that is as intuitive and low mental fatigue as possible, a user study was executed after the development was completed.
 % Paper Architecture
-Chapter \ref{related} talks about some of the research involving the integration of VR and human-computer interaction.
-Chapter \ref{implementation} provides details of the purposed system, including the techniques used for the different interaction modes and the structure of the test scenes.
-Chapter \ref{evaluate} will talk about the design and process of user study.
+In Chapter \ref{related}, related work involving the integration of VR and human-computer interaction is presented.
+Chapter \ref{implementation} provides details of the purposed system, including the techniques used for the different interaction modes and the setup for test scenes.
+Chapter \ref{evaluate} explains the design and procedure of user study.
 Chapter \ref{result} presents the results of the user study and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the different modes of operation and the directions for improvement.
 Finally, in Chapter \ref{conclusion}, conclusions and future work are summarized.

+ 4 - 1

@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ In this chapter, some research on the integration of VR and human-computer inter
 Robotic manipulation platforms combined with virtual worlds have several application scenarios. It can be used, for example, to train operators or to collaborate directly with real robots. Elias Matsas et al. \cite{Matsas:2017aa} provided a VR-based training system using hand recognition. Kinect cameras are used to capture the user's positions and motions, and virtual user models are constructed in the VR environment based on the collected data to operate robots as well as virtual objects, such as buttons. Users will learn how to operate the robot in a VR environment. The framework of VR purposed by Luis Pérez et al. \cite{Perez:2019ub} is applied to train operators to learn to control the robot. Since the environment does not need to change in real time, but rather needs to realistically recreate the factory scene, the VR scene here is not reconstructed in a way that it is captured and rendered in real time. Rather, a highly accurate 3D environment was reconstructed in advance using Blender after being captured with a 3D scanner.
-Building 3D scenes in virtual worlds based on information collected by robots is also a research highlight. Wang et al. \cite{Wang:2017uy} were concerned with the visualization of the rescue robot and its surroundings in a virtual environment. The proposed human-robot interaction system uses incremental 3D-NDT map to render the robot's surroundings in real time. The user can view the robot's surroundings in a first-person view through the HTC-Vive and send control commands through the handle's arrow keys. The novel VR-based practical system provided by Patrick Stotko et al. \cite{Stotko:2019ud} uses distributed systems to reconstruct 3D scene. The data collected by the robot is fiest transmitted to the client responsible for reconstructing the scene. After the client has constructed the 3d scene, the set of actively reconstructed visible voxel blocks is sent to the server responsible for communication, which has a robot-based live telepresence and teleoperation system. This server will then broadcast the data back to the client used by the operator, thus enabling an immersive visualization of the robot within the scene.
+Building 3D scenes in virtual worlds based on information collected by robots is also a research highlight. Wang, et al. \cite{Wang:2017uy} were concerned with the visualization of the rescue robot and its surroundings in a virtual environment. The proposed human-robot interaction system uses incremental 3D-NDT map to render the robot's surroundings in real time. The user can view the robot's surroundings in a first-person view through the HTC-Vive and send control commands through the handle's arrow keys. A novel VR-based practical system is presented in \cite{Stotko:2019ud} consisting of distributed systems to reconstruct 3D scene. The data collected by the robot is first transmitted to the client responsible for reconstructing the scene. After the client has constructed the 3d scene, the set of actively reconstructed visible voxel blocks is sent to the server responsible for communication, which has a robot-based live telepresence and teleoperation system. This server will then broadcast the data back to the client used by the operator, thus enabling an immersive visualization of the robot within the scene.
 Others are more concerned about the manipulation of the robotic arm mounted on the robot. Moniri et al. \cite{Moniri:2016ud} provided a VR-based operating model for the robotic arm. The user wearing a headset can see a simulated 3D scene at the robot's end and send pickup commands to the remote robot by clicking on the target object with the mouse. The system proposed by Ostanin et al. \cite{Ostanin:2020uo} is also worth mentioning. Although their proposed system for operating a robotic arm is based on mixed reality(MR), the article is highly relevant to this paper, considering the correlation of MR and VR and the proposed system detailing the combination of ROS and robotics. In their system, the ROS Kinect was used as middleware and was responsible for communicating with the robot and the Unity side. The user can control the movement of the robot arm by selecting predefined options in the menu. In addition, the orbit and target points of the robot arm can be set by clicking on a hologram with a series of control points.
+To summarize, a large number of authors have studied methods and tools for VR-based human-robot collaboration and teleoperation. However, very few studies focus on the approaches for human-robot interaction.

+ 4 - 2

@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
+\chapter{Results and discussion}

+ 4 - 4

@@ -76,15 +76,15 @@
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User Study/.DS_Store

+ 43 - 0
User Study/Procedure.md

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+## Procedure
+##### Demographics and Introduction 
+> 1. inform the purpose and collected data
+> 2. basic demographics(google form)
+> 3. introduce 4 mode: verbal + show motion controller
+##### Entering the world of VR
+> 1. wear the headset
+> 2. familiar with the basic VR action :
+> 	- open & close Menu
+> 	- change position : teleport & raise or lower
+> 3. rescue 1 victim
+##### Practice and evaluation of modes
+> 1. `foreach Mode`:
+> 	1. practice
+> 		- try to move the robot
+> 		- try to rescue 1-2 victims
+> 	2. enter test scene
+> 	3. -testing- 
+> 	4. Fill out the questionnaire: google form + TLX
+> 2. summary part of google form: 
+> 	- like/dislike most
+> 	- reason 
+> 	- feedback
+# Feedback

User Study/TLX/.DS_Store

+ 5 - 0
User Study/TLX/HectorVR-1.csv

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,0,2021/7/5 18:33
+2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,0,2021/7/5 18:35
+3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,0,2021/7/5 18:35
+4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,0,2021/7/5 18:36

+ 5 - 0
User Study/TLX/HectorVR-2.csv

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:33:13
+2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:37
+3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:51
+4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,2021-07-05 18:36:01

+ 5 - 0
User Study/TLX/HectorVR-3.csv

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:33:13
+2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:37
+3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:51
+4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,2021-07-05 18:36:01

+ 5 - 0
User Study/TLX/HectorVR-4.csv

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:33:13
+2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:37
+3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:51
+4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,2021-07-05 18:36:01

+ 5 - 0
User Study/TLX/HectorVR-5.csv

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:33:13
+2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:37
+3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:51
+4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,2021-07-05 18:36:01

+ 5 - 0
User Study/TLX/HectorVR-6.csv

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:33:13
+2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:37
+3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:51
+4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,2021-07-05 18:36:01

+ 5 - 0
User Study/TLX/Mean.csv

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

+ 25 - 0
User Study/TLX/Merged.csv

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+0,1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:33:13
+1,2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:37
+2,3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:51
+3,4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,2021-07-05 18:36:01
+4,1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:33:13
+5,2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:37
+6,3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:51
+7,4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,2021-07-05 18:36:01
+8,1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,0,2021/7/5 18:33
+9,2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,0,2021/7/5 18:35
+10,3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,0,2021/7/5 18:35
+11,4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,0,2021/7/5 18:36
+12,1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:33:13
+13,2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:37
+14,3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:51
+15,4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,2021-07-05 18:36:01
+16,1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:33:13
+17,2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:37
+18,3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:51
+19,4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,2021-07-05 18:36:01
+20,1,HectorVR-0,Handle,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:33:13
+21,2,HectorVR-0,Lab,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:37
+22,3,HectorVR-0,Remote,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,2021-07-05 18:35:51
+23,4,HectorVR-0,UI,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,2021-07-05 18:36:01

+ 5 - 0
User Study/TLX/README.md

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+conda activate /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/envs/py39t 
+python statistic.py 

User Study/TLX/effort.jpg

User Study/TLX/frustration.jpg

User Study/TLX/mental-demand.jpg

User Study/TLX/performance.jpg

User Study/TLX/physical-demand.jpg

+ 66 - 0
User Study/TLX/statistic.py

@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import glob
+import os
+from numpy.lib.function_base import append
+import pandas as pd
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import time
+import numpy as np
+path = os.getcwd()
+def draw(filename):
+    conditions = file['condition']
+    result = file[filename]
+    plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6), dpi=100)
+    plt.bar(conditions, result, width=0.35, color=colors)
+    plt.title(filename)
+    plt.ylabel('score')
+    plt.grid(alpha=0, linestyle=':')
+    plt.savefig(filename + ".jpg", dpi=300)
+    #plt.show()
+def drawTogether():
+    plt.figure(figsize=(15,7))
+    x = np.arange(len(scales))
+    total_width, n = 0.8, 4
+    width = total_width / n
+    for i in range(0,4):
+        result = []
+        for scale in scales:
+            result.append(file.iloc[i][scale])
+        plt.bar(x+width*(i-1),result,width=width,color=colors[i],label=file.iloc[i]["condition"])
+    plt.legend()
+    plt.xticks(x+width/2,scales)
+    #plt.show()
+    plt.savefig("summary.jpg",dpi=300)
+# Merge all the .csv file start with "HectorVR", and 
+all_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "HectorVR*.csv"))
+df_from_each_file = (pd.read_csv(f, sep=',') for f in all_files)
+df_merged = pd.concat(df_from_each_file, ignore_index=True)
+# Save the file to Merged.csv in the same folder
+df_merged.to_csv( "Merged.csv")
+# save the results in csv
+file = df_merged.groupby(["condition"]).mean() 
+file.to_csv( "Mean.csv")
+file = pd.read_csv("Mean.csv")
+scales = ["mental-demand","physical-demand","temporal-demand","performance", "effort","frustration","total"]
+colors = ['lightcoral', 'gold','plum', 'paleturquoise']
+for scale in scales:
+    draw(scale)

User Study/TLX/summary.jpg

User Study/TLX/temporal-demand.jpg

User Study/TLX/total.jpg

Thesis_LaTeX/User Study/.DS_Store → User Study/TestResult/.DS_Store

+ 0 - 0
TestResult/0.csv → User Study/TestResult/0.csv

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff