Florian Müller florian.mueller

florian.mueller transfered repository florian.mueller/bbiwarg-original to HCI/bbiwarg-original

2 years ago

florian.mueller pushed to ds325 at florian.mueller/bbiwarg-original

  • b4f2e25ef9 -splitted TuioCommunicator (TuioCommunicator send normal TUIO data for gesture recogniction, TuioCommicatorHack sends button+palm-position) -Port TuioCommunicator 3333 -Port TuioCommunicatorHack 3336
  • 194c84371a Cursor sends the number of button which is pressed through TUIO
  • e87f7a09fb API development completed
  • 2db45bdd26 + angle of a TUIOobject now returns the depth at the current corner coordinate, but moved some distance nearer to the center
  • 2aaedcd561 bugfix

7 years ago

florian.mueller pushed to oldIntelSolution at florian.mueller/bbiwarg-original

7 years ago

florian.mueller pushed to oldIntelSolution at florian.mueller/bbiwarg-original

7 years ago

florian.mueller pushed to oldIntelSolution at florian.mueller/bbiwarg-original

7 years ago

florian.mueller pushed to master at florian.mueller/bbiwarg-original

7 years ago

florian.mueller pushed to master at florian.mueller/bbiwarg-original

7 years ago

florian.mueller pushed to master at florian.mueller/bbiwarg-original

  • eda03d2090 update to latest intel sdk. doesnt seem to make things better. fuck you intel.

7 years ago