@@ -1,471 +1,470 @@
-package holeg.ui.model;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.stream.Stream;
-import holeg.model.Edge;
-import holeg.model.HolonElement;
-import holeg.model.HolonObject;
-import holeg.model.HolonObject.HolonObjectState;
-import holeg.ui.model.Model.FairnessModel;
-public class DecoratedNetwork {
- private ArrayList<Supplier> supplierList = new ArrayList<Supplier>();
- private ArrayList<Consumer> consumerList = new ArrayList<Consumer>();
- private ArrayList<Consumer> consumerSelfSuppliedList = new ArrayList<Consumer>();
- private ArrayList<Passiv> passivNoEnergyList = new ArrayList<Passiv>();
- private ArrayList<Edge> edgeList = new ArrayList<Edge>();
- public DecoratedNetwork(MinimumNetwork minimumNetwork, int Iteration, FairnessModel actualFairnessModel) {
- switch (actualFairnessModel) {
- case AllEqual:
- calculateAllEqualNetwork(minimumNetwork, Iteration);
- break;
- case MininumDemandFirst:
- default:
- calculateMinimumDemandFirstNetwork(minimumNetwork, Iteration);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Getter:
- public ArrayList<Supplier> getSupplierList() {
- return supplierList;
- }
- public ArrayList<Consumer> getConsumerList() {
- return consumerList;
- }
- public ArrayList<Consumer> getConsumerSelfSuppliedList() {
- return consumerSelfSuppliedList;
- }
- public ArrayList<Passiv> getPassivNoEnergyList() {
- return passivNoEnergyList;
- }
- public ArrayList<Edge> getDecoratedCableList() {
- return edgeList;
- }
- // Calculations:
- private void calculateMinimumDemandFirstNetwork(MinimumNetwork minimumNetwork, int Iteration) {
- categorize(minimumNetwork, Iteration);
- // Sort SupplierList according to the EnergyToSupplyNetwork maximum first.
- // Sort ConsumerList according to the MinimumConsumingElementEnergy minimum
- // first.
- supplierList.sort((Supplier lhs,
- Supplier rhs) -> -Float.compare(lhs.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork(), rhs.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork()));
- consumerList.sort((Consumer lhs, Consumer rhs) -> Float.compare(lhs.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy(),
- rhs.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy()));
- // consumerList.forEach((con) ->
- // System.out.println(con.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy()));
- // consumerList.forEach((con) -> System.out.println("AfterSorting" + con));
- float energyToSupplyInTheNetwork = supplierList.stream()
- .map(supplier -> supplier.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - supplier.getEnergySupplied())
- .reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b);
- decorateCable(minimumNetwork, energyToSupplyInTheNetwork);
- outerLoop: for (Consumer con : consumerList) {
- // gehe Supplier list durch wer ihn supplien kann.
- for (Supplier sup : supplierList) {
- float energyRdyToSupply = sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - sup.getEnergySupplied();
- if (energyRdyToSupply == 0.0f)
- continue;
- float energyNeededForMinimumConsumingElement = con.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy()
- - con.getEnergyFromNetwork();
- if (energyNeededForMinimumConsumingElement > energyToSupplyInTheNetwork) {
- // Dont supply a minimumElement when you cant supply it fully
- break outerLoop;
- }
- if (energyRdyToSupply >= energyNeededForMinimumConsumingElement) {
- energyToSupplyInTheNetwork -= energyNeededForMinimumConsumingElement;
- supply(con, sup, energyNeededForMinimumConsumingElement);
- continue outerLoop;
- } else {
- energyToSupplyInTheNetwork -= energyRdyToSupply;
- supply(con, sup, energyRdyToSupply);
- }
- }
- // No more Energy in the network
- break;
- }
- // consumerList.forEach((con) -> System.out.println("AfterSuppliing
- // MinimumDemand " + con));
- // Sort ConsumerList according to the EnergyNeeded to supply fully after minimum
- // Demand First.
- consumerList.sort((Consumer lhs, Consumer rhs) -> Float.compare(
- lhs.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork() - lhs.getEnergyFromNetwork(),
- rhs.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork() - rhs.getEnergyFromNetwork()));
- // Supply consumer fully
- outerLoop: for (Consumer con : consumerList) {
- // gehe Supplier list durch wer ihn supplien kann.
- for (Supplier sup : supplierList) {
- float energyRdyToSupply = sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - sup.getEnergySupplied();
- if (energyRdyToSupply == 0.0f)
- continue;
- float energyNeededForFullySupply = con.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork() - con.getEnergyFromNetwork();
- if (energyNeededForFullySupply == 0.0f)
- continue outerLoop;
- if (energyRdyToSupply >= energyNeededForFullySupply) {
- supply(con, sup, energyNeededForFullySupply);
- continue outerLoop;
- } else {
- supply(con, sup, energyRdyToSupply);
- }
- }
- // No more Energy in the network
- break;
- }
- // consumerList.forEach((con) -> System.out.println("AfterFullySuplieing" +
- // con));
- // If Energy Left Supply all equal
- // Count EnergyLeft
- float energyLeft = supplierList.stream()
- .map(supplier -> supplier.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - supplier.getEnergySupplied())
- .reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b);
- // System.out.println("EnergyLeft: " + energyLeft);
- if (energyLeft > 0.0f && (consumerList.size() + consumerSelfSuppliedList.size() != 0)) {
- float equalAmountOfEnergyToSupply = energyLeft
- / ((float) (consumerList.size() + consumerSelfSuppliedList.size()));
- outerLoop: for (Consumer con : consumerList) {
- // gehe Supplier list durch wer ihn supplien kann.
- for (Supplier sup : supplierList) {
- float energyRdyToSupply = sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - sup.getEnergySupplied();
- if (energyRdyToSupply == 0.0f)
- continue;
- float energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount = equalAmountOfEnergyToSupply
- + con.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork() - con.getEnergyFromNetwork();
- if (energyRdyToSupply >= energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount) {
- supply(con, sup, energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount);
- continue outerLoop;
- } else {
- supply(con, sup, energyRdyToSupply);
- }
- }
- // No more Energy in the network
- break;
- }
- outerLoop: for (Consumer con : consumerSelfSuppliedList) {
- // gehe Supplier list durch wer ihn supplien kann.
- for (Supplier sup : supplierList) {
- float energyRdyToSupply = sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - sup.getEnergySupplied();
- if (energyRdyToSupply == 0.0f)
- continue;
- float energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount = equalAmountOfEnergyToSupply
- + con.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork() - con.getEnergyFromNetwork();
- if (energyRdyToSupply >= energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount) {
- supply(con, sup, energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount);
- continue outerLoop;
- } else {
- supply(con, sup, energyRdyToSupply);
- }
- }
- // No more Energy in the network
- break;
- }
- }
- // consumerList.forEach((con) -> System.out.println("AfterOverSuppleiing" +
- // con));
- // consumerSelfSuppliedList.forEach((con) ->
- // System.out.println("AfterOverSuppleiing" + con));
- calculateStates();
- }
- private void decorateCable(MinimumNetwork minimumNetwork, float energyToSupplyInTheNetwork) {
- // DecoratedCables
- // Minimum demand first:
- this.edgeList = minimumNetwork.getEdgeList();
- for (Edge edge : edgeList) {
- edge.setActualFlow(energyToSupplyInTheNetwork);
- }
- }
- private void calculateAllEqualNetwork(MinimumNetwork minimumNetwork, int Iteration) {
- categorize(minimumNetwork, Iteration);
- float energyToSupplyInTheNetwork = supplierList.stream()
- .map(supplier -> supplier.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - supplier.getEnergySupplied())
- .reduce(0.0f, Float::sum);
- float energyForEachConsumer = (consumerList.size() != 0) ? energyToSupplyInTheNetwork / consumerList.size()
- : 0.0f;
- decorateCable(minimumNetwork, energyToSupplyInTheNetwork);
- // Supply consumer equal
- outerLoop: for (Consumer con : consumerList) {
- // gehe Supplier list durch wer ihn supplien kann.
- float energyNeededForEqualSupply = energyForEachConsumer;
- for (Supplier sup : supplierList) {
- float energyRdyToSupply = sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - sup.getEnergySupplied();
- if (energyRdyToSupply == 0.0f)
- continue;
- if (energyRdyToSupply >= energyNeededForEqualSupply) {
- supply(con, sup, energyNeededForEqualSupply);
- continue outerLoop;
- } else {
- supply(con, sup, energyRdyToSupply);
- energyNeededForEqualSupply -= energyRdyToSupply;
- }
- }
- // No more Energy in the network
- break;
- }
- calculateStates();
- }
- private void calculateStates() {
- // CalculateStates:
- supplierList.forEach(sup -> sup.setState(HolonObjectState.PRODUCER));
- passivNoEnergyList.forEach(sup -> sup.setState(HolonObjectState.NO_ENERGY));
- for (Consumer con : this.consumerList) {
- setConsumerState(con);
- }
- for (Consumer con : this.consumerSelfSuppliedList) {
- setConsumerState(con);
- }
- }
- private void categorize(MinimumNetwork minimumNetwork, int Iteration) {
- // Categorize
- for (HolonObject hObject : minimumNetwork.getHolonObjectList()) {
- float energyNeeded = hObject.getEnergyNeededFromConsumingElements();
- float energySelfProducing = hObject.getEnergySelfProducingFromProducingElements();
- if (energyNeeded < energySelfProducing) {
- Supplier sup = new Supplier(hObject, energySelfProducing - energyNeeded, energyNeeded);
- supplierList.add(sup);
- } else if (energyNeeded > energySelfProducing) {
- Consumer con = new Consumer(hObject);
- con.setEnergyNeededFromNetwork(energyNeeded - energySelfProducing);
- con.setMinimumConsumingElementEnergy(hObject.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy());
- con.setEnergyFromConsumingElemnets(hObject.getEnergyNeededFromConsumingElements());
- con.setEnergySelfSupplied(hObject.getEnergySelfProducingFromProducingElements());
- consumerList.add(con);
- } else if (energyNeeded == energySelfProducing) {
- if (energySelfProducing == 0.0f) {
- Passiv pas = new Passiv(hObject);
- passivNoEnergyList.add(pas);
- } else {
- Consumer con = new Consumer(hObject);
- con.setEnergyNeededFromNetwork(0.0f);
- con.setMinimumConsumingElementEnergy(hObject.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy());
- con.setEnergyFromConsumingElemnets(hObject.getEnergyNeededFromConsumingElements());
- con.setEnergySelfSupplied(hObject.getEnergySelfProducingFromProducingElements());
- consumerSelfSuppliedList.add(con);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void setConsumerState(Consumer con) {
- if (con.getEnergySelfSupplied() + con.getEnergyFromNetwork() > con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets()) {
- con.setState(HolonObjectState.OVER_SUPPLIED);
- } else if (con.getEnergySelfSupplied() + con.getEnergyFromNetwork() == con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets()) {
- con.setState(HolonObjectState.SUPPLIED);
- } else if (con.getEnergySelfSupplied() + con.getEnergyFromNetwork() >= con.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy()) {
- con.setState(HolonObjectState.PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED);
- } else {
- con.setState(HolonObjectState.NOT_SUPPLIED);
- }
- }
- /**
- * No Checks.
- *
- * @param con
- * @param sup
- * @param energy
- */
- private void supply(Consumer con, Supplier sup, float energy) {
- sup.getConsumerList().add(sup.new ConsumerListEntry(con, energy));
- sup.setEnergySupplied(sup.getEnergySupplied() + energy);
- con.getSupplierList().add(con.new SupplierListEntry(sup, energy));
- con.setEnergyFromNetwork(con.getEnergyFromNetwork() + energy);
- }
- public int getAmountOfActiveElements() {
- return supplierList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfActiveElements()).reduce(0,
- Integer::sum)
- + consumerList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfActiveElements()).reduce(0,
- Integer::sum)
- + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfActiveElements())
- .reduce(0, Integer::sum);
- }
- public int getAmountOfElements() {
- return supplierList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfElements()).reduce(0, Integer::sum)
- + consumerList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfElements()).reduce(0, Integer::sum)
- + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfElements()).reduce(0,
- Integer::sum)
- + passivNoEnergyList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfElements()).reduce(0,
- Integer::sum);
- }
- public int getAmountOfConsumer() {
- return consumerList.size() + this.consumerSelfSuppliedList.size();
- }
- public int getAmountOfSupplier() {
- return supplierList.size();
- }
- public int getAmountOfConsumerWithState(HolonObjectState state) {
- return (int) (consumerList.stream().filter(con -> con.getState() == state).count()
- + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().filter(con -> con.getState() == state).count());
- }
- public int getAmountOfPassiv() {
- return passivNoEnergyList.size();
- }
- public int getAmountOfHolonObjects() {
- return getAmountOfConsumer() + getAmountOfSupplier() + getAmountOfPassiv();
- }
- public float getTotalConsumption() {
- float energy = consumerList.stream().map(con -> con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets()).reduce(0.f, Float::sum)
- + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(con -> con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets()).reduce(0.f,
- Float::sum);
- energy += supplierList.stream().map(sup -> sup.getEnergySelfConsuming()).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
- return energy;
- }
- public float getAverageConsumptionInNetworkForHolonObject() {
- return getTotalConsumption() / (float) getAmountOfHolonObjects();
- }
- public float getTotalProduction() {
- float energy = consumerList.stream().map(con -> con.getEnergySelfSupplied()).reduce(0.f, Float::sum)
- + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(con -> con.getEnergySelfSupplied()).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
- energy += supplierList.stream().map(sup -> sup.getEnergyProducing()).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
- return energy;
- }
- public float getAverageProductionInNetworkForHolonObject() {
- return getTotalProduction() / (float) getAmountOfHolonObjects();
- }
- /**
- * returns the Varianz in Poduction
- *
- * @return
- */
- public float getVarianzInProductionInNetworkForHolonObjects() {
- float average = getAverageProductionInNetworkForHolonObject();
- float sum = consumerList.stream().map(con -> squared(con.getEnergySelfSupplied() - average)).reduce(0.f,
- Float::sum)
- + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(con -> squared(con.getEnergySelfSupplied() - average))
- .reduce(0.f, Float::sum)
- + supplierList.stream().map(sup -> squared(sup.getEnergyProducing() - average)).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
- return sum / (float) getAmountOfHolonObjects();
- }
- public float getDeviationInProductionInNetworkForHolonObjects() {
- return (float) Math.sqrt(getVarianzInProductionInNetworkForHolonObjects());
- }
- public float getVarianzInConsumptionInNetworkForHolonObjects() {
- float average = getAverageConsumptionInNetworkForHolonObject();
- float sum = consumerList.stream().map(con -> squared(con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets() - average))
- .reduce(0.f, Float::sum)
- + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(con -> squared(con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets() - average))
- .reduce(0.f, Float::sum)
- + supplierList.stream().map(sup -> squared(sup.getEnergySelfConsuming() - average)).reduce(0.f,
- Float::sum);
- return sum / (float) getAmountOfHolonObjects();
- }
- public float getDeviationInConsumptionInNetworkForHolonObjects() {
- return (float) Math.sqrt(getVarianzInConsumptionInNetworkForHolonObjects());
- }
- // HelperFunction
- public Stream<HolonElement> getElementStream() {
- return Stream.concat(consumerList.stream().flatMap(con -> con.getModel().getElements()),
- Stream.concat(consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().flatMap(con -> con.getModel().getElements()),
- Stream.concat(supplierList.stream().flatMap(con -> con.getModel().getElements()),
- passivNoEnergyList.stream().flatMap(con -> con.getModel().getElements()))));
- }
- /**
- *
- * @return a list of energy
- */
- public Stream<Float> getListOfEnergyThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork() {
- return getElementStream()
- .filter(ele -> (ele.flexList.stream().anyMatch(flex -> flex.offered)))
- .map(ele -> -ele.getActualEnergy());
- }
- public Stream<Float> getListOfEnergyInProductionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork() {
- return getListOfEnergyThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().filter(value -> (value > 0.f));
- }
- public Stream<Float> getListOfEnergyInConsumptionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork() {
- return getListOfEnergyThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().filter(value -> (value < 0.f))
- .map(value -> -value);
- }
- public float getFlexibilityProductionCapacity() {
- return getListOfEnergyInProductionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
- }
- public float getFlexibilityConsumptionCapacity() {
- return getListOfEnergyInConsumptionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
- }
- public int getAmountOfProductionFlexibilities() {
- return (int)getListOfEnergyInProductionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().count();
- }
- public int getAmountOfConsumptionFlexibilities() {
- return (int)getListOfEnergyInConsumptionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().count();
- }
- public float getAverageFlexibilityProduction() {
- int amount = getAmountOfProductionFlexibilities();
- return (amount > 0) ? getFlexibilityProductionCapacity() / (float) amount : 0.f;
- }
- public float getAverageFlexibilityConsumption() {
- int amount = getAmountOfConsumptionFlexibilities();
- return (amount > 0) ? getFlexibilityConsumptionCapacity() / (float) amount : 0.f;
- }
- public float getVarianzInFlexibilitieConsumption() {
- float average = getAverageFlexibilityConsumption();
- float sum = getListOfEnergyInConsumptionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork()
- .map(energy -> squared(energy - average)).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
- int amountOfFlexibilities = getAmountOfConsumptionFlexibilities();
- return (amountOfFlexibilities > 0) ? sum / (float) amountOfFlexibilities : 0.f;
- }
- public float getVarianzInFlexibilitieProduction() {
- float average = getAverageFlexibilityProduction();
- float sum = getListOfEnergyInProductionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork()
- .map(energy -> squared(energy - average)).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
- int amountOfFlexibilities = getAmountOfProductionFlexibilities();
- return (amountOfFlexibilities > 0) ? sum / (float) amountOfFlexibilities : 0.f;
- }
- public float getDiviationInFlexibilityConsumption() {
- return (float) Math.sqrt(getVarianzInFlexibilitieConsumption());
- }
- public float getDiviationInFlexibilityProduction() {
- return (float) Math.sqrt(getVarianzInFlexibilitieProduction());
- }
- // Help Function
- private float squared(float input) {
- return (float) Math.pow(input, 2);
- }
+package holeg.ui.model;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.stream.Stream;
+import holeg.model.Edge;
+import holeg.model.HolonElement;
+import holeg.model.HolonObject;
+import holeg.model.HolonObject.HolonObjectState;
+import holeg.ui.model.Model.FairnessModel;
+public class DecoratedNetwork {
+// private ArrayList<Supplier> supplierList = new ArrayList<Supplier>();
+// private ArrayList<Consumer> consumerList = new ArrayList<Consumer>();
+// private ArrayList<Consumer> consumerSelfSuppliedList = new ArrayList<Consumer>();
+// private ArrayList<Passiv> passivNoEnergyList = new ArrayList<Passiv>();
+ private ArrayList<Edge> edgeList = new ArrayList<Edge>();
+ public DecoratedNetwork(MinimumNetwork minimumNetwork, int Iteration, FairnessModel actualFairnessModel) {
+ switch (actualFairnessModel) {
+ case AllEqual:
+ calculateAllEqualNetwork(minimumNetwork, Iteration);
+ break;
+ case MininumDemandFirst:
+ default:
+ calculateMinimumDemandFirstNetwork(minimumNetwork, Iteration);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// // Getter:
+// public ArrayList<Supplier> getSupplierList() {
+// return supplierList;
+// }
+// public ArrayList<Consumer> getConsumerList() {
+// return consumerList;
+// }
+// public ArrayList<Consumer> getConsumerSelfSuppliedList() {
+// return consumerSelfSuppliedList;
+// }
+// public ArrayList<Passiv> getPassivNoEnergyList() {
+// return passivNoEnergyList;
+// }
+ public ArrayList<Edge> getDecoratedCableList() {
+ return edgeList;
+ }
+ // Calculations:
+ private void calculateMinimumDemandFirstNetwork(MinimumNetwork minimumNetwork, int Iteration) {
+ categorize(minimumNetwork, Iteration);
+ // Sort SupplierList according to the EnergyToSupplyNetwork maximum first.
+ // Sort ConsumerList according to the MinimumConsumingElementEnergy minimum
+ // first.
+ supplierList.sort((Supplier lhs,
+ Supplier rhs) -> -Float.compare(lhs.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork(), rhs.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork()));
+ consumerList.sort((Consumer lhs, Consumer rhs) -> Float.compare(lhs.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy(),
+ rhs.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy()));
+ // consumerList.forEach((con) ->
+ // System.out.println(con.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy()));
+ // consumerList.forEach((con) -> System.out.println("AfterSorting" + con));
+ float energyToSupplyInTheNetwork = supplierList.stream()
+ .map(supplier -> supplier.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - supplier.getEnergySupplied())
+ .reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b);
+ decorateCable(minimumNetwork, energyToSupplyInTheNetwork);
+ outerLoop: for (Consumer con : consumerList) {
+ // gehe Supplier list durch wer ihn supplien kann.
+ for (Supplier sup : supplierList) {
+ float energyRdyToSupply = sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - sup.getEnergySupplied();
+ if (energyRdyToSupply == 0.0f)
+ continue;
+ float energyNeededForMinimumConsumingElement = con.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy()
+ - con.getEnergyFromNetwork();
+ if (energyNeededForMinimumConsumingElement > energyToSupplyInTheNetwork) {
+ // Dont supply a minimumElement when you cant supply it fully
+ break outerLoop;
+ }
+ if (energyRdyToSupply >= energyNeededForMinimumConsumingElement) {
+ energyToSupplyInTheNetwork -= energyNeededForMinimumConsumingElement;
+ supply(con, sup, energyNeededForMinimumConsumingElement);
+ continue outerLoop;
+ } else {
+ energyToSupplyInTheNetwork -= energyRdyToSupply;
+ supply(con, sup, energyRdyToSupply);
+ }
+ }
+ // No more Energy in the network
+ break;
+ }
+ // consumerList.forEach((con) -> System.out.println("AfterSuppliing
+ // MinimumDemand " + con));
+ // Sort ConsumerList according to the EnergyNeeded to supply fully after minimum
+ // Demand First.
+ consumerList.sort((Consumer lhs, Consumer rhs) -> Float.compare(
+ lhs.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork() - lhs.getEnergyFromNetwork(),
+ rhs.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork() - rhs.getEnergyFromNetwork()));
+ // Supply consumer fully
+ outerLoop: for (Consumer con : consumerList) {
+ // gehe Supplier list durch wer ihn supplien kann.
+ for (Supplier sup : supplierList) {
+ float energyRdyToSupply = sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - sup.getEnergySupplied();
+ if (energyRdyToSupply == 0.0f)
+ continue;
+ float energyNeededForFullySupply = con.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork() - con.getEnergyFromNetwork();
+ if (energyNeededForFullySupply == 0.0f)
+ continue outerLoop;
+ if (energyRdyToSupply >= energyNeededForFullySupply) {
+ supply(con, sup, energyNeededForFullySupply);
+ continue outerLoop;
+ } else {
+ supply(con, sup, energyRdyToSupply);
+ }
+ }
+ // No more Energy in the network
+ break;
+ }
+ // consumerList.forEach((con) -> System.out.println("AfterFullySuplieing" +
+ // con));
+ // If Energy Left Supply all equal
+ // Count EnergyLeft
+ float energyLeft = supplierList.stream()
+ .map(supplier -> supplier.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - supplier.getEnergySupplied())
+ .reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b);
+ // System.out.println("EnergyLeft: " + energyLeft);
+ if (energyLeft > 0.0f && (consumerList.size() + consumerSelfSuppliedList.size() != 0)) {
+ float equalAmountOfEnergyToSupply = energyLeft
+ / ((float) (consumerList.size() + consumerSelfSuppliedList.size()));
+ outerLoop: for (Consumer con : consumerList) {
+ // gehe Supplier list durch wer ihn supplien kann.
+ for (Supplier sup : supplierList) {
+ float energyRdyToSupply = sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - sup.getEnergySupplied();
+ if (energyRdyToSupply == 0.0f)
+ continue;
+ float energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount = equalAmountOfEnergyToSupply
+ + con.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork() - con.getEnergyFromNetwork();
+ if (energyRdyToSupply >= energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount) {
+ supply(con, sup, energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount);
+ continue outerLoop;
+ } else {
+ supply(con, sup, energyRdyToSupply);
+ }
+ }
+ // No more Energy in the network
+ break;
+ }
+ outerLoop: for (Consumer con : consumerSelfSuppliedList) {
+ // gehe Supplier list durch wer ihn supplien kann.
+ for (Supplier sup : supplierList) {
+ float energyRdyToSupply = sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - sup.getEnergySupplied();
+ if (energyRdyToSupply == 0.0f)
+ continue;
+ float energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount = equalAmountOfEnergyToSupply
+ + con.getEnergyNeededFromNetwork() - con.getEnergyFromNetwork();
+ if (energyRdyToSupply >= energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount) {
+ supply(con, sup, energyNeededToSupplyConsumerTheEqualAmount);
+ continue outerLoop;
+ } else {
+ supply(con, sup, energyRdyToSupply);
+ }
+ }
+ // No more Energy in the network
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // consumerList.forEach((con) -> System.out.println("AfterOverSuppleiing" +
+ // con));
+ // consumerSelfSuppliedList.forEach((con) ->
+ // System.out.println("AfterOverSuppleiing" + con));
+ calculateStates();
+ }
+ private void decorateCable(MinimumNetwork minimumNetwork, float energyToSupplyInTheNetwork) {
+ // DecoratedCables
+ // Minimum demand first:
+ this.edgeList = minimumNetwork.getEdgeList();
+ for (Edge edge : edgeList) {
+ edge.setActualFlow(energyToSupplyInTheNetwork);
+ }
+ }
+ private void calculateAllEqualNetwork(MinimumNetwork minimumNetwork, int Iteration) {
+ categorize(minimumNetwork, Iteration);
+ float energyToSupplyInTheNetwork = supplierList.stream()
+ .map(supplier -> supplier.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - supplier.getEnergySupplied())
+ .reduce(0.0f, Float::sum);
+ float energyForEachConsumer = (consumerList.size() != 0) ? energyToSupplyInTheNetwork / consumerList.size()
+ : 0.0f;
+ decorateCable(minimumNetwork, energyToSupplyInTheNetwork);
+ // Supply consumer equal
+ outerLoop: for (Consumer con : consumerList) {
+ // gehe Supplier list durch wer ihn supplien kann.
+ float energyNeededForEqualSupply = energyForEachConsumer;
+ for (Supplier sup : supplierList) {
+ float energyRdyToSupply = sup.getEnergyToSupplyNetwork() - sup.getEnergySupplied();
+ if (energyRdyToSupply == 0.0f)
+ continue;
+ if (energyRdyToSupply >= energyNeededForEqualSupply) {
+ supply(con, sup, energyNeededForEqualSupply);
+ continue outerLoop;
+ } else {
+ supply(con, sup, energyRdyToSupply);
+ energyNeededForEqualSupply -= energyRdyToSupply;
+ }
+ }
+ // No more Energy in the network
+ break;
+ }
+ calculateStates();
+ }
+ private void calculateStates() {
+ // CalculateStates:
+ supplierList.forEach(sup -> sup.setState(HolonObjectState.PRODUCER));
+ passivNoEnergyList.forEach(sup -> sup.setState(HolonObjectState.NO_ENERGY));
+ for (Consumer con : this.consumerList) {
+ setConsumerState(con);
+ }
+ for (Consumer con : this.consumerSelfSuppliedList) {
+ setConsumerState(con);
+ }
+ }
+ private void categorize(MinimumNetwork minimumNetwork, int Iteration) {
+ // Categorize
+ for (HolonObject hObject : minimumNetwork.getHolonObjectList()) {
+ float energyNeeded = hObject.getEnergyNeededFromConsumingElements();
+ float energySelfProducing = hObject.getEnergySelfProducingFromProducingElements();
+ if (energyNeeded < energySelfProducing) {
+ Supplier sup = new Supplier(hObject, energySelfProducing - energyNeeded, energyNeeded);
+ supplierList.add(sup);
+ } else if (energyNeeded > energySelfProducing) {
+ Consumer con = new Consumer(hObject);
+ con.setEnergyNeededFromNetwork(energyNeeded - energySelfProducing);
+ con.setMinimumConsumingElementEnergy(hObject.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy());
+ con.setEnergyFromConsumingElemnets(hObject.getEnergyNeededFromConsumingElements());
+ con.setEnergySelfSupplied(hObject.getEnergySelfProducingFromProducingElements());
+ consumerList.add(con);
+ } else if (energyNeeded == energySelfProducing) {
+ if (energySelfProducing == 0.0f) {
+ Passiv pas = new Passiv(hObject);
+ passivNoEnergyList.add(pas);
+ } else {
+ Consumer con = new Consumer(hObject);
+ con.setEnergyNeededFromNetwork(0.0f);
+ con.setMinimumConsumingElementEnergy(hObject.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy());
+ con.setEnergyFromConsumingElemnets(hObject.getEnergyNeededFromConsumingElements());
+ con.setEnergySelfSupplied(hObject.getEnergySelfProducingFromProducingElements());
+ consumerSelfSuppliedList.add(con);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void setConsumerState(Consumer con) {
+ if (con.getEnergySelfSupplied() + con.getEnergyFromNetwork() > con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets()) {
+ con.setState(HolonObjectState.OVER_SUPPLIED);
+ } else if (con.getEnergySelfSupplied() + con.getEnergyFromNetwork() == con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets()) {
+ con.setState(HolonObjectState.SUPPLIED);
+ } else if (con.getEnergySelfSupplied() + con.getEnergyFromNetwork() >= con.getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy()) {
+ con.setState(HolonObjectState.PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED);
+ } else {
+ con.setState(HolonObjectState.NOT_SUPPLIED);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * No Checks.
+ *
+ * @param con
+ * @param sup
+ * @param energy
+ */
+ private void supply(Consumer con, Supplier sup, float energy) {
+ sup.getConsumerList().add(sup.new ConsumerListEntry(con, energy));
+ sup.setEnergySupplied(sup.getEnergySupplied() + energy);
+ con.getSupplierList().add(con.new SupplierListEntry(sup, energy));
+ con.setEnergyFromNetwork(con.getEnergyFromNetwork() + energy);
+ }
+ public int getAmountOfActiveElements() {
+ return supplierList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfActiveElements()).reduce(0,
+ Integer::sum)
+ + consumerList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfActiveElements()).reduce(0,
+ Integer::sum)
+ + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfActiveElements())
+ .reduce(0, Integer::sum);
+ }
+ public int getAmountOfElements() {
+ return supplierList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfElements()).reduce(0, Integer::sum)
+ + consumerList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfElements()).reduce(0, Integer::sum)
+ + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfElements()).reduce(0,
+ Integer::sum)
+ + passivNoEnergyList.stream().map(object -> object.getModel().getNumberOfElements()).reduce(0,
+ Integer::sum);
+ }
+ public int getAmountOfConsumer() {
+ return consumerList.size() + this.consumerSelfSuppliedList.size();
+ }
+ public int getAmountOfSupplier() {
+ return supplierList.size();
+ }
+ public int getAmountOfConsumerWithState(HolonObjectState state) {
+ return (int) (consumerList.stream().filter(con -> con.getState() == state).count()
+ + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().filter(con -> con.getState() == state).count());
+ }
+ public int getAmountOfPassiv() {
+ return passivNoEnergyList.size();
+ }
+ public int getAmountOfHolonObjects() {
+ return getAmountOfConsumer() + getAmountOfSupplier() + getAmountOfPassiv();
+ }
+ public float getTotalConsumption() {
+ float energy = consumerList.stream().map(con -> con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets()).reduce(0.f, Float::sum)
+ + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(con -> con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets()).reduce(0.f,
+ Float::sum);
+ energy += supplierList.stream().map(sup -> sup.getEnergySelfConsuming()).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
+ return energy;
+ }
+ public float getAverageConsumptionInNetworkForHolonObject() {
+ return getTotalConsumption() / (float) getAmountOfHolonObjects();
+ }
+ public float getTotalProduction() {
+ float energy = consumerList.stream().map(con -> con.getEnergySelfSupplied()).reduce(0.f, Float::sum)
+ + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(con -> con.getEnergySelfSupplied()).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
+ energy += supplierList.stream().map(sup -> sup.getEnergyProducing()).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
+ return energy;
+ }
+ public float getAverageProductionInNetworkForHolonObject() {
+ return getTotalProduction() / (float) getAmountOfHolonObjects();
+ }
+ /**
+ * returns the Varianz in Poduction
+ *
+ * @return
+ */
+ public float getVarianzInProductionInNetworkForHolonObjects() {
+ float average = getAverageProductionInNetworkForHolonObject();
+ float sum = consumerList.stream().map(con -> squared(con.getEnergySelfSupplied() - average)).reduce(0.f,
+ Float::sum)
+ + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(con -> squared(con.getEnergySelfSupplied() - average))
+ .reduce(0.f, Float::sum)
+ + supplierList.stream().map(sup -> squared(sup.getEnergyProducing() - average)).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
+ return sum / (float) getAmountOfHolonObjects();
+ }
+ public float getDeviationInProductionInNetworkForHolonObjects() {
+ return (float) Math.sqrt(getVarianzInProductionInNetworkForHolonObjects());
+ }
+ public float getVarianzInConsumptionInNetworkForHolonObjects() {
+ float average = getAverageConsumptionInNetworkForHolonObject();
+ float sum = consumerList.stream().map(con -> squared(con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets() - average))
+ .reduce(0.f, Float::sum)
+ + consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().map(con -> squared(con.getEnergyFromConsumingElemnets() - average))
+ .reduce(0.f, Float::sum)
+ + supplierList.stream().map(sup -> squared(sup.getEnergySelfConsuming() - average)).reduce(0.f,
+ Float::sum);
+ return sum / (float) getAmountOfHolonObjects();
+ }
+ public float getDeviationInConsumptionInNetworkForHolonObjects() {
+ return (float) Math.sqrt(getVarianzInConsumptionInNetworkForHolonObjects());
+ }
+ // HelperFunction
+ public Stream<HolonElement> getElementStream() {
+ return Stream.concat(consumerList.stream().flatMap(con -> con.getModel().getElements()),
+ Stream.concat(consumerSelfSuppliedList.stream().flatMap(con -> con.getModel().getElements()),
+ Stream.concat(supplierList.stream().flatMap(con -> con.getModel().getElements()),
+ passivNoEnergyList.stream().flatMap(con -> con.getModel().getElements()))));
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @return a list of energy
+ */
+ public Stream<Float> getListOfEnergyThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork() {
+ return getElementStream()
+ .filter(ele -> (ele.flexList.stream().anyMatch(flex -> flex.offered)))
+ .map(ele -> -ele.getActualEnergy());
+ }
+ public Stream<Float> getListOfEnergyInProductionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork() {
+ return getListOfEnergyThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().filter(value -> (value > 0.f));
+ }
+ public Stream<Float> getListOfEnergyInConsumptionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork() {
+ return getListOfEnergyThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().filter(value -> (value < 0.f))
+ .map(value -> -value);
+ }
+ public float getFlexibilityProductionCapacity() {
+ return getListOfEnergyInProductionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
+ }
+ public float getFlexibilityConsumptionCapacity() {
+ return getListOfEnergyInConsumptionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
+ }
+ public int getAmountOfProductionFlexibilities() {
+ return (int)getListOfEnergyInProductionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().count();
+ }
+ public int getAmountOfConsumptionFlexibilities() {
+ return (int)getListOfEnergyInConsumptionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork().count();
+ }
+ public float getAverageFlexibilityProduction() {
+ int amount = getAmountOfProductionFlexibilities();
+ return (amount > 0) ? getFlexibilityProductionCapacity() / (float) amount : 0.f;
+ }
+ public float getAverageFlexibilityConsumption() {
+ int amount = getAmountOfConsumptionFlexibilities();
+ return (amount > 0) ? getFlexibilityConsumptionCapacity() / (float) amount : 0.f;
+ }
+ public float getVarianzInFlexibilitieConsumption() {
+ float average = getAverageFlexibilityConsumption();
+ float sum = getListOfEnergyInConsumptionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork()
+ .map(energy -> squared(energy - average)).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
+ int amountOfFlexibilities = getAmountOfConsumptionFlexibilities();
+ return (amountOfFlexibilities > 0) ? sum / (float) amountOfFlexibilities : 0.f;
+ }
+ public float getVarianzInFlexibilitieProduction() {
+ float average = getAverageFlexibilityProduction();
+ float sum = getListOfEnergyInProductionThatIsOfferedByFlexibilitiesInThisNetwork()
+ .map(energy -> squared(energy - average)).reduce(0.f, Float::sum);
+ int amountOfFlexibilities = getAmountOfProductionFlexibilities();
+ return (amountOfFlexibilities > 0) ? sum / (float) amountOfFlexibilities : 0.f;
+ }
+ public float getDiviationInFlexibilityConsumption() {
+ return (float) Math.sqrt(getVarianzInFlexibilitieConsumption());
+ }
+ public float getDiviationInFlexibilityProduction() {
+ return (float) Math.sqrt(getVarianzInFlexibilitieProduction());
+ }
+ // Help Function
+ private float squared(float input) {
+ return input * input;
+ }