@@ -1,35 +1,50 @@
-# SmartHomeNetworkSim
-Smart Home Network Simulation for Visualization and Generation of IoT/SmartHome Network traffic
-## Gradle tasks
-Gradle will download required libraries and handle the build process
- $ gradlew build # Assembles and tests this project
- $ gradlew jar # Creates an executable Jar-file
- $ gradlew javadoc # Generates Java Doc for the framework
- $ gradlew test # Runs the included unit tests
- $ gradlew run # Runs the SmartHomeNetworkSim as a JVM Application
- $ gradlew runIt # Runs the SmartHomeNetworkSim as a Jar-file
- $ gradlew tasks # Displays further available tasks
-## Prerequisites
-* {Java SE JDK 8.0](https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html) or greater
-## Required Libraries
-Gradle downloads these during the build process
-* [JUnit4](https://junit.org/junit4/) - Java unit test framework
-* [Pcap4j](https://www.pcap4j.org/) - Java Library used for Pcap File creation (not yet implemented)
-* [Math3](https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/) - Apache Common Maths (for Distribution function)
-<!-- PCAP file writing example (as part of the export manager - but probably required packet transformation): https://www.devdungeon.com/content/packet-capturing-java-pcap4j#writing_pcap_file -->
-### Developed by
-Andreas T. Meyer-Berg (As part of his Bachelor Thesis)
+# IoT Dataset Generation Framework
+IoT Dataset Generation Framework for Visualization and Generation of IoT/SmartHome Network traffic
+## Short Paper Link
+The short paper "IoT dataset generation framework for evaluating anomaly detection mechanisms" by Andreas Meyer-Berg, Rolf Egert, Leon Böck, and Max Mühlhäuser for this framework is presented at [https://doi.org/10.1145/3407023.3407036](https://doi.org/10.1145/3407023.3407036).
+## Gradle tasks
+Gradle will download required libraries and handle the build process
+ $ gradlew build # Assembles and tests this project
+ $ gradlew jar # Creates an executable Jar-file
+ $ gradlew javadoc # Generates Java Doc for the framework
+ $ gradlew test # Runs the included unit tests
+ $ gradlew run # Runs the IoTDatasetGenerationFramework as a JVM Application
+ $ gradlew runIt # Runs the IoTDatasetGenerationFramework as a Jar-file
+ $ gradlew tasks # Displays further available tasks
+## Prerequisites
+* [Java SE JDK 8.0](https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html) or greater
+## Required Libraries
+Gradle downloads these during the build process
+* [JUnit4](https://junit.org/junit4/) - Java unit test framework
+* [Math3](https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/) - Apache Common Maths (for Distribution function)
+* [Weka 3](https://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/) - Weka machine learning framework (for example anomaly detection algorithms)
+<!--* [Pcap4j](https://www.pcap4j.org/) - Java Library used for Pcap File creation (not yet implemented)-->
+<!-- PCAP file writing example (as part of the export manager - but probably required packet transformation): https://www.devdungeon.com/content/packet-capturing-java-pcap4j#writing_pcap_file -->
+## Installation
+Clone repository
+$ git clone git@git.tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de:SPIN/IoTDatasetGenerationFramework.git
+Go to folder
+$ cd IoTDatasetGenerationFramework
+Build project (and run)
+$ gradlew run
+## Adaptations and custom implementations
+To change code of the framework, it is possible to import it into an IDE of choice. Custom implementations of devices, protocols etc. can also be written in a separate project and later be imported. <br>
+For access to libraries during development the Jar files in "\build\install\SmartHomeNetworkSim\lib" can be imported. While running the framework, externally implemented programs can be imported.
+### Developed by
+Andreas T. Meyer-Berg (As part of his Bachelor Thesis)