#81 fix potential compatibility issues of test scripts

carlos.garcia mergnuté 1 commitov z stefan.schmidt/efficiency_script_fix do SPIN/master 6 rokov pred
Jens Keim okomentoval 6 rokov pred

Change python alias to python3 to ensure compatibility with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and other Linux distributions, which use python as alias for python2.

This also ensures compatibility once/if python4 gets released.

coverage was changed to coverage3 in the same manner and for the same reason.

Change `python` alias to `python3` to ensure compatibility with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and other Linux distributions, which use `python` as alias for `python2`. This also ensures compatibility once/if python4 gets released. `coverage` was changed to `coverage3` in the same manner and for the same reason.
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