#53 Additional tests and fixes for attacks and libraries

stefano.acquariti قصد ادغام 0 تغییر را از deleted به SPIN/master دارد

This adds several additional testcases for EternalBlue, Joomla and SqliAttack because we only had a default testcase for these attacks.

This also fixes some crashes with get_nth_element and adds testcases for these scenarios.

This also replaces 3 portscan testcases, which used mock, with 1 testcase which avoids mocking because it covers the same situations. (Having 3 testcases was unnecessary)

This adds several additional testcases for EternalBlue, Joomla and SqliAttack because we only had a default testcase for these attacks. This also fixes some crashes with get_nth_element and adds testcases for these scenarios. This also replaces 3 portscan testcases, which used mock, with 1 testcase which avoids mocking because it covers the same situations. (Having 3 testcases was unnecessary)
stefano.acquariti 6 سال پیش بازگشایی شد
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