#145 Fix for relative paths

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jens.klein đã nhập 1 commit từ stefan.schmidt/relative_path_fix vào [3]s 6 năm trước cách đây

This should fix #115.

The underlying problem was that the id2t-script changed the current directory, rendering the specified path wrong if it was relative. This removes the directory changing and instead calls the python script with its full path, keeping the relative path intact.

This has the potential to break some attacks if there are any improperly specified paths left in the ID2T code, so we should probably thoroughly test this.

This should fix #115. The underlying problem was that the id2t-script changed the current directory, rendering the specified path wrong if it was relative. This removes the directory changing and instead calls the python script with its full path, keeping the relative path intact. This has the potential to break some attacks if there are any improperly specified paths left in the ID2T code, so we should probably thoroughly test this.
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