@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
-using System;
-using MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Single;
-namespace bbiwarg.DataSource
- public enum FingerStatus
- {
- Inactive,
- Detected,
- Tracked
- }
- public enum HandSide
- {
- Unknown,
- Left,
- Right
- }
- /*
- * Interface get data from a camera or a video file.
- * Completely independent of iisu.
- */
- interface IVideoDataSource
- {
- /*
- * Initializes the data source.
- */
- void init();
- /*
- * Starts the recording of data.
- */
- void start();
- /*
- * Stops the recording of data.
- */
- void stop();
- /*
- * Updates the data for the current frame.
- * Needs to be called before any method to read data.
- */
- void updateFrame();
- /*
- * Lets the data source process the next frame.
- */
- void releaseFrame();
- /*
- * Returns true iff new data is generated.
- * (e.g camera is running or video hasn't ended)
- */
- bool isActive();
- int getFrameRate();
- /**
- * The depth is given by the distance to the camera in millimeters.
- */
- DepthImage getDepthImage();
- ColorImage getColorImage();
- ConfidenceImage getConfidenceImage();
- VertexArray getVertexArray();
- /*
- * all handIndices have to be 1 or 2
- */
- bool isHandOpen(uint handIndex);
+using System;
+using MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Single;
+namespace bbiwarg.DataSource
+ public enum FingerStatus
+ {
+ Inactive,
+ Detected,
+ Tracked
+ }
+ public enum HandSide
+ {
+ Unknown,
+ Left,
+ Right
+ }
+ /*
+ * Interface get data from a camera or a video file.
+ * Completely independent of iisu.
+ */
+ interface IVideoDataSource
+ {
+ /*
+ * Initializes the data source.
+ */
+ void init();
+ /*
+ * Starts the recording of data.
+ */
+ void start();
+ /*
+ * Stops the recording of data.
+ */
+ void stop();
+ /*
+ * Updates the data for the current frame.
+ * Needs to be called before any method to read data.
+ */
+ void updateFrame();
+ /*
+ * Lets the data source process the next frame.
+ */
+ void releaseFrame();
+ /*
+ * Returns true iff new data is generated.
+ * (e.g camera is running or video hasn't ended)
+ */
+ bool isActive();
+ int getFrameRate();
+ /**
+ * The depth is given by the distance to the camera in millimeters.
+ */
+ DepthImage getDepthImage();
+ ColorImage getColorImage();
+ ConfidenceImage getConfidenceImage();
+ UVImage getUVImage();
+ /*
+ * all handIndices have to be 1 or 2
+ */
+ bool isHandOpen(uint handIndex);
Vector getPalmPosition3D(uint handIndex);
- Vector getPalmPosition2D(uint handIndex);
- Vector getTipPosition3D(uint handIndex);
- Vector getForearmPosition3D(uint handIndex);
- Vector getPalmNormal3D(uint handIndex);
- FingerStatus[] getFingerStatus(uint handIndex);
- Vector[] getFingerTipPositions3D(uint handIndex);
- HandSide getHandSide(uint handIndex);
- }
+ Vector getPalmPosition2D(uint handIndex);
+ Vector getTipPosition3D(uint handIndex);
+ Vector getForearmPosition3D(uint handIndex);
+ Vector getPalmNormal3D(uint handIndex);
+ FingerStatus[] getFingerStatus(uint handIndex);
+ Vector[] getFingerTipPositions3D(uint handIndex);
+ HandSide getHandSide(uint handIndex);
+ }