Tom Troppmann пре 4 година

+ 270 - 48

@@ -14,18 +14,26 @@
-GraphView::GraphView(QWidget* parent, QString title) :QWidget(parent), title(title), linePen(Qt::blue), rectPen(Qt::red), axisPen(Qt::black)
+GraphView::GraphView(QWidget* parent, QString title, Bound fixedBound):QWidget(parent), title(title), fixedBound(fixedBound), linePen(Qt::blue), rectPen(QColor(255,255,255,255)), axisPen(Qt::black)
+	qDebug() << "minX:" << fixedBound.minX << " maxX:" << fixedBound.maxX << " minY:" << fixedBound.minY << " maxY:" << fixedBound.maxY;
+	rectPen.setWidth(0);
 	//Populate data with DummyData
 	//Draw Points
 	std::random_device rd;  //Will be used to obtain a seed for the random number engine
 	std::mt19937 gen(rd()); //Standard mersenne_twister_engine seeded with rd()
 	std::uniform_real_distribution<double> doubleDistr(0.0, 1.0);
 	hueoffset = doubleDistr(gen);
+	QRect graphDisplayRect(rect());
+	graphDisplayRect.setBottom(graphDisplayRect.bottom() - 20);
+	graphDisplayRect.setLeft(graphDisplayRect.left() + 50);
+	graphDisplayRect.setTop( + 20);
+	graphDisplayRect.setRight(graphDisplayRect.right() - 10);
+	graphDisplayRect.setWidth(graphDisplayRect.width() - (graphDisplayRect.width() % X_AXIS_GAP_AMOUNT) + 1);
+	graphDisplayRect.setHeight(graphDisplayRect.height() - (graphDisplayRect.height() % Y_AXIS_GAP_AMOUNT) + 1);
@@ -50,9 +58,94 @@ void GraphView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
 	graphDisplayRect.setWidth(graphDisplayRect.width() - (graphDisplayRect.width() % X_AXIS_GAP_AMOUNT) + 1);
 	graphDisplayRect.setHeight(graphDisplayRect.height() - (graphDisplayRect.height() % Y_AXIS_GAP_AMOUNT) + 1);
+	painter.setBrush(rectPen.color());
+	painter.drawRect(graphDisplayRect);
+	painter.setBrush(Qt::BrushStyle::NoBrush);
+	double stregth_factorX = graphDisplayRect.width() / rangeGraphX;
+	double stregth_factorY = graphDisplayRect.height() / rangeGraphY;
+	for (GraphSeries graphSeries : graphSeriesVec) {
+		linePen.setColor(graphSeries.color);
+		painter.setPen(linePen);
+		QPointF translation(graphDisplayRect.left(),;
+		if (graphSeries.type == GraphSeries::SeriesType::Line || graphSeries.type == GraphSeries::SeriesType::LineDot) {
+			linePen.setWidth(graphSeries.lineWidth);
+			painter.setPen(linePen);
+			QPainterPath painterPath;
+			int i;
+			for (i = 0; i <>size(); i++) {
+				QPointF& point =>at(i);
+				/*if (!inBoundX(point)) continue;*/
+				painterPath.moveTo(transformPoint(point, stregth_factorX, stregth_factorY));
+				break;
+			}
+			for (; i <>size(); i++) {
+				QPointF& point =>at(i);
+				//if (!inBoundX(point)) break;
+				//if (point.y() > actualBound.maxY) {
+				//	//Generate new Point
+				//	QPointF& oldpoint =>at(i - 1);
+				//	double xdif = std::abs(point.x() - oldpoint.x());
+				//	double ydif = std::abs(point.y() - oldpoint.y());
+				//	double newX = (xdif / ydif) * actualBound.maxY;
+				//	QPointF newPoint(newX, actualBound.maxY);
+				//	
+				//}
+				//else {
+				//}
+				painterPath.lineTo(transformPoint(point, stregth_factorX, stregth_factorY));
+			}
+			/*
+			std::pair<std::vector<QPointF>::iterator, std::vector<QPointF>::iterator> pair = graphSeries.getFirstLastIndexInSeriesThatsInBound(actualBound.minX, actualBound.maxX);
+			qDebug() << "hello";
+			painterPath.moveTo(transformPoint(*pair.first++, stregth_factorX, stregth_factorY));
+			for (std::vector<QPointF>::iterator it = pair.first; it != pair.second; it++) {
+				painterPath.lineTo(transformPoint(*it, stregth_factorX, stregth_factorY));
+			}*/
+			painterPath.translate(translation);
+			painter.drawPath(painterPath);
+		}
+		if (graphSeries.type == GraphSeries::SeriesType::Dot || graphSeries.type == GraphSeries::SeriesType::LineDot) {
+			painter.setBrush(graphSeries.color);
+			for (int i = 0; i <>size(); i++) {
+				painter.drawEllipse(transformPoint(>at(i), stregth_factorX, stregth_factorY) + translation, graphSeries.circleRadius, graphSeries.circleRadius);
+			}
+			painter.setBrush(Qt::BrushStyle::NoBrush);
+		}
+	}
+	//Draw White Rect for axis
+	painter.setPen(rectPen);
+	painter.setBrush(rectPen.color());
+	QRect leftRect(rect().topLeft(), QPoint(graphDisplayRect.left() - 1, rect().bottom()));
+	QRect topRect(rect().topLeft(), QPoint(rect().right(), - 1));
+	QRect bottomRect(QPoint(rect().left(), graphDisplayRect.bottom()), rect().bottomRight());
+	QRect rightRect(QPoint(graphDisplayRect.right(), rect().top()), rect().bottomRight());
+	painter.drawRect(leftRect);
+	painter.drawRect(topRect);
+	painter.drawRect(bottomRect);
+	painter.drawRect(rightRect);
+	painter.setBrush(Qt::BrushStyle::NoBrush);
+	//painter.drawRect(yAxisRect);
 	//Font for Axis;
 	painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 8));
 	//draw X-Axis
+	painter.setPen(axisPen);
 	QRect xAxisRect(QPoint(graphDisplayRect.left(), graphDisplayRect.bottom()), QPoint(graphDisplayRect.right(), rect().bottom()));
 	QPainterPath xAxisPath;
@@ -84,65 +177,135 @@ void GraphView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
+	qDebug() << "minX:" << actualBound.minX << " maxX:" << actualBound.maxX << " minY:" << actualBound.minY << " maxY:" << actualBound.maxY;
+QPointF GraphView::transformPoint(QPointF& point, double stregth_factorX, double stregth_factorY) const
+	return QPointF((point.x() - actualBound.minX) * stregth_factorX, (actualBound.maxY - point.y()) * stregth_factorY);
-	painter.setPen(linePen);
-	double stregth_factorX = graphDisplayRect.width() / rangeGraphX;
-	double stregth_factorY = graphDisplayRect.height() / rangeGraphY;
-	for (GraphSeries graphSeries : graphSeriesVec) {
-		linePen.setColor(graphSeries.color);
-		painter.setPen(linePen);
-		QPointF translation(graphDisplayRect.left(),;
+bool GraphView::inBoundX(QPointF& point)
-		if (graphSeries.type == GraphSeries::SeriesType::Line || graphSeries.type == GraphSeries::SeriesType::LineDot) {
-			linePen.setWidth(graphSeries.lineWidth);
-			painter.setPen(linePen);
-			QPainterPath painterPath;
-			painterPath.moveTo(transformPoint(>at(0), stregth_factorX, stregth_factorY));
-			for (int i = 1; i <>size(); i++) {
-				painterPath.lineTo(transformPoint(>at(i), stregth_factorX, stregth_factorY));
-			}
-			painterPath.translate(translation);
-			painter.drawPath(painterPath);
+	return point.x() >= actualBound.minX && point.x() <= actualBound.maxX;
+void GraphView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
+	switch (event->key()) {
+	case Qt::Key_Up:
+		qDebug() << "Up pressed";
+		fixedBound.move(this, Bound::Change::MoveUp);
+		break;
+	case Qt::Key_Right:
+		qDebug() << "Right pressed";
+		fixedBound.move(this, Bound::Change::MoveRight);
+		break;
+	case Qt::Key_Left:
+		qDebug() << "Key_Left pressed";
+		fixedBound.move(this, Bound::Change::MoveLeft);
+		break;
+	case Qt::Key_Down:
+		qDebug() << "Key_Down pressed";
+		fixedBound.move(this, Bound::Change::MoveDown);
+		break;
+	case Qt::Key_PageUp:
+	case Qt::Key_Plus:
+		qDebug() << "Key_Down pressed";
+		fixedBound.move(this, Bound::Change::ZoomIn);
+		break;
+	case Qt::Key_PageDown:
+	case Qt::Key_Minus:
+		qDebug() << "Key_Down pressed";
+		fixedBound.move(this, Bound::Change::ZoomOut);
+		break;
+	case Qt::Key_R:
+		fixedBound = totalBound;
+		calculateRangeXY();
+		generateAxisNumberStrings();
+		repaint();
+	default:
+		QWidget::keyPressEvent(event);
+	}
+	//If not reacted forward:
+	QWidget::keyPressEvent(event);
+void GraphView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event)
+	QPoint numPixels = event->pixelDelta();
+	QPoint numDegrees = event->angleDelta() / 8;
+	if (!numPixels.isNull()) {
+		//scrollWithPixels(numPixels);
+		qDebug() << "NumPixels:" << numPixels;
+		switch (numPixels.y()) {
+		case -1:
+			fixedBound.move(this, Bound::Change::ZoomIn);
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			fixedBound.move(this, Bound::Change::ZoomOut);
+		default:
+			break;
-		if (graphSeries.type == GraphSeries::SeriesType::Dot || graphSeries.type == GraphSeries::SeriesType::LineDot) {
-			painter.setBrush(graphSeries.color);
-			for (int i = 0; i <>size(); i++) {
-				painter.drawEllipse(transformPoint(>at(i), stregth_factorX, stregth_factorY) + translation, graphSeries.circleRadius, graphSeries.circleRadius);
-			}
-			painter.setBrush(Qt::BrushStyle::NoBrush);
+	}
+	else if (!numDegrees.isNull()) {
+		QPoint numSteps = numDegrees / 15;
+		qDebug() << "numSteps:" << numSteps;
+		switch (numSteps.y()) {
+		case 1:
+			qDebug() << "ZoomIn";
+			fixedBound.move(this, Bound::Change::ZoomIn);
+			break;
+		case -1:
+			qDebug() << "ZoomOut";
+			fixedBound.move(this, Bound::Change::ZoomOut);
+		default:
+			break;
+	event->accept();
-QPointF GraphView::transformPoint(QPointF& point, double stregth_factorX, double stregth_factorY)
+void GraphView::calculateTotalGraphBound()
-	return QPointF((point.x() - minGraphX) * stregth_factorX, (maxGraphY - point.y()) * stregth_factorY);
+	qDebug() << "calculateTotalGraphBound";
+	totalBound.minX = std::min_element(std::begin(graphSeriesVec), std::end(graphSeriesVec), [](const GraphSeries& a, const GraphSeries& b) -> bool {return a.minX < b.minX; })->minX;
+	totalBound.maxX = std::max_element(std::begin(graphSeriesVec), std::end(graphSeriesVec), [](const GraphSeries& a, const GraphSeries& b) -> bool {return a.maxX < b.maxX; })->maxX;
+	totalBound.minY = std::min_element(std::begin(graphSeriesVec), std::end(graphSeriesVec), [](const GraphSeries& a, const GraphSeries& b) -> bool {return a.minY < b.minY; })->minY;
+	totalBound.maxY = std::max_element(std::begin(graphSeriesVec), std::end(graphSeriesVec), [](const GraphSeries& a, const GraphSeries& b) -> bool {return a.maxY < b.maxY; })->maxY;
-void GraphView::calculateMinMaxGraphXY()
+void GraphView::calculateRangeXY()
-	minGraphX = std::min_element(std::begin(graphSeriesVec), std::end(graphSeriesVec), [](const GraphSeries& a, const GraphSeries& b) -> bool {return a.minX < b.minX; })->minX;
-	maxGraphX = std::max_element(std::begin(graphSeriesVec), std::end(graphSeriesVec), [](const GraphSeries& a, const GraphSeries& b) -> bool {return a.maxX < b.maxX; })->maxX;
-	minGraphY = std::min_element(std::begin(graphSeriesVec), std::end(graphSeriesVec), [](const GraphSeries& a, const GraphSeries& b) -> bool {return a.minY < b.minY; })->minY;
-	maxGraphY = std::max_element(std::begin(graphSeriesVec), std::end(graphSeriesVec), [](const GraphSeries& a, const GraphSeries& b) -> bool {return a.maxY < b.maxY; })->maxY;
-	rangeGraphX = std::abs(maxGraphX - minGraphX);
-	rangeGraphY = std::abs(maxGraphY - minGraphY);
+	qDebug() << "calculateRangeXY";
+	actualBound = useFixedBound ? fixedBound : totalBound;
+	qDebug() << "calculateRangeXY  " << "minX:" << actualBound.minX << " maxX:" << actualBound.maxX << " minY:" << actualBound.minY << " maxY:" << actualBound.maxY;
+	rangeGraphX = std::abs(actualBound.maxX - actualBound.minX);
+	rangeGraphY = std::abs(actualBound.maxY - actualBound.minY);
 	if (std::abs(rangeGraphX) < 0.01) {
-		minGraphX -= 1.0;
-		maxGraphX += 1.0;
+		actualBound.minX -= 1.0;
+		actualBound.maxX += 1.0;
 		rangeGraphX = 2;
 	if (std::abs(rangeGraphY) < 0.01) {
-		minGraphY -= 1.0;
-		maxGraphY += 1.0;
+		actualBound.minY -= 1.0;
+		actualBound.maxY += 1.0;
 		rangeGraphY = 2;
-void GraphView::calculateMinMaxXY(std::vector<QPointF>& line, GraphSeries& lgs)
+//TODO: graphview 
+void GraphView::calculateMinMaxXY(GraphSeries& lgs)
+	qDebug() << "calculateMinMaxXY";
 	auto pairX = std::minmax_element(>begin(),>end(), [](const QPointF& a, const QPointF& b) -> bool {return a.x() < b.x(); });
 	lgs.minX = pairX.first->x();
 	lgs.maxX = pairX.second->x();
@@ -153,17 +316,21 @@ void GraphView::calculateMinMaxXY(std::vector<QPointF>& line, GraphSeries& lgs)
 void GraphView::addSeries(std::vector<QPointF>& line, QColor color, GraphSeries::SeriesType type)
+	qDebug() << "addSeries";
 	if (line.empty()) {
 	GraphSeries lgs; = &line;
 	lgs.type = type;
-	calculateMinMaxXY(line, lgs);
+	calculateMinMaxXY(lgs);
 	lgs.color = color;
-	calculateMinMaxGraphXY();
+	calculateTotalGraphBound();
+	if (!useFixedBound) calculateRangeXY();
+	qDebug() << "addSeries  " << "minX:" << actualBound.minX << " maxX:" << actualBound.maxX << " minY:" << actualBound.minY << " maxY:" << actualBound.maxY;
 QColor GraphView::generateNextColorForGraph()
@@ -178,8 +345,21 @@ QColor GraphView::generateNextColorForGraph()
 void GraphView::generateAxisNumberStrings()
 	for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
-		xAxisNumbers[i] = QString::number(minGraphX + i * (rangeGraphX / (double)X_AXIS_GAP_AMOUNT), 'f', 1);
-		yAxisNumbers[i] = QString::number(minGraphY + i * (rangeGraphY / (double)Y_AXIS_GAP_AMOUNT), 'f', 1);
+		xAxisNumbers[i] = QString::number(actualBound.minX + i * (rangeGraphX / (double)X_AXIS_GAP_AMOUNT), 'f', 1);
+		yAxisNumbers[i] = QString::number(actualBound.minY + i * (rangeGraphY / (double)Y_AXIS_GAP_AMOUNT), 'f', 1);
+	}
+	qDebug() << "generateAxisNumberStrings  " << "minX:" << actualBound.minX << " maxX:" << actualBound.maxX << " minY:" << actualBound.minY << " maxY:" << actualBound.maxY;
+void GraphView::setUseFixedBound(bool value)
+	//if value == other update else do nothing
+	if (useFixedBound != value) {
+		useFixedBound = value;
+		calculateRangeXY();
+		actualBound = fixedBound;
+		generateAxisNumberStrings();
@@ -222,8 +402,50 @@ void GraphView::addDots(std::vector<QPointF>& dots, QColor color)
 	addSeries(dots, color, GraphSeries::SeriesType::Dot);
+std::pair<std::vector<QPointF>::iterator , std::vector<QPointF>::iterator> GraphSeries::getFirstLastIndexInSeriesThatsInBound(int minX, int maxX)
+	std::vector<QPointF>::iterator minIter = std::find_if(data->begin(), data->end(), [minX](const QPointF& p) -> bool {return p.x() >= minX; });
+	std::vector<QPointF>::iterator maxIter = std::find_if(minIter, data->end(), [maxX](const QPointF& p) -> bool {return p.x() > maxX; });
+	return std::make_pair(minIter, --maxIter);
+void Bound::move(GraphView* widget,const Change& type, const double changePercentage)
+	double changeX = std::abs(minX - maxX) * changePercentage;
+	double changeY = std::abs(minY - maxY) * changePercentage;
+	switch (type) {
+	case Change::MoveLeft:
+		minX -= changeX;
+		maxX -= changeX;
+		break;
+	case Change::MoveRight:
+		minX += changeX;
+		maxX += changeX;
+		break;
+	case Change::MoveUp:
+		minY += changeY;
+		maxY += changeY;
+		break;
+	case Change::MoveDown:
+		minY -= changeY;
+		maxY -= changeY;
+		break;
+	case Change::ZoomOut:
+		minY -= changeY;
+		maxY += changeY;
+		minX -= changeX;
+		maxX += changeX;
+		break;
+	case Change::ZoomIn:
+		minY += changeY;
+		maxY -= changeY;
+		minX += changeX;
+		maxX -= changeX;
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	widget->calculateRangeXY();
+	widget->generateAxisNumberStrings();
+	widget->repaint();

+ 25 - 8

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include <QPen>
 #include <QPainter>
 #include <vector>
+class GraphView;
 struct GraphSeries {
 	std::vector<QPointF>* data;
 	double minX, maxX;
@@ -15,22 +15,34 @@ struct GraphSeries {
 	double circleRadius = 1.0;
 	enum class SeriesType{ Line, Dot, LineDot};
 	SeriesType type;
+	std::pair<std::vector<QPointF>::iterator, std::vector<QPointF>::iterator> getFirstLastIndexInSeriesThatsInBound(int minX, int maxX);
+struct Bound {
+	double minX = 0, minY = 0, maxX = 0, maxY = 0;
+	enum class Change{MoveLeft, MoveRight, MoveUp, MoveDown, ZoomOut, ZoomIn, Reset};
+	Bound() {}
+	Bound(double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY):minX(minX), maxX(maxX), minY(minY), maxY(maxY){}
+	void move(GraphView* widget,const Change& type, const double changePercentage = 0.1);
 class GraphView :public QWidget
-	GraphView(QWidget* parent, QString title);
+	GraphView(QWidget* parent, QString title, Bound fixedBound);
 	QString title;
+	Bound fixedBound;
-	void GraphView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event);
+	bool useFixedBound;
+	void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) override;
 	std::vector<GraphSeries> graphSeriesVec;
-	double minGraphX = 0, maxGraphX = 0, minGraphY = 0, maxGraphY = 0, rangeGraphX = 0, rangeGraphY = 0;
+	Bound totalBound;
+	Bound actualBound = totalBound;
+	double rangeGraphX = 0, rangeGraphY = 0;
@@ -43,18 +55,23 @@ private:
+	void setUseFixedBound(bool value);
 	void generateAndAddRandomLine();
 	void addLine(std::vector<QPointF>& line);
 	void addLine(std::vector<QPointF>& line, QColor color);
 	void addDots(std::vector<QPointF>& dots);
 	void addDots(std::vector<QPointF>& dots, QColor color);
+	void calculateRangeXY();
 	void generateAxisNumberStrings();
-	void calculateMinMaxGraphXY();
-	void GraphView::calculateMinMaxXY(std::vector<QPointF>& line, GraphSeries& lgs);
+	void calculateTotalGraphBound();
+	void GraphView::calculateMinMaxXY(GraphSeries& lgs);
 	void addSeries(std::vector<QPointF>& line, QColor color, GraphSeries::SeriesType type);
 	QColor generateNextColorForGraph();
-	QPointF transformPoint(QPointF& point, double stregth_factorX, double stregth_factorY);
+	QPointF transformPoint(QPointF& point, double stregth_factorX, double stregth_factorY) const;
+	bool inBoundX(QPointF& point);
+	void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) override;
+	void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) override;

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "QTestGraph.h"

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <qwidget.h>
+class QTestGraph :
+	public QWidget

+ 0 - 8

@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ RunData::RunData(std::string filePath): fileStream(filePath)
     while (fileStream.peek() != EOF) {
         std::string buffer;
-        //qDebug() << "Line[" << actualLine << "]:" << QString::fromStdString(buffer);
         SolutionPointData sol;
         std::regex regexIter("i:([\\+\\-]?\\d+)");
@@ -60,7 +59,6 @@ RunData::RunData(std::string filePath): fileStream(filePath)
 void RunData::getLine(std::string& bufferString)
-    //std::getline(fileStream, bufferString);
     std::getline(fileStream, bufferString);
@@ -132,12 +130,6 @@ void RunData::calculateParticleSolution()
-    /*for (auto iter = std::begin(particleMap); iter != std::end(particleMap); iter++) {
-        qDebug() << "List with pN[" << iter->first << "]:";
-        for (QPointF point : iter->second) {
-                qDebug() << point;
-        }
-    }*/
 void RunData::calculateDotsForDistribution()

+ 0 - 25

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#include "pch.h"
-#include "dataTest.h"
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <sstream>
-	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
-		entrys.push_back(solution(2000, i));
-	}
-[34] = true;
-	solution sol =;
-	qDebug() << sol.toQString();
-QString dataTest::solution::toQString()
-	std::ostringstream os;
-	copy(bits.begin(), bits.end(), std::ostream_iterator<bool>(os, ""));
-	return QString::fromStdString(os.str());

+ 0 - 29

@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <bitset>
-#include <vector>
-#include <qstring.h>
-class dataTest
-	/* struct for storing a calculated solution*/
-	struct solution {
-	public:
-		solution(int n, double objectiveFunctionValue = 0.0): bits(n), objectiveFunctionValue(objectiveFunctionValue){}
-		std::vector<bool> bits;
-		double objectiveFunctionValue;
-		QString toQString();
-	};
-	std::vector<solution> entrys = std::vector<solution>();
-	/* Contructor of this test class*/
-	dataTest();
-	~dataTest();

+ 22 - 17

@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include <QDir>
 #include <map>
+#include <QDesktopWidget>
 metavis::metavis(QWidget* parent)
 	: QMainWindow(parent), bestGraph(createCustomWidget("Best vs Avg")), particleGraph(createCustomWidget("Particle")), minMaxGraph(createCustomWidget("MinMaxGraph"))
@@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ metavis::metavis(QWidget* parent)
 void metavis::openSetting() {
 	SettingDialog settingDialog(settings, this);
 	/* Blocking operation */
@@ -45,19 +48,15 @@ GraphView* metavis::createCustomWidget(QString titleString)
 	QDockWidget* dock = new QDockWidget(titleString, this);
 	dock->setAllowedAreas(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
-	GraphView* bestGraph = new GraphView(dock, titleString);
-	bestGraph->setMinimumSize(200, 200);
-	bestGraph->show();
-	bestGraph->repaint();
-	dock->setBaseSize(300, 300);
-	dock->repaint();
-	QPalette pal;
-	pal.setColor(QPalette::Background, Qt::lightGray);
-	//dock->setPalette(pal);
-	//widget->setPalette(pal);
-	dock->setWidget(bestGraph);
+	GraphView* graph = new GraphView(dock, titleString, Bound(10, 20, 40.0, 50.0));
+	graph->setUseFixedBound(true);
+	graph->setMinimumSize(200, 200);
+	graph->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus);
+	graph->show();
+	graph->repaint();
+	dock->setWidget(graph);
 	addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, dock);
-	return bestGraph;
+	return graph;
 void metavis::writeActualMainWindowSettings()
@@ -68,6 +67,7 @@ void metavis::writeActualMainWindowSettings()
 		/* position and size of the window if not maximized */
 		settings->setValue("pos", pos());
 		settings->setValue("size", size());
+		settings->setValue("screenCount", QApplication::desktop()->screenCount());
@@ -75,17 +75,22 @@ void metavis::writeActualMainWindowSettings()
 void metavis::readMainWindowSettings()
+	if (QApplication::desktop()->screenCount() == settings->value("screenCount", 1)) {
+		//Only when same screeenCount move the window;
+		move(settings->value("pos", QPoint(200, 200)).toPoint());
+	}
+	resize(settings->value("size", QSize(600, 400)).toSize());
 	if (settings->value("maximized", false).toBool()) {
-	else {
-		/* Position and size of the window if not maximized*/
-		resize(settings->value("size", QSize(600, 400)).toSize());
-		move(settings->value("pos", QPoint(200, 200)).toPoint());	
-	}
 void metavis::openFile()
 	qDebug() << "openFile";

+ 1 - 2

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
-#include "ui_metavis.h"
 #include <QSettings>
 #include <vector>
+#include "ui_metavis.h"
 #include "RunData.h"
 #include "GraphView.h"
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ private:
 	void writeActualMainWindowSettings();
 	void readMainWindowSettings();
 public slots:
 	 * Opens the settingWindows Dialog.

+ 0 - 14

@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# This file is generated by the Qt Visual Studio Tools.
-# ------------------------------------------------------
-# This is a reminder that you are using a generated .pro file.
-# Remove it when you are finished editing this file.
-message("You are running qmake on a generated .pro file. This may not work!")
-HEADERS += ./metavis.h
-SOURCES += ./main.cpp \
-    ./metavis.cpp
-FORMS += ./metavis.ui
-RESOURCES += metavis.qrc

+ 0 - 16

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# This file is generated by the Qt Visual Studio Tools.
-# ------------------------------------------------------
-TARGET = metavis
-DESTDIR = ./x64/Release
-CONFIG += release
-LIBS += -L"."
-MOC_DIR += .
-OBJECTS_DIR += release
-UI_DIR += .
-RCC_DIR += .
-win32:RC_FILE = metavis.rc

+ 2 - 5

@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@
     <ClCompile Include="GraphView.cpp" />
-    <ClCompile Include="dataTest.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="main.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="metavis.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="pch.cpp">
       <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>
       <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>
+    <ClCompile Include="QTestGraph.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="RunData.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="SettingDialog.cpp" />
@@ -127,12 +127,9 @@
     <ClInclude Include="pch.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="QTestGraph.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="RunData.h" />
     <QtMoc Include="GraphView.h" />
-    <ClInclude Include="dataTest.h" />
-  </ItemGroup>
-  <ItemGroup>
-    <None Include="web.html" />
   <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
   <ImportGroup Condition="Exists('$(QtMsBuild)\qt.targets')">

+ 6 - 11

@@ -34,9 +34,6 @@
     <ClCompile Include="SettingDialog.cpp">
       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
-    <ClCompile Include="dataTest.cpp">
-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
     <ClCompile Include="RunData.cpp">
       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
@@ -46,6 +43,9 @@
     <ClCompile Include="pch.cpp">
       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
+    <ClCompile Include="QTestGraph.cpp">
+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
     <QtMoc Include="metavis.h">
@@ -75,19 +75,14 @@
     <ResourceCompile Include="metavis.rc" />
-    <ClInclude Include="dataTest.h">
-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-    </ClInclude>
     <ClInclude Include="RunData.h">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
     <ClInclude Include="pch.h">
       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
-  </ItemGroup>
-  <ItemGroup>
-    <None Include="web.html">
-      <Filter>Resource Files</Filter>
-    </None>
+    <ClInclude Include="QTestGraph.h">
+      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>

+ 0 - 1

@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include <vector>
-#include <bitset>
 #include <string>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <map>