# Client-Server Protocol Protocol version: "0.1" ## 1. Start a connection To start a connection you have to check the versions and verify the login. Only if step 1.1 and 1.2 have been accomplished a usable connection is negotiated. ### 1.1 Version check Client: ``` { "version": string } ``` Server: ``` { "version": string, "accept": bool } ``` If `accept` is `true` the connection is valid. Else the connection will be terminated after the server answered. ### 1.2 Login Client: ``` { "user": string, "pass": string } ``` Server: ``` { "accept": bool } ``` If `accept` is `true` the connection is valid and the user is logged in. Else the connection will be terminated after the server answered. ## 2. Sending commands Commands can be sent by the client after a connection has been negotiated (See 1). Commands can be used unrelated to each other. ### 2.1 Status command Client: ``` { "command": "status" } ``` Server: ``` { "command": "status", "response": string } ``` ### 2.2 List command Client: ``` { "command": "list" } ``` Server: ``` { "command": "put", "names": string[], "remaining": int } ``` The server loops this until all names have been sent and `remaining` hits `0`. ### 2.3 Put command Client: ``` { "command": "put", "file": string, "size": int } ``` Server: ``` { "command": "put", "accept": bool } ``` If `accept` is `true` the connection is valid and the client can start sending the file. Else the put request was rejected and is hereby canceled.
Client: ``` { "command": "put", "data": string, "finish": bool } ``` `data` is a base64 string and contains a piece of the file. The client will loop this until the file is completely sent. In the last request the client has to set the `finish` flag to `true`.
After the last part was received the server answers with `finish` set to `true`.
Server: ``` { "command": "put", "finish": bool } ``` ### 2.4 Get command Client: ``` { "command": "get", "file": string } ``` Server: ``` { "command": "get", "accept": bool } ``` If `accept` is `true` the connection is valid and the server can start sending the file. Else the get request was rejected and is hereby canceled.
Server: ``` { "command": "get", "data": string, "finish": bool } ``` `data` is a base64 string and contains a piece of the file. The server will loop this until the file is completely sent. In the last request the server has to set the `finish` flag to `true`. ### TODO ## 3. Close connection ### 3.1 Close command Client: ``` { "command": "close" } ``` Server: ``` { "command": "close", "response": "bye" } ```