소스 검색

ASCII-Art Readme

Jonas Pflanzer 4 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일27개의 추가작업 그리고 2개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 27 2

+ 27 - 2

@@ -1,4 +1,29 @@
-# CCats
+# CCats - Covert Channels are Tricky Stuff
-Covert Channels are Tricky Stuff
+CCats is a covert channel tool which works as man in the middle.
+Our motivation is to create a tool which allows you to send files over a covert channel between two controlled servers.
+This repository consists of three programs: a server (daemon), a CLI-client and a GUI-client.
+The server manages the uploaded files and transmits the files over the covert channel.
+The clients let you connect and login to the server and upload files and start file transmission over the covert channel.
+The basic setup:
+   A           -----------------                        ------------------           B
+   o  traffic  |               |                        |                |  traffic  o
+  /|\ ---------| active Server | <== covert channel ==> | passive Server |--------- /|\
+   \\          |               |                        |                |          //
+               -----------------                        ------------------
+                      ||
+               client connection
+                      ||
+               E  ----------
+               o  |        |
+              /|\ | Client |
+               \\ |        |
+                  ----------
+A views the website of B on Port p and produces traffic between them. E knows that and sets up two servers. The active server is the server E which will be used to send a file to the passive server.
+E sets the target IP on the active server side to the IP of A and teh target IP on the passive side to the IP of B. The target Port in on both sides set to p.
+Now E connects to the active server with its client and queues a file for sending over the covert channel. The file transmission will start once A surfs on B's website again.