@@ -205,38 +205,40 @@ Server:
"command": "get",
"file": string,
"accept": bool,
+ "chunks": int,
"error": string
-If `accept` is `true` the connection is valid and the server can start sending the file. Else the get request was rejected and is hereby canceled. `error` should contain an error string if the request was rejected.
+If `accept` is `true` the connection is valid and the server can start sending the file. Else the get request was rejected and is hereby canceled. `error` should contain an error string if the request was rejected. `chunks` is the number of chunks of the file.
#### 2.4.2 getdata - download data
"command": "getdata",
"file": string,
- "data": string,
- "remaining": int,
- "cancel": bool,
- "error": string
+ "chunk": int,
+ "cancel": bool
-`data` is a base64 string and contains a piece of the file. The server will loop this until the file is completely sent and the client has to send a received message for every chunk.
-`remaining` is a counter how many chunks will follow and the transfer is over after it hits `0`.
-If `cancel` is `true` then the download of the file is canceled and an error message should be in `error`.
+If `cancel` is `true` then cancel the download of the file.
<br /><br />
"command": "getdata",
"file": string,
- "recieved": int,
- "cancel": bool
+ "data": string,
+ "remaining": int,
+ "cancel": bool,
+ "error": string
-If `cancel` is `true` then cancel the download of the file.
+`data` is a base64 string and contains a piece of the file. The client must request every chunk.
+`remaining` is a counter how many chunks will follow and the transfer is over after it hits `0`.
+If `cancel` is `true` then the download of the file is canceled and an error message should be in `error`.
### TODO