import hashlib
import os
import random as rnd

import ID2TLib.Utility as Util
# Directory of test resource files
test_resource_dir = Util.TEST_DIR
# Path to reference pcap
test_pcap = Util.TEST_DIR + "reference_1998.pcap"
# Several ips in the reference pcap
test_pcap_ips = ["", ""]
# Empty array for testing purposes
test_pcap_empty = []

helper functions for ID2TAttackTest

def get_sha256(file):
    Generates a sha256 checksum from file

    :param file: absolute path to file
    :return: sha256 checksum
    sha = hashlib.sha256()
    with open(file, 'rb') as f:
        while True:
            data =
            if not data:
    return sha.hexdigest()

def clean_up(controller):
    Removes the output files from a given controller

    :param controller: controller which created output files

def rename_test_result_files(controller, caller_function: str, attack_sub_dir=False, test_sub_dir=False):
    :param controller: controller which created output files
    :param caller_function: the name of the function which called the generic test
    :param attack_sub_dir: create sub-directory for each attack-class if True
    :param test_sub_dir: create sub-directory for each test-function/case if True
    tmp_path_tuple = controller.pcap_dest_path.rpartition("_")
    result_pcap_path = tmp_path_tuple[0] + tmp_path_tuple[1] + caller_function + "_" + tmp_path_tuple[2]

    tmp_label_path_tuple = controller.label_manager.label_file_path.rpartition("_")
    tmp_path_tuple = tmp_label_path_tuple[0].rpartition("_")
    result_labels_path = tmp_path_tuple[0] + tmp_path_tuple[1] + caller_function + "_" + tmp_path_tuple[2]
    result_labels_path = result_labels_path + tmp_label_path_tuple[1] + tmp_label_path_tuple[2]

    if attack_sub_dir:
        caller_attack = caller_function.replace("test_", "").partition("_")[0]
        tmp_dir_tuple = result_pcap_path.rpartition("/")
        result_dir = tmp_dir_tuple[0] + tmp_dir_tuple[1] + caller_attack + "/"
        result_pcap_path = result_dir + tmp_dir_tuple[2]
        os.makedirs(result_dir, exist_ok=True)

        tmp_dir_tuple = result_labels_path.rpartition("/")
        result_labels_path = result_dir + tmp_dir_tuple[2]

    if test_sub_dir:
        tmp_dir_tuple = result_pcap_path.rpartition("/")
        result_dir = tmp_dir_tuple[0] + tmp_dir_tuple[1] + (caller_function.replace("test_", "")) + "/"
        result_pcap_path = result_dir + tmp_dir_tuple[2]
        os.makedirs(result_dir, exist_ok=True)

        tmp_dir_tuple = result_labels_path.rpartition("/")
        result_labels_path = result_dir + tmp_dir_tuple[2]

    os.rename(controller.pcap_dest_path, result_pcap_path)
    controller.pcap_dest_path = result_pcap_path

    os.rename(controller.label_manager.label_file_path, result_labels_path)
    controller.label_manager.label_file_path = result_labels_path

function patches for unittests

FYI: the parameters below, which are not used are needed to mock the mentioned function/method correctly

def get_bytes(count, ignore):
    unittest patch for get_rnd_bytes (

    :param count: count of requested bytes
    :param ignore: <not used>
    :return: a count of As
    return b'A' * count

def get_x86_nop(count, side_effect_free, char_filter):
    unittest patch for get_rnd_x86_nop (

    :param count: count of requested nops
    :param side_effect_free: <not used>
    :param char_filter: <not used>
    :return: a count of \x90
    return b'\x90' * count

def get_attacker_config(ip_source_list, ipAddress: str):
    unittest patch for get_attacker_config (

    :param ip_source_list: List of source IPs
    :param ipAddress: The IP address of the attacker
    :return: A tuple consisting of (port, ttlValue)
    next_port = rnd.randint(0, 2 ** 16 - 1)
    ttl = rnd.randint(1, 255)

    return next_port, ttl

def write_attack_pcap(self, packets: list, append_flag: bool = False, destination_path: str = None):
    temporal efficiency test patch for write_attack_pcap (

    :return: The path to a dummy pcap file.
    # TODO: find another solution - copying influences efficiency tests
    os.system("cp " + test_pcap + " " + test_resource_dir + "dummy.pcap")
    return test_resource_dir + 'dummy.pcap'