#include "statistics_db.h" #include #include /** * Creates a new statistics_db object. Opens an existing database located at database_path. If not existing, creates * a new database at database_path. * @param database_path The file path of the database. */ statistics_db::statistics_db(std::string database_path) { // Append file extension if not present if (database_path.find(".sqlite3") == database_path.npos) { database_path += ".sqlite3"; } // creates the DB if not existing, opens the DB for read+write access db.reset(new SQLite::Database(database_path, SQLite::OPEN_CREATE | SQLite::OPEN_READWRITE)); } /** * Writes the IP statistics into the database. * @param ipStatistics The IP statistics from class statistics. */ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsIP(std::unordered_map ipStatistics) { try { db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ip_statistics"); SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db); const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE ip_statistics ( " "ipAddress TEXT, " "pktsReceived INTEGER, " "pktsSent INTEGER, " "kbytesReceived REAL, " "kbytesSent REAL, " "class TEXT, " "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress));"; db->exec(createTable); SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO ip_statistics VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (auto it = ipStatistics.begin(); it != ipStatistics.end(); ++it) { entry_ipStat e = it->second; query.bind(1, it->first); query.bind(2, (int) e.pkts_received); query.bind(3, (int) e.pkts_sent); query.bind(4, e.kbytes_received); query.bind(5, e.kbytes_sent); // Aidmar query.bind(6, e.ip_class); query.exec(); query.reset(); } transaction.commit(); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } /** * Writes the TTL distribution into the database. * @param ttlDistribution The TTL distribution from class statistics. */ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsTTL(std::unordered_map ttlDistribution) { try { db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ip_ttl"); SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db); const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE ip_ttl (" "ipAddress TEXT," "ttlValue INTEGER," "ttlCount INTEGER," "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress,ttlValue));"; db->exec(createTable); SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO ip_ttl VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); for (auto it = ttlDistribution.begin(); it != ttlDistribution.end(); ++it) { ipAddress_ttl e = it->first; query.bind(1, e.ipAddress); query.bind(2, e.ttlValue); query.bind(3, it->second); query.exec(); query.reset(); } transaction.commit(); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } /** * Writes the protocol distribution into the database. * @param protocolDistribution The protocol distribution from class statistics. */ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsProtocols(std::unordered_map protocolDistribution) { try { db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ip_protocols"); SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db); const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE ip_protocols (" "ipAddress TEXT," "protocolName TEXT," "protocolCount INTEGER," "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress,protocolName));"; db->exec(createTable); SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO ip_protocols VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); for (auto it = protocolDistribution.begin(); it != protocolDistribution.end(); ++it) { ipAddress_protocol e = it->first; query.bind(1, e.ipAddress); query.bind(2, e.protocol); query.bind(3, it->second); query.exec(); query.reset(); } transaction.commit(); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } /** * Writes the port statistics into the database. * @param portsStatistics The ports statistics from class statistics. */ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsPorts(std::unordered_map portsStatistics) { try { db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ip_ports"); SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db); const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE ip_ports (" "ipAddress TEXT," "portDirection TEXT," "portNumber INTEGER," "portCount INTEGER," "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress,portDirection,portNumber));"; db->exec(createTable); SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO ip_ports VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (auto it = portsStatistics.begin(); it != portsStatistics.end(); ++it) { ipAddress_inOut_port e = it->first; query.bind(1, e.ipAddress); query.bind(2, e.trafficDirection); query.bind(3, e.portNumber); query.bind(4, it->second); query.exec(); query.reset(); } transaction.commit(); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } /** * Writes the IP address -> MAC address mapping into the database. * @param IpMacStatistics The IP address -> MAC address mapping from class statistics. */ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsIpMac(std::unordered_map IpMacStatistics) { try { db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ip_mac"); SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db); const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE ip_mac (" "ipAddress TEXT," "macAddress TEXT," "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress));"; db->exec(createTable); SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO ip_mac VALUES (?, ?)"); for (auto it = IpMacStatistics.begin(); it != IpMacStatistics.end(); ++it) { query.bind(1, it->first); query.bind(2, it->second); query.exec(); query.reset(); } transaction.commit(); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } /** * Writes the MSS statistics into the database. * @param mssStatistics The MSS statistics from class statistics. */ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsMss(std::unordered_map mssStatistics) { try { db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tcp_mss"); SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db); const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE tcp_mss (" "ipAddress TEXT," "mss INTEGER);"; db->exec(createTable); SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO tcp_mss VALUES (?, ?)"); for (auto it = mssStatistics.begin(); it != mssStatistics.end(); ++it) { query.bind(1, it->first); query.bind(2, it->second); query.exec(); query.reset(); } transaction.commit(); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } /** * Writes general file statistics into the database. * @param packetCount The number of packets in the PCAP file. * @param captureDuration The duration of the capture (format: SS.mmmmmm). * @param timestampFirstPkt The timestamp of the first packet in the PCAP file. * @param timestampLastPkt The timestamp of the last packet in the PCAP file. * @param avgPacketRate The average packet rate (#packets / capture duration). * @param avgPacketSize The average packet size. * @param avgPacketsSentPerHost The average packets sent per host. * @param avgBandwidthIn The average incoming bandwidth. * @param avgBandwidthOut The average outgoing bandwidth. */ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsFile(int packetCount, float captureDuration, std::string timestampFirstPkt, std::string timestampLastPkt, float avgPacketRate, float avgPacketSize, float avgPacketsSentPerHost, float avgBandwidthIn, float avgBandwidthOut) { try { db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS file_statistics"); SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db); const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE file_statistics (" "packetCount INTEGER," "captureDuration TEXT," "timestampFirstPacket TEXT," "timestampLastPacket TEXT," "avgPacketRate REAL," "avgPacketSize REAL," "avgPacketsSentPerHost REAL," "avgBandwidthIn REAL," "avgBandwidthOut REAL);"; db->exec(createTable); SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO file_statistics VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); query.bind(1, packetCount); query.bind(2, captureDuration); query.bind(3, timestampFirstPkt); query.bind(4, timestampLastPkt); query.bind(5, avgPacketRate); query.bind(6, avgPacketSize); query.bind(7, avgPacketsSentPerHost); query.bind(8, avgBandwidthIn); query.bind(9, avgBandwidthOut); query.exec(); transaction.commit(); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } // Aidamr /** * Writes the MSS distribution into the database. * @param mssDistribution The MSS distribution from class statistics. */ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsMss_dist(std::unordered_map mssDistribution) { try { db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tcp_mss_dist"); SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db); const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE tcp_mss_dist (" "ipAddress TEXT," "mssValue INTEGER," "mssCount INTEGER," "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress,mssValue));"; db->exec(createTable); SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO tcp_mss_dist VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); for (auto it = mssDistribution.begin(); it != mssDistribution.end(); ++it) { ipAddress_mss e = it->first; query.bind(1, e.ipAddress); query.bind(2, e.mssValue); query.bind(3, it->second); query.exec(); query.reset(); } transaction.commit(); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } // Aidamr /** * Writes the window size distribution into the database. * @param winDistribution The window size distribution from class statistics. */ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsWin(std::unordered_map winDistribution) { try { db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tcp_syn_win"); SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db); const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE tcp_syn_win (" "ipAddress TEXT," "winSize INTEGER," "winCount INTEGER," "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddress,winSize));"; db->exec(createTable); SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO tcp_syn_win VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); for (auto it = winDistribution.begin(); it != winDistribution.end(); ++it) { ipAddress_win e = it->first; query.bind(1, e.ipAddress); query.bind(2, e.winSize); query.bind(3, it->second); query.exec(); query.reset(); } transaction.commit(); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } // Aidamr /** * Writes the flow statistics into the database. * @param flowStatistics The flow from class statistics. */ void statistics_db::writeStatisticsFlow(std::unordered_map flowStatistics){ try { db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS flow_statistics"); SQLite::Transaction transaction(*db); const char *createTable = "CREATE TABLE flow_statistics (" "ipAddressA TEXT," "portA INTEGER," "ipAddressB TEXT," "portB INTEGER," "pkts_A_B INTEGER," "pkts_B_A INTEGER," "medianDelay INTEGER," //"medianDelay TEXT," "PRIMARY KEY(ipAddressA,portA,ipAddressB,portB));"; db->exec(createTable); SQLite::Statement query(*db, "INSERT INTO flow_statistics VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (auto it = flowStatistics.begin(); it != flowStatistics.end(); ++it) { flow f = it->first; entry_flowStat e = it->second; // Compute the median delay e.median_delay = e.pkts_delay[e.pkts_delay.size()/2]; query.bind(1, f.ipAddressA); query.bind(2, f.portA); query.bind(3, f.ipAddressB); query.bind(4, f.portB); query.bind(5, (int) e.pkts_A_B); query.bind(6, (int) e.pkts_B_A); query.bind(7, (int) e.median_delay.count()); //query.bind(7, std::to_string(e.median_delay.count())); query.exec(); query.reset(); } transaction.commit(); } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception in statistics_db: " << e.what() << std::endl; } }