@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import importlib
import sys
+import difflib
import Attack.AttackParameters as atkParam
import Core.LabelManager as LabelManager
@@ -42,6 +43,40 @@ class AttackController:
:param seed: random seed for param generation
:return: None
+ def choose_attack(input_name):
+ # TODO: get list dynamically from module names
+ list_of_attacks = ('DDoSAttack', 'EternalBlueExploit', 'FTPWinaXeExploit', 'JoomlaRegPrivExploit',
+ 'MS17ScanAttack', 'PortscanAttack', 'SalityBotnet', 'SMBLorisAttack', 'SMBScanAttack',
+ 'SQLiAttack')
+ input_name = input_name.lower()
+ highest_sim = 0
+ highest_sim_attack = ''
+ for attack in list_of_attacks:
+ similarity = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, input_name, attack.lower()).ratio()
+ # Exact match, return appropriate attack name
+ if similarity == 1.0:
+ return attack
+ # Found more likely match
+ if similarity > highest_sim:
+ highest_sim = similarity
+ highest_sim_attack = attack
+ # Found no exactly matching attack name, print highest match
+ if highest_sim >= 0.6:
+ print('Found no attack of name ' + input_name + '. The closest match was ' + highest_sim_attack +
+ '. Use ./id2t -l for a list of available attacks.')
+ exit(1)
+ # Found no reasonably matching attack name
+ else:
+ print('Found no attack of name ' + input_name + ' or one similar to it .'
+ 'Use ./id2t -l for a list of available attacks.')
+ exit(1)
+ attack_name = choose_attack(attack_name)
print("\nCreating attack instance of \033[1m" + attack_name + "\033[0m")
# Load attack class
attack_module = importlib.import_module("Attack." + attack_name)