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Fixed indentation in

Stefan Schmidt 7 lat temu
1 zmienionych plików z 237 dodań i 237 usunięć
  1. 237 237

+ 237 - 237

@@ -2,250 +2,250 @@ import random, copy
 # information taken from
 class PortRanges:
-	# dynamic ports as listed by RFC 6056
-	DYNAMIC_PORTS = range(49152, 65536)
-	LINUX = range(32768, 61001)
-	FREEBSD = range(10000, 65536)
-	WINDOWS_XP = range(1024, 5001)
+    # dynamic ports as listed by RFC 6056
+    DYNAMIC_PORTS = range(49152, 65536)
+    LINUX = range(32768, 61001)
+    FREEBSD = range(10000, 65536)
+    WINDOWS_XP = range(1024, 5001)
 # This class uses classes instead of functions so deepcloning works
 class PortSelectionStrategy:
-	class sequential:
-		def __init__(self):
-			self.counter = -1
-		# that function will always return a one higher counter than before,
-		# restarting from the start once it reached the highest value
-		def __call__(self, port_range, *args):
-			if self.counter == -1:
-				self.counter = port_range.start
-			port = self.counter
-			self.counter += 1
-			if self.counter == port_range.stop:
-				self.counter = port_range.start
-			return port
-	class random:
-		def __call__(self, port_range, *args):
-			return random.randrange(port_range.start, port_range.stop)
-	class linux_kernel:
-		"""
-		A port-selectioin-strategy oriented on the linux-kernel
-		The implementation follows
-		as much as possible when converting from one language to another (The newest file was used
-		by the time of writing, make sure you select the correct one when following the link!)
-		"""
-		def __call__(self, port_range: range, port_selector, *args):
-			"""
-			This method is an attempt to map a c-function to python. To solve the goto-problem
-			while-true's have been added. Both of the while-true's are placed where the original
-			had a label to jump to. break's and continue's are set to preserve the original
-			control flow. Another method could have been used to rewrite the c-code, however this
-			was chosen to preserve the similarity between this and the original
-			:param port_range: the port range to choose from
-			:param port_selector: the port selector that tells which ports are in use
-			:param args: Not used for now
-			:return: A port number
-			"""
-			port = 0
-			low, high = port_range.start, port_range.stop
-			# this var tells us if we should use the upper or lower port-range-half, or the whole range if
-			# this var is None. The original was an enum of the values 0, 1 and 2. But I think an Optional[bool]
-			# is more clear
-			# None: use whole range, True: use lower half, False: use upper half
-			attempt_half = True
-			high += 1  # line 186 in the original file
-			while True:
-				if high - low < 4:
-					attempt_half = None
-				if attempt_half is not None:
-					# appearently a fast method to find a number close to the real half
-					# unless the difference between high and low is 4 (see above, note the 2-shift below)
-					# this does not work
-					half = low + (((high - low) >> 2) << 1)
-					if attempt_half:
-						high = half
-					else:
-						low = half
-				remaining = high - low
-				if remaining > 1:
-					remaining &= ~1 # flip the 1-bit
-				offset = random.randrange(0, remaining)
-				offset |= 1;
-				attempt_half_before = attempt_half # slight hack to keep track of change
-				while True:
-					port = low + offset
-					for i in range(0, remaining, 2):
-						if port >= high:
-							port -= remaining
-						if port_selector.is_port_in_use(port):
-							port += 2
-							continue
-						return port
-					offset -= 1
-					if not (offset & 1):
-						continue
-					if attempt_half:
-						attempt_half = False
-						break
-				if attempt_half_before: # we still got ports to search, attemp_half was just set to False
-					continue
-				if not attempt_half: # the port-range is exhausted
-					break
-			raise ValueError("Could not find suitable port")
+    class sequential:
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.counter = -1
+        # that function will always return a one higher counter than before,
+        # restarting from the start once it reached the highest value
+        def __call__(self, port_range, *args):
+            if self.counter == -1:
+                self.counter = port_range.start
+            port = self.counter
+            self.counter += 1
+            if self.counter == port_range.stop:
+                self.counter = port_range.start
+            return port
+    class random:
+        def __call__(self, port_range, *args):
+            return random.randrange(port_range.start, port_range.stop)
+    class linux_kernel:
+        """
+        A port-selectioin-strategy oriented on the linux-kernel
+        The implementation follows
+        as much as possible when converting from one language to another (The newest file was used
+        by the time of writing, make sure you select the correct one when following the link!)
+        """
+        def __call__(self, port_range: range, port_selector, *args):
+            """
+            This method is an attempt to map a c-function to python. To solve the goto-problem
+            while-true's have been added. Both of the while-true's are placed where the original
+            had a label to jump to. break's and continue's are set to preserve the original
+            control flow. Another method could have been used to rewrite the c-code, however this
+            was chosen to preserve the similarity between this and the original
+            :param port_range: the port range to choose from
+            :param port_selector: the port selector that tells which ports are in use
+            :param args: Not used for now
+            :return: A port number
+            """
+            port = 0
+            low, high = port_range.start, port_range.stop
+            # this var tells us if we should use the upper or lower port-range-half, or the whole range if
+            # this var is None. The original was an enum of the values 0, 1 and 2. But I think an Optional[bool]
+            # is more clear
+            # None: use whole range, True: use lower half, False: use upper half
+            attempt_half = True
+            high += 1  # line 186 in the original file
+            while True:
+                if high - low < 4:
+                    attempt_half = None
+                if attempt_half is not None:
+                    # appearently a fast method to find a number close to the real half
+                    # unless the difference between high and low is 4 (see above, note the 2-shift below)
+                    # this does not work
+                    half = low + (((high - low) >> 2) << 1)
+                    if attempt_half:
+                        high = half
+                    else:
+                        low = half
+                remaining = high - low
+                if remaining > 1:
+                    remaining &= ~1 # flip the 1-bit
+                offset = random.randrange(0, remaining)
+                offset |= 1;
+                attempt_half_before = attempt_half # slight hack to keep track of change
+                while True:
+                    port = low + offset
+                    for i in range(0, remaining, 2):
+                        if port >= high:
+                            port -= remaining
+                        if port_selector.is_port_in_use(port):
+                            port += 2
+                            continue
+                        return port
+                    offset -= 1
+                    if not (offset & 1):
+                        continue
+                    if attempt_half:
+                        attempt_half = False
+                        break
+                if attempt_half_before: # we still got ports to search, attemp_half was just set to False
+                    continue
+                if not attempt_half: # the port-range is exhausted
+                    break
+            raise ValueError("Could not find suitable port")
 class PortSelector:
-	"""
-	This class simulates a port-selection-process. Instances keep a list of port-numbers they generated so
-	the same port-number will not be generated again.
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, port_range, select_function):
-		"""
-		Create a PortSelector given a range of ports to choose from and a function that chooses the next port
-		:param port_range: a range-object containing the range of ports to choose from
-		:param select_function: a function that receives the port_range and selects a port
-		"""
-		if len(port_range) == 0:
-			raise ValueError("cannot choose from an empty range")
-		if port_range.start not in range(1, 65536) or port_range.stop not in range(1, 65536 + 1):
-			raise ValueError("port_range is no subset of the valid port-range")
-		self.port_range = port_range
-		self._select_port = select_function
-		self.generated = []
-	def select_port(self):
-		# do this check to avoid endless loops
-		if len(self.generated) == len(self.port_range):
-			raise RuntimeError("All %i port numbers were already generated, no more can be generated" % len(self.port_range))
-		while True:
-			port = self._select_port(self.port_range, self)
-			if port not in self.generated:
-				self.generated.append(port)
-				return port
-	def is_port_in_use(self, port: int):
-		return port in self.generated
-	def undo_port_use(self, port: int):
-		if port in self.generated:
-			self.generated.remove(port)
-		else:
-			raise ValueError("Port %i is not in use and thus can not be undone" % port)
-	def reduce_size(self, size: int):
-		"""
-		Reduce the list of already generated ports to the last <size> generated.
-		If size if bigger than the number of generated ports nothing happens.
-		"""
-		self.generated = self.generated[-size:]
-	def clear(self):
-		"""
-		Clear the list of generated ports. As of now this does not reset the state of the selection-function
-		"""
-		self.generated = []
-	def clone(self):
-		return copy.deepcopy(self)
+    """
+    This class simulates a port-selection-process. Instances keep a list of port-numbers they generated so
+    the same port-number will not be generated again.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, port_range, select_function):
+        """
+        Create a PortSelector given a range of ports to choose from and a function that chooses the next port
+        :param port_range: a range-object containing the range of ports to choose from
+        :param select_function: a function that receives the port_range and selects a port
+        """
+        if len(port_range) == 0:
+            raise ValueError("cannot choose from an empty range")
+        if port_range.start not in range(1, 65536) or port_range.stop not in range(1, 65536 + 1):
+            raise ValueError("port_range is no subset of the valid port-range")
+        self.port_range = port_range
+        self._select_port = select_function
+        self.generated = []
+    def select_port(self):
+        # do this check to avoid endless loops
+        if len(self.generated) == len(self.port_range):
+            raise RuntimeError("All %i port numbers were already generated, no more can be generated" % len(self.port_range))
+        while True:
+            port = self._select_port(self.port_range, self)
+            if port not in self.generated:
+                self.generated.append(port)
+                return port
+    def is_port_in_use(self, port: int):
+        return port in self.generated
+    def undo_port_use(self, port: int):
+        if port in self.generated:
+            self.generated.remove(port)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Port %i is not in use and thus can not be undone" % port)
+    def reduce_size(self, size: int):
+        """
+        Reduce the list of already generated ports to the last <size> generated.
+        If size if bigger than the number of generated ports nothing happens.
+        """
+        self.generated = self.generated[-size:]
+    def clear(self):
+        """
+        Clear the list of generated ports. As of now this does not reset the state of the selection-function
+        """
+        self.generated = []
+    def clone(self):
+        return copy.deepcopy(self)
 class ProtocolPortSelector:
-	"""
-	This class contains a method to select ports for udp and tcp. It generally consists of the port-selectors, one
-	for tcp and one for udp. For convenience this class has a __getattr__-method to call methods on both selectors
-	at once. E.g, clear() does not exist for ProtocolPortSelector but it does for PortSelector, therefore
-	protocolPortSelector.clear() will call clear for both port-selectors.
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, port_range, select_tcp, select_udp = None):
-		self.tcp = PortSelector(port_range, select_tcp)
-		self.udp = PortSelector(port_range, select_udp or select_tcp)
-	def get_tcp_generator(self):
-		return self.tcp
-	def get_udp_generator(self):
-		return self.udp
-	def select_port_tcp(self):
-		return self.tcp.select_port()
-	def select_port_udp(self):
-		return self.udp.select_port()
-	def is_port_in_use_tcp(self, port):
-		return self.tcp.is_port_in_use(port)
-	def is_port_in_use_udp(self, port):
-		return self.udp.is_port_in_use(port)
-	def clone(self):
-		class Tmp: pass
-		clone = Tmp()
-		clone.__class__ = type(self)
-		clone.udp = self.udp.clone()
-		clone.tcp = self.tcp.clone()
-		return clone
-	def __getattr__(self, attr):
-		val = getattr(self.tcp, attr)
-		if callable(val): # we proprably got a method here
-			tcp_meth = val
-			udp_meth = getattr(self.udp, attr)
-			def double_method(*args, **kwargs):
-				return (tcp_meth(*args, **kwargs), udp_meth(*args, **kwargs))
-			return double_method # calling this function will call the method for both port-selectors
-		else: # we have found a simple value, return a tuple containing the attribute-value from both port-selectors
-			return (val, getattr(self.udp, attr))
+    """
+    This class contains a method to select ports for udp and tcp. It generally consists of the port-selectors, one
+    for tcp and one for udp. For convenience this class has a __getattr__-method to call methods on both selectors
+    at once. E.g, clear() does not exist for ProtocolPortSelector but it does for PortSelector, therefore
+    protocolPortSelector.clear() will call clear for both port-selectors.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, port_range, select_tcp, select_udp = None):
+        self.tcp = PortSelector(port_range, select_tcp)
+        self.udp = PortSelector(port_range, select_udp or select_tcp)
+    def get_tcp_generator(self):
+        return self.tcp
+    def get_udp_generator(self):
+        return self.udp
+    def select_port_tcp(self):
+        return self.tcp.select_port()
+    def select_port_udp(self):
+        return self.udp.select_port()
+    def is_port_in_use_tcp(self, port):
+        return self.tcp.is_port_in_use(port)
+    def is_port_in_use_udp(self, port):
+        return self.udp.is_port_in_use(port)
+    def clone(self):
+        class Tmp: pass
+        clone = Tmp()
+        clone.__class__ = type(self)
+        clone.udp = self.udp.clone()
+        clone.tcp = self.tcp.clone()
+        return clone
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        val = getattr(self.tcp, attr)
+        if callable(val): # we proprably got a method here
+            tcp_meth = val
+            udp_meth = getattr(self.udp, attr)
+            def double_method(*args, **kwargs):
+                return (tcp_meth(*args, **kwargs), udp_meth(*args, **kwargs))
+            return double_method # calling this function will call the method for both port-selectors
+        else: # we have found a simple value, return a tuple containing the attribute-value from both port-selectors
+            return (val, getattr(self.udp, attr))
 class PortSelectors:
-	"""
-	To save some time this class contains some of the port-selection-strategies found in the wild. It is recommend to use
-	.clone() to get your personal copy, otherwise two parts of your code might select ports on the same port-selector which
-	is something your might want to avoid.
-	"""
-	LINUX = ProtocolPortSelector(PortRanges.LINUX, PortSelectionStrategy.random())
-	APPLE = ProtocolPortSelector(PortRanges.DYNAMIC_PORTS,
-			PortSelectionStrategy.sequential(),
-			PortSelectionStrategy.random())
-	FREEBSD = ProtocolPortSelector(PortRanges.FREEBSD, PortSelectionStrategy.random())
-	WINDOWS = ProtocolPortSelector(PortRanges.WINDOWS_7, PortSelectionStrategy.random()) # the selection strategy is a guess as i can't find more info on it
+    """
+    To save some time this class contains some of the port-selection-strategies found in the wild. It is recommend to use
+    .clone() to get your personal copy, otherwise two parts of your code might select ports on the same port-selector which
+    is something your might want to avoid.
+    """
+    LINUX = ProtocolPortSelector(PortRanges.LINUX, PortSelectionStrategy.random())
+    APPLE = ProtocolPortSelector(PortRanges.DYNAMIC_PORTS,
+                                 PortSelectionStrategy.sequential(),
+                                 PortSelectionStrategy.random())
+    FREEBSD = ProtocolPortSelector(PortRanges.FREEBSD, PortSelectionStrategy.random())
+    WINDOWS = ProtocolPortSelector(PortRanges.WINDOWS_7, PortSelectionStrategy.random()) # the selection strategy is a guess as i can't find more info on it