package main //#cgo CFLAGS: -fopenmp -O2 //#cgo LDFLAGS: -lcrypto -lm -fopenmp //#include "../c/dpf.h" //#include "../c/okv.h" //#include "../c/dpf.c" //#include "../c/okv.c" import "C" //sssssssssssssssss import ( "2PPS/lib" "crypto/rand" "crypto/rsa" "crypto/sha256" "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "crypto/x509/pkix" "encoding/pem" "fmt" "math/big" "net" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "unsafe" "" ) //this stores all neccessary information for each client type clientKeys struct { SharedSecret [32]byte PirQuery [][]byte } //uses clients publicKey as key var clientData = make(map[[32]byte]clientKeys) var topicList []byte var topicAmount int var followerPrivateKey *[32]byte var followerPublicKey *[32]byte var leaderPublicKey *[32]byte //needs to be changed at leader/follower/client at the same time const dataLength = 256 const numThreads = 12 //Maximum Transport Unit const mtu int = 1100 var dbWriteSize int = 20000 var neededSubscriptions int var round int = 0 var startTime time.Time var ignoreMe []byte func main() { generatedPublicKey, generatedPrivateKey, err := box.GenerateKey(rand.Reader) if err != nil { panic(err) } followerPrivateKey = generatedPrivateKey followerPublicKey = generatedPublicKey C.initializeServer( followerConnectionPrivateKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Generate a pem block with the private key keyPem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "RSA PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(followerConnectionPrivateKey), }) tml := x509.Certificate{ // you can add any attr that you need NotBefore: time.Now(), NotAfter: time.Now().AddDate(5, 0, 0), // you have to generate a different serial number each execution SerialNumber: big.NewInt(123123), Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: "New Name", Organization: []string{"New Org."}, }, BasicConstraintsValid: true, } cert, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &tml, &tml, &followerConnectionPrivateKey.PublicKey, followerConnectionPrivateKey) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Generate a pem block with the certificate certPem := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: cert, }) tlsCert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certPem, keyPem) if err != nil { panic(err) } config := &tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{tlsCert}} fmt.Println("start leader") //listens for leader lnLeader, err := tls.Listen("tcp", ":4442", config) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer lnLeader.Close() leaderConnection, err := lnLeader.Accept() if err != nil { panic(err) } //send publicKey to leader writeTo(leaderConnection, followerPublicKey[:]) //receives leader PublicKey var tmpLeaderPubKey [32]byte _, err = leaderConnection.Read(tmpLeaderPubKey[:]) if err != nil { panic(err) } neededSubscriptionsBytes := readFrom(leaderConnection, 4) neededSubscriptions = byteToInt(neededSubscriptionsBytes) leaderPublicKey = &tmpLeaderPubKey //setup ends here //locks access to DB m := &sync.RWMutex{} wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} for { round++ fmt.Println("Phase 1 Round", round) //create write db for this round for i := 0; i < dbWriteSize; i++ { C.createDb(, } //receives the virtualAddresses virtualAddresses := make([]int, dbWriteSize+1) for i := 0; i <= dbWriteSize; i++ { virtualAddress := readFrom(leaderConnection, 4) virtualAddresses[i] = byteToInt(virtualAddress) } for i := 0; i < numThreads; i++ { wg.Add(1) leaderConnection, err := lnLeader.Accept() if err != nil { panic(err) } leaderConnection.SetDeadline(time.Time{}) startTime = time.Now() go phase1(i, leaderConnection, m, wg, virtualAddresses) } wg.Wait() //Phase 2 leaderConnection, err := lnLeader.Accept() if err != nil { panic(err) } leaderConnection.SetDeadline(time.Time{}) phase2(leaderConnection) //Phase 3 if round == 1 { //addTestTweets() } //no tweets -> continue to phase 1 and mb get tweets topicList, topicAmount = lib.GetTopicList(0) if len(topicList) == 0 { continue } for i := 0; i < numThreads; i++ { wg.Add(1) leaderConnection, err := lnLeader.Accept() if err != nil { panic(err) } leaderConnection.SetDeadline(time.Time{}) startTime = time.Now() go phase3(leaderConnection, wg, m) } wg.Wait() lib.CleanUpdbR(round) } } func phase1(id int, leaderWorkerConnection net.Conn, m *sync.RWMutex, wg *sync.WaitGroup, virtualAddresses []int) { for { gotClient := readFrom(leaderWorkerConnection, 1) //this worker is done if gotClient[0] == 0 { wg.Done() return } //setup the worker-specific db dbSize := int(C.dbSize) db := make([][]byte, dbSize) for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { db[i] = make([]byte, int(C.db[i].dataSize)) } //gets clients publicKey var clientPublicKey *[32]byte var tmpClientPublicKey [32]byte _, err := leaderWorkerConnection.Read(tmpClientPublicKey[:]) if err != nil { fmt.Println("no error handling") panic(err) } clientPublicKey = &tmpClientPublicKey m.RLock() clientKeys := clientData[tmpClientPublicKey] m.RUnlock() clientKeys, pirQuery, errorBool := handlePirQuery(clientKeys, leaderWorkerConnection, 0, tmpClientPublicKey, true) if errorBool { continue } getSendVirtualAddress(pirQuery[0], virtualAddresses, clientKeys.SharedSecret, leaderWorkerConnection) m.Lock() clientData[*clientPublicKey] = clientKeys m.Unlock() //gets dpfQuery from leader dpfLengthBytes, errorBool := readFromWError(leaderWorkerConnection, 4) if errorBool { continue } dpfLength := byteToInt(dpfLengthBytes) dpfQueryBEncrypted, errorBool := readFromWError(leaderWorkerConnection, dpfLength) if errorBool { continue } //decrypt dpfQueryB for sorting into db var decryptNonce [24]byte copy(decryptNonce[:], dpfQueryBEncrypted[:24]) dpfQueryB, ok := box.Open(nil, dpfQueryBEncrypted[24:], &decryptNonce, clientPublicKey, followerPrivateKey) if !ok { panic("dpfQueryB decryption not ok") } ds := int(C.db[0].dataSize) dataShareFollower := make([]byte, ds) pos := C.getUint128_t([dbWriteSize])) C.evalDPF(C.ctx[id], (*C.uchar)(&dpfQueryB[0]), pos,, (*C.uchar)(&dataShareFollower[0])) writeTo(leaderWorkerConnection, dataShareFollower) dataShareLeader, errorBool := readFromWError(leaderWorkerConnection, ds) if errorBool { continue } auditXOR := make([]byte, ds) passedAudit := true for i := 0; i < ds; i++ { auditXOR[i] = dataShareLeader[i] ^ dataShareFollower[i] //client tried to write to a position that is not a virtuallAddress if auditXOR[i] != 0 { passedAudit = false } } if passedAudit { //run dpf, xor into local db for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { ds := int(C.db[i].dataSize) dataShare := make([]byte, ds) pos := C.getUint128_t([i])) C.evalDPF(C.ctx[id], (*C.uchar)(&dpfQueryB[0]), pos,, (*C.uchar)(&dataShare[0])) for j := 0; j < ds; j++ { db[i][j] = db[i][j] ^ dataShare[j] } } //xor the worker's DB into the main DB for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { m.Lock() C.xorIn(, (*C.uchar)(&db[i][0])) m.Unlock() } } } } func phase2(leaderWorkerConnection net.Conn) { //gets current seed seedFollower := make([]byte, 16) C.readSeed((*C.uchar)(&seedFollower[0])) //get data dbSize := int(C.dbSize) tmpdbFollower := make([][]byte, dbSize) for i := range tmpdbFollower { tmpdbFollower[i] = make([]byte, dataLength) } for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { C.readData(, (*C.uchar)(&tmpdbFollower[i][0])) } //receive seed from leader seedLeader := readFrom(leaderWorkerConnection, 16) //receive data from leader tmpdbLeader := make([][]byte, dbSize) for i := range tmpdbLeader { tmpdbLeader[i] = make([]byte, dataLength) } for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { tmpdbLeader[i] = readFrom(leaderWorkerConnection, dataLength) } //writes seed to leader writeTo(leaderWorkerConnection, seedFollower) //write data to leader for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { writeTo(leaderWorkerConnection, tmpdbFollower[i]) } //put together the db tmpdb := make([][]byte, dbSize) for i := range tmpdb { tmpdb[i] = make([]byte, dataLength) } //get own Ciphers ciphersFollowers := make([]*C.uchar, dbSize) for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { ciphersFollowers[i] = (*C.uchar)(C.malloc(16)) } for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { C.getCipher(0,, ciphersFollowers[i]) } //receive ciphers from leader ciphersLeader := make([]byte, dbSize*16) for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { _, err := leaderWorkerConnection.Read(ciphersLeader[i*16:]) if err != nil { panic(err) } } //send own Ciphers to leader for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { writeTo(leaderWorkerConnection, C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(ciphersFollowers[i]), 16)) } //put in ciphers from leader for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { C.putCipher(0,, (*C.uchar)(&ciphersLeader[i*16])) } for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { C.decryptRow(, (*C.uchar)(&tmpdb[i][0]), (*C.uchar)(&tmpdbLeader[i][0]), (*C.uchar)(&tmpdbFollower[i][0]), (*C.uchar)(&seedLeader[0]), (*C.uchar)(&seedFollower[0])) } var tweets []lib.Tweet for i := 0; i < dbSize; i++ { //discard cover message if tmpdb[i][1] == 0 { continue } else if -1 == strings.Index(string(tmpdb[i]), ";;") { continue } else { //reconstruct tweet var position int = 0 var topics []string var topic string var text string for _, letter := range tmpdb[i] { if string(letter) == ";" { if topic != "" { topics = append(topics, topic) topic = "" } position++ } else { if position == 0 { if string(letter) == "," { topics = append(topics, topic) topic = "" } else { //change this works for ints, need to be changed for strings topic = topic + string(letter) } } else if position == 1 { text = text + string(letter) } } } tweet := lib.Tweet{"", -1, topics, text, round} if text != "" { tweets = append(tweets, tweet) } } } //fmt.Println("tweets recovered: ", tweets) //sort into read db lib.NewEntries(tweets, 0) //reset write db after the tweets were moved to read db C.resetDb() //gets current dbWriteSize from leader dbWriteSizeBytes := readFrom(leaderWorkerConnection, 4) dbWriteSize = byteToInt(dbWriteSizeBytes) } func addTestTweets() { //creates test tweets tweets := make([]lib.Tweet, 5) for i := range tweets { j := i if i == 1 { j = 0 } text := "Text " + strconv.Itoa(i) var topics []string topics = append(topics, "Topic "+strconv.Itoa(j)) tweets[i] = lib.Tweet{"", -1, topics, text, i} } lib.NewEntries(tweets, 0) } func phase3(leaderWorkerConnection net.Conn, wg *sync.WaitGroup, m *sync.RWMutex) { for { gotClient, errorBool := readFromWError(leaderWorkerConnection, 1) if errorBool { continue } //this worker is done if gotClient[0] == 0 { wg.Done() return } subPhase, errorBool := readFromWError(leaderWorkerConnection, 1) if errorBool { continue } var clientPublicKey [32]byte _, err := leaderWorkerConnection.Read(clientPublicKey[:]) if err != nil { fmt.Println("no error handling") panic(err) } //gets the client data m.RLock() clientKeys := clientData[clientPublicKey] m.RUnlock() if subPhase[0] == 0 || subPhase[0] == 1 { clientKeys, _, errorBool = handlePirQuery(clientKeys, leaderWorkerConnection, int(subPhase[0]), clientPublicKey, false) if errorBool { continue } } getSendTweets(clientKeys, nil, leaderWorkerConnection, m, clientPublicKey) wantsArchive, errorBool := readFromWError(leaderWorkerConnection, 1) if errorBool { continue } if wantsArchive[0] == 1 { fmt.Println("shouldnt be called") _, archiveQuerys, errorBool := handlePirQuery(clientKeys, leaderWorkerConnection, -1, clientPublicKey, false) if errorBool { continue } getSendTweets(clientKeys, archiveQuerys, leaderWorkerConnection, m, clientPublicKey) } //saves clientKeys m.Lock() clientData[clientPublicKey] = clientKeys m.Unlock() } } //gets tweet from db and sends them to leader func getSendTweets(clientKeys clientKeys, archiveQuerys [][]byte, leaderWorkerConnection net.Conn, m *sync.RWMutex, pubKey [32]byte) { //todo! repeat for archive tmpNeededSubscriptions := neededSubscriptions if tmpNeededSubscriptions > topicAmount { tmpNeededSubscriptions = topicAmount } if archiveQuerys != nil { tmpNeededSubscriptions = len(archiveQuerys) } for i := 0; i < tmpNeededSubscriptions; i++ { //gets all requested tweets var tweets []byte if archiveQuerys == nil { tweets = lib.GetTweets(clientKeys.PirQuery[i], dataLength, 0, pubKey) } else { tweets = lib.GetTweets(archiveQuerys[i], dataLength, 1, pubKey) } //expand sharedSecret so it is of right length expandBy := len(tweets) / 32 var expandedSharedSecret []byte for i := 0; i < expandBy; i++ { expandedSharedSecret = append(expandedSharedSecret, clientKeys.SharedSecret[:]...) } //Xor's sharedSecret with all tweets lib.Xor(expandedSharedSecret[:], tweets) //fmt.Println("tweetsLen", len(tweets)) //sends tweets to leader //fmt.Println("pubKey", pubKey, "Bytes", tweets) writeTo(leaderWorkerConnection, tweets) } } //returns true if client connection is lost func handlePirQuery(clientKeys clientKeys, leaderWorkerConnection net.Conn, subPhase int, clientPublicKey [32]byte, doAuditing bool) (clientKeys, [][]byte, bool) { archiveNeededSubscriptions := make([]byte, 4) if subPhase == -1 { archiveNeededSubscriptions, errorBool := readFromWError(leaderWorkerConnection, 4) if errorBool { return clientKeys, nil, true } ignoreMe = archiveNeededSubscriptions } //gets the msg length msgLengthBytes, errorBool := readFromWError(leaderWorkerConnection, 4) if errorBool { return clientKeys, nil, true } msgLength := byteToInt(msgLengthBytes) //gets the message message, errorBool := readFromWError(leaderWorkerConnection, msgLength) if errorBool { return clientKeys, nil, true } var decryptNonce [24]byte copy(decryptNonce[:], message[:24]) decrypted, ok := box.Open(nil, message[24:], &decryptNonce, &clientPublicKey, followerPrivateKey) if !ok { fmt.Println("pirQuery decryption not ok") return clientKeys, nil, true } //gets sharedSecret if subPhase == 0 { var newSharedSecret [32]byte for index := 0; index < 32; index++ { newSharedSecret[index] = decrypted[index] } clientKeys.SharedSecret = newSharedSecret decrypted = decrypted[32:] if doAuditing { result := make([][]byte, 1) result[0] = decrypted return clientKeys, result, false } //follower updates sharedSecret } else if subPhase == 1 { sharedSecret := clientKeys.SharedSecret sharedSecret = sha256.Sum256(sharedSecret[:]) clientKeys.SharedSecret = sharedSecret } //follower expects pirQuery //transforms byteArray to ints of wanted topics //todo! repeat for archive tmpNeededSubscriptions := neededSubscriptions if tmpNeededSubscriptions > topicAmount { tmpNeededSubscriptions = topicAmount } tmpTopicAmount := topicAmount if subPhase == -1 { tmpNeededSubscriptions = byteToInt(archiveNeededSubscriptions) _, tmpTopicAmount = lib.GetTopicList(1) } pirQueryFlattened := decrypted pirQuerys := make([][]byte, tmpNeededSubscriptions) for i := range pirQuerys { pirQuerys[i] = make([]byte, tmpTopicAmount) } for i := 0; i < tmpNeededSubscriptions; i++ { pirQuerys[i] = pirQueryFlattened[i*tmpTopicAmount : (i+1)*tmpTopicAmount] } //sets the pirQuery for the client in case whe are not archiving if subPhase != -1 { clientKeys.PirQuery = pirQuerys } return clientKeys, pirQuerys, false } func getSendVirtualAddress(pirQuery []byte, virtualAddresses []int, sharedSecret [32]byte, leaderWorkerConnection net.Conn) { //xores all requested addresses into virtuallAddress virtualAddress := make([]byte, 4) for index, num := range pirQuery { if num == 1 { currentAddress := intToByte(virtualAddresses[index]) for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { virtualAddress[i] = virtualAddress[i] ^ currentAddress[i] } } } //xores the sharedSecret for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { virtualAddress[i] = virtualAddress[i] ^ sharedSecret[i] } writeTo(leaderWorkerConnection, virtualAddress) } //sends the array to the connection func writeTo(connection net.Conn, array []byte) { remainingLength := len(array) for remainingLength > 0 { if remainingLength >= mtu { _, err := connection.Write(array[:mtu]) if err != nil { panic(err) } array = array[mtu:] remainingLength -= mtu } else { _, err := connection.Write(array) if err != nil { panic(err) } remainingLength = 0 } } } //reads an array which is returned and of size "size" from the connection //returned bool is one if connection to client was lost func readFrom(connection net.Conn, size int) []byte { var array []byte remainingSize := size for remainingSize > 0 { var err error toAppend := make([]byte, mtu) if remainingSize > mtu { _, err = connection.Read(toAppend) array = append(array, toAppend...) remainingSize -= mtu } else { _, err = connection.Read(toAppend[:remainingSize]) array = append(array, toAppend[:remainingSize]...) remainingSize = 0 } if err != nil { panic(err) } } return array } //reads an array which is returned and of size "size" from the connection //returns true if connection to client is lost func readFromWError(connection net.Conn, size int) ([]byte, bool) { var array []byte remainingSize := size + 1 for remainingSize > 0 { var err error toAppend := make([]byte, mtu) if remainingSize > mtu { _, err = connection.Read(toAppend) array = append(array, toAppend...) remainingSize -= mtu } else { _, err = connection.Read(toAppend[:remainingSize]) array = append(array, toAppend[:remainingSize]...) remainingSize = 0 } if err != nil { panic(err) } } if array[0] == 1 { return nil, true } return array[1:], false /* array := make([]byte, size+1) _, err := connection.Read(array) if err != nil { panic(err) } if array[0] == 1 { return nil, true } return array[1:], false */ } func transformBytesToStringArray(topicsAsBytes []byte) []string { var topics []string var topic string var position int = 0 for _, letter := range topicsAsBytes { if string(letter) == "," { topics[position] = topic topic = "" position++ } else { topic = topic + string(letter) } } return topics } func byteToInt(myBytes []byte) (x int) { x = int(myBytes[3])<<24 + int(myBytes[2])<<16 + int(myBytes[1])<<8 + int(myBytes[0]) return } func intToByte(myInt int) (retBytes []byte) { retBytes = make([]byte, 4) retBytes[3] = byte((myInt >> 24) & 0xff) retBytes[2] = byte((myInt >> 16) & 0xff) retBytes[1] = byte((myInt >> 8) & 0xff) retBytes[0] = byte(myInt & 0xff) return }