#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (C) 2013 Bo Zhu http://about.bozhu.me Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from tls.Crypto.Cipher import AES from tls.Crypto.Util import Counter from tls.Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long # GF(2^128) defined by 1 + a + a^2 + a^7 + a^128 # Please note the MSB is x0 and LSB is x127 def gf_2_128_mul(x, y): assert x < (1 << 128) assert y < (1 << 128) res = 0 for i in range(127, -1, -1): res ^= x * ((y >> i) & 1) # branchless x = (x >> 1) ^ ((x & 1) * 0xE1000000000000000000000000000000) assert res < 1 << 128 return res class InvalidInputException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return str(self.msg) class InvalidTagException(Exception): def __str__(self): return 'The authenticaiton tag is invalid.' # Galois/Counter Mode with AES-128 and 96-bit IV class AES_GCM: def __init__(self, master_key): self.change_key(master_key) def change_key(self, master_key): if master_key >= (1 << 128): raise InvalidInputException('Master key should be 128-bit') self.__master_key = long_to_bytes(master_key, 16) self.__aes_ecb = AES.new(self.__master_key, AES.MODE_ECB) self.__auth_key = bytes_to_long(self.__aes_ecb.encrypt(b'\x00' * 16)) # precompute the table for multiplication in finite field table = [] # for 8-bit for i in range(16): row = [] for j in range(256): row.append(gf_2_128_mul(self.__auth_key, j << (8 * i))) table.append(tuple(row)) self.__pre_table = tuple(table) self.prev_init_value = None # reset def __times_auth_key(self, val): res = 0 for i in range(16): res ^= self.__pre_table[i][val & 0xFF] val >>= 8 return res def __ghash(self, aad, txt): len_aad = len(aad) len_txt = len(txt) # padding if 0 == len_aad % 16: data = aad else: data = aad + b'\x00' * (16 - len_aad % 16) if 0 == len_txt % 16: data += txt else: data += txt + b'\x00' * (16 - len_txt % 16) tag = 0 assert len(data) % 16 == 0 for i in range(len(data) // 16): tag ^= bytes_to_long(data[i * 16: (i + 1) * 16]) tag = self.__times_auth_key(tag) # print 'X\t', hex(tag) tag ^= ((8 * len_aad) << 64) | (8 * len_txt) tag = self.__times_auth_key(tag) return tag def encrypt(self, init_value, plaintext, auth_data=b''): if init_value >= (1 << 96): raise InvalidInputException('IV should be 96-bit') # a naive checking for IV reuse if init_value == self.prev_init_value: raise InvalidInputException('IV must not be reused!') self.prev_init_value = init_value len_plaintext = len(plaintext) # len_auth_data = len(auth_data) if len_plaintext > 0: counter = Counter.new( nbits=32, prefix=long_to_bytes(init_value, 12), initial_value=2, # notice this allow_wraparound=False) aes_ctr = AES.new(self.__master_key, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter) if 0 != len_plaintext % 16: padded_plaintext = plaintext + \ b'\x00' * (16 - len_plaintext % 16) else: padded_plaintext = plaintext ciphertext = aes_ctr.encrypt(padded_plaintext)[:len_plaintext] else: ciphertext = b'' auth_tag = self.__ghash(auth_data, ciphertext) # print 'GHASH\t', hex(auth_tag) auth_tag ^= bytes_to_long(self.__aes_ecb.encrypt( long_to_bytes((init_value << 32) | 1, 16))) # assert len(ciphertext) == len(plaintext) assert auth_tag < (1 << 128) return ciphertext, auth_tag def decrypt(self, init_value, ciphertext, auth_tag, auth_data=b''): if init_value >= (1 << 96): raise InvalidInputException('IV should be 96-bit') if auth_tag >= (1 << 128): raise InvalidInputException('Tag should be 128-bit') if auth_tag != self.__ghash(auth_data, ciphertext) ^ \ bytes_to_long(self.__aes_ecb.encrypt( long_to_bytes((init_value << 32) | 1, 16))): raise InvalidTagException len_ciphertext = len(ciphertext) if len_ciphertext > 0: counter = Counter.new( nbits=32, prefix=long_to_bytes(init_value, 12), initial_value=2, allow_wraparound=True) aes_ctr = AES.new(self.__master_key, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter) if 0 != len_ciphertext % 16: padded_ciphertext = ciphertext + \ b'\x00' * (16 - len_ciphertext % 16) else: padded_ciphertext = ciphertext plaintext = aes_ctr.decrypt(padded_ciphertext)[:len_ciphertext] else: plaintext = b'' return plaintext if __name__ == '__main__': master_key = 0xfeffe9928665731c6d6a8f9467308308 plaintext = b'\xd9\x31\x32\x25\xf8\x84\x06\xe5' + \ b'\xa5\x59\x09\xc5\xaf\xf5\x26\x9a' + \ b'\x86\xa7\xa9\x53\x15\x34\xf7\xda' + \ b'\x2e\x4c\x30\x3d\x8a\x31\x8a\x72' + \ b'\x1c\x3c\x0c\x95\x95\x68\x09\x53' + \ b'\x2f\xcf\x0e\x24\x49\xa6\xb5\x25' + \ b'\xb1\x6a\xed\xf5\xaa\x0d\xe6\x57' + \ b'\xba\x63\x7b\x39' auth_data = b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xce\xde\xad\xbe\xef' + \ b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xce\xde\xad\xbe\xef' + \ b'\xab\xad\xda\xd2' init_value = 0xcafebabefacedbaddecaf888 ciphertext = b'\x42\x83\x1e\xc2\x21\x77\x74\x24' + \ b'\x4b\x72\x21\xb7\x84\xd0\xd4\x9c' + \ b'\xe3\xaa\x21\x2f\x2c\x02\xa4\xe0' + \ b'\x35\xc1\x7e\x23\x29\xac\xa1\x2e' + \ b'\x21\xd5\x14\xb2\x54\x66\x93\x1c' + \ b'\x7d\x8f\x6a\x5a\xac\x84\xaa\x05' + \ b'\x1b\xa3\x0b\x39\x6a\x0a\xac\x97' + \ b'\x3d\x58\xe0\x91' auth_tag = 0x5bc94fbc3221a5db94fae95ae7121a47 # print('plaintext:', hex(bytes_to_long(plaintext))) my_gcm = AES_GCM(master_key) encrypted, new_tag = my_gcm.encrypt(init_value, plaintext, auth_data) # print('encrypted:', hex(bytes_to_long(encrypted))) # print('auth tag: ', hex(new_tag)) try: decrypted = my_gcm.decrypt(init_value, encrypted, new_tag + 1, auth_data) except InvalidTagException: decrypted = my_gcm.decrypt(init_value, encrypted, new_tag, auth_data) print('decrypted:', hex(bytes_to_long(decrypted)))