@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+import enum
+import time
+import random
+import iofree
+from . import ciphers
+from iofree import schema
+MAX_LIFETIME = 24 * 3600 * 7
+AGE_MOD = 2 ** 32
+class AlertLevel(enum.IntEnum):
+ warning = 1
+ fatal = 2
+class AlertDescription(enum.IntEnum):
+ close_notify = 0
+ unexpected_message = 10
+ bad_record_mac = 20
+ record_overflow = 22
+ handshake_failure = 40
+ bad_certificate = 42
+ unsupported_certificate = 43
+ certificate_revoked = 44
+ certificate_expired = 45
+ certificate_unknown = 46
+ illegal_parameter = 47
+ unknown_ca = 48
+ access_denied = 49
+ decode_error = 50
+ decrypt_error = 51
+ protocol_version = 70
+ insufficient_security = 71
+ internal_error = 80
+ inappropriate_fallback = 86
+ user_canceled = 90
+ missing_extension = 109
+ unsupported_extension = 110
+ unrecognized_name = 112
+ bad_certificate_status_response = 113
+ unknown_psk_identity = 115
+ certificate_required = 116
+ no_application_protocol = 120
+class KeyUpdateRequest(enum.IntEnum):
+ update_not_requested = 0
+ update_requested = 1
+class ExtensionType(enum.IntEnum):
+ server_name = 0
+ max_fragment_length = 1
+ status_request = 5
+ supported_groups = 10
+ signature_algorithms = 13
+ use_srtp = 14
+ heartbeat = 15
+ application_layer_protocol_negotiation = 16
+ signed_certificate_timestamp = 18
+ client_certificate_type = 19
+ server_certificate_type = 20
+ padding = 21
+ pre_shared_key = 41
+ early_data = 42
+ supported_versions = 43
+ cookie = 44
+ psk_key_exchange_modes = 45
+ certificate_authorities = 47
+ oid_filters = 48
+ post_handshake_auth = 49
+ signature_algorithms_cert = 50
+ key_share = 51
+class HandshakeType(enum.IntEnum):
+ client_hello = 1
+ server_hello = 2
+ new_session_ticket = 4
+ end_of_early_data = 5
+ encrypted_extensions = 8
+ certificate = 11
+ certificate_request = 13
+ certificate_verify = 15
+ finished = 20
+ key_update = 24
+ message_hash = 254
+class NameType(enum.IntEnum):
+ host_name = 0
+class SignatureScheme(enum.IntEnum):
+ # RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 algorithms
+ # rsa_pkcs1_sha256 = 0x0401
+ # rsa_pkcs1_sha384 = 0x0501
+ # rsa_pkcs1_sha512 = 0x0601
+ # # ECDSA algorithms
+ # ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256 = 0x0403
+ # ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384 = 0x0503
+ # ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512 = 0x0603
+ # # RSASSA-PSS algorithms with public key OID rsaEncryption
+ # rsa_pss_rsae_sha256 = 0x0804
+ # rsa_pss_rsae_sha384 = 0x0805
+ # rsa_pss_rsae_sha512 = 0x0806
+ # EdDSA algorithms
+ ed25519 = 0x0807
+ # ed448 = 0x0808
+ # # RSASSA-PSS algorithms with public key OID RSASSA-PSS
+ # rsa_pss_pss_sha256 = 0x0809
+ # rsa_pss_pss_sha384 = 0x080a
+ # rsa_pss_pss_sha512 = 0x080b
+ # # Legacy algorithms
+ # rsa_pkcs1_sha1 = 0x0201
+ # ecdsa_sha1 = 0x0203
+ # # Reserved Code Points
+ # # private_use(0xFE00..0xFFFF)
+class NamedGroup(enum.IntEnum):
+ # Elliptic Curve Groups (ECDHE)
+ # secp256r1 = 0x0017
+ # secp384r1 = 0x0018
+ # secp521r1 = 0x0019
+ x25519 = 0x001D
+ # x448 = 0x001E
+ # # Finite Field Groups (DHE)
+ # ffdhe2048 = 0x0100
+ # ffdhe3072 = 0x0101
+ # ffdhe4096 = 0x0102
+ # ffdhe6144 = 0x0103
+ # ffdhe8192 = 0x0104
+ # Reserved Code Points
+ # ffdhe_private_use(0x01FC..0x01FF)
+ # ecdhe_private_use(0xFE00..0xFEFF)
+class PskKeyExchangeMode(enum.IntEnum):
+ psk_ke = 0
+ psk_dhe_ke = 1
+class CipherSuite(enum.IntEnum):
+ TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 = 0x1301
+ # TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 0x1302
+ # TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 = 0x1303
+ # TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256 = 0x1304
+ # TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256 = 0x1305
+class ContentType(enum.IntEnum):
+ invalid = 0
+ change_cipher_spec = 20
+ alert = 21
+ handshake = 22
+ application_data = 23
+ heartbeat = 24
+ def tls_plaintext(self, payload):
+ return TLSPlaintext.pack(self, payload)
+class TLSCiphertext(schema.BinarySchema):
+ opaque_type = schema.MustEqual(
+ schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint8, ContentType), ContentType.application_data
+ )
+ legacy_record_version = schema.MustEqual(schema.Bytes(2), b"\x03\x03")
+ encrypted_record = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint16be)
+class ServerName(schema.BinarySchema):
+ name_type = schema.MustEqual(
+ schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint8, NameType), NameType.host_name
+ )
+ name = schema.Switch(
+ "name_type", {NameType.host_name: schema.LengthPrefixedString(schema.uint16be)}
+ )
+class PskIdentity(schema.BinarySchema):
+ identity = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint16be)
+ obfuscated_ticket_age = schema.uint32be
+class OfferedPsks(schema.BinarySchema):
+ identities = schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(schema.uint16be, PskIdentity)
+ binders = schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(
+ schema.uint16be, schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint8)
+ )
+class KeyShareEntry(schema.BinarySchema):
+ group = schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint16be, NamedGroup)
+ key_exchange = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint16be)
+extensions = {
+ ExtensionType.server_name: schema.LengthPrefixedObject(
+ schema.uint16be, schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(schema.uint16be, ServerName)
+ ),
+ ExtensionType.signature_algorithms: schema.LengthPrefixedObject(
+ schema.uint16be,
+ schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(
+ schema.uint16be, schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint16be, SignatureScheme)
+ ),
+ ),
+ ExtensionType.supported_groups: schema.LengthPrefixedObject(
+ schema.uint16be,
+ schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(
+ schema.uint16be, schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint16be, NamedGroup)
+ ),
+ ),
+ ExtensionType.psk_key_exchange_modes: schema.LengthPrefixedObject(
+ schema.uint16be,
+ schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(
+ schema.uint8, schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint8, PskKeyExchangeMode)
+ ),
+ ),
+ ExtensionType.early_data: schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint16be),
+ ExtensionType.pre_shared_key: schema.LengthPrefixedObject(
+ schema.uint16be, OfferedPsks
+ ),
+client_extensions = extensions.copy()
+client_extensions[ExtensionType.supported_versions] = schema.LengthPrefixedObject(
+ schema.uint16be, schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(schema.uint8, schema.Bytes(2))
+client_extensions[ExtensionType.key_share] = schema.LengthPrefixedObject(
+ schema.uint16be, schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(schema.uint16be, KeyShareEntry)
+server_extensions = extensions.copy()
+server_extensions[ExtensionType.supported_versions] = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(
+ schema.uint16be
+server_extensions[ExtensionType.key_share] = schema.LengthPrefixedObject(
+ schema.uint16be, KeyShareEntry
+class Extension(schema.BinarySchema):
+ @classmethod
+ def server_names(cls, names):
+ return cls(ExtensionType.server_name, [ServerName(..., name) for name in names])
+ @classmethod
+ def supported_versions(cls, versions):
+ return cls(ExtensionType.supported_versions, versions)
+ @classmethod
+ def selected_version(cls, version):
+ return cls(ExtensionType.supported_versions, version)
+ @classmethod
+ def signature_algorithms(cls, schemes):
+ return cls(ExtensionType.signature_algorithms, schemes)
+ @classmethod
+ def supported_groups(cls, groups):
+ return cls(ExtensionType.supported_groups, groups)
+ @classmethod
+ def key_share(cls, key_share_entries):
+ return cls(ExtensionType.key_share, key_share_entries)
+ @classmethod
+ def psk_key_exchange_modes(cls, modes):
+ return cls(ExtensionType.psk_key_exchange_modes, modes)
+ @classmethod
+ def early_data(cls, data):
+ return cls(ExtensionType.early_data, data)
+ @classmethod
+ def pre_shared_key(cls, offered_psks: OfferedPsks):
+ return cls(ExtensionType.pre_shared_key, offered_psks)
+class ServerExtension(Extension):
+ ext_type = schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint16be, ExtensionType)
+ ext_data = schema.Switch("ext_type", server_extensions)
+class ClientExtension(Extension):
+ ext_type = schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint16be, ExtensionType)
+ ext_data = schema.Switch("ext_type", client_extensions)
+class ClientHello(schema.BinarySchema):
+ legacy_version = schema.MustEqual(schema.Bytes(2), b"\x03\x03")
+ rand = schema.Bytes(32)
+ legacy_session_id = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint8)
+ cipher_suites = schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(
+ schema.uint16be, schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint16be, CipherSuite)
+ )
+ legacy_compression_methods = schema.MustEqual(schema.Bytes(2), b"\x01\x00")
+ extensions = schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(schema.uint16be, ClientExtension)
+class ServerHello(schema.BinarySchema):
+ legacy_version = schema.MustEqual(schema.Bytes(2), b"\x03\x03")
+ rand = schema.Bytes(32)
+ legacy_session_id_echo = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint8)
+ cipher_suite = schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint16be, CipherSuite)
+ legacy_compression_method = schema.MustEqual(schema.uint8, 0)
+ extensions = schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(schema.uint16be, ServerExtension)
+ def get_cipher(self):
+ if self.cipher_suite == CipherSuite.TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:
+ return ciphers.TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
+ elif self.cipher_suite == CipherSuite.TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:
+ return ciphers.TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
+ elif self.cipher_suite == CipherSuite.TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256:
+ return ciphers.TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256
+ elif self.cipher_suite == CipherSuite.TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256:
+ return ciphers.TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256
+ elif self.cipher_suite == CipherSuite.TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:
+ return ciphers.TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
+ else:
+ raise Exception("bad cipher suite")
+ @property
+ def extensions_dict(self):
+ return {ext.ext_type: ext.ext_data for ext in self.extensions}
+class CertificateEntry(schema.BinarySchema):
+ cert_data = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint24be)
+ extensions = schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(schema.uint16be, ServerExtension)
+ # # x = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(data=cert_data, backend=backend)
+ # # x = load_certificate(FILETYPE_ASN1, cert_data)
+ # from tls.Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
+ # key = RSA.import_key(cert_data)
+class Certificate(schema.BinarySchema):
+ certificate_request_context = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint8)
+ certificate_list = schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(
+ schema.uint24be, CertificateEntry
+ )
+class CertificateVerify(schema.BinarySchema):
+ algorithm = schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint16be, SignatureScheme)
+ signature = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint16be)
+class NewSessionTicket(schema.BinarySchema):
+ ticket_lifetime = schema.uint32be
+ ticket_age_add = schema.uint32be
+ ticket_nonce = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint8)
+ ticket = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint16be)
+ extensions = schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(schema.uint16be, ServerExtension)
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ self.outdated_time = time.time() + min(self.ticket_lifetime, MAX_LIFETIME)
+ self.obfuscated_ticket_age = (
+ (self.ticket_lifetime * 1000) + self.ticket_age_add
+ ) % AGE_MOD
+ def is_outdated(self):
+ return time.time() >= self.outdated_time
+ def to_psk_identity(self):
+ return PskIdentity(self.ticket, self.obfuscated_ticket_age)
+class Handshake(schema.BinarySchema):
+ msg_type = schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint8, HandshakeType)
+ msg = schema.LengthPrefixedObject(
+ schema.uint24be,
+ schema.Switch(
+ "msg_type",
+ {
+ HandshakeType.client_hello: ClientHello,
+ HandshakeType.server_hello: ServerHello,
+ HandshakeType.encrypted_extensions: schema.LengthPrefixedObjectList(
+ schema.uint16be, ServerExtension
+ ),
+ HandshakeType.certificate: Certificate,
+ HandshakeType.certificate_verify: CertificateVerify,
+ HandshakeType.finished: schema.Bytes(32),
+ HandshakeType.new_session_ticket: NewSessionTicket,
+ HandshakeType.end_of_early_data: schema.MustEqual(
+ schema.Bytes(-1), b""
+ ),
+ HandshakeType.key_update: schema.SizedIntEnum(
+ schema.uint8, KeyUpdateRequest
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+class Alert(schema.BinarySchema):
+ level = schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint8, AlertLevel)
+ description = schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint8, AlertDescription)
+conten_type_cases = {
+ ContentType.handshake: Handshake,
+ ContentType.application_data: schema.Bytes(-1),
+ ContentType.alert: Alert,
+ ContentType.change_cipher_spec: schema.MustEqual(schema.Bytes(1), b"\x01"),
+class TLSPlaintext(schema.BinarySchema):
+ content_type = schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint8, ContentType)
+ legacy_record_version = schema.Bytes(2)
+ fragment = schema.LengthPrefixedBytes(schema.uint16be)
+ # @classmethod
+ # def get_handshake(cls, content_type: ContentType):
+ # plaintext = yield from cls.get_value()
+ # return Handshake.parse(plaintext.fragment)
+ @classmethod
+ def pack(cls, content_type: ContentType, data: bytes) -> bytes:
+ assert len(data) > 0, "need data"
+ data = memoryview(data)
+ fragments = []
+ while True:
+ if len(data) > 16384:
+ fragments.append(data[:16384])
+ data = data[16384:]
+ else:
+ fragments.append(data)
+ break
+ is_handshake = content_type is ContentType.handshake
+ return b"".join(
+ cls(
+ content_type,
+ b"\x03\x01" if i == 0 and is_handshake else b"\x03\x03",
+ bytes(frg),
+ ).binary
+ for i, frg in enumerate(fragments)
+ )
+ def is_overflow(self):
+ return (
+ self.content_type is ContentType.application_data
+ and len(self.fragment) > (16384 + 256)
+ ) or (
+ self.content_type is not ContentType.application_data
+ and len(self.fragment) > 16384
+ )
+class TLSInnerPlaintext(schema.BinarySchema):
+ content = schema.Bytes(-1)
+ content_type = schema.SizedIntEnum(schema.uint8, ContentType)
+ padding = schema.Bytes(-1)
+ def tls_ciphertext(self, cipher):
+ return cipher.tls_ciphertext(self.binary)
+ @classmethod
+ def pack(cls, content, content_type):
+ padding = b"\x00" * random.randint(0, 10)
+ return cls(content, content_type, padding)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_alert(cls, alert: Alert):
+ padding = b"\x00" * random.randint(0, 10)
+ return cls(alert.binary, ContentType.alert, padding)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_handshake(cls, handshake: Handshake):
+ padding = b"\x00" * random.randint(0, 10)
+ return cls(handshake.binary, ContentType.handshake, padding)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_application_data(cls, payload: bytes):
+ padding = b"\x00" * random.randint(0, 10)
+ return cls(payload, ContentType.application_data, padding)
+ @classmethod
+ def get_value(cls):
+ yield from iofree.wait()
+ bytes_ = yield from iofree.read()
+ bytes_without_padding = bytes_.rstrip(b"\x00")
+ padding_len = len(bytes_) - len(bytes_without_padding)
+ content = bytes_without_padding[:-1]
+ content_type = bytes_without_padding[-1]
+ return cls(content, ContentType(content_type), b"\x00" * padding_len)