123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133 |
- Shader "Hidden/LookDev/CubeToLatlong"
- {
- Properties
- {
- [NoScaleOffset] _MainTex ("Cubemap", Any) = "grey" {}
- _CubeToLatLongParams ("Parameters", Vector) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- _WindowParams("Window params", Vector) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- }
- #include "UnityCG.cginc"
- uniform float4 _MainTex_HDR;
- uniform float4 _MainTex_ST;
- uniform float4 _CubeToLatLongParams; // x angle offset, y alpha, z intensity w lod to use
- uniform float4 _WindowParams; // x Editor windows height, y Environment windows posY, z margin (constant of 2), w PixelsPerPoint
- uniform bool _ManualTex2SRGB;
- #define OutputAlpha _CubeToLatLongParams.y
- #define Intensity _CubeToLatLongParams.z
- #define CurrentLOD _CubeToLatLongParams.w
- struct appdata_t
- {
- float4 vertex : POSITION;
- float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
- };
- struct v2f
- {
- float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
- float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
- };
- v2f vert(appdata_t IN)
- {
- v2f OUT;
- OUT.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(IN.vertex);
- OUT.texcoord = TRANSFORM_TEX(IN.texcoord, _MainTex);
- return OUT;
- }
- float4 frag( float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0,
- ) : COLOR
- {
- float2 texCoord = texcoord.xy;
- float theta = texCoord.y * UNITY_PI;
- float phi = (texCoord.x * 2.f * UNITY_PI - UNITY_PI*0.5f) - _CubeToLatLongParams.x;
- float cosTheta = cos(theta);
- float sinTheta = sqrt(1.0f - min(1.0f, cosTheta*cosTheta));
- float cosPhi = cos(phi);
- float sinPhi = sin(phi);
- float3 direction = float3(sinTheta*cosPhi, cosTheta, sinTheta*sinPhi);
- direction.xy *= -1.0;
- float4 ret = float4(DecodeHDR(UNITY_SAMPLE_TEXCUBE_LOD(_MainTex, direction, CurrentLOD), _MainTex_HDR) * Intensity, OutputAlpha);
- if (_ManualTex2SRGB)
- ret.rgb = LinearToGammaSpace(ret.rgb);
- // Clip outside of the library window
- // Editor windows is like this:
- //------
- // Margin (2)
- // Scene - Game - Asset Store <= What we call tab size
- //------
- // Settings - Views <= what we call menu size
- //----
- // View size with Environment windows)
- //
- // _WindowParams.x contain the height of the editor windows
- // _WindowParams.y contain the start of the windows environment in the windows editor, i.e the menu size + tab size
- // _WindowParams.z contain a constant margin of 2 (don't know how to retrieve that)
- // _WindowParams.w is PixelsPerPoin (To handle retina display on OSX))
- // We use VPOS register to clip, VPOS is dependent on the API. It is reversed in openGL.
- // There is no need to clip when y is above height because the editor windows will clip it
- // vertex.y is relative to editor windows
- if ((vpos.y / _WindowParams.w) < (_WindowParams.y + _WindowParams.z))
- #else
- // vertex.y is reversed (start from bottom of the editor windsows)
- vpos.y = _WindowParams.x - (vpos.y / _WindowParams.w);
- if (vpos.y < _WindowParams.z)
- #endif
- {
- clip(-1);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- SubShader
- {
- Tags
- {
- "ForceSupported"="True"
- }
- Lighting Off
- Cull Off
- ZTest Always
- ZWrite Off
- Pass
- {
- Blend One Zero
- #pragma fragment frag
- #pragma vertex vert
- #pragma target 3.0
- }
- Pass
- {
- Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
- #pragma fragment frag
- #pragma vertex vert
- #pragma target 3.0
- }
- }
- }