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Invert Colors Node


Inverts the colors of input In on a per channel basis. This Node assumes all input values are in the range 0 - 1.


Name Direction Type Binding Description
In Input Dynamic Vector None Input value
Out Output Dynamic Vector None Output value


Name Type Options Description
Red Toggle True, False If true red channel is inverted
Green Toggle True, False If true green channel is inverted. Disabled if input vector dimension is less than 2
Blue Toggle True, False If true blue channel is inverted. Disabled if input vector dimension is less than 3
Alpha Toggle True, False If true alpha channel is inverted. Disabled if input vector dimension is less than 4

Generated Code Example

The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node.

float2 _InvertColors_InvertColors = float4(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha);

void Unity_InvertColors_float4(float4 In, float4 InvertColors, out float4 Out)
    Out = abs(InvertColors - In);