using System; using Controller.Bicycle; using UnityEngine; namespace Roads { [RequireComponent(typeof(StraightRoadExtras))] public class SlopeExtras : MonoBehaviour { private const float TOLERANCE_ANGLE = 1f; private StraightRoadExtras straightRoadExtras; private BikeSpeedBooster booster; public bool firstOrLast; private Vector3 lowerPos; private Vector3 upperPos; private int slopePrefix = 0; private bool isFirst = false; private void OnEnable() { straightRoadExtras = GetComponent(); // the origin of a road tile is always on the lower end. var t = transform; lowerPos = t.position; upperPos = lowerPos + t.right * t.localScale.x; booster = BikeSpeedBooster.Instance; } private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.CompareTag("bike")) { var bikePos = other.ClosestPointOnBounds(lowerPos); if ((bikePos - lowerPos).magnitude < (bikePos - upperPos).magnitude) { //coming from lower pos -> uphill slopePrefix = 1; } else { slopePrefix = -1; } var directedSlope = slopePrefix * straightRoadExtras.SlopeDeg; booster.SetFixedBoostForSlope(directedSlope); isFirst = other.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x < TOLERANCE_ANGLE; if (firstOrLast && isFirst) { booster.AddBoosterForFirstAndSlope(directedSlope); } } } private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { //Debug.Log($"EXIT bike rotation = {other.transform.rotation.eulerAngles}"); if (other.CompareTag("bike") && firstOrLast) { var isLast = !isFirst && other.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x > TOLERANCE_ANGLE; if(!isLast) return; booster.AddBoosterForLastAndSlope(slopePrefix * straightRoadExtras.SlopeDeg); booster.ResetFixedBoost(); //on straight road again } } } }