using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security.Permissions;
namespace UnityEditor.Formats.Fbx.Exporter
internal class ConvertToNestedPrefabException : System.Exception
public ConvertToNestedPrefabException()
public ConvertToNestedPrefabException(string message)
: base(message)
public ConvertToNestedPrefabException(string message, System.Exception inner)
: base(message, inner)
protected ConvertToNestedPrefabException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
: base(info, context)
internal static class ConvertToNestedPrefab
const string GameObjectMenuItemName = "GameObject/Convert To FBX Prefab Variant...";
const string AssetsMenuItemName = "Assets/Convert To FBX Prefab Variant...";
const string UndoConversionGroup = "Convert {0} to FBX Prefab Variant";
internal const string UndoConversionCreateObject = "Convert to FBX Prefab Variant";
/// OnContextItem is called either:
/// * when the user selects the menu item via the top menu (with a null MenuCommand), or
/// * when the user selects the menu item via the context menu (in which case there's a context)
/// OnContextItem gets called once per selected object (if the
/// parent and child are selected, then OnContextItem will only be
/// called on the parent)
[MenuItem(GameObjectMenuItemName, false, 30)]
static void OnGameObjectContextItem(MenuCommand command)
OnContextItem(command, SelectionMode.Editable | SelectionMode.TopLevel);
[MenuItem(AssetsMenuItemName, false, 30)]
static void OnAssetsContextItem(MenuCommand command)
OnContextItem(command, SelectionMode.Assets);
static void OnContextItem(MenuCommand command, SelectionMode mode)
GameObject[] selection = null;
if (command == null || command.context == null)
// We were actually invoked from the top GameObject menu, so use the selection.
selection = Selection.GetFiltered(mode);
// We were invoked from the right-click menu, so use the context of the context menu.
var selected = command.context as GameObject;
if (selected)
selection = new GameObject[] { selected };
if (selection == null || selection.Length == 0)
Selection.objects = CreateInstantiatedModelPrefab(selection);
internal static void DisplayInvalidSelectionDialog(GameObject toConvert, string message = "")
string.Format("{0} Warning", "FBX Exporter"),
string.Format("Failed to Convert: {0}\n{1}",, message),
// Validate the menu items defined above.
[MenuItem(GameObjectMenuItemName, true, 30)]
[MenuItem(AssetsMenuItemName, true, 30)]
public static bool OnValidateMenuItem()
return true;
/// Gets the export settings.
public static ExportSettings ExportSettings
get { return ExportSettings.instance; }
/// Return true if the given set contains only prefab assets on disk,
/// and nothing from the scene.
internal static bool SetContainsOnlyPrefabAssets(Object[] toConvert)
foreach (var obj in toConvert)
var go = ModelExporter.GetGameObject(obj);
if (go != null && !PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(go))
// return as soon as we find something that is not part of a prefab asset
// on disk
return false;
return true;
/// Create instantiated model prefabs from a selection of objects.
/// Every hierarchy in the selection will be exported, under the name of the root.
/// If an object and one of its descendents are both selected, the descendent is not promoted to be a prefab -- we only export the root.
/// list of instanced Model Prefabs
/// Unity game objects to convert to Model Prefab instances
/// Path to save Model Prefab; use FbxExportSettings if null
public static GameObject[] CreateInstantiatedModelPrefab(
GameObject[] unityGameObjectsToConvert)
var toExport = ModelExporter.RemoveRedundantObjects(unityGameObjectsToConvert);
if (ExportSettings.instance.ShowConvertToPrefabDialog)
if (toExport.Count == 1)
var go = toExport.First();
if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfNonAssetPrefabInstance(go) && !PrefabUtility.IsOutermostPrefabInstanceRoot(go))
"Children of a Prefab instance cannot be converted.\nYou can open the Prefab in Prefab Mode or unpack the Prefab instance to convert it's children");
return null;
if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(go) && go.transform.parent != null)
"Children of a Prefab Asset cannot be converted.\nYou can open the Prefab in Prefab Mode or unpack the Prefab instance to convert it's children");
return null;
// can't currently handle converting root of prefab in prefab preview scene
if (SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.IsPreviewSceneObject(go) && go.transform.parent == null)
"Cannot convert Prefab root in the Prefab Preview Scene.\nYou can convert a Prefab Instance or convert the Prefab Asset directly in the Project view");
return null;
return toExport.ToArray();
bool onlyPrefabAssets = ConvertToNestedPrefab.SetContainsOnlyPrefabAssets(unityGameObjectsToConvert);
int groupIndex = -1;
// If only Prefab Assets on disk are selected (nothing in the scene), then do not
// try to undo as modifications on disk cannot be undone.
if (!onlyPrefabAssets)
groupIndex = Undo.GetCurrentGroup();
var converted = new List();
var exportOptions =;
foreach (var go in toExport)
var convertedGO = Convert(go, exportOptions: exportOptions);
if (convertedGO != null)
if (!onlyPrefabAssets && groupIndex >= 0)
return converted.ToArray();
/// For all scene objects holding a reference to origObj, replaces the references to newObj.
/// If one of the scene objects is toConvertRoot or a child of it, then do not fix its references as it
/// will be deleted after conversion.
internal static void FixSceneReferences(Object origObj, Object newObj, GameObject toConvertRoot)
var sceneObjs = GetSceneReferencesToObject(origObj);
// try to fix references on each component of each scene object, if applicable
foreach(var sceneObj in sceneObjs)
var go = ModelExporter.GetGameObject(sceneObj);
if (go && go.transform.IsChildOf(toConvertRoot.transform))
// if this is a child of what we are converting, don't update its references.
var components = sceneObj.GetComponents();
foreach(var component in components)
var serializedComponent = new SerializedObject(component);
var property = serializedComponent.GetIterator();
property.Next(true); // skip generic field
// For SkinnedMeshRenderer, the bones array doesn't have visible children, but may have references that need to be fixed.
// For everything else, filtering by visible children in the while loop and then copying properties that don't have visible children,
// ensures that only the leaf properties are copied over. Copying other properties is not usually necessary and may break references that
// were not meant to be copied.
while (property.Next((component is SkinnedMeshRenderer) ? property.hasChildren : property.hasVisibleChildren))
if (!property.hasVisibleChildren)
// with Undo operations, copying m_Father reference causes issues. Also, it is not required as the reference is fixed when
// the transform is parented under the correct hierarchy (which happens before this).
if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference && property.propertyPath != "m_GameObject" &&
property.propertyPath != "m_Father" && property.objectReferenceValue &&
(property.objectReferenceValue == origObj))
property.objectReferenceValue = newObj;
/// Helper for getting a property from an instance with reflection.
private static object GetPropertyReflection(object instance, string propertyName, bool isPublic)
return instance.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName, (isPublic ? System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public : System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic) |
System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(instance, null);
/// Returns a list of GameObjects in the scene that contain references to the given object.
internal static List GetSceneReferencesToObject(Object obj)
var sceneHierarchyWindowType = typeof(UnityEditor.SearchableEditorWindow).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.SceneHierarchyWindow");
// bug 1242332: don't grab the focus!
// The arguments aren't actually optional so they must all be named.
// todo: We should cache all the window-getting and reflection so it
// happens not once per object but once per convert.
var sceneHierarchyWindow = EditorWindow.GetWindow(
t: sceneHierarchyWindowType,
utility: false,
title: null,
focus: false);
var instanceID = obj.GetInstanceID();
var idFormat = "ref:{0}:";
var sceneHierarchy = GetPropertyReflection(sceneHierarchyWindow, "sceneHierarchy", isPublic: true);
var previousSearchFilter = sceneHierarchy.GetType().GetField("m_SearchFilter", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(sceneHierarchy);
// Set the search filter to find all references in the scene to the given object
var setSearchFilterMethod = sceneHierarchyWindowType.GetMethod("SetSearchFilter", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
setSearchFilterMethod.Invoke(sceneHierarchyWindow, new object[] { string.Format(idFormat, instanceID), SearchableEditorWindow.SearchMode.All, true, false });
// Get objects from list of instance IDs of currently visible objects
var treeView = GetPropertyReflection(sceneHierarchy, "treeView", isPublic: false);
var data = GetPropertyReflection(treeView, "data", isPublic: true);
var getRows = data.GetType().GetMethod("GetRows");
var rows = getRows.Invoke(data, null) as IEnumerable;
var sceneObjects = new List();
foreach (var row in rows)
var id = (int)GetPropertyReflection(row, "id", isPublic: true);
var gameObject = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(id) as GameObject;
if (gameObject)
// remove the filter when done
setSearchFilterMethod.Invoke(sceneHierarchyWindow, new object[] { previousSearchFilter, SearchableEditorWindow.SearchMode.Name, true, false });
return sceneObjects;
/// Convert one object (and the hierarchy below it) to a prefab variant of a model prefab.
/// Returns the prefab asset that's linked to the fbx.
/// If 'toConvert' is:
/// - An object in the scene, then the hierarchy will be exported
/// and a new prefab variant created pointing to the new fbx.
/// - The root of an fbx asset, or the root of an instance of an
/// fbx asset, then a new prefab variant will be created
/// pointing to the existing fbx.
/// - A prefab asset,
/// then a new fbx asset will be exported and a new prefab variant created
/// pointing to the fbx.
/// The prefab variant linked to an fbx file.
/// Object to convert.
/// Absolute platform-specific path to
/// the fbx file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
/// May be null, in which case we construct a unique filename.
/// Ignored if 'toConvert' is an fbx asset or is an instance of
/// one.
/// Absolute platform-specific
/// path to a directory in which to put the fbx file under a unique
/// filename. May be null, in which case we use the export settings.
/// Ignored if 'fbxFullPath' is specified. Ignored if 'toConvert' is
/// an fbx asset or an instance of one.
/// Absolute platform-specific path to
/// the prefab file. If the file already exists, it will be
/// overwritten. May be null, in which case we construct a unique
/// filename. Ignored if 'toConvert' is a prefab asset.
/// Absolute
/// platform-specific path to a directory in which to put the prefab
/// file under a unique filename. May be null, in which case we use
/// the export settings. Ignored if 'prefabFullPath' is specified.
/// Ignored if 'toConvert' is a prefab asset.
public static GameObject Convert(
GameObject toConvert,
string fbxDirectoryFullPath = null,
string fbxFullPath = null,
string prefabDirectoryFullPath = null,
string prefabFullPath = null,
ConvertToPrefabSettingsSerialize exportOptions = null)
if (toConvert == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("toConvert");
if (PrefabUtility.IsPartOfNonAssetPrefabInstance(toConvert) && !PrefabUtility.IsOutermostPrefabInstanceRoot(toConvert))
return null; // cannot convert in this scenario
// can't currently handle converting root of prefab in prefab preview scene
if (SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.IsPreviewSceneObject(toConvert) && toConvert.transform.parent == null)
return null;
// If we selected the something that's already backed by an
// FBX, don't export.
var mainAsset = GetOrCreateFbxAsset(toConvert, fbxDirectoryFullPath, fbxFullPath, exportOptions);
// if toConvert is part of a prefab asset and not an instance, make it an instance in a preview scene
// so that we can unpack it and avoid issues with nested prefab references.
bool isPrefabAsset = false;
UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene? previewScene = null;
if(PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(toConvert) && PrefabUtility.GetPrefabInstanceStatus(toConvert) == PrefabInstanceStatus.NotAPrefab)
previewScene = SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.NewPreviewScene();
toConvert = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(toConvert, previewScene.Value) as GameObject;
isPrefabAsset = true;
// don't need to undo if we are converting a prefab asset
if (!isPrefabAsset)
// if root is a prefab instance, unpack it. Unpack everything below as well
if (PrefabUtility.GetPrefabInstanceStatus(toConvert) == PrefabInstanceStatus.Connected)
Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(toConvert, "unpack prefab instance");
PrefabUtility.UnpackPrefabInstance(toConvert, PrefabUnpackMode.Completely, InteractionMode.AutomatedAction);
// create prefab variant from the fbx
var fbxInstance = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(mainAsset) as GameObject;
// replace hierarchy in the scene
if (!isPrefabAsset && toConvert != null)
// don't worry about keeping the world position in the prefab, as we will fix the transform on the instance root
fbxInstance.transform.SetParent(toConvert.transform.parent, worldPositionStays: false);
// copy components over
UpdateFromSourceRecursive(fbxInstance, toConvert);
// make sure we have a path for the prefab
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefabFullPath))
// Generate a unique filename.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefabDirectoryFullPath))
prefabDirectoryFullPath = UnityEditor.Formats.Fbx.Exporter.ExportSettings.PrefabAbsoluteSavePath;
prefabDirectoryFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(prefabDirectoryFullPath);
var prefabBasename = ModelExporter.ConvertToValidFilename( + ".prefab");
prefabFullPath = Path.Combine(prefabDirectoryFullPath, prefabBasename);
if (File.Exists(prefabFullPath))
prefabFullPath = IncrementFileName(prefabDirectoryFullPath, prefabFullPath);
// make sure the directory structure exists
var dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(prefabFullPath);
if (!Directory.Exists(dirName))
var prefab = PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect(fbxInstance, ExportSettings.GetProjectRelativePath(prefabFullPath), InteractionMode.AutomatedAction);
// replace hierarchy in the scene
if (!isPrefabAsset && toConvert != null)
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(fbxInstance, UndoConversionCreateObject);
return fbxInstance;
if (previewScene.HasValue)
return prefab;
/// Check whether Convert will be exporting an fbx file,
/// or reusing one.
public static bool WillExportFbx(GameObject toConvert)
return GetFbxAssetOrNull(toConvert) == null;
/// Return an FBX asset that corresponds to 'toConvert'.
/// If 'toConvert' is the root of an FBX asset, return it.
/// If it's an instance in a scene the points to the root of an FBX
/// asset, return that asset.
/// Otherwise, export according to the paths and options, and
/// return the new asset.
/// GameObject for which we want an fbx asset
/// Export will choose an
/// appropriate filename in this directory. Ignored if fbxFullPath is
/// set. Ignored if toConvert is an fbx asset or an instance of an
/// fbx.
/// Export will create this
/// file. Overrides fbxDirectoryFullPath. Ignored if toConvert is an
/// fbx asset or an instance of an fbx.
/// The root of a model prefab asset.
internal static GameObject GetOrCreateFbxAsset(GameObject toConvert,
string fbxDirectoryFullPath = null,
string fbxFullPath = null,
ConvertToPrefabSettingsSerialize exportOptions = null)
if (toConvert == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("toConvert");
var mainAsset = GetFbxAssetOrNull(toConvert);
if (mainAsset)
return mainAsset;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fbxFullPath))
// Generate a unique filename.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fbxDirectoryFullPath))
fbxDirectoryFullPath = UnityEditor.Formats.Fbx.Exporter.ExportSettings.FbxAbsoluteSavePath;
fbxDirectoryFullPath = Path.GetFullPath(fbxDirectoryFullPath);
var fbxBasename = ModelExporter.ConvertToValidFilename( + ".fbx");
fbxFullPath = Path.Combine(fbxDirectoryFullPath, fbxBasename);
if (File.Exists(fbxFullPath))
fbxFullPath = IncrementFileName(fbxDirectoryFullPath, fbxFullPath);
var projectRelativePath = ExportSettings.GetProjectRelativePath(fbxFullPath);
// Make sure that the object names in the hierarchy are unique.
// The import back in to Unity would do this automatically but
// we prefer to control it so that the Maya artist can see the
// same names as exist in Unity.
EnforceUniqueNames(new GameObject[] { toConvert });
// Export to FBX. It refreshes the database.
var fbxActualPath = ModelExporter.ExportObject(
fbxFullPath, toConvert,
exportOptions != null ? exportOptions : new ConvertToPrefabSettingsSerialize()
if (fbxActualPath != fbxFullPath)
throw new ConvertToNestedPrefabException("Failed to convert " +;
// Replace w Model asset. LoadMainAssetAtPath wants a path
// relative to the project, not relative to the assets folder.
var unityMainAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(projectRelativePath) as GameObject;
if (!unityMainAsset)
throw new ConvertToNestedPrefabException("Failed to convert " +;
return unityMainAsset;
/// Returns the fbx asset on disk corresponding to the same hierarchy as is selected.
/// Returns go if go is the root of a model prefab.
/// Returns the prefab parent of go if it's the root of a model prefab.
/// Returns null in all other circumstances.
/// The root of a model prefab asset, or null.
/// A gameobject either in the scene or in the assets folder.
internal static GameObject GetFbxAssetOrNull(GameObject go)
// Children of model prefab instances will also have "model prefab instance"
// as their prefab type, so it is important that it is the root that is selected.
// e.g. If I have the following hierarchy:
// Cube
// -- Sphere
// Both the Cube and Sphere will have ModelPrefab as their prefab type.
// However, when selecting the Sphere to convert, we don't want to connect it to the
// existing FBX but create a new FBX containing just the sphere.
if (!PrefabUtility.IsPartOfModelPrefab(go))
return null;
PrefabInstanceStatus prefabStatus = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabInstanceStatus(go);
switch (prefabStatus)
case PrefabInstanceStatus.Connected:
// this is a prefab instance, get the object from source
if (PrefabUtility.IsOutermostPrefabInstanceRoot(go))
return PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(go) as GameObject;
return null;
case PrefabInstanceStatus.NotAPrefab:
// a prefab asset
if(go.transform.root.gameObject == go)
return go;
return null;
return null;
/// Check if the file exists, and if it does, then increment the name.
/// e.g. if filename is Sphere.fbx and it already exists, change it to Sphere 1.fbx.
/// new file name.
/// Filename.
public static string IncrementFileName(string path, string filename)
string fileWithoutExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
string ext = Path.GetExtension(filename);
// file, space, number, extension.
string format = "{0} {1}{2}";
int index = 1;
// try extracting the current index from the name and incrementing it
var result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(fileWithoutExt, @"\d+$");
if (result != null)
var number = result.Value;
// Parse the number.
int tempIndex;
if (int.TryParse(number, out tempIndex))
fileWithoutExt = fileWithoutExt.Remove(fileWithoutExt.LastIndexOf(number));
// Change the format to remove the extra space we'd add
// if there weren't already a number. Also, try to use the
// same width (so Cube001 increments to Cube002, not Cube2).
format = "{0}{1:D" + number.Length + "}{2}"; // file, number with padding, extension
index = tempIndex + 1;
string file = null;
file = string.Format(format, fileWithoutExt, index, ext);
file = Path.Combine(path, file);
} while (File.Exists(file));
return file;
/// Enforces that all object names be unique before exporting.
/// If an object with a duplicate name is found, then it is incremented.
/// e.g. Sphere becomes Sphere 1
/// Export set.
public static void EnforceUniqueNames(IEnumerable exportSet)
Dictionary NameToIndexMap = new Dictionary();
string format = "{0} {1}";
Queue queue = new Queue(exportSet);
while (queue.Count > 0)
var go = queue.Dequeue();
var name =;
if (NameToIndexMap.ContainsKey(name))
{ = string.Format(format, name, NameToIndexMap[name]);
NameToIndexMap[name] = 1;
foreach (Transform child in go.transform)
/// Updates the meshes and materials of the exported GameObjects
/// to link to those imported from the FBX.
/// GameObject to update.
/// Source to update from.
internal static void UpdateFromSourceRecursive(GameObject dest, GameObject source)
// recurse over orig, for each transform finding the corresponding transform in the FBX
// and copying the meshes and materials over from the FBX
var goDict = MapNameToSourceRecursive(source, dest);
var q = new Queue();
while (q.Count > 0)
var t = q.Dequeue();
if (goDict[] == null)
Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Warning: Could not find Object {0} in FBX",;
var destGO = goDict[];
var sourceGO = t.gameObject;
if (PrefabUtility.GetPrefabInstanceStatus(sourceGO) == PrefabInstanceStatus.Connected)
Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(sourceGO, "unpack prefab instance");
PrefabUtility.UnpackPrefabInstance(sourceGO, PrefabUnpackMode.Completely, InteractionMode.AutomatedAction);
FixSceneReferences(sourceGO, destGO, source);
CopyComponents(destGO, sourceGO, source, goDict);
// also make sure GameObject properties, such as tag and layer
// are copied over as well
destGO.isStatic = sourceGO.isStatic;
destGO.layer = sourceGO.layer;
destGO.tag = sourceGO.tag;
GameObjectUtility.SetStaticEditorFlags(destGO, GameObjectUtility.GetStaticEditorFlags(sourceGO));
// set icon
System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingFlags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic;
var sourceIcon = typeof(EditorGUIUtility).InvokeMember("GetIconForObject", bindingFlags, null, null, new object[] { sourceGO });
object[] args = new object[] { destGO, sourceIcon };
typeof(EditorGUIUtility).InvokeMember("SetIconForObject", bindingFlags, null, null, args);
foreach (Transform child in t)
/// Gets a dictionary linking dest GameObject name to source game object.
/// Before export we ensure that the hierarchy has unique names, so that we can map by name afterwards.
/// Dictionary containing the name to source game object.
/// Destination GameObject.
/// Source GameObject.
internal static Dictionary MapNameToSourceRecursive(GameObject dest, GameObject source)
var nameToGO = new Dictionary();
var q = new Queue();
while (q.Count > 0)
var t = q.Dequeue();
nameToGO[] = null;
foreach (Transform child in t)
nameToGO[] = source;
var fbxQ = new Queue();
foreach (Transform child in source.transform)
while (fbxQ.Count > 0)
var t = fbxQ.Dequeue();
if (!nameToGO.ContainsKey(
Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Warning: {0} in FBX but not in converted hierarchy",;
nameToGO[] = t.gameObject;
foreach (Transform child in t)
return nameToGO;
/// Copy the object reference from fromProperty to the matching property on serializedObject.
/// Use nameMap to find the correct object reference to use.
internal static void CopySerializedProperty(SerializedObject serializedObject, SerializedProperty fromProperty, Dictionary nameMap)
var toProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(fromProperty.propertyPath);
GameObject value;
if (nameMap.TryGetValue(, out value))
if (fromProperty.objectReferenceValue is GameObject)
toProperty.objectReferenceValue = value;
toProperty.objectReferenceValue = value.GetComponent(fromProperty.objectReferenceValue.GetType());
// try to make sure any references in the scene are maintained for prefab instances
toProperty.objectReferenceValue = fromProperty.objectReferenceValue;
/// Copy components on the 'from' object which is the object being converted,
/// over to the 'to' object which is the FBX.
/// Copy over everything except meshes and materials, since these
/// are already in the FBX.
/// The 'from' hierarchy is not modified.
/// Note: 'root' is the root object that is being converted
internal static void CopyComponents(GameObject to, GameObject from, GameObject root, Dictionary nameMap)
// copy components on "from" to "to". Don't want to copy over meshes and materials that were exported
var originalComponents = new List(from.GetComponents());
var destinationComponents = new List(to.GetComponents());
foreach(var fromComponent in originalComponents)
// ignore missing components
if (fromComponent == null)
// ignore MeshFilter and Transform, but still ensure scene references are maintained.
// Don't need to copy regular transform (except for the root object) as the values should already be correct in the FBX.
// Furthermore, copying transform values may result in overrides in the prefab, which is undesired as if
// the transform is updated in the FBX, it won't be in the prefab.
if (fromComponent is MeshFilter || (fromComponent is Transform && from != root))
FixSceneReferences(fromComponent, to.GetComponent(fromComponent.GetType()), root);
// ignore FbxPrefab (when converting LinkedPrefabs)
// Also ignore RectTransform, since it is not currently possible to switch transforms
// in a prefab.
if (fromComponent is UnityEngine.Formats.Fbx.Exporter.FbxPrefab ||
fromComponent is RectTransform)
var json = EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(fromComponent);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json))
// this happens for missing scripts
System.Type expectedType = fromComponent.GetType();
Component toComponent = null;
// Find the component to copy to.
for (int i = 0, n = destinationComponents.Count; i < n; i++)
// ignore missing components
if (destinationComponents[i] == null)
if (destinationComponents[i].GetType() == expectedType)
// We have found the component we are looking for,
// remove it so we don't try to copy to it again
toComponent = destinationComponents[i];
// If it's a particle system renderer, then check to see if it hasn't already
// been added when adding the particle system.
// An object can have only one ParticleSystem so there shouldn't be an issue of the renderer
// belonging to a different ParticleSystem.
if(!toComponent && fromComponent is ParticleSystemRenderer)
toComponent = to.GetComponent();
if (!toComponent)
toComponent = to.AddComponent(fromComponent.GetType());
if (!toComponent)
// Failed to add component
Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0}: Failed to add component of type {1} to converted object", ModelExporter.PACKAGE_UI_NAME, fromComponent.GetType().Name);
FixSceneReferences(fromComponent, toComponent, root);
// SkinnedMeshRenderer also stores the mesh.
// Make sure this is not copied over when the SkinnedMeshRenderer is updated,
// as we want to keep the mesh from the FBX not the scene.
if (fromComponent is SkinnedMeshRenderer)
var skinnedMesh = toComponent as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
var mesh = skinnedMesh.sharedMesh;
EditorJsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(json, toComponent);
skinnedMesh.sharedMesh = mesh;
EditorJsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(json, toComponent);
if(fromComponent is MeshCollider)
// UNI-27534: This fixes the issue where the mesh collider would not update to point to the mesh in the fbx after export
// Point the mesh included in the mesh collider to the mesh in the FBX file, which is the same as the one in mesh filter
var fromMeshCollider = from.GetComponent();
var fromMeshFilter = from.GetComponent();
// if the mesh collider isn't pointing to the same mesh as in the current mesh filter then don't
// do anything as it's probably pointing to a mesh in a different fbx
if (fromMeshCollider && fromMeshFilter && fromMeshCollider.sharedMesh == fromMeshFilter.sharedMesh)
var toFilter = to.GetComponent();
if (toFilter)
var toMeshCollider = toComponent as MeshCollider;
toMeshCollider.sharedMesh = toFilter.sharedMesh;
var serializedFromComponent = new SerializedObject(fromComponent);
var serializedToComponent = new SerializedObject(toComponent);
var fromProperty = serializedFromComponent.GetIterator();
fromProperty.Next(true); // skip generic field
// For SkinnedMeshRenderer, the bones array doesn't have visible children, but still needs to be copied over.
// For everything else, filtering by visible children in the while loop and then copying properties that don't have visible children,
// ensures that only the leaf properties are copied over. Copying other properties is not usually necessary and may break references that
// were not meant to be copied.
while (fromProperty.Next((fromComponent is SkinnedMeshRenderer)? fromProperty.hasChildren : fromProperty.hasVisibleChildren))
if (!fromProperty.hasVisibleChildren)
// with Undo operations, copying m_Father reference causes issues. Also, it is not required as the reference is fixed when
// the transform is parented under the correct hierarchy (which happens before this).
if (fromProperty.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference && fromProperty.propertyPath != "m_GameObject" &&
fromProperty.propertyPath != "m_Father" && fromProperty.objectReferenceValue &&
(fromProperty.objectReferenceValue is GameObject || fromProperty.objectReferenceValue is Component))
CopySerializedProperty(serializedToComponent, fromProperty, nameMap);