using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif using System.IO; using System; namespace LunarCatsStudio.SuperCombiner { /// /// Saver. /// This class is responsible for saving the combined resources in disk /// public class Saver { #if UNITY_EDITOR /// /// Saves the textures. /// /// Combined _index. /// Folder destination. /// Session name. /// Texture packer. public static void SaveTextures(int combinedIndex, string folderDestination, string sessionName, TexturePacker texturePacker) { // UI Progress bar display in Editor EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Super Combiner", "Saving textures ...", 0.3f); if (!Directory.Exists(folderDestination + "/Textures")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderDestination + "/Textures"); } texturePacker.SaveTextures(folderDestination, sessionName); Logger.Instance.AddLog("SuperCombiner", "Textures saved in '" + folderDestination + "/Textures/'"); } /// /// Saves the _material. /// /// Combined _index. public static void SaveMaterial(int combinedIndex, string folderDestination, string sessionName, TexturePacker texturePacker) { // UI Progress bar display in Editor EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Super Combiner", "Saving materials ...", 0.6f); if (!Directory.Exists(folderDestination + "/Materials")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderDestination + "/Materials"); } Material materialToSave = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(folderDestination + "/Materials/" + + ".mat"); if (materialToSave == null) { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(texturePacker._copyedToSaveMaterials, folderDestination + "/Materials/" + + ".mat"); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } else { EditorUtility.CopySerialized(texturePacker._copyedToSaveMaterials, materialToSave); } Material material = (Material)(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(folderDestination + "/Materials/" + + ".mat", typeof(Material))); foreach (KeyValuePair keyValue in texturePacker._packedTextures) { if (keyValue.Value != null) { string textureName = keyValue.Key; texturePacker.TexturePropertyNames.TryGetValue(keyValue.Key, out textureName); material.SetTexture(keyValue.Key, (Texture2D)(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texturePacker.GetTextureFilePathName(folderDestination, sessionName, textureName, combinedIndex), typeof(Texture2D)))); } } Logger.Instance.AddLog("SuperCombiner", "Materials saved in '" + folderDestination + "/Materials/'"); } /// /// Saves the prefabs. /// public static void SavePrefabs(List toSavePrefabList, List toSaveMeshList, string folderDestination, string sessionName) { // UI Progress bar display in Editor EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Super Combiner", "Saving Prefabs ...", 0.7f); if (!Directory.Exists(folderDestination + "/Prefabs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderDestination + "/Prefabs"); } // We have to save meshes first SaveMeshes(toSaveMeshList, folderDestination, sessionName); for (int i = 0; i < toSavePrefabList.Count; i++) { if (AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(folderDestination + "/Prefabs/" + sessionName + "_" + toSavePrefabList[i].name + ".prefab")) { // Asset already exist! We just have to update it GameObject asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(folderDestination + "/Prefabs/" + sessionName + "_" + toSavePrefabList[i].name + ".prefab"); asset.transform.position = toSavePrefabList[i].transform.position; asset.transform.localScale = toSavePrefabList[i].transform.localScale; asset.transform.rotation = toSavePrefabList[i].transform.rotation; AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } else { // This is a new asset, create it PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset(toSavePrefabList[i], folderDestination + "/Prefabs/" + sessionName + "_" + toSavePrefabList[i].name + ".prefab"); } } Logger.Instance.AddLog("SuperCombiner", "Prefabs saved in '" + folderDestination + "/Prefabs/'"); } /// /// Saves the meshes. /// public static void SaveMeshes(List toSaveMeshList, string folderDestination, string sessionName) { // UI Progress bar display in Editor EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Super Combiner", "Saving Meshes ...", 0.75f); if (!Directory.Exists(folderDestination + "/Meshes")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderDestination + "/Meshes"); } // Check if all meshes have different name. This is important not to override a previously saved mesh HashSet meshNames = new HashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); for (int i = 0; i < toSaveMeshList.Count; i++) { if (!meshNames.Contains(toSaveMeshList[i].name)) { meshNames.Add(toSaveMeshList[i].name); } else { // A mesh with the same name has been found, rename it for (int n = 0; n < 9999; n++) { if (!meshNames.Contains(toSaveMeshList[i].name + "(" + n + ")")) { meshNames.Add(toSaveMeshList[i].name + "(" + n + ")"); toSaveMeshList[i].name = toSaveMeshList[i].name + "(" + n + ")"; break; } } } } for (int i = 0; i < toSaveMeshList.Count; i++) { Mesh dummy = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(folderDestination + "/Meshes/" + sessionName + "_" + toSaveMeshList[i].name + ".asset"); if (dummy == null) { // This is a new mesh to create AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(toSaveMeshList[i], folderDestination + "/Meshes/" + sessionName + "_" + toSaveMeshList[i].name + ".asset"); } else { // The mesh already exists, just uptade it dummy.Clear(); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(toSaveMeshList[i], dummy); } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } Logger.Instance.AddLog("SuperCombiner", "Meshes saved in '" + folderDestination + "/Meshes/'"); } /// /// Saves the meshes object. /// public static void SaveMeshesObj(List combinedGameObjectFromMeshList, List combinedGameObjectFromSkinnedMeshList, string folderDestination) { // UI Progress bar display in Editor EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Super Combiner", "Saving obj ...", 0.8f); if (!Directory.Exists(folderDestination + "/Objs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderDestination + "/Objs"); } for (int i = 0; i < combinedGameObjectFromMeshList.Count; i++) { LunarCatsStudio.SuperCombiner.ObjSaver.SaveObjFile(combinedGameObjectFromMeshList[i], false, folderDestination + "/Objs"); } for (int i = 0; i < combinedGameObjectFromSkinnedMeshList.Count; i++) { LunarCatsStudio.SuperCombiner.ObjSaver.SaveObjFile(combinedGameObjectFromSkinnedMeshList[i], false, folderDestination + "/Objs"); } } /// /// Saves the meshes fbx. /// public static void SaveMeshesFbx(string folderDestination) { // UI Progress bar display in Editor EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Super Combiner", "Saving fbx ...", 0.9f); if (!Directory.Exists(folderDestination + "/Fbx")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(folderDestination + "/Fbx"); } // TODO : save mesh to fbx ! } /// /// Saves the combined results. /// public static void SaveCombinedResults(CombinedResult combinedResult, string folderDestination, string sessionName) { CombinedResult savedCombinedResult = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(folderDestination + "/CombinedResults_" + sessionName + ".asset"); if (savedCombinedResult != null) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(folderDestination + "/CombinedResults_" + sessionName + ".asset"); } CombinedResult toSaveCombinedResult = GameObject.Instantiate(combinedResult) as CombinedResult; for (int i = 0; i < combinedResult._combinedMaterials.Count; i++) { if (combinedResult._combinedMaterials[i].material != null) { toSaveCombinedResult._combinedMaterials[i].material = (Material)(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(folderDestination + "/Materials/" + combinedResult._combinedMaterials[i] + ".mat", typeof(Material))); } } string assetPathAndName = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(folderDestination + "/CombinedResults_" + sessionName + ".asset"); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(toSaveCombinedResult, assetPathAndName); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } /// /// Saves the combined settings. /// public static void SaveCombinedSettings(SuperCombinerSettings combinedSettings, string folderDestination, string sessionName) { SuperCombinerSettings savedCombinedSettings = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(folderDestination + "/CombinedSettings_" + sessionName + ".asset"); if (savedCombinedSettings != null) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(folderDestination + "/CombinedSettings_" + sessionName + ".asset"); } string assetPathAndName = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(folderDestination + "/CombinedSettings_" + sessionName + ".asset"); SuperCombinerSettings toSaveCombinedSettings = GameObject.Instantiate(combinedSettings) as SuperCombinerSettings; toSaveCombinedSettings.generalSettings = combinedSettings.generalSettings; toSaveCombinedSettings.textureSettings = combinedSettings.textureSettings; toSaveCombinedSettings.meshSettings = combinedSettings.meshSettings; toSaveCombinedSettings.materialSettings = combinedSettings.materialSettings; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(toSaveCombinedSettings, assetPathAndName); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } #endif } }