//======= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ===============
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using Valve.VR;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Valve.VR
/// Pose actions represent a position, rotation, and velocities inside the tracked space.
/// SteamVR keeps a log of past poses so you can retrieve old poses with GetPoseAtTimeOffset or GetVelocitiesAtTimeOffset.
/// You can also pass in times in the future to these methods for SteamVR's best prediction of where the pose will be at that time.
public class SteamVR_Action_Pose : SteamVR_Action_Pose_Base, SteamVR_Action_Pose_Source>, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
public delegate void ActiveChangeHandler(SteamVR_Action_Pose fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource, bool active);
public delegate void ChangeHandler(SteamVR_Action_Pose fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource);
public delegate void UpdateHandler(SteamVR_Action_Pose fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource);
public delegate void TrackingChangeHandler(SteamVR_Action_Pose fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource, ETrackingResult trackingState);
public delegate void ValidPoseChangeHandler(SteamVR_Action_Pose fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource, bool validPose);
public delegate void DeviceConnectedChangeHandler(SteamVR_Action_Pose fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource, bool deviceConnected);
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] Event fires when the active state (ActionSet active and binding active) changes
public event ActiveChangeHandler onActiveChange
{ add { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onActiveChange += value; } remove { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onActiveChange -= value; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] Event fires when the active state of the binding changes
public event ActiveChangeHandler onActiveBindingChange
{ add { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onActiveBindingChange += value; } remove { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onActiveBindingChange -= value; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] Event fires when the orientation of the pose changes more than the changeTolerance
public event ChangeHandler onChange
{ add { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onChange += value; } remove { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onChange -= value; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] Event fires when the action is updated
public event UpdateHandler onUpdate
{ add { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onUpdate += value; } remove { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onUpdate -= value; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] Event fires when the state of the tracking has changed
public event TrackingChangeHandler onTrackingChanged
{ add { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onTrackingChanged += value; } remove { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onTrackingChanged -= value; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] Event fires when the validity of the pose has changed
public event ValidPoseChangeHandler onValidPoseChanged
{ add { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onValidPoseChanged += value; } remove { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onValidPoseChanged -= value; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] Event fires when the device bound to this pose is connected or disconnected
public event DeviceConnectedChangeHandler onDeviceConnectedChanged
{ add { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onDeviceConnectedChanged += value; } remove { sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].onDeviceConnectedChanged -= value; } }
/// Fires an event when a device is connected or disconnected.
/// The device you would like to add an event to. Any if the action is not device specific.
/// The method you would like to be called when a device is connected. Should take a SteamVR_Action_Pose as a param
public void AddOnDeviceConnectedChanged(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, DeviceConnectedChangeHandler functionToCall)
sourceMap[inputSource].onDeviceConnectedChanged += functionToCall;
/// Stops executing the function setup by the corresponding AddListener
/// The device you would like to remove an event from. Any if the action is not device specific.
/// The method you would like to stop calling when a device is connected. Should take a SteamVR_Action_Pose as a param
public void RemoveOnDeviceConnectedChanged(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, DeviceConnectedChangeHandler functionToStopCalling)
sourceMap[inputSource].onDeviceConnectedChanged -= functionToStopCalling;
/// Fires an event when the tracking of the device has changed
/// The device you would like to add an event to. Any if the action is not device specific.
/// The method you would like to be called when tracking has changed. Should take a SteamVR_Action_Pose as a param
public void AddOnTrackingChanged(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, TrackingChangeHandler functionToCall)
sourceMap[inputSource].onTrackingChanged += functionToCall;
/// Stops executing the function setup by the corresponding AddListener
/// The device you would like to remove an event from. Any if the action is not device specific.
/// The method you would like to stop calling when tracking has changed. Should take a SteamVR_Action_Pose as a param
public void RemoveOnTrackingChanged(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, TrackingChangeHandler functionToStopCalling)
sourceMap[inputSource].onTrackingChanged -= functionToStopCalling;
/// Fires an event when the device now has a valid pose or no longer has a valid pose
/// The device you would like to add an event to. Any if the action is not device specific.
/// The method you would like to be called when the pose has become valid or invalid. Should take a SteamVR_Action_Pose as a param
public void AddOnValidPoseChanged(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, ValidPoseChangeHandler functionToCall)
sourceMap[inputSource].onValidPoseChanged += functionToCall;
/// Stops executing the function setup by the corresponding AddListener
/// The device you would like to remove an event from. Any if the action is not device specific.
/// The method you would like to stop calling when the pose has become valid or invalid. Should take a SteamVR_Action_Pose as a param
public void RemoveOnValidPoseChanged(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, ValidPoseChangeHandler functionToStopCalling)
sourceMap[inputSource].onValidPoseChanged -= functionToStopCalling;
/// Executes a function when this action's bound state changes
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public void AddOnActiveChangeListener(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, ActiveChangeHandler functionToCall)
sourceMap[inputSource].onActiveChange += functionToCall;
/// Stops executing the function setup by the corresponding AddListener
/// The local function that you've setup to receive update events
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public void RemoveOnActiveChangeListener(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, ActiveChangeHandler functionToStopCalling)
sourceMap[inputSource].onActiveChange -= functionToStopCalling;
/// Executes a function when the state of this action (with the specified inputSource) changes
/// A local function that receives the boolean action who's state has changed, the corresponding input source, and the new value
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public void AddOnChangeListener(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, ChangeHandler functionToCall)
sourceMap[inputSource].onChange += functionToCall;
/// Stops executing the function setup by the corresponding AddListener
/// The local function that you've setup to receive on change events
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public void RemoveOnChangeListener(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, ChangeHandler functionToStopCalling)
sourceMap[inputSource].onChange -= functionToStopCalling;
/// Executes a function when the state of this action (with the specified inputSource) is updated.
/// A local function that receives the boolean action who's state has changed, the corresponding input source, and the new value
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public void AddOnUpdateListener(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, UpdateHandler functionToCall)
sourceMap[inputSource].onUpdate += functionToCall;
/// Stops executing the function setup by the corresponding AddListener
/// The local function that you've setup to receive update events
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public void RemoveOnUpdateListener(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, UpdateHandler functionToStopCalling)
sourceMap[inputSource].onUpdate -= functionToStopCalling;
void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize() { }
void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize()
/// Sets all pose and skeleton actions to use the specified universe origin.
public static void SetTrackingUniverseOrigin(ETrackingUniverseOrigin newOrigin)
/// The base pose action (pose and skeleton inherit from this)
public abstract class SteamVR_Action_Pose_Base : SteamVR_Action_In, ISteamVR_Action_Pose
where SourceMap : SteamVR_Action_Pose_Source_Map, new()
where SourceElement : SteamVR_Action_Pose_Source, new()
/// Sets all pose (and skeleton) actions to use the specified universe origin.
protected static void SetUniverseOrigin(ETrackingUniverseOrigin newOrigin)
for (int actionIndex = 0; actionIndex < SteamVR_Input.actionsPose.Length; actionIndex++)
for (int actionIndex = 0; actionIndex < SteamVR_Input.actionsSkeleton.Length; actionIndex++)
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] The local position of this action relative to the universe origin
public Vector3 localPosition { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].localPosition; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] The local rotation of this action relative to the universe origin
public Quaternion localRotation { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].localRotation; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] The state of the tracking system that is used to create pose data (position, rotation, etc)
public ETrackingResult trackingState { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].trackingState; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] The local velocity of this pose relative to the universe origin
public Vector3 velocity { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].velocity; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] The local angular velocity of this pose relative to the universe origin
public Vector3 angularVelocity { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].angularVelocity; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] True if the pose retrieved for this action and input source is valid (good data from the tracking source)
public bool poseIsValid { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].poseIsValid; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] True if the device bound to this action and input source is connected
public bool deviceIsConnected { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].deviceIsConnected; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] The local position for this pose during the previous update
public Vector3 lastLocalPosition { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].lastLocalPosition; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] The local rotation for this pose during the previous update
public Quaternion lastLocalRotation { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].lastLocalRotation; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] The tracking state for this pose during the previous update
public ETrackingResult lastTrackingState { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].lastTrackingState; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] The velocity for this pose during the previous update
public Vector3 lastVelocity { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].lastVelocity; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] The angular velocity for this pose during the previous update
public Vector3 lastAngularVelocity { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].lastAngularVelocity; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] True if the pose was valid during the previous update
public bool lastPoseIsValid { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].lastPoseIsValid; } }
/// [Shortcut to: SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any] True if the device bound to this action was connected during the previous update
public bool lastDeviceIsConnected { get { return sourceMap[SteamVR_Input_Sources.Any].lastDeviceIsConnected; } }
public SteamVR_Action_Pose_Base() { }
/// [Should not be called by user code]
/// Updates the data for all the input sources the system has detected need to be updated.
public virtual void UpdateValues(bool skipStateAndEventUpdates)
/// SteamVR keeps a log of past poses so you can retrieve old poses or estimated poses in the future by passing in a secondsFromNow value that is negative or positive.
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
/// The time offset in the future (estimated) or in the past (previously recorded) you want to get data from
/// true if the call succeeded
public bool GetVelocitiesAtTimeOffset(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, float secondsFromNow, out Vector3 velocity, out Vector3 angularVelocity)
return sourceMap[inputSource].GetVelocitiesAtTimeOffset(secondsFromNow, out velocity, out angularVelocity);
/// SteamVR keeps a log of past poses so you can retrieve old poses or estimated poses in the future by passing in a secondsFromNow value that is negative or positive.
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
/// The time offset in the future (estimated) or in the past (previously recorded) you want to get data from
/// true if the call succeeded
public bool GetPoseAtTimeOffset(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, float secondsFromNow, out Vector3 localPosition, out Quaternion localRotation, out Vector3 velocity, out Vector3 angularVelocity)
return sourceMap[inputSource].GetPoseAtTimeOffset(secondsFromNow, out localPosition, out localRotation, out velocity, out angularVelocity);
/// Update a transform's local position and local roation to match the pose from the most recent update
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
/// The transform of the object to be updated
public virtual void UpdateTransform(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, Transform transformToUpdate)
/// The local position of this action relative to the universe origin
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public Vector3 GetLocalPosition(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].localPosition;
/// The local rotation of this action relative to the universe origin
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public Quaternion GetLocalRotation(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].localRotation;
/// The local velocity of this pose relative to the universe origin
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public Vector3 GetVelocity(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].velocity;
/// The local angular velocity of this pose relative to the universe origin
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public Vector3 GetAngularVelocity(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].angularVelocity;
/// True if the device bound to this action and input source is connected
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public bool GetDeviceIsConnected(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].deviceIsConnected;
/// True if the pose retrieved for this action and input source is valid (good data from the tracking source)
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public bool GetPoseIsValid(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].poseIsValid;
/// The state of the tracking system that is used to create pose data (position, rotation, etc)
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public ETrackingResult GetTrackingResult(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].trackingState;
/// The local position for this pose during the previous update
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public Vector3 GetLastLocalPosition(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].lastLocalPosition;
/// The local rotation for this pose during the previous update
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public Quaternion GetLastLocalRotation(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].lastLocalRotation;
/// The velocity for this pose during the previous update
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public Vector3 GetLastVelocity(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].lastVelocity;
/// The angular velocity for this pose during the previous update
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public Vector3 GetLastAngularVelocity(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].lastAngularVelocity;
/// True if the device bound to this action was connected during the previous update
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public bool GetLastDeviceIsConnected(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].lastDeviceIsConnected;
/// True if the pose was valid during the previous update
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public bool GetLastPoseIsValid(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].lastPoseIsValid;
/// The tracking state for this pose during the previous update
/// The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.
public ETrackingResult GetLastTrackingResult(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)
return sourceMap[inputSource].lastTrackingState;
/// Boolean actions are either true or false. There is an onStateUp and onStateDown event for the rising and falling edge.
public class SteamVR_Action_Pose_Source_Map : SteamVR_Action_In_Source_Map
where Source : SteamVR_Action_Pose_Source, new()
/// Sets all pose (and skeleton) actions to use the specified universe origin without going through the sourcemap indexer
public void SetTrackingUniverseOrigin(ETrackingUniverseOrigin newOrigin)
for (int sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < sources.Length; sourceIndex++)
if (sources[sourceIndex] != null)
sources[sourceIndex].universeOrigin = newOrigin;
public virtual void UpdateValues(bool skipStateAndEventUpdates)
for (int sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < updatingSources.Count; sourceIndex++)
public class SteamVR_Action_Pose_Source : SteamVR_Action_In_Source, ISteamVR_Action_Pose
public ETrackingUniverseOrigin universeOrigin = ETrackingUniverseOrigin.TrackingUniverseRawAndUncalibrated;
protected static uint poseActionData_size = 0;
/// The distance the pose needs to move/rotate before a change is detected
public float changeTolerance = Mathf.Epsilon;
/// Event fires when the active state (ActionSet active and binding active) changes
public event SteamVR_Action_Pose.ActiveChangeHandler onActiveChange;
/// Event fires when the active state of the binding changes
public event SteamVR_Action_Pose.ActiveChangeHandler onActiveBindingChange;
/// Event fires when the orientation of the pose changes more than the changeTolerance
public event SteamVR_Action_Pose.ChangeHandler onChange;
/// Event fires when the action is updated
public event SteamVR_Action_Pose.UpdateHandler onUpdate;
/// Event fires when the state of the tracking system that is used to create pose data (position, rotation, etc) changes
public event SteamVR_Action_Pose.TrackingChangeHandler onTrackingChanged;
/// Event fires when the state of the pose data retrieved for this action changes validity (good/bad data from the tracking source)
public event SteamVR_Action_Pose.ValidPoseChangeHandler onValidPoseChanged;
/// Event fires when the device bound to this action is connected or disconnected
public event SteamVR_Action_Pose.DeviceConnectedChangeHandler onDeviceConnectedChanged;
/// True when the orientation of the pose has changhed more than changeTolerance in the last update. Note: Will only return true if the action is also active.
public override bool changed { get; protected set; }
/// The value of the action's 'changed' during the previous update
public override bool lastChanged { get; protected set; }
/// The handle to the origin of the component that was used to update this pose
public override ulong activeOrigin
if (active)
return poseActionData.activeOrigin;
return 0;
/// The handle to the origin of the component that was used to update the value for this action (for the previous update)
public override ulong lastActiveOrigin { get { return lastPoseActionData.activeOrigin; } }
/// True if this action is bound and the ActionSet is active
public override bool active { get { return activeBinding && action.actionSet.IsActive(inputSource); } }
/// True if the action is bound
public override bool activeBinding { get { return poseActionData.bActive; } }
/// If the action was active (ActionSet active and binding active) during the last update
public override bool lastActive { get; protected set; }
/// If the action's binding was active during the previous update
public override bool lastActiveBinding { get { return lastPoseActionData.bActive; } }
/// The state of the tracking system that is used to create pose data (position, rotation, etc)
public ETrackingResult trackingState { get { return poseActionData.pose.eTrackingResult; } }
/// The tracking state for this pose during the previous update
public ETrackingResult lastTrackingState { get { return lastPoseActionData.pose.eTrackingResult; } }
/// True if the pose retrieved for this action and input source is valid (good data from the tracking source)
public bool poseIsValid { get { return poseActionData.pose.bPoseIsValid; } }
/// True if the pose was valid during the previous update
public bool lastPoseIsValid { get { return lastPoseActionData.pose.bPoseIsValid; } }
/// True if the device bound to this action and input source is connected
public bool deviceIsConnected { get { return poseActionData.pose.bDeviceIsConnected; } }
/// True if the device bound to this action was connected during the previous update
public bool lastDeviceIsConnected { get { return lastPoseActionData.pose.bDeviceIsConnected; } }
/// The local position of this action relative to the universe origin
public Vector3 localPosition { get; protected set; }
/// The local rotation of this action relative to the universe origin
public Quaternion localRotation { get; protected set; }
/// The local position for this pose during the previous update
public Vector3 lastLocalPosition { get; protected set; }
/// The local rotation for this pose during the previous update
public Quaternion lastLocalRotation { get; protected set; }
/// The local velocity of this pose relative to the universe origin
public Vector3 velocity { get; protected set; }
/// The velocity for this pose during the previous update
public Vector3 lastVelocity { get; protected set; }
/// The local angular velocity of this pose relative to the universe origin
public Vector3 angularVelocity { get; protected set; }
/// The angular velocity for this pose during the previous update
public Vector3 lastAngularVelocity { get; protected set; }
protected InputPoseActionData_t poseActionData = new InputPoseActionData_t();
protected InputPoseActionData_t lastPoseActionData = new InputPoseActionData_t();
protected InputPoseActionData_t tempPoseActionData = new InputPoseActionData_t();
protected SteamVR_Action_Pose poseAction;
/// [Should not be called by user code] Sets up the internals of the action source before SteamVR has been initialized.
public override void Preinitialize(SteamVR_Action wrappingAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources forInputSource)
base.Preinitialize(wrappingAction, forInputSource);
poseAction = wrappingAction as SteamVR_Action_Pose;
/// [Should not be called by user code]
/// Initializes the handle for the inputSource, the pose action data size, and any other related SteamVR data.
public override void Initialize()
if (poseActionData_size == 0)
poseActionData_size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(InputPoseActionData_t));
/// [Should not be called by user code]
/// Updates the data for this action and this input source. Sends related events.
public override void UpdateValue()
public static float framesAhead = 2;
/// [Should not be called by user code]
/// Updates the data for this action and this input source. Sends related events.
public virtual void UpdateValue(bool skipStateAndEventUpdates)
lastChanged = changed;
lastPoseActionData = poseActionData;
lastLocalPosition = localPosition;
lastLocalRotation = localRotation;
lastVelocity = velocity;
lastAngularVelocity = angularVelocity;
EVRInputError err;
if (framesAhead == 0)
err = OpenVR.Input.GetPoseActionDataForNextFrame(handle, universeOrigin, ref poseActionData, poseActionData_size, inputSourceHandle);
err = OpenVR.Input.GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow(handle, universeOrigin, framesAhead * (Time.timeScale / SteamVR.instance.hmd_DisplayFrequency), ref poseActionData, poseActionData_size, inputSourceHandle);
if (err != EVRInputError.None)
Debug.LogError("[SteamVR] GetPoseActionData error (" + fullPath + "): " + err.ToString() + " Handle: " + handle.ToString() + ". Input source: " + inputSource.ToString());
if (active)
changed = GetChanged();
if (changed)
changedTime = updateTime;
if (skipStateAndEventUpdates == false)
protected void SetCacheVariables()
localPosition = poseActionData.pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking.GetPosition();
localRotation = poseActionData.pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking.GetRotation();
velocity = GetUnityCoordinateVelocity(poseActionData.pose.vVelocity);
angularVelocity = GetUnityCoordinateAngularVelocity(poseActionData.pose.vAngularVelocity);
updateTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
protected bool GetChanged()
if (Vector3.Distance(localPosition, lastLocalPosition) > changeTolerance)
return true;
else if (Mathf.Abs(Quaternion.Angle(localRotation, lastLocalRotation)) > changeTolerance)
return true;
else if (Vector3.Distance(velocity, lastVelocity) > changeTolerance)
return true;
else if (Vector3.Distance(angularVelocity, lastAngularVelocity) > changeTolerance)
return true;
return false;
/// SteamVR keeps a log of past poses so you can retrieve old poses or estimated poses in the future by passing in a secondsFromNow value that is negative or positive.
/// The time offset in the future (estimated) or in the past (previously recorded) you want to get data from
/// true if we successfully returned a pose
public bool GetVelocitiesAtTimeOffset(float secondsFromNow, out Vector3 velocityAtTime, out Vector3 angularVelocityAtTime)
EVRInputError err = OpenVR.Input.GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow(handle, universeOrigin, secondsFromNow, ref tempPoseActionData, poseActionData_size, inputSourceHandle);
if (err != EVRInputError.None)
Debug.LogError("[SteamVR] GetPoseActionData error (" + fullPath + "): " + err.ToString() + " handle: " + handle.ToString()); //todo: this should be an error
velocityAtTime = Vector3.zero;
angularVelocityAtTime = Vector3.zero;
return false;
velocityAtTime = GetUnityCoordinateVelocity(tempPoseActionData.pose.vVelocity);
angularVelocityAtTime = GetUnityCoordinateAngularVelocity(tempPoseActionData.pose.vAngularVelocity);
return true;
/// SteamVR keeps a log of past poses so you can retrieve old poses or estimated poses in the future by passing in a secondsFromNow value that is negative or positive.
/// The time offset in the future (estimated) or in the past (previously recorded) you want to get data from
/// true if we successfully returned a pose
public bool GetPoseAtTimeOffset(float secondsFromNow, out Vector3 positionAtTime, out Quaternion rotationAtTime, out Vector3 velocityAtTime, out Vector3 angularVelocityAtTime)
EVRInputError err = OpenVR.Input.GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow(handle, universeOrigin, secondsFromNow, ref tempPoseActionData, poseActionData_size, inputSourceHandle);
if (err != EVRInputError.None)
Debug.LogError("[SteamVR] GetPoseActionData error (" + fullPath + "): " + err.ToString() + " handle: " + handle.ToString()); //todo: this should be an error
velocityAtTime = Vector3.zero;
angularVelocityAtTime = Vector3.zero;
positionAtTime = Vector3.zero;
rotationAtTime = Quaternion.identity;
return false;
velocityAtTime = GetUnityCoordinateVelocity(tempPoseActionData.pose.vVelocity);
angularVelocityAtTime = GetUnityCoordinateAngularVelocity(tempPoseActionData.pose.vAngularVelocity);
positionAtTime = tempPoseActionData.pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking.GetPosition();
rotationAtTime = tempPoseActionData.pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking.GetRotation();
return true;
/// Update a transform's local position and local roation to match the pose.
/// The transform of the object to be updated
public void UpdateTransform(Transform transformToUpdate)
transformToUpdate.localPosition = localPosition;
transformToUpdate.localRotation = localRotation;
protected virtual void CheckAndSendEvents()
if (trackingState != lastTrackingState && onTrackingChanged != null)
onTrackingChanged.Invoke(poseAction, inputSource, trackingState);
if (poseIsValid != lastPoseIsValid && onValidPoseChanged != null)
onValidPoseChanged.Invoke(poseAction, inputSource, poseIsValid);
if (deviceIsConnected != lastDeviceIsConnected && onDeviceConnectedChanged != null)
onDeviceConnectedChanged.Invoke(poseAction, inputSource, deviceIsConnected);
if (changed && onChange != null)
onChange.Invoke(poseAction, inputSource);
if (active != lastActive && onActiveChange != null)
onActiveChange.Invoke(poseAction, inputSource, active);
if (activeBinding != lastActiveBinding && onActiveBindingChange != null)
onActiveBindingChange.Invoke(poseAction, inputSource, activeBinding);
if (onUpdate != null)
onUpdate.Invoke(poseAction, inputSource);
protected Vector3 GetUnityCoordinateVelocity(HmdVector3_t vector)
return GetUnityCoordinateVelocity(vector.v0, vector.v1, vector.v2);
protected Vector3 GetUnityCoordinateAngularVelocity(HmdVector3_t vector)
return GetUnityCoordinateAngularVelocity(vector.v0, vector.v1, vector.v2);
protected Vector3 GetUnityCoordinateVelocity(float x, float y, float z)
Vector3 vector = new Vector3();
vector.x = x;
vector.y = y;
vector.z = -z;
return vector;
protected Vector3 GetUnityCoordinateAngularVelocity(float x, float y, float z)
Vector3 vector = new Vector3();
vector.x = -x;
vector.y = -y;
vector.z = z;
return vector;
/// Boolean actions are either true or false. There is an onStateUp and onStateDown event for the rising and falling edge.
public interface ISteamVR_Action_Pose : ISteamVR_Action_In_Source
/// The local position of this action relative to the universe origin
Vector3 localPosition { get; }
/// The local rotation of this action relative to the universe origin
Quaternion localRotation { get; }
/// The state of the tracking system that is used to create pose data (position, rotation, etc)
ETrackingResult trackingState { get; }
/// The local velocity of this pose relative to the universe origin
Vector3 velocity { get; }
/// The local angular velocity of this pose relative to the universe origin
Vector3 angularVelocity { get; }
/// True if the pose retrieved for this action and input source is valid (good data from the tracking source)
bool poseIsValid { get; }
/// True if the device bound to this action and input source is connected
bool deviceIsConnected { get; }
/// The local position for this pose during the previous update
Vector3 lastLocalPosition { get; }
/// The local rotation for this pose during the previous update
Quaternion lastLocalRotation { get; }
/// The tracking state for this pose during the previous update
ETrackingResult lastTrackingState { get; }
/// The velocity for this pose during the previous update
Vector3 lastVelocity { get; }
/// The angular velocity for this pose during the previous update
Vector3 lastAngularVelocity { get; }
/// True if the pose was valid during the previous update
bool lastPoseIsValid { get; }
/// True if the device bound to this action was connected during the previous update
bool lastDeviceIsConnected { get; }