# Dielectric Specular Node ## Description Returns a **Dielectric Specular** F0 value for a physically based material. The material to use can be selected with the **Material** dropdown parameter on the [Node](Node.md). A **Common** **Material** type defines a range between 0.034 and 0.048 sRGB values. The value between this range can be selected with the **Range** parameter. This **Material** type should be used for various materials such as plastics and fabrics. You can use **Custom** material type to define your own physically based material value. The output value in this case is defined by its index of refraction. This can be set by the parameter **IOR**. ## Ports | Name | Direction | Type | Binding | Description | |:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---|:---| | Out | Output | Vector 1 | None | Output value | ## Controls | Name | Type | Options | Description | |:------------ |:-------------|:-----|:---| | Material | Dropdown | Common, RustedMetal, Water, Ice, Glass, Custom | Selects the material value to output. | | Range | Slider | | Controls output value for **Common** material type. | | IOR | Slider | | Controls index of refraction for **Custom** material type. | ## Generated Code Example The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node per **Material** mode. **Common** ``` float _DielectricSpecular_Range = 0.5; float _DielectricSpecular_Out = lerp(0.034, 0.048, _DielectricSpecular_Range); ``` **RustedMetal** ``` float _DielectricSpecular_Out = 0.030; ``` **Water** ``` float _DielectricSpecular_Out = 0.020; ``` **Ice** ``` float _DielectricSpecular_Out = 0.018; ``` **Glass** ``` float _DielectricSpecular_Out = 0.040; ``` **Custom** ``` float _DielectricSpecular_IOR = 1; float _DielectricSpecular_Out = pow(_Node_IOR - 1, 2) / pow(_DielectricSpecular_IOR + 1, 2); ```