#ifndef UNIVERSAL_PARTICLES_INCLUDED #define UNIVERSAL_PARTICLES_INCLUDED #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/SurfaceInput.hlsl" TEXTURE2D_X(_CameraDepthTexture); SAMPLER(sampler_CameraDepthTexture); TEXTURE2D_X(_CameraOpaqueTexture); SAMPLER(sampler_CameraOpaqueTexture); // Pre-multiplied alpha helper #if defined(_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON) #define ALBEDO_MUL albedo #else #define ALBEDO_MUL albedo.a #endif #if defined(_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON) #define SOFT_PARTICLE_MUL_ALBEDO(albedo, val) albedo * val #elif defined(_ALPHAMODULATE_ON) #define SOFT_PARTICLE_MUL_ALBEDO(albedo, val) half4(lerp(half3(1.0h, 1.0h, 1.0h), albedo.rgb, albedo.a * val), albedo.a * val) #else #define SOFT_PARTICLE_MUL_ALBEDO(albedo, val) albedo * half4(1.0h, 1.0h, 1.0h, val) #endif // Color blending fragment function float4 MixParticleColor(float4 baseColor, float4 particleColor, float4 colorAddSubDiff) { #if defined(_COLOROVERLAY_ON) // Overlay blend float4 output = baseColor; output.rgb = lerp(1 - 2 * (1 - baseColor.rgb) * (1 - particleColor.rgb), 2 * baseColor.rgb * particleColor.rgb, step(baseColor.rgb, 0.5)); output.a *= particleColor.a; return output; #elif defined(_COLORCOLOR_ON) // Color blend half3 aHSL = RgbToHsv(baseColor.rgb); half3 bHSL = RgbToHsv(particleColor.rgb); half3 rHSL = half3(bHSL.x, bHSL.y, aHSL.z); return half4(HsvToRgb(rHSL), baseColor.a * particleColor.a); #elif defined(_COLORADDSUBDIFF_ON) // Additive, Subtractive and Difference blends based on 'colorAddSubDiff' float4 output = baseColor; output.rgb = baseColor.rgb + particleColor.rgb * colorAddSubDiff.x; output.rgb = lerp(output.rgb, abs(output.rgb), colorAddSubDiff.y); output.a *= particleColor.a; return output; #else // Default to Multiply blend return baseColor * particleColor; #endif } // Soft particles - returns alpha value for fading particles based on the depth to the background pixel float SoftParticles(float near, float far, float4 projection) { float fade = 1; if (near > 0.0 || far > 0.0) { float sceneZ = LinearEyeDepth(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_CameraDepthTexture, sampler_CameraDepthTexture, UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(projection.xy / projection.w)).r, _ZBufferParams); float thisZ = LinearEyeDepth(projection.z / projection.w, _ZBufferParams); fade = saturate (far * ((sceneZ - near) - thisZ)); } return fade; } // Camera fade - returns alpha value for fading particles based on camera distance half CameraFade(float near, float far, float4 projection) { float thisZ = LinearEyeDepth(projection.z / projection.w, _ZBufferParams); return saturate((thisZ - near) * far); } half3 AlphaModulate(half3 albedo, half alpha) { #if defined(_ALPHAMODULATE_ON) return lerp(half3(1.0h, 1.0h, 1.0h), albedo, alpha); #elif defined(_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON) return albedo * alpha; #endif return albedo; } half3 Distortion(float4 baseColor, float3 normal, half strength, half blend, float4 projection) { float2 screenUV = (projection.xy / projection.w) + normal.xy * strength * baseColor.a; screenUV = UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(screenUV); float4 Distortion = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X(_CameraOpaqueTexture, sampler_CameraOpaqueTexture, screenUV); return lerp(Distortion.rgb, baseColor.rgb, saturate(baseColor.a - blend)); } // Sample a texture and do blending for texture sheet animation if needed half4 BlendTexture(TEXTURE2D_PARAM(_Texture, sampler_Texture), float2 uv, float3 blendUv) { half4 color = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Texture, sampler_Texture, uv); #ifdef _FLIPBOOKBLENDING_ON half4 color2 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_Texture, sampler_Texture, blendUv.xy); color = lerp(color, color2, blendUv.z); #endif return color; } // Sample a normal map in tangent space half3 SampleNormalTS(float2 uv, float3 blendUv, TEXTURE2D_PARAM(bumpMap, sampler_bumpMap), half scale = 1.0h) { #if defined(_NORMALMAP) half4 n = BlendTexture(TEXTURE2D_ARGS(bumpMap, sampler_bumpMap), uv, blendUv); #if BUMP_SCALE_NOT_SUPPORTED return UnpackNormal(n); #else return UnpackNormalScale(n, scale); #endif #else return half3(0.0h, 0.0h, 1.0h); #endif } #endif // UNIVERSAL_PARTICLES_INCLUDED