using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.Universal.LibTessDotNet; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.Universal { internal static class LightUtility { public static bool CheckForChange(int a, ref int b) { bool changed = a != b; b = a; return changed; } public static bool CheckForChange(float a, ref float b) { bool changed = a != b; b = a; return changed; } public static bool CheckForChange(bool a, ref bool b) { bool changed = a != b; b = a; return changed; } public static bool CheckForChange(Vector2 a, ref Vector2 b) { bool changed = a != b; b = a; return changed; } public static bool CheckForChange(Sprite a, ref Sprite b) { bool changed = !Equals(a, b); b = a; return changed; } public static Bounds CalculateBoundingSphere(ref Vector3[] vertices, ref Color[] colors, float falloffDistance) { Bounds localBounds = new Bounds(); Vector3 minimum = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); Vector3 maximum = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue); for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) { Vector3 vertex = vertices[i]; vertex.x += falloffDistance * colors[i].r; vertex.y += falloffDistance * colors[i].g; minimum.x = vertex.x < minimum.x ? vertex.x : minimum.x; minimum.y = vertex.y < minimum.y ? vertex.y : minimum.y; maximum.x = vertex.x > maximum.x ? vertex.x : maximum.x; maximum.y = vertex.y > maximum.y ? vertex.y : maximum.y; } localBounds.max = maximum; localBounds.min = minimum; return localBounds; } // Takes in a mesh that public static Bounds GenerateParametricMesh(ref Mesh mesh, float radius, float falloffDistance, float angle, int sides) { if (mesh == null) mesh = new Mesh(); float angleOffset = Mathf.PI / 2.0f + Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle; if (sides < 3) { radius = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485f * radius; sides = 4; } if(sides == 4) { angleOffset = Mathf.PI / 4.0f + Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle; } // Return a shape with radius = 1 Vector3[] vertices; int[] triangles; Color[] colors; int centerIndex; vertices = new Vector3[1 + 2 * sides]; colors = new Color[1 + 2 * sides]; triangles = new int[3 * 3 * sides]; centerIndex = 2 * sides; // Color will contain r,g = x,y extrusion direction, a = alpha. b is unused at the moment. The inner shape should not be extruded Color color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1); vertices[centerIndex] =; colors[centerIndex] = color; float radiansPerSide = 2 * Mathf.PI / sides; for (int i = 0; i < sides; i++) { float endAngle = (i + 1) * radiansPerSide; Vector3 extrudeDir = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(endAngle + angleOffset), Mathf.Sin(endAngle + angleOffset), 0); Vector3 endPoint = radius * extrudeDir; int vertexIndex; vertexIndex = (2 * i + 2) % (2 * sides); vertices[vertexIndex] = endPoint; // This is the extruded endpoint vertices[vertexIndex + 1] = endPoint; colors[vertexIndex] = new Color(extrudeDir.x, extrudeDir.y, 0, 0); colors[vertexIndex + 1] = color; // Triangle 1 (Tip) int triangleIndex = 9 * i; triangles[triangleIndex] = vertexIndex + 1; triangles[triangleIndex + 1] = 2 * i + 1; triangles[triangleIndex + 2] = centerIndex; // Triangle 2 (Upper Top Left) triangles[triangleIndex + 3] = vertexIndex; triangles[triangleIndex + 4] = 2 * i; triangles[triangleIndex + 5] = 2 * i + 1; // Triangle 2 (Bottom Top Left) triangles[triangleIndex + 6] = vertexIndex + 1; triangles[triangleIndex + 7] = vertexIndex; triangles[triangleIndex + 8] = 2 * i + 1; } mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.colors = colors; mesh.triangles = triangles; return CalculateBoundingSphere(ref vertices, ref colors, falloffDistance); } public static Bounds GenerateSpriteMesh(ref Mesh mesh, Sprite sprite, float scale) { if (mesh == null) mesh = new Mesh(); if (sprite != null) { Vector2[] vertices2d = sprite.vertices; Vector3[] vertices3d = new Vector3[vertices2d.Length]; Color[] colors = new Color[vertices2d.Length]; Vector4[] volumeColor = new Vector4[vertices2d.Length]; ushort[] triangles2d = sprite.triangles; int[] triangles3d = new int[triangles2d.Length]; Vector3 center = 0.5f * scale * (sprite.bounds.min + sprite.bounds.max); for (int vertexIdx = 0; vertexIdx < vertices2d.Length; vertexIdx++) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(vertices2d[vertexIdx].x, vertices2d[vertexIdx].y) - center; vertices3d[vertexIdx] = scale * pos; colors[vertexIdx] = new Color(0,0,0,1); // This will not have any extrusion available. Alpha will be 1 * the pixel alpha } for (int triangleIdx = 0; triangleIdx < triangles2d.Length; triangleIdx++) { triangles3d[triangleIdx] = (int)triangles2d[triangleIdx]; } mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = vertices3d; mesh.uv = sprite.uv; mesh.triangles = triangles3d; mesh.colors = colors; return CalculateBoundingSphere(ref vertices3d, ref colors, 0); } return new Bounds(,; } static void GetFalloffExtrusion(ContourVertex[] contourPoints, int contourPointCount, ref List extrusionDir) { for (int i = 0; i < contourPointCount; ++i) { int h = (i == 0) ? (contourPointCount - 1) : (i - 1); int j = (i + 1) % contourPointCount; Vector2 pp = new Vector2(contourPoints[h].Position.X, contourPoints[h].Position.Y); Vector2 cp = new Vector2(contourPoints[i].Position.X, contourPoints[i].Position.Y); Vector2 np = new Vector2(contourPoints[j].Position.X, contourPoints[j].Position.Y); Vector2 cpd = cp - pp; Vector2 npd = np - cp; if (cpd.magnitude < 0.001f || npd.magnitude < 0.001f) continue; Vector2 vl = cpd.normalized; Vector2 vr = npd.normalized; vl = new Vector2(-vl.y, vl.x); vr = new Vector2(-vr.y, vr.x); Vector2 va = vl.normalized + vr.normalized; Vector2 vn = -va.normalized; if (va.magnitude > 0 && vn.magnitude > 0) { Vector2 dir = new Vector2(vn.x, vn.y); extrusionDir.Add(dir); } } } static object InterpCustomVertexData(Vec3 position, object[] data, float[] weights) { return data[0]; } public static void GetFalloffShape(Vector3[] shapePath, ref List extrusionDir) { int pointCount = shapePath.Length; var inputs = new ContourVertex[pointCount]; for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i) inputs[i] = new ContourVertex() { Position = new Vec3() { X = shapePath[i].x, Y = shapePath[i].y }, Data = null }; GetFalloffExtrusion(inputs, pointCount, ref extrusionDir); } public static Bounds GenerateShapeMesh(ref Mesh mesh, Vector3[] shapePath, float falloffDistance) { Bounds localBounds; Color meshInteriorColor = new Color(0,0,0,1); List finalVertices = new List(); List finalIndices = new List(); List finalColors = new List(); // Create interior geometry int pointCount = shapePath.Length; var inputs = new ContourVertex[pointCount]; for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i) inputs[i] = new ContourVertex() { Position = new Vec3() { X = shapePath[i].x, Y = shapePath[i].y }, Data = meshInteriorColor }; Tess tessI = new Tess(); tessI.AddContour(inputs, ContourOrientation.Original); tessI.Tessellate(WindingRule.EvenOdd, ElementType.Polygons, 3, InterpCustomVertexData); var indicesI = tessI.Elements.Select(i => i).ToArray(); var verticesI = tessI.Vertices.Select(v => new Vector3(v.Position.X, v.Position.Y, 0)).ToArray(); var colorsI = tessI.Vertices.Select(v => new Color(((Color)v.Data).r, ((Color)v.Data).g, ((Color)v.Data).b, ((Color)v.Data).a)).ToArray(); finalVertices.AddRange(verticesI); finalIndices.AddRange(indicesI); finalColors.AddRange(colorsI); // Create falloff geometry List extrusionDirs = new List(); GetFalloffShape(shapePath, ref extrusionDirs); pointCount = finalVertices.Count; int falloffPointCount = 2 * shapePath.Length; for (int i = 0; i < shapePath.Length; i++) { // Making triangles ABD and DCA int triangleIndex = 2 * i; int aIndex = pointCount + triangleIndex; int bIndex = pointCount + triangleIndex + 1; int cIndex = pointCount + (triangleIndex + 2) % falloffPointCount; int dIndex = pointCount + (triangleIndex + 3) % falloffPointCount; Vector3 point = shapePath[i]; // We are making degenerate triangles which will be extruded by the shader finalVertices.Add(point); finalVertices.Add(point); finalIndices.Add(aIndex); finalIndices.Add(bIndex); finalIndices.Add(dIndex); finalIndices.Add(dIndex); finalIndices.Add(cIndex); finalIndices.Add(aIndex); Color aColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1); Color bColor = new Color(extrusionDirs[i].x, extrusionDirs[i].y, 0, 0); finalColors.Add(aColor); finalColors.Add(bColor); } Color[] colors = finalColors.ToArray(); Vector3[] vertices = finalVertices.ToArray(); mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.colors = colors; mesh.SetIndices(finalIndices.ToArray(), MeshTopology.Triangles, 0); localBounds = CalculateBoundingSphere(ref vertices, ref colors, falloffDistance); return localBounds; } public static void AddShadowCasterGroupToList(ShadowCasterGroup2D shadowCaster, List list) { int positionToInsert = 0; for (positionToInsert = 0; positionToInsert < list.Count; positionToInsert++) { if (shadowCaster.GetShadowGroup() == list[positionToInsert].GetShadowGroup()) break; } list.Insert(positionToInsert, shadowCaster); } public static void RemoveShadowCasterGroupFromList(ShadowCasterGroup2D shadowCaster, List list) { list.Remove(shadowCaster); } static CompositeShadowCaster2D FindTopMostCompositeShadowCaster(ShadowCaster2D shadowCaster) { CompositeShadowCaster2D retGroup = null; Transform transformToCheck = shadowCaster.transform.parent; while(transformToCheck != null) { CompositeShadowCaster2D currentGroup = transformToCheck.GetComponent(); if (currentGroup != null) retGroup = currentGroup; transformToCheck = transformToCheck.parent; } return retGroup; } public static bool AddToShadowCasterGroup(ShadowCaster2D shadowCaster, ref ShadowCasterGroup2D shadowCasterGroup) { ShadowCasterGroup2D newShadowCasterGroup = FindTopMostCompositeShadowCaster(shadowCaster) as ShadowCasterGroup2D; if (newShadowCasterGroup == null) newShadowCasterGroup = shadowCaster.GetComponent(); if (newShadowCasterGroup != null && shadowCasterGroup != newShadowCasterGroup) { newShadowCasterGroup.RegisterShadowCaster2D(shadowCaster); shadowCasterGroup = newShadowCasterGroup; return true; } return false; } public static void RemoveFromShadowCasterGroup(ShadowCaster2D shadowCaster, ShadowCasterGroup2D shadowCasterGroup) { if(shadowCasterGroup != null) shadowCasterGroup.UnregisterShadowCaster2D(shadowCaster); } #if UNITY_EDITOR public static int GetShapePathHash(Vector3[] path) { unchecked { int hashCode = (int)2166136261; if (path != null) { foreach (var point in path) hashCode = hashCode * 16777619 ^ point.GetHashCode(); } else { hashCode = 0; } return hashCode; } } #endif } }