using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEditor.Recorder.Input; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace UnityEditor.Recorder { internal class Wildcard { readonly string m_Pattern; readonly string m_Label; readonly Func m_Resolver; public string pattern { get { return m_Pattern; } } public string label { get { return m_Label; } } internal Wildcard(string pattern, Func resolver, string info = null) { m_Pattern = pattern; m_Label = m_Pattern; if (info != null) m_Label += " " + info; m_Resolver = resolver; } internal string Resolve(RecordingSession session) { return m_Resolver == null ? string.Empty : m_Resolver(session); } } /// /// Helper class for default Wildcards that you can use when constructing the output file name of a Recorder /// (see ). /// public static class DefaultWildcard { /// /// The Recorder name. /// public static readonly string Recorder = GeneratePattern("Recorder"); /// /// The time the recording session started (in the 00h00m format). /// public static readonly string Time = GeneratePattern("Time"); /// /// The take number (which is incremented every time a new session is started). /// public static readonly string Take = GeneratePattern("Take"); /// /// The date when the recording session started (in the yyyy-MM-dd format). /// public static readonly string Date = GeneratePattern("Date"); /// /// The name of the current Unity Project. /// public static readonly string Project = GeneratePattern("Project"); /// /// The product name from the build settings (a combination of the Unity Project name and the output file extension). /// public static readonly string Product = GeneratePattern("Product"); /// /// The name of the current Unity Scene. /// public static readonly string Scene = GeneratePattern("Scene"); /// /// The output resolution in pixels. /// public static readonly string Resolution = GeneratePattern("Resolution"); /// /// The current frame ID (a four-digit zero-padded number). /// public static readonly string Frame = GeneratePattern("Frame"); /// /// The file extension of the output format. /// public static readonly string Extension = GeneratePattern("Extension"); public static string GeneratePattern(string tag) { return "<" + tag + ">"; } } [Serializable] public class FileNameGenerator { static string s_ProjectName; [SerializeField] OutputPath m_Path = new OutputPath(); [SerializeField] string m_FileName = DefaultWildcard.Recorder; readonly List m_Wildcards; internal IEnumerable wildcards { get { return m_Wildcards; } } internal void FromPath(string str) { str = SanitizePath(str); var i = str.LastIndexOf('/'); if (i != -1 && i < str.Length - 1) { m_FileName = str.Substring(i + 1); if (i == 0) { m_Path.root = OutputPath.Root.Absolute; m_Path.leaf = "/"; } else { str = str.Substring(0, i); m_Path = OutputPath.FromPath(str); } } else { m_FileName = str; m_Path.root = OutputPath.Root.Absolute; m_Path.leaf = string.Empty; } } internal string ToPath() { var path = m_Path.GetFullPath(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) path += "/"; return SanitizePath(path + SanitizeFilename(m_FileName)); } /// /// Stores the default set of tags that make up the output file name. /// public string FileName { get { return m_FileName; } set { m_FileName = value; } } /// /// Indicates the root location the paths are relative to. /// public OutputPath.Root Root { get { return m_Path.root; } set { m_Path.root = value; } } /// /// Indicates the filename part of the full path (without the extension). /// public string Leaf { get { return m_Path.leaf; } set { m_Path.leaf = value; } } /// /// Use this property to ensure that the generated file is saved in the Assets folder. /// public bool ForceAssetsFolder { get { return m_Path.forceAssetsFolder; } set { m_Path.forceAssetsFolder = value; } } readonly RecorderSettings m_RecorderSettings; internal FileNameGenerator(RecorderSettings recorderSettings) { m_RecorderSettings = recorderSettings; m_Wildcards = new List { new Wildcard(DefaultWildcard.Recorder, RecorderResolver), new Wildcard(DefaultWildcard.Time, TimeResolver), new Wildcard(DefaultWildcard.Take, TakeResolver), new Wildcard(DefaultWildcard.Date, DateResolver), new Wildcard(DefaultWildcard.Project, ProjectNameResolver), new Wildcard(DefaultWildcard.Product, ProductNameResolver), new Wildcard(DefaultWildcard.Scene, SceneResolver), new Wildcard(DefaultWildcard.Resolution, ResolutionResolver), new Wildcard(DefaultWildcard.Frame, FrameResolver), new Wildcard(DefaultWildcard.Extension, ExtensionResolver) }; } /// /// Adds a tag and the corresponding callback to resolve it. /// /// The tag string. /// Callback invoked to replace the tag with custom content. public void AddWildcard(string tag, Func resolver) { m_Wildcards.Add(new Wildcard(tag, resolver)); } string RecorderResolver(RecordingSession session) { return; } static string TimeResolver(RecordingSession session) { var date = session != null ? session.sessionStartTS : DateTime.Now; return string.Format("{0:HH}h{1:mm}m", date, date); } string TakeResolver(RecordingSession session) { return m_RecorderSettings.Take.ToString("000"); } static string DateResolver(RecordingSession session) { var date = session != null ? session.sessionStartTS : DateTime.Now; return date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // ISO 8601 } string ExtensionResolver(RecordingSession session) { return m_RecorderSettings.Extension; } string ResolutionResolver(RecordingSession session) { var input = m_RecorderSettings.InputsSettings.FirstOrDefault() as ImageInputSettings; if (input == null) return "NA"; return input.OutputWidth + "x" + input.OutputHeight; } static string SceneResolver(RecordingSession session) { return SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name; } static string FrameResolver(RecordingSession session) { var i = session != null ? session.frameIndex : 0; return i.ToString("0000"); } static string ProjectNameResolver(RecordingSession session) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s_ProjectName)) { var parts = Application.dataPath.Split('/'); s_ProjectName = parts[parts.Length - 2]; } return s_ProjectName; } static string ProductNameResolver(RecordingSession session) { return PlayerSettings.productName; } /// /// Builds an absolute path from the list of configured output file tags replaced by the RecordingSession. /// /// The Recorder session used to replace the tags. /// An absolute path towards a file. public string BuildAbsolutePath(RecordingSession session) { var fullPath = ApplyWildcards(ToPath(), session) + "." + ExtensionResolver(session); string drive = null; if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { if (fullPath.Length > 2 && char.IsLetter(fullPath[0]) && fullPath[1] == ':' && fullPath[2] == '/') { drive = fullPath.Substring(0, 2); fullPath = fullPath.Substring(3); } } fullPath = string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), fullPath.Split('/').Select(s => Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars().Aggregate(s, (current, c) => current.Replace(c.ToString(), string.Empty))).ToArray()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(drive)) fullPath = drive.ToUpper() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + fullPath; return fullPath; } /// /// Creates the directory structure containing the output file from the list of tags and a RecordingSession. /// /// The Recorder session. public void CreateDirectory(RecordingSession session) { var path = ApplyWildcards(m_Path.GetFullPath(), session); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && !Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } internal static string SanitizeFilename(string filename) { filename = filename.Replace("\\", ""); filename = Regex.Replace(filename, "/", ""); return filename; } /// /// Makes the output file path compliant with any OS (replacing any "\" by "/"). /// /// /// The full path with slashes "/" as file separators. public static string SanitizePath(string fullPath) { fullPath = fullPath.Replace("\\", "/"); fullPath = Regex.Replace(fullPath, "/+", "/"); return fullPath; } string ApplyWildcards(string str, RecordingSession session) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return string.Empty; foreach (var w in wildcards) str = str.Replace(w.pattern, w.Resolve(session)); return str; } } }