# The Recorder window Use the Recorder window to manage Recorders and record Play-mode data . Open the Recorder window from Unity's main menu (**Window > General > Recorder > Recorder window**). When you open the **Recorder** window, Unity restores the values from the last recording session. The Recorder window is not available in standalone Unity Players or builds. >[!NOTE] >If you are [recording from a Timeline track](RecordingTimelineTrack.md), you set up Recorders from the **Recorder Clip** properties instead. ![](Images/RecorderWindow.png) The Recorder window has the following sections: ||Section:|Details:| |-|-|-| |![](Images/Label-A.png) | **Recording Controls** | Start and stop recordings, and specify their duration and frame rate.

See [**Recording in Play mode**](RecordingPlayMode.md) for details. | |![](Images/Label-B.png) | **Recorder list** | Create and manage Recorders.

See [**Creating and managing Recorders**](RecorderManage.md) for details. | |![](Images/Label-C.png) | **Recorder properties** | Specify recording properties, such as file name and location, output format, and encoding.

See [**Setting Recorder properties**](RecorderProperties.md) for information about properties common to all Recorders.

See the following sections for information about specific Recorder types.
- [**Configuring Animation Clip Recorders**](RecorderAnimation.md)
- [**Configuring Movie Recorders**](RecorderMovie.md)
- [**Configuring Image Sequence Recorders**](RecorderImage.md)
- [**Configuring GIF Animation Recorders**](RecorderGif.md)
- [**Configuring Audio Recorders**](RecorderAudio.md) |