//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // // This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org). // Version 3.0.12 // // Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify // the SWIG interface file instead. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace Autodesk.Fbx { public static class FbxAnimCurveDef { // virtual void Dispose() { } public static float sDEFAULT_WEIGHT { get { float ret = NativeMethods.FbxAnimCurveDef_sDEFAULT_WEIGHT_get(); return ret; } } public static float sMIN_WEIGHT { get { float ret = NativeMethods.FbxAnimCurveDef_sMIN_WEIGHT_get(); return ret; } } public static float sMAX_WEIGHT { get { float ret = NativeMethods.FbxAnimCurveDef_sMAX_WEIGHT_get(); return ret; } } public static float sDEFAULT_VELOCITY { get { float ret = NativeMethods.FbxAnimCurveDef_sDEFAULT_VELOCITY_get(); return ret; } } public enum ETangentMode { eTangentAuto = 0x00000100, eTangentTCB = 0x00000200, eTangentUser = 0x00000400, eTangentGenericBreak = 0x00000800, eTangentBreak = eTangentGenericBreak|eTangentUser, eTangentAutoBreak = eTangentGenericBreak|eTangentAuto, eTangentGenericClamp = 0x00001000, eTangentGenericTimeIndependent = 0x00002000, eTangentGenericClampProgressive = 0x00004000|eTangentGenericTimeIndependent } public enum EInterpolationType { eInterpolationConstant = 0x00000002, eInterpolationLinear = 0x00000004, eInterpolationCubic = 0x00000008 } public enum EWeightedMode { eWeightedNone = 0x00000000, eWeightedRight = 0x01000000, eWeightedNextLeft = 0x02000000, eWeightedAll = eWeightedRight|eWeightedNextLeft } public enum EVelocityMode { eVelocityNone = 0x00000000, eVelocityRight = 0x10000000, eVelocityNextLeft = 0x20000000, eVelocityAll = eVelocityRight|eVelocityNextLeft } public enum ETangentVisibility { eTangentShowNone = 0x00000000, eTangentShowLeft = 0x00100000, eTangentShowRight = 0x00200000, eTangentShowBoth = eTangentShowLeft|eTangentShowRight } public enum EDataIndex { eRightSlope = 0, eNextLeftSlope = 1, eWeights = 2, eRightWeight = 2, eNextLeftWeight = 3, eVelocity = 4, eRightVelocity = 4, eNextLeftVelocity = 5, eTCBTension = 0, eTCBContinuity = 1, eTCBBias = 2 } } }