// original code from rx.codeplex.com /* ------------------ */ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; namespace UniRx { /// /// Represents a value associated with time interval information. /// The time interval can represent the time it took to produce the value, the interval relative to a previous value, the value's delivery time relative to a base, etc. /// /// The type of the value being annotated with time interval information. [Serializable] public struct TimeInterval : IEquatable> { private readonly TimeSpan _interval; private readonly T _value; /// /// Constructs a time interval value. /// /// The value to be annotated with a time interval. /// Time interval associated with the value. public TimeInterval(T value, TimeSpan interval) { _interval = interval; _value = value; } /// /// Gets the value. /// public T Value { get { return _value; } } /// /// Gets the interval. /// public TimeSpan Interval { get { return _interval; } } /// /// Determines whether the current TimeInterval<T> value has the same Value and Interval as a specified TimeInterval<T> value. /// /// An object to compare to the current TimeInterval<T> value. /// true if both TimeInterval<T> values have the same Value and Interval; otherwise, false. public bool Equals(TimeInterval other) { return other.Interval.Equals(Interval) && EqualityComparer.Default.Equals(Value, other.Value); } /// /// Determines whether the two specified TimeInterval<T> values have the same Value and Interval. /// /// The first TimeInterval<T> value to compare. /// The second TimeInterval<T> value to compare. /// true if the first TimeInterval<T> value has the same Value and Interval as the second TimeInterval<T> value; otherwise, false. public static bool operator ==(TimeInterval first, TimeInterval second) { return first.Equals(second); } /// /// Determines whether the two specified TimeInterval<T> values don't have the same Value and Interval. /// /// The first TimeInterval<T> value to compare. /// The second TimeInterval<T> value to compare. /// true if the first TimeInterval<T> value has a different Value or Interval as the second TimeInterval<T> value; otherwise, false. public static bool operator !=(TimeInterval first, TimeInterval second) { return !first.Equals(second); } /// /// Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal to the current TimeInterval<T>. /// /// The System.Object to compare with the current TimeInterval<T>. /// true if the specified System.Object is equal to the current TimeInterval<T>; otherwise, false. public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (!(obj is TimeInterval)) return false; var other = (TimeInterval)obj; return this.Equals(other); } /// /// Returns the hash code for the current TimeInterval<T> value. /// /// A hash code for the current TimeInterval<T> value. public override int GetHashCode() { var valueHashCode = Value == null ? 1963 : Value.GetHashCode(); return Interval.GetHashCode() ^ valueHashCode; } /// /// Returns a string representation of the current TimeInterval<T> value. /// /// String representation of the current TimeInterval<T> value. public override string ToString() { return String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}@{1}", Value, Interval); } } }