using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UniRx.InternalUtil; #if (NET_4_6 || NET_STANDARD_2_0) using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Threading; #endif namespace UniRx { public sealed class AsyncSubject : ISubject, IOptimizedObservable, IDisposable #if (NET_4_6 || NET_STANDARD_2_0) , INotifyCompletion #endif { object observerLock = new object(); T lastValue; bool hasValue; bool isStopped; bool isDisposed; Exception lastError; IObserver outObserver = EmptyObserver.Instance; public T Value { get { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (!isStopped) throw new InvalidOperationException("AsyncSubject is not completed yet"); if (lastError != null) lastError.Throw(); return lastValue; } } public bool HasObservers { get { return !(outObserver is EmptyObserver) && !isStopped && !isDisposed; } } public bool IsCompleted { get { return isStopped; } } public void OnCompleted() { IObserver old; T v; bool hv; lock (observerLock) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (isStopped) return; old = outObserver; outObserver = EmptyObserver.Instance; isStopped = true; v = lastValue; hv = hasValue; } if (hv) { old.OnNext(v); old.OnCompleted(); } else { old.OnCompleted(); } } public void OnError(Exception error) { if (error == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("error"); IObserver old; lock (observerLock) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (isStopped) return; old = outObserver; outObserver = EmptyObserver.Instance; isStopped = true; lastError = error; } old.OnError(error); } public void OnNext(T value) { lock (observerLock) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (isStopped) return; this.hasValue = true; this.lastValue = value; } } public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver observer) { if (observer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("observer"); var ex = default(Exception); var v = default(T); var hv = false; lock (observerLock) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (!isStopped) { var listObserver = outObserver as ListObserver; if (listObserver != null) { outObserver = listObserver.Add(observer); } else { var current = outObserver; if (current is EmptyObserver) { outObserver = observer; } else { outObserver = new ListObserver(new ImmutableList>(new[] { current, observer })); } } return new Subscription(this, observer); } ex = lastError; v = lastValue; hv = hasValue; } if (ex != null) { observer.OnError(ex); } else if (hv) { observer.OnNext(v); observer.OnCompleted(); } else { observer.OnCompleted(); } return Disposable.Empty; } public void Dispose() { lock (observerLock) { isDisposed = true; outObserver = DisposedObserver.Instance; lastError = null; lastValue = default(T); } } void ThrowIfDisposed() { if (isDisposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(""); } public bool IsRequiredSubscribeOnCurrentThread() { return false; } class Subscription : IDisposable { readonly object gate = new object(); AsyncSubject parent; IObserver unsubscribeTarget; public Subscription(AsyncSubject parent, IObserver unsubscribeTarget) { this.parent = parent; this.unsubscribeTarget = unsubscribeTarget; } public void Dispose() { lock (gate) { if (parent != null) { lock (parent.observerLock) { var listObserver = parent.outObserver as ListObserver; if (listObserver != null) { parent.outObserver = listObserver.Remove(unsubscribeTarget); } else { parent.outObserver = EmptyObserver.Instance; } unsubscribeTarget = null; parent = null; } } } } } #if (NET_4_6 || NET_STANDARD_2_0) /// /// Gets an awaitable object for the current AsyncSubject. /// /// Object that can be awaited. public AsyncSubject GetAwaiter() { return this; } /// /// Specifies a callback action that will be invoked when the subject completes. /// /// Callback action that will be invoked when the subject completes. /// is null. public void OnCompleted(Action continuation) { if (continuation == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("continuation"); OnCompleted(continuation, true); } void OnCompleted(Action continuation, bool originalContext) { // // [OK] Use of unsafe Subscribe: this type's Subscribe implementation is safe. // this.Subscribe/*Unsafe*/(new AwaitObserver(continuation, originalContext)); } class AwaitObserver : IObserver { private readonly SynchronizationContext _context; private readonly Action _callback; public AwaitObserver(Action callback, bool originalContext) { if (originalContext) _context = SynchronizationContext.Current; _callback = callback; } public void OnCompleted() { InvokeOnOriginalContext(); } public void OnError(Exception error) { InvokeOnOriginalContext(); } public void OnNext(T value) { } private void InvokeOnOriginalContext() { if (_context != null) { // // No need for OperationStarted and OperationCompleted calls here; // this code is invoked through await support and will have a way // to observe its start/complete behavior, either through returned // Task objects or the async method builder's interaction with the // SynchronizationContext object. // _context.Post(c => ((Action)c)(), _callback); } else { _callback(); } } } /// /// Gets the last element of the subject, potentially blocking until the subject completes successfully or exceptionally. /// /// The last element of the subject. Throws an InvalidOperationException if no element was received. /// The source sequence is empty. [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate", Justification = "Await pattern for C# and VB compilers.")] public T GetResult() { if (!isStopped) { var e = new ManualResetEvent(false); OnCompleted(() => e.Set(), false); e.WaitOne(); } if (lastError != null) { lastError.Throw(); } if (!hasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException("NO_ELEMENTS"); return lastValue; } #endif } }