Clustering Based k-Anonymization =========================== This repository is an **open source python implementation for Clustering based k-Anonymization**. I implement these algorithms (k-nearest neighbor, k-member[1] and OKA[2]) in python for further study. ### Motivation Researches on data privacy have lasted for more than ten years, lots of great papers have been published. However, only a few open source projects are available on Internet [3-4], most open source projects are using algorithms proposed before 2004! Fewer projects have been used in real life. Worse more, most people even don't hear about it. Such a tragedy! I decided to make some effort. Hoping these open source repositories can help researchers and developers on data privacy (privacy preserving data publishing). ### Attention I used **both adult and INFORMS** dataset in this implementation. For clarification, **we transform NCP to percentage**. This NCP percentage is computed by dividing NCP value with the number of values in dataset (also called GCP[5]). The range of NCP percentage is from 0 to 1, where 0 means no information loss, 1 means loses all information (more meaningful than raw NCP, which is sensitive to size of dataset). ### Usage and Parameters: My Implementation is based on Python 2.7 (not Python 3.0). Please make sure your Python environment is collectly installed. You can run Mondrian in following steps: 1) Download (or clone) the whole project. 2) Run `` in root dir with CLI. Parameters: #Usage: python anonymizer [a | i] [knn | kmember | oka] [k | qi | data] #a: adult dataset, i: INFORMS ataset #knn:k-nearest neighbor, kmember: k-member, oka: one time pass k-means algorithm #k: varying k, qi: varying qi numbers, data: varying size of dataset # run Mondrian with adult data and oka with K(K=10) python a oka 10 # evalution knn by varying k python a knn k ### For more information: [1] Lin J.L, Wei M.C. An efficient clustering method for k-anonymization[C], In Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Privacy and anonymity in information society(PAIS), 2008. [2] Byun J.W, Kamra A, Bertino E, et al. Efficient k-anonymization using clustering techniques[C], In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Database systems for advanced applications(DASFAA), 2007. [3] [UTD Anonymization Toolbox]( [4] [ARX- Powerful Data Anonymization]( [5] G. Ghinita, P. Karras, P. Kalnis, N. Mamoulis. Fast data anonymization with low information loss. Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Very large data bases, VLDB Endowment, 2007, 758-769 ========================== by Qiyuan Gong 2016-1-27