Readme.asset 2.5 KB

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  16. title: Universal Render Pipeline Template
  17. sections:
  18. - heading: Universal Render Pipeline
  19. text: 'The Universal Project Template configures Project settings for Projects where performance, wide platform support, and ease of customizing graphics are the primary considerations.'
  20. linkText:
  21. url:
  22. - heading:
  23. text: 'This Template uses the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and Shader Graph.'
  24. linkText:
  25. url:
  26. - heading:
  27. text: 'URP is prebuilt Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. URP also includes an optimized 2D renderer complete with 2D lights and pixel perfect rendering, and an integrated post-processing solution.'
  28. linkText:
  29. url:
  30. - heading:
  31. text: 'Shader Graph is a tool that allows you to create shaders using a visual node editor instead of writing code.'
  32. linkText:
  33. url:
  34. - heading:
  35. text: 'This template contains a sample Scene that contains examples of how to configure lighting settings, Materials, Shaders, and post-processing effects in URP, several preconfigured Universal Render Pipeline Assets that let you quickly swap between graphics quality levels, and Presets that have been optimized for use with URP.'
  36. linkText:
  37. url:
  38. - heading:
  39. text: 'This template contains a sample Scene that contains examples of how to configure lighting settings, Materials, Shaders, and post-processing effects in URP, several preconfigured Universal Render Pipeline Assets that let you quickly swap between graphics quality levels, and Presets that have been optimized for use with URP.'
  40. linkText:
  41. url:
  42. - heading:
  43. text: 'To read more about URP and its built-in features, see the '
  44. linkText: URP documentation.
  45. url: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@latest/index.html
  46. - heading:
  47. text: 'For more information about Shader Graph, see the '
  48. linkText: Shader Graph documentation
  49. url: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.shadergraph@latest
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