The Motion Blur effect simulates the blur that occurs in an image when a real-world camera films objects moving faster than the camera’s exposure time. This is usually due to rapidly moving objects, or a long exposure time.
Universal Render Pipeline (URP) only blurs camera motions.
Motion Blur uses the Volume system, so to enable and modify Motion Blur properties, you must add a Motion Blur override to a Volume in your Scene. To add Motion Blur to a Volume:
Property | Description |
Quality | Set the quality of the effect. Lower presets give better performance, but at a lower visual quality. |
Intensity | Set the strength of the motion blur filter to a value from 0 to 1. Higher values give a stronger blur effect, but can cause lower performance, depending on the Clamp parameter. |
Clamp | Set the maximum length that the velocity resulting from Camera rotation can have. This limits the blur at high velocity, to avoid excessive performance costs. The value is measured as a fraction of the screen's full resolution. The value range is 0 to 0.2. The default value is 0.05. |
To decrease the performance impact of Motion Blur, you can: