//======= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =============== // // Purpose: Interactable that can be used to move in a circular motion // //============================================================================= using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using System.Collections; namespace Valve.VR.InteractionSystem { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- [RequireComponent( typeof( Interactable ) )] public class CircularDrive : MonoBehaviour { public enum Axis_t { XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis }; [Tooltip( "The axis around which the circular drive will rotate in local space" )] public Axis_t axisOfRotation = Axis_t.XAxis; [Tooltip( "Child GameObject which has the Collider component to initiate interaction, only needs to be set if there is more than one Collider child" )] public Collider childCollider = null; [Tooltip( "A LinearMapping component to drive, if not specified one will be dynamically added to this GameObject" )] public LinearMapping linearMapping; [Tooltip( "If true, the drive will stay manipulating as long as the button is held down, if false, it will stop if the controller moves out of the collider" )] public bool hoverLock = false; [HeaderAttribute( "Limited Rotation" )] [Tooltip( "If true, the rotation will be limited to [minAngle, maxAngle], if false, the rotation is unlimited" )] public bool limited = false; public Vector2 frozenDistanceMinMaxThreshold = new Vector2( 0.1f, 0.2f ); public UnityEvent onFrozenDistanceThreshold; [HeaderAttribute( "Limited Rotation Min" )] [Tooltip( "If limited is true, the specifies the lower limit, otherwise value is unused" )] public float minAngle = -45.0f; [Tooltip( "If limited, set whether drive will freeze its angle when the min angle is reached" )] public bool freezeOnMin = false; [Tooltip( "If limited, event invoked when minAngle is reached" )] public UnityEvent onMinAngle; [HeaderAttribute( "Limited Rotation Max" )] [Tooltip( "If limited is true, the specifies the upper limit, otherwise value is unused" )] public float maxAngle = 45.0f; [Tooltip( "If limited, set whether drive will freeze its angle when the max angle is reached" )] public bool freezeOnMax = false; [Tooltip( "If limited, event invoked when maxAngle is reached" )] public UnityEvent onMaxAngle; [Tooltip( "If limited is true, this forces the starting angle to be startAngle, clamped to [minAngle, maxAngle]" )] public bool forceStart = false; [Tooltip( "If limited is true and forceStart is true, the starting angle will be this, clamped to [minAngle, maxAngle]" )] public float startAngle = 0.0f; [Tooltip( "If true, the transform of the GameObject this component is on will be rotated accordingly" )] public bool rotateGameObject = true; [Tooltip( "If true, the path of the Hand (red) and the projected value (green) will be drawn" )] public bool debugPath = false; [Tooltip( "If debugPath is true, this is the maximum number of GameObjects to create to draw the path" )] public int dbgPathLimit = 50; [Tooltip( "If not null, the TextMesh will display the linear value and the angular value of this circular drive" )] public TextMesh debugText = null; [Tooltip( "The output angle value of the drive in degrees, unlimited will increase or decrease without bound, take the 360 modulus to find number of rotations" )] public float outAngle; private Quaternion start; private Vector3 worldPlaneNormal = new Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); private Vector3 localPlaneNormal = new Vector3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); private Vector3 lastHandProjected; private Color red = new Color( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); private Color green = new Color( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); private GameObject[] dbgHandObjects; private GameObject[] dbgProjObjects; private GameObject dbgObjectsParent; private int dbgObjectCount = 0; private int dbgObjectIndex = 0; private bool driving = false; // If the drive is limited as is at min/max, angles greater than this are ignored private float minMaxAngularThreshold = 1.0f; private bool frozen = false; private float frozenAngle = 0.0f; private Vector3 frozenHandWorldPos = new Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); private Vector2 frozenSqDistanceMinMaxThreshold = new Vector2( 0.0f, 0.0f ); private Hand handHoverLocked = null; private Interactable interactable; //------------------------------------------------- private void Freeze( Hand hand ) { frozen = true; frozenAngle = outAngle; frozenHandWorldPos = hand.hoverSphereTransform.position; frozenSqDistanceMinMaxThreshold.x = frozenDistanceMinMaxThreshold.x * frozenDistanceMinMaxThreshold.x; frozenSqDistanceMinMaxThreshold.y = frozenDistanceMinMaxThreshold.y * frozenDistanceMinMaxThreshold.y; } //------------------------------------------------- private void UnFreeze() { frozen = false; frozenHandWorldPos.Set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); } private void Awake() { interactable = this.GetComponent(); } //------------------------------------------------- private void Start() { if ( childCollider == null ) { childCollider = GetComponentInChildren(); } if ( linearMapping == null ) { linearMapping = GetComponent(); } if ( linearMapping == null ) { linearMapping = gameObject.AddComponent(); } worldPlaneNormal = new Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); worldPlaneNormal[(int)axisOfRotation] = 1.0f; localPlaneNormal = worldPlaneNormal; if ( transform.parent ) { worldPlaneNormal = transform.parent.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector( worldPlaneNormal ).normalized; } if ( limited ) { start = Quaternion.identity; outAngle = transform.localEulerAngles[(int)axisOfRotation]; if ( forceStart ) { outAngle = Mathf.Clamp( startAngle, minAngle, maxAngle ); } } else { start = Quaternion.AngleAxis( transform.localEulerAngles[(int)axisOfRotation], localPlaneNormal ); outAngle = 0.0f; } if ( debugText ) { debugText.alignment = TextAlignment.Left; debugText.anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } UpdateAll(); } //------------------------------------------------- void OnDisable() { if ( handHoverLocked ) { handHoverLocked.HideGrabHint(); handHoverLocked.HoverUnlock(interactable); handHoverLocked = null; } } //------------------------------------------------- private IEnumerator HapticPulses( Hand hand, float flMagnitude, int nCount ) { if ( hand != null ) { int nRangeMax = (int)Util.RemapNumberClamped( flMagnitude, 0.0f, 1.0f, 100.0f, 900.0f ); nCount = Mathf.Clamp( nCount, 1, 10 ); //float hapticDuration = nRangeMax * nCount; //hand.TriggerHapticPulse(hapticDuration, nRangeMax, flMagnitude); for ( ushort i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { ushort duration = (ushort)Random.Range( 100, nRangeMax ); hand.TriggerHapticPulse( duration ); yield return new WaitForSeconds( .01f ); } } } //------------------------------------------------- private void OnHandHoverBegin( Hand hand ) { hand.ShowGrabHint(); } //------------------------------------------------- private void OnHandHoverEnd( Hand hand ) { hand.HideGrabHint(); if ( driving && hand ) { //hand.TriggerHapticPulse() //todo: fix StartCoroutine( HapticPulses( hand, 1.0f, 10 ) ); } driving = false; handHoverLocked = null; } private GrabTypes grabbedWithType; //------------------------------------------------- private void HandHoverUpdate( Hand hand ) { GrabTypes startingGrabType = hand.GetGrabStarting(); bool isGrabEnding = hand.IsGrabbingWithType(grabbedWithType) == false; if (grabbedWithType == GrabTypes.None && startingGrabType != GrabTypes.None) { grabbedWithType = startingGrabType; // Trigger was just pressed lastHandProjected = ComputeToTransformProjected( hand.hoverSphereTransform ); if ( hoverLock ) { hand.HoverLock(interactable); handHoverLocked = hand; } driving = true; ComputeAngle( hand ); UpdateAll(); hand.HideGrabHint(); } else if (grabbedWithType != GrabTypes.None && isGrabEnding) { // Trigger was just released if ( hoverLock ) { hand.HoverUnlock(interactable); handHoverLocked = null; } driving = false; grabbedWithType = GrabTypes.None; } if ( driving && isGrabEnding == false && hand.hoveringInteractable == this.interactable ) { ComputeAngle( hand ); UpdateAll(); } } //------------------------------------------------- private Vector3 ComputeToTransformProjected( Transform xForm ) { Vector3 toTransform = ( xForm.position - transform.position ).normalized; Vector3 toTransformProjected = new Vector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); // Need a non-zero distance from the hand to the center of the CircularDrive if ( toTransform.sqrMagnitude > 0.0f ) { toTransformProjected = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane( toTransform, worldPlaneNormal ).normalized; } else { Debug.LogFormat("[SteamVR Interaction] The collider needs to be a minimum distance away from the CircularDrive GameObject {0}", gameObject.ToString() ); Debug.Assert( false, string.Format("[SteamVR Interaction] The collider needs to be a minimum distance away from the CircularDrive GameObject {0}", gameObject.ToString() ) ); } if ( debugPath && dbgPathLimit > 0 ) { DrawDebugPath( xForm, toTransformProjected ); } return toTransformProjected; } //------------------------------------------------- private void DrawDebugPath( Transform xForm, Vector3 toTransformProjected ) { if ( dbgObjectCount == 0 ) { dbgObjectsParent = new GameObject( "Circular Drive Debug" ); dbgHandObjects = new GameObject[dbgPathLimit]; dbgProjObjects = new GameObject[dbgPathLimit]; dbgObjectCount = dbgPathLimit; dbgObjectIndex = 0; } //Actual path GameObject gSphere = null; if ( dbgHandObjects[dbgObjectIndex] ) { gSphere = dbgHandObjects[dbgObjectIndex]; } else { gSphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Sphere ); gSphere.transform.SetParent( dbgObjectsParent.transform ); dbgHandObjects[dbgObjectIndex] = gSphere; } gSphere.name = string.Format( "actual_{0}", (int)( ( 1.0f - red.r ) * 10.0f ) ); gSphere.transform.position = xForm.position; gSphere.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); gSphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3( 0.004f, 0.004f, 0.004f ); gSphere.gameObject.GetComponent().material.color = red; if ( red.r > 0.1f ) { red.r -= 0.1f; } else { red.r = 1.0f; } //Projected path gSphere = null; if ( dbgProjObjects[dbgObjectIndex] ) { gSphere = dbgProjObjects[dbgObjectIndex]; } else { gSphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Sphere ); gSphere.transform.SetParent( dbgObjectsParent.transform ); dbgProjObjects[dbgObjectIndex] = gSphere; } gSphere.name = string.Format( "projed_{0}", (int)( ( 1.0f - green.g ) * 10.0f ) ); gSphere.transform.position = transform.position + toTransformProjected * 0.25f; gSphere.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); gSphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3( 0.004f, 0.004f, 0.004f ); gSphere.gameObject.GetComponent().material.color = green; if ( green.g > 0.1f ) { green.g -= 0.1f; } else { green.g = 1.0f; } dbgObjectIndex = ( dbgObjectIndex + 1 ) % dbgObjectCount; } //------------------------------------------------- // Updates the LinearMapping value from the angle //------------------------------------------------- private void UpdateLinearMapping() { if ( limited ) { // Map it to a [0, 1] value linearMapping.value = ( outAngle - minAngle ) / ( maxAngle - minAngle ); } else { // Normalize to [0, 1] based on 360 degree windings float flTmp = outAngle / 360.0f; linearMapping.value = flTmp - Mathf.Floor( flTmp ); } UpdateDebugText(); } //------------------------------------------------- // Updates the LinearMapping value from the angle //------------------------------------------------- private void UpdateGameObject() { if ( rotateGameObject ) { transform.localRotation = start * Quaternion.AngleAxis( outAngle, localPlaneNormal ); } } //------------------------------------------------- // Updates the Debug TextMesh with the linear mapping value and the angle //------------------------------------------------- private void UpdateDebugText() { if ( debugText ) { debugText.text = string.Format( "Linear: {0}\nAngle: {1}\n", linearMapping.value, outAngle ); } } //------------------------------------------------- // Updates the Debug TextMesh with the linear mapping value and the angle //------------------------------------------------- private void UpdateAll() { UpdateLinearMapping(); UpdateGameObject(); UpdateDebugText(); } //------------------------------------------------- // Computes the angle to rotate the game object based on the change in the transform //------------------------------------------------- private void ComputeAngle( Hand hand ) { Vector3 toHandProjected = ComputeToTransformProjected( hand.hoverSphereTransform ); if ( !toHandProjected.Equals( lastHandProjected ) ) { float absAngleDelta = Vector3.Angle( lastHandProjected, toHandProjected ); if ( absAngleDelta > 0.0f ) { if ( frozen ) { float frozenSqDist = ( hand.hoverSphereTransform.position - frozenHandWorldPos ).sqrMagnitude; if ( frozenSqDist > frozenSqDistanceMinMaxThreshold.x ) { outAngle = frozenAngle + Random.Range( -1.0f, 1.0f ); float magnitude = Util.RemapNumberClamped( frozenSqDist, frozenSqDistanceMinMaxThreshold.x, frozenSqDistanceMinMaxThreshold.y, 0.0f, 1.0f ); if ( magnitude > 0 ) { StartCoroutine( HapticPulses( hand, magnitude, 10 ) ); } else { StartCoroutine( HapticPulses( hand, 0.5f, 10 ) ); } if ( frozenSqDist >= frozenSqDistanceMinMaxThreshold.y ) { onFrozenDistanceThreshold.Invoke(); } } } else { Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross( lastHandProjected, toHandProjected ).normalized; float dot = Vector3.Dot( worldPlaneNormal, cross ); float signedAngleDelta = absAngleDelta; if ( dot < 0.0f ) { signedAngleDelta = -signedAngleDelta; } if ( limited ) { float angleTmp = Mathf.Clamp( outAngle + signedAngleDelta, minAngle, maxAngle ); if ( outAngle == minAngle ) { if ( angleTmp > minAngle && absAngleDelta < minMaxAngularThreshold ) { outAngle = angleTmp; lastHandProjected = toHandProjected; } } else if ( outAngle == maxAngle ) { if ( angleTmp < maxAngle && absAngleDelta < minMaxAngularThreshold ) { outAngle = angleTmp; lastHandProjected = toHandProjected; } } else if ( angleTmp == minAngle ) { outAngle = angleTmp; lastHandProjected = toHandProjected; onMinAngle.Invoke(); if ( freezeOnMin ) { Freeze( hand ); } } else if ( angleTmp == maxAngle ) { outAngle = angleTmp; lastHandProjected = toHandProjected; onMaxAngle.Invoke(); if ( freezeOnMax ) { Freeze( hand ); } } else { outAngle = angleTmp; lastHandProjected = toHandProjected; } } else { outAngle += signedAngleDelta; lastHandProjected = toHandProjected; } } } } } } }