//======= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =============== using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace Valve.VR { public class SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3 : MonoBehaviour { /// The vector3 action to get data from public SteamVR_Action_Vector3 vector3Action; /// The device this action applies to. Any if the action is not device specific. [Tooltip("The device this action should apply to. Any if the action is not device specific.")] public SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource; /// Unity event that fires whenever the action's value has changed since the last update. [Tooltip("Fires whenever the action's value has changed since the last update.")] public SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3Event onChange; /// Unity event that fires whenever the action's value has been updated [Tooltip("Fires whenever the action's value has been updated.")] public SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3Event onUpdate; /// Unity event that fires whenever the action's value has been updated and is non-zero [Tooltip("Fires whenever the action's value has been updated and is non-zero.")] public SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3Event onAxis; /// C# event that fires whenever the action's value has changed since the last update. public ChangeHandler onChangeEvent; /// C# event that fires whenever the action's value has been updated public UpdateHandler onUpdateEvent; /// C# event that fires whenever the action's value has been updated and is non-zero public AxisHandler onAxisEvent; /// Returns whether this action is bound and the action set is active public bool isActive { get { return vector3Action.GetActive(inputSource); } } protected virtual void OnEnable() { if (vector3Action == null) { Debug.LogError("[SteamVR] Vector3 action not set.", this); return; } AddHandlers(); } protected virtual void OnDisable() { RemoveHandlers(); } protected void AddHandlers() { vector3Action[inputSource].onUpdate += SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3_OnUpdate; vector3Action[inputSource].onChange += SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3_OnChange; vector3Action[inputSource].onAxis += SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3_OnAxis; } protected void RemoveHandlers() { if (vector3Action != null) { vector3Action[inputSource].onUpdate -= SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3_OnUpdate; vector3Action[inputSource].onChange -= SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3_OnChange; vector3Action[inputSource].onAxis -= SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3_OnAxis; } } private void SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3_OnUpdate(SteamVR_Action_Vector3 fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource, Vector3 newAxis, Vector3 newDelta) { if (onUpdate != null) { onUpdate.Invoke(this, fromSource, newAxis, newDelta); } if (onUpdateEvent != null) { onUpdateEvent.Invoke(this, fromSource, newAxis, newDelta); } } private void SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3_OnChange(SteamVR_Action_Vector3 fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource, Vector3 newAxis, Vector3 newDelta) { if (onChange != null) { onChange.Invoke(this, fromSource, newAxis, newDelta); } if (onChangeEvent != null) { onChangeEvent.Invoke(this, fromSource, newAxis, newDelta); } } private void SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3_OnAxis(SteamVR_Action_Vector3 fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource, Vector3 newAxis, Vector3 newDelta) { if (onAxis != null) { onAxis.Invoke(this, fromSource, newAxis, newDelta); } if (onAxisEvent != null) { onAxisEvent.Invoke(this, fromSource, newAxis, newDelta); } } /// /// Gets the localized name of the device that the action corresponds to. /// /// /// /// VRInputString_Hand - Which hand the origin is in. E.g. "Left Hand" /// VRInputString_ControllerType - What kind of controller the user has in that hand.E.g. "Vive Controller" /// VRInputString_InputSource - What part of that controller is the origin. E.g. "Trackpad" /// VRInputString_All - All of the above. E.g. "Left Hand Vive Controller Trackpad" /// /// public string GetLocalizedName(params EVRInputStringBits[] localizedParts) { if (vector3Action != null) return vector3Action.GetLocalizedOriginPart(inputSource, localizedParts); return null; } public delegate void AxisHandler(SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3 fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource, Vector3 newAxis, Vector3 newDelta); public delegate void ChangeHandler(SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3 fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource, Vector3 newAxis, Vector3 newDelta); public delegate void UpdateHandler(SteamVR_Behaviour_Vector3 fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource, Vector3 newAxis, Vector3 newDelta); } }