using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using ANT_Managed_Library; using System; public class TrainerCapabilities { public int maximumResistance; public bool basicResistanceNodeSupport; public bool targetPowerModeSupport; public bool simulationModeSupport; } public class CommandStatus { public int lastReceivedCommandId; public int status; public int lastReceivedSequenceNumber; public byte byte_4; public byte byte_5; public byte byte_6; public byte byte_7; } public class UserConfiguration { public float bicycleWeight; public float userWeight; } public class FitnessEquipmentDisplay : MonoBehaviour { public bool autoStartScan = true; //start scan on play public bool connected = false; //will be set to true once connected //windows and mac settings public bool autoConnectToFirstSensorFound = true; //for windows and mac, either connect to the first sensor found public List scanResult; //or let you pick a sensor manually in the scanResult list with your own UI and call ConnectToDevice(AntDevice device) //android settings public bool useAndroidUI = true; //will open the unified ant+ UI on the android app if set to true, otherwise will connect to the first found device public bool skipPreferredSearch = true; //- True = Don't automatically connect to user's preferred device, but always go to search for other devices. //the sensor values we receive fron the onReceiveData event public float speed; //Instantaneous speed public float elapsedTime; //Accumulated value of the elapsed time since start of workout in seconds public int heartRate; //0xFF indicates invalid public int distanceTraveled; //Accumulated value of the distance traveled since start of workout in meters public int instantaneousPower; //Stationary Bike specific public int cadence; //Specific Trainer Data private TrainerCapabilities trainerCapabilities = new TrainerCapabilities(); private AntChannel backgroundScanChannel; private AntChannel deviceChannel; private byte[] pageToSend; private bool request_page_54 = false; private bool request_page_55 = false; private bool request_page_71 = false; public int deviceID = 0; //set this to connect to a specific device ID void Start() { if (autoStartScan) StartScan(); } //Start a background Scan to find the device public void StartScan() { Debug.Log("Looking for ANT + Fitness Equipment sensor"); #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR //java : connect_fitness(String gameobjectName, boolean useAndroidUI, boolean skipPreferredSearch, int deviceID) AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread(); using (AndroidJavaClass javaClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.ant.plugin.Ant_Connector")) { using (AndroidJavaObject activity = javaClass.GetStatic("mContext")) { activity.Call("connect_fitness",, useAndroidUI, skipPreferredSearch,deviceID); } } #else AntManager.Instance.Init(); AntManager.Instance.onDeviceResponse += OnDeviceResponse; AntManager.Instance.onSerialError += OnSerialError; //if usb dongle is unplugged for example scanResult = new List(); backgroundScanChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenBackgroundScanChannel(0); backgroundScanChannel.onReceiveData += ReceivedBackgroundScanData; #endif } void OnDeviceResponse(ANT_Response response) { Debug.Log("device:" + response.getMessageID().ToString()); } void OnSerialError(SerialError serialError) { Debug.Log("Error:" + serialError.error.ToString()); } //Android function void ANTPLUG_ConnectEvent(string resultCode) { switch (resultCode) { case "SUCCESS": connected = true; break; case "CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE": //Channel Not Available break; case "ADAPTER_NOT_DETECTED": //ANT Adapter Not Available. Built-in ANT hardware or external adapter required. Debug.Log("ANT Adapter Not Available. Built-in ANT hardware or external adapter required."); break; case "BAD_PARAMS": //Bad request parameters. break; case "OTHER_FAILUR": //RequestAccess failed. See logcat for details. break; case "DEPENDENCY_NOT_INSTALLED": //You need to install the ANT+ Plugins service or you may need to update your existing version if you already have it. case "USER_CANCELLED": //USER_CANCELLED break; case "UNRECOGNIZED": //UNRECOGNIZED. PluginLib Upgrade Required?", break; default: //UNRECOGNIZED break; } } void ANTPLUG_StateChange(string newDeviceState) { switch (newDeviceState) { case "DEAD": connected = false; break; case "CLOSED": break; case "SEARCHING": //searching break; case "TRACKING": //tracking break; case "PROCESSING_REQUEST": break; default: //UNRECOGNIZED break; } } void ANTPLUG_Receive_instantaneousHeartRate(string s) { heartRate = (int)float.Parse(s) * 2; } void ANTPLUG_Receive_elapsedTime(string s) { elapsedTime = float.Parse(s); } void ANTPLUG_Receive_instantaneousSpeed(string s) { speed = float.Parse(s) * 3.6f; } void ANTPLUG_Receive_cumulativeDistance(string s) { distanceTraveled = (int)float.Parse(s); } //Bike trainer void ANTPLUG_Receive_trainer_instantaneousPower(string s) { instantaneousPower = (int)float.Parse(s); } void ANTPLUG_Receive_trainer_instantaneousCadence(string s) { cadence = (int)float.Parse(s); } //receive user config from android void ANTPLUG_Receive_trainer_userconfig(string jsonstring) { // cadence = (int)float.Parse(s); } //receive trainer Capabilities from android void ANTPLUG_Receive_trainer_capabilities(string jsonstring) { if (request_page_54 == true) { request_page_54 = false; trainerCapabilities = JsonUtility.FromJson(jsonstring); Debug.Log("max resistance is: " + trainerCapabilities.maximumResistance); Debug.Log("basicResistanceNodeSupport: " + trainerCapabilities.basicResistanceNodeSupport); Debug.Log("targetPowerModeSupport: " + trainerCapabilities.targetPowerModeSupport); Debug.Log("simulationModeSupport: " + trainerCapabilities.simulationModeSupport); } } //receive command status from android void ANTPLUG_Receive_Trainer_commandStatus(string jsonstring) { if (request_page_71 == true) { request_page_71 = false; CommandStatus status = JsonUtility.FromJson(jsonstring); ReadCommandStatus(status); } } //receive user config from android void ANTPLUG_Receive_userConfiguration(string jsonstring) { if (request_page_55 == true) { request_page_55 = false; UserConfiguration conf = JsonUtility.FromJson(jsonstring); ReadUserConFig(conf); } } //Windows and mac //If the device is found void ReceivedBackgroundScanData(Byte[] data) { byte deviceType = (data[12]); // extended info Device Type byte Debug.Log("background scan found device type:" + deviceType); switch (deviceType) { case AntplusDeviceType.FitnessEquipment: { int deviceNumber = (data[10]) | data[11] << 8; byte transType = data[13]; foreach (AntDevice d in scanResult) { if (d.deviceNumber == deviceNumber && d.transType == transType) //device already found return; } Debug.Log("FitnessEquipmentfound " + deviceNumber); AntDevice foundDevice = new AntDevice(); foundDevice.deviceType = deviceType; foundDevice.deviceNumber = deviceNumber; foundDevice.transType = transType; foundDevice.period = 8192; foundDevice.radiofreq = 57; = "FitnessEquipment(" + foundDevice.deviceNumber + ")"; scanResult.Add(foundDevice); if (autoConnectToFirstSensorFound) { ConnectToDevice(foundDevice); } break; } default: { break; } } } void ConnectToDevice(AntDevice device) { AntManager.Instance.CloseBackgroundScanChannel(); byte channelID = AntManager.Instance.GetFreeChannelID(); deviceChannel = AntManager.Instance.OpenChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Slave_Receive_0x00, channelID, (ushort)device.deviceNumber, device.deviceType, device.transType, (byte)device.radiofreq, (ushort)device.period, false); connected = true; deviceChannel.onReceiveData += Data; deviceChannel.onChannelResponse += ChannelResponse; deviceChannel.hideRXFAIL = true; } //Deal with the received Data int prevDistance = 0; float prevTime = 0; bool firstDistanceInfo; bool firstTimeInfo; float pTime = 0; public void Data(Byte[] data) { Debug.Log(Time.time - pTime); pTime = Time.time; // General FE Data if (data[0] == 16) { if (prevDistance < data[3]) distanceTraveled += data[3] - prevDistance; if (firstDistanceInfo == false) { distanceTraveled -= data[3]; firstDistanceInfo = true; } prevDistance = data[3]; // elapsed time if (prevTime < data[2]) elapsedTime += (data[2] - prevTime) * 0.25f; if (firstTimeInfo == false) { elapsedTime -= data[2] * 0.25f; firstTimeInfo = true; } prevTime = data[2]; //heart rate heartRate = data[6]; //speed speed = ((data[4]) | data[5] << 8) * 0.0036f; } if (data[0] == 25) { // Specific Trainer Data cadence = data[2]; int nibble2 = (byte)(data[6] & 0xf); instantaneousPower = (data[5]) | nibble2 << 8; } else if (data[0] == 54 && request_page_54 == true) { //response to trainer capabilities request from PC & MAC request_page_54 = false; trainerCapabilities.maximumResistance = (data[5]) | data[6] << 8; trainerCapabilities.basicResistanceNodeSupport = (data[7] >> 0) != 0; trainerCapabilities.targetPowerModeSupport = (data[7] >> 1) != 0; trainerCapabilities.simulationModeSupport = (data[7] >> 2) != 0; Debug.Log("max resistance is: " + trainerCapabilities.maximumResistance + " N"); Debug.Log("basicResistanceNodeSupport: " + trainerCapabilities.basicResistanceNodeSupport); Debug.Log("targetPowerModeSupport: " + trainerCapabilities.targetPowerModeSupport); Debug.Log("simulationModeSupport: " + trainerCapabilities.simulationModeSupport); } else if (data[0] == 55 && request_page_55 == true) { //user configuration data page request_page_55 = false; int bikeWeight = (data[4] >> 4) | (data[5] << 4); int riderWeight = (data[1]) | (data[2] << 8); UserConfiguration conf = new UserConfiguration(); conf.userWeight = riderWeight * 0.01f; conf.bicycleWeight = bikeWeight * 0.05f; ReadUserConFig(conf); } else if (data[0] == 71 & request_page_71 == true) { //command status data page request_page_71 = false; CommandStatus status = new CommandStatus(); status.lastReceivedCommandId = data[1]; status.lastReceivedSequenceNumber = data[2]; status.status = data[3]; status.byte_4 = data[4]; status.byte_5 = data[5]; status.byte_6 = data[6]; status.byte_7 = data[7]; ReadCommandStatus(status); } } private static void ReadCommandStatus(CommandStatus status) { Debug.Log("Last_Received_Command_ID: " + status.lastReceivedCommandId); Debug.Log("sequence_number: " + status.lastReceivedSequenceNumber); Debug.Log("command_status: " + status.status); if (status.lastReceivedCommandId == 51) { //we are in Track resistance Mode int rawSlopeValue = (status.byte_5) | (status.byte_6 << 8); float slope = (rawSlopeValue - 20000) / 100; Debug.Log("current slope is: " + slope); } else if (status.lastReceivedCommandId == 48) { //we are in basic resistance Mode int resistance = status.byte_7; Debug.Log("Total Resistance is: " + (resistance / 2) + "%"); } else if (status.lastReceivedCommandId == 49) { //we are in target power Mode int power = (status.byte_6) | (status.byte_7 << 8); Debug.Log("Target power: " + power / 4); } } private static void ReadUserConFig(UserConfiguration config) { Debug.Log("rider weight is: " + config.userWeight); Debug.Log("bike weight is: " + config.bicycleWeight); } //set the trainer in resistance mode, if the trainer has basicResistanceNodeSupport public void SetTrainerResistance(int resistance) { if (!connected) return; #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread(); using (AndroidJavaClass javaClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.ant.plugin.Ant_Connector")) { using (AndroidJavaObject activity = javaClass.GetStatic("mContext")) { activity.Call("Set_fitness_Resistance",resistance); } } #else pageToSend = new byte[8] { 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, (byte)(resistance * 2) };//unit is 0.50% deviceChannel.sendAcknowledgedData(pageToSend); #endif } //set the trainer in target power if the trainer has targetPowerModeSupport public void SetTrainerTargetPower(int targetpower) { if (!connected) return; #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread(); using (AndroidJavaClass javaClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.ant.plugin.Ant_Connector")) { using (AndroidJavaObject activity = javaClass.GetStatic("mContext")) { activity.Call("Set_fitness_TargetPower",targetpower); } } #else Debug.Log("sending target power of " + targetpower + " watts to trainer"); byte LSB = (byte)(targetpower * 4); byte MSB = (byte)((targetpower * 4 >> 8)); pageToSend = new byte[8] { 0x31, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, LSB, MSB };//unit is 0.25w deviceChannel.sendAcknowledgedData(pageToSend); #endif } //set the trainer in simulation mode if the trainer has simulationModeSupport public void SetTrainerSlope(int slope) { if (!connected) return; slope = Mathf.Clamp(slope, -200, 200); #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread(); using (AndroidJavaClass javaClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.ant.plugin.Ant_Connector")) { using (AndroidJavaObject activity = javaClass.GetStatic("mContext")) { activity.Call("Set_fitness_SimulationMode",slope); } } #else slope += 200; // Units are 0.01% slope *= 100; int grade = (int)slope; byte gradeLsb = (byte)(grade); byte gradeMsb = (byte)(grade >> 8); byte[] pageToSend = new byte[8] { 0x33, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, gradeLsb, gradeMsb, 0xFF }; deviceChannel.sendAcknowledgedData(pageToSend); #endif } //send use configuration public void SetTrainerUserConfiguration(float bikeWeight, float userWeight) { if (!connected) return; #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread(); using (AndroidJavaClass javaClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.ant.plugin.Ant_Connector")) { using (AndroidJavaObject activity = javaClass.GetStatic("mContext")) { activity.Call("Set_fitness_UserConfiguration",bikeWeight,userWeight); } } #else int rawBikeWeight = Mathf.FloorToInt((bikeWeight / 0.05f)); int rawUserWeight = Mathf.FloorToInt((userWeight / 0.01f)); byte weightLSB = (byte)(rawUserWeight); byte weightMSB = (byte)(rawUserWeight >> 8); byte bikeweightLSB = (byte)(rawBikeWeight << 4 | 0xF); byte bikeweightMSB = (byte)(rawBikeWeight >> 4); pageToSend = new byte[8] { 0x37, weightLSB, weightMSB, 0xFF, bikeweightLSB, bikeweightMSB, 0xFF, 0x00 }; deviceChannel.sendAcknowledgedData(pageToSend); #endif } //check if the last command was successfull and get current mode data (target power, resistandce, slope) public void RequestCommandStatus() { if (!connected) return; request_page_71 = true; #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread(); using (AndroidJavaClass javaClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.ant.plugin.Ant_Connector")) { using (AndroidJavaObject activity = javaClass.GetStatic("mContext")) { activity.Call("Request_CommandStatus"); } } #else byte[] pageToSend = new byte[8] { 0x46, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x47, 0x01 }; deviceChannel.sendAcknowledgedData(pageToSend); #endif } //check the supported mode public void RequestTrainerCapabilities() { if (!connected) return; request_page_54 = true; #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread(); using (AndroidJavaClass javaClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.ant.plugin.Ant_Connector")) { using (AndroidJavaObject activity = javaClass.GetStatic("mContext")) { activity.Call("Request_trainer_capabilities"); } } #else byte[] pageToSend = new byte[8] { 0x46, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x36, 0x01 }; deviceChannel.sendAcknowledgedData(pageToSend); #endif } //get the user config public void RequestUserConfig() { if (!connected) return; request_page_55 = true; #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread(); using (AndroidJavaClass javaClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.ant.plugin.Ant_Connector")) { using (AndroidJavaObject activity = javaClass.GetStatic("mContext")) { activity.Call("Request_UserConfig"); } } #else byte[] pageToSend = new byte[8] { 0x46, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x37, 0x01 }; deviceChannel.sendAcknowledgedData(pageToSend); #endif } void ChannelResponse(ANT_Response response) { if (response.getChannelEventCode() == ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.EVENT_TRANSFER_TX_FAILED_0x06) { if (pageToSend != null) deviceChannel.sendAcknowledgedData(pageToSend); //send the page again if the transfer failed } } }