// this code is borrowed from RxOfficial(rx.codeplex.com) and modified
#if (NET_4_6 || NET_STANDARD_2_0)
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
namespace UniRx
/// Provides a set of static methods for converting tasks to observable sequences.
public static class TaskObservableExtensions
/// Returns an observable sequence that signals when the task completes.
/// Task to convert to an observable sequence.
/// An observable sequence that produces a unit value when the task completes, or propagates the exception produced by the task.
/// is null.
/// If the specified task object supports cancellation, consider using instead.
public static IObservable ToObservable(this Task task)
if (task == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("task");
return ToObservableImpl(task, null);
/// Returns an observable sequence that signals when the task completes.
/// Task to convert to an observable sequence.
/// Scheduler on which to notify observers about completion, cancellation or failure.
/// An observable sequence that produces a unit value when the task completes, or propagates the exception produced by the task.
/// is null or is null.
/// If the specified task object supports cancellation, consider using instead.
public static IObservable ToObservable(this Task task, IScheduler scheduler)
if (task == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("task");
if (scheduler == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("scheduler");
return ToObservableImpl(task, scheduler);
private static IObservable ToObservableImpl(Task task, IScheduler scheduler)
var res = default(IObservable);
if (task.IsCompleted)
scheduler = scheduler ?? Scheduler.Immediate;
switch (task.Status)
case TaskStatus.RanToCompletion:
res = Observable.Return(Unit.Default, scheduler);
case TaskStatus.Faulted:
res = Observable.Throw(task.Exception.InnerException, scheduler);
case TaskStatus.Canceled:
res = Observable.Throw(new TaskCanceledException(task), scheduler);
// Separate method to avoid closure in synchronous completion case.
res = ToObservableSlow(task, scheduler);
return res;
private static IObservable ToObservableSlow(Task task, IScheduler scheduler)
var subject = new AsyncSubject();
var options = GetTaskContinuationOptions(scheduler);
task.ContinueWith(t => ToObservableDone(task, subject), options);
return ToObservableResult(subject, scheduler);
private static void ToObservableDone(Task task, IObserver subject)
switch (task.Status)
case TaskStatus.RanToCompletion:
case TaskStatus.Faulted:
case TaskStatus.Canceled:
subject.OnError(new TaskCanceledException(task));
/// Returns an observable sequence that propagates the result of the task.
/// The type of the result produced by the task.
/// Task to convert to an observable sequence.
/// An observable sequence that produces the task's result, or propagates the exception produced by the task.
/// is null.
/// If the specified task object supports cancellation, consider using instead.
public static IObservable ToObservable(this Task task)
if (task == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("task");
return ToObservableImpl(task, null);
/// Returns an observable sequence that propagates the result of the task.
/// The type of the result produced by the task.
/// Task to convert to an observable sequence.
/// Scheduler on which to notify observers about completion, cancellation or failure.
/// An observable sequence that produces the task's result, or propagates the exception produced by the task.
/// is null or is null.
/// If the specified task object supports cancellation, consider using instead.
public static IObservable ToObservable(this Task task, IScheduler scheduler)
if (task == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("task");
if (scheduler == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("scheduler");
return ToObservableImpl(task, scheduler);
private static IObservable ToObservableImpl(Task task, IScheduler scheduler)
var res = default(IObservable);
if (task.IsCompleted)
scheduler = scheduler ?? Scheduler.Immediate;
switch (task.Status)
case TaskStatus.RanToCompletion:
res = Observable.Return(task.Result, scheduler);
case TaskStatus.Faulted:
res = Observable.Throw(task.Exception.InnerException, scheduler);
case TaskStatus.Canceled:
res = Observable.Throw(new TaskCanceledException(task), scheduler);
// Separate method to avoid closure in synchronous completion case.
res = ToObservableSlow(task, scheduler);
return res;
private static IObservable ToObservableSlow(Task task, IScheduler scheduler)
var subject = new AsyncSubject();
var options = GetTaskContinuationOptions(scheduler);
task.ContinueWith(t => ToObservableDone(task, subject), options);
return ToObservableResult(subject, scheduler);
private static void ToObservableDone(Task task, IObserver subject)
switch (task.Status)
case TaskStatus.RanToCompletion:
case TaskStatus.Faulted:
case TaskStatus.Canceled:
subject.OnError(new TaskCanceledException(task));
private static TaskContinuationOptions GetTaskContinuationOptions(IScheduler scheduler)
var options = TaskContinuationOptions.None;
if (scheduler != null)
// We explicitly don't special-case the immediate scheduler here. If the user asks for a
// synchronous completion, we'll try our best. However, there's no guarantee due to the
// internal stack probing in the TPL, which may cause asynchronous completion on a thread
// pool thread in order to avoid stack overflows. Therefore we can only attempt to be more
// efficient in the case where the user specified a scheduler, hence we know that the
// continuation will trigger a scheduling operation. In case of the immediate scheduler,
// it really becomes "immediate scheduling" wherever the TPL decided to run the continuation,
// i.e. not necessarily where the task was completed from.
options |= TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously;
return options;
private static IObservable ToObservableResult(AsyncSubject subject, IScheduler scheduler)
if (scheduler != null)
return subject.ObserveOn(scheduler);
return subject.AsObservable();
/// Returns a task that will receive the last value or the exception produced by the observable sequence.
/// The type of the elements in the source sequence.
/// Observable sequence to convert to a task.
/// A task that will receive the last element or the exception produced by the observable sequence.
/// is null.
public static Task ToTask(this IObservable observable)
if (observable == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("observable");
return observable.ToTask(new CancellationToken(), null);
/// Returns a task that will receive the last value or the exception produced by the observable sequence.
/// The type of the elements in the source sequence.
/// Observable sequence to convert to a task.
/// The state to use as the underlying task's AsyncState.
/// A task that will receive the last element or the exception produced by the observable sequence.
/// is null.
public static Task ToTask(this IObservable observable, object state)
if (observable == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("observable");
return observable.ToTask(new CancellationToken(), state);
/// Returns a task that will receive the last value or the exception produced by the observable sequence.
/// The type of the elements in the source sequence.
/// Observable sequence to convert to a task.
/// Cancellation token that can be used to cancel the task, causing unsubscription from the observable sequence.
/// A task that will receive the last element or the exception produced by the observable sequence.
/// is null.
public static Task ToTask(this IObservable observable, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (observable == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("observable");
return observable.ToTask(cancellationToken, null);
/// Returns a task that will receive the last value or the exception produced by the observable sequence.
/// The type of the elements in the source sequence.
/// Observable sequence to convert to a task.
/// Cancellation token that can be used to cancel the task, causing unsubscription from the observable sequence.
/// The state to use as the underlying task's AsyncState.
/// A task that will receive the last element or the exception produced by the observable sequence.
/// is null.
public static Task ToTask(this IObservable observable, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object state)
if (observable == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("observable");
var hasValue = false;
var lastValue = default(TResult);
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource(state);
var disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable();
var ctr = default(CancellationTokenRegistration);
if (cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled)
ctr = cancellationToken.Register(() =>
var taskCompletionObserver = Observer.Create(
value =>
hasValue = true;
lastValue = value;
ex =>
ctr.Dispose(); // no null-check needed (struct)
() =>
if (hasValue)
tcs.TrySetException(new InvalidOperationException("Strings_Linq.NO_ELEMENTS"));
ctr.Dispose(); // no null-check needed (struct)
// Subtle race condition: if the source completes before we reach the line below, the SingleAssigmentDisposable
// will already have been disposed. Upon assignment, the disposable resource being set will be disposed on the
// spot, which may throw an exception. (Similar to TFS 487142)
// [OK] Use of unsafe Subscribe: we're catching the exception here to set the TaskCompletionSource.
// Notice we could use a safe subscription to route errors through OnError, but we still need the
// exception handling logic here for the reason explained above. We cannot afford to throw here
// and as a result never set the TaskCompletionSource, so we tunnel everything through here.
disposable.Disposable = observable.Subscribe/*Unsafe*/(taskCompletionObserver);
catch (Exception ex)
return tcs.Task;