# Tonemapping Tonemapping is the process of remapping the HDR values of an image to a new range of values. Its most common purpose is to make an image with a low dynamic range appear to have a higher range. See Wikipedia: Tone mapping. ## Using Tonemapping **Tonemapping** uses the [Volume](Volumes.md) system, so to enable and modify **Tonemapping** properties, you must add a **Tonemapping** override to a [Volume](Volumes.md) in your Scene. To add **Tonemapping** to a Volume: 1. In the Scene or Hierarchy view, select a GameObject that contains a Volume component to view it in the Inspector. 2. In the Inspector, navigate to **Add Override** > **Post-processing**, and click on **Tonemapping**. The Universal Render Pipeline applies **Tonemapping** to any Camera this Volume affects. ## Properties ![](Images/Inspectors/Tonemapping.png) | **Property** | **Description** | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | **Mode** | Select a tonemapping algorithm to use for color grading. The options are:
• **None**: Use this option if you do not want to apply tonemapping.
• **Neutral**: Use this option if you only want range-remapping with minimal impact on color hue & saturation. It is generally a good starting point for extensive color grading.
• **ACES**: Use this option to apply a close approximation of the reference ACES tonemapper, for a more cinematic look. It is more contrasted than Neutral, and has an effect on actual color hue & saturation. If you use this tonemapper, Unity does all the grading operations in the ACES color spaces, for optimal precision and results. |