<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <member name="T:System.Action">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has no parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Action.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action.BeginInvoke(System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action.Invoke"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`1">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has a single parameter and does not return a value.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`1.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`1.BeginInvoke(`0,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`1.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`1.Invoke(`0)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`10">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 10 parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`10.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`10.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`10.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`10.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`11">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 11 parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`11.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`11.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`11.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`11.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`12">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 12 parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T12">The type of the twelfth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`12.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`12.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`12.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`12.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`13">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 13 parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T12">The type of the twelfth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T13">The type of the thirteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`13.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`13.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`13.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`13.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`14">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 14 parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T12">The type of the twelfth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T13">The type of the thirteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T14">The type of the fourteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`14.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`14.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`14.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`14.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`15">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 15 parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates. </typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T12">The type of the twelfth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T13">The type of the thirteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T14">The type of the fourteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T15">The type of the fifteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`15.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`15.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13,`14,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`15.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`15.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13,`14)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`16">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 16 parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T12">The type of the twelfth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T13">The type of the thirteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T14">The type of the fourteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T15">The type of the fifteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T16">The type of the sixteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`16.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`16.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13,`14,`15,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`16.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`16.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13,`14,`15)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`2">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has two parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`2.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`2.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`2.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`2.Invoke(`0,`1)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`3">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has three parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`3.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`3.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`3.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`3.Invoke(`0,`1,`2)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`4">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has four parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`4.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`4.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`4.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`4.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`5">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has five parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`5.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`5.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`5.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`5.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`6">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has six parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`6.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`6.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`6.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`6.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`7">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has seven parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`7.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`7.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`7.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`7.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`8">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has eight parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`8.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`8.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`8.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`8.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Action`9">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has nine parameters and does not return a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Action`9.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`9.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`9.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Action`9.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Activator">
      <summary>Contains methods to create types of objects locally or remotely, or obtain references to existing remote objects. This class cannot be inherited. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Activator.CreateInstance``1">
      <summary>Creates an instance of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter, using the parameterless constructor.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to the newly created object.</returns>
      <typeparam name="T">The type to create.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.MissingMethodException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.MissingMemberException" />, instead.The type that is specified for <paramref name="T" /> does not have a parameterless constructor. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Activator.CreateInstance(System.Type)">
      <summary>Creates an instance of the specified type using that type's default constructor.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to the newly created object.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type of object to create. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is not a RuntimeType. -or-<paramref name="type" /> is an open generic type (that is, the <see cref="P:System.Type.ContainsGenericParameters" /> property returns true).</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">
        <paramref name="type" /> cannot be a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder" />.-or- Creation of <see cref="T:System.TypedReference" />, <see cref="T:System.ArgIterator" />, <see cref="T:System.Void" />, and <see cref="T:System.RuntimeArgumentHandle" /> types, or arrays of those types, is not supported.-or-The assembly that contains <paramref name="type" /> is a dynamic assembly that was created with <see cref="F:System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException">The constructor being called throws an exception. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.MethodAccessException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.MemberAccessException" />, instead.The caller does not have permission to call this constructor. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">Cannot create an instance of an abstract class, or this member was invoked with a late-binding mechanism. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.InvalidComObjectException">The COM type was not obtained through <see cref="Overload:System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID" /> or <see cref="Overload:System.Type.GetTypeFromCLSID" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.MissingMethodException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.MissingMemberException" />, instead.No matching public constructor was found. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is a COM object but the class identifier used to obtain the type is invalid, or the identified class is not registered. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is not a valid type. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="MemberAccess" />
    <member name="M:System.Activator.CreateInstance(System.Type,System.Object[])">
      <summary>Creates an instance of the specified type using the constructor that best matches the specified parameters.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to the newly created object.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type of object to create. </param>
      <param name="args">An array of arguments that match in number, order, and type the parameters of the constructor to invoke. If <paramref name="args" /> is an empty array or null, the constructor that takes no parameters (the default constructor) is invoked. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is not a RuntimeType. -or-<paramref name="type" /> is an open generic type (that is, the <see cref="P:System.Type.ContainsGenericParameters" /> property returns true).</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">
        <paramref name="type" /> cannot be a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder" />.-or- Creation of <see cref="T:System.TypedReference" />, <see cref="T:System.ArgIterator" />, <see cref="T:System.Void" />, and <see cref="T:System.RuntimeArgumentHandle" /> types, or arrays of those types, is not supported. -or-The assembly that contains <paramref name="type" /> is a dynamic assembly that was created with <see cref="F:System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess.Save" />.-or-The constructor that best matches <paramref name="args" /> has varargs arguments. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException">The constructor being called throws an exception. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.MethodAccessException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.MemberAccessException" />, instead.The caller does not have permission to call this constructor. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">Cannot create an instance of an abstract class, or this member was invoked with a late-binding mechanism. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.InvalidComObjectException">The COM type was not obtained through <see cref="Overload:System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID" /> or <see cref="Overload:System.Type.GetTypeFromCLSID" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.MissingMethodException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.MissingMemberException" />, instead.No matching public constructor was found. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is a COM object but the class identifier used to obtain the type is invalid, or the identified class is not registered. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is not a valid type. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Read="*AllFiles*" PathDiscovery="*AllFiles*" />
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="MemberAccess" />
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence, RemotingConfiguration" />
    <member name="T:System.ArgumentException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException" /> class with a specified error message and the name of the parameter that causes this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter that caused the current exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException" /> class with a specified error message, the parameter name, and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter that caused the current exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="P:System.ArgumentException.Message">
      <summary>Gets the error message and the parameter name, or only the error message if no parameter name is set.</summary>
      <returns>A text string describing the details of the exception. The value of this property takes one of two forms: Condition Value The <paramref name="paramName" /> is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or of zero length. The <paramref name="message" /> string passed to the constructor. The <paramref name="paramName" /> is not null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) and it has a length greater than zero. The <paramref name="message" /> string appended with the name of the invalid parameter. </returns>
    <member name="P:System.ArgumentException.ParamName">
      <summary>Gets the name of the parameter that causes this exception.</summary>
      <returns>The parameter name.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) is passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentNullException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentNullException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException" /> class with the name of the parameter that causes this exception.</summary>
      <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter that caused the exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentNullException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException" /> class with a specified error message and the exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for this exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentNullException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes an instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException" /> class with a specified error message and the name of the parameter that causes this exception.</summary>
      <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter that caused the exception. </param>
      <param name="message">A message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when the value of an argument is outside the allowable range of values as defined by the invoked method.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" /> class with the name of the parameter that causes this exception.</summary>
      <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter that causes this exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" /> class with a specified error message and the exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for this exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.#ctor(System.String,System.Object,System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" /> class with the parameter name, the value of the argument, and a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter that caused the exception. </param>
      <param name="actualValue">The value of the argument that causes this exception. </param>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" /> class with the name of the parameter that causes this exception and a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="paramName">The name of the parameter that caused the exception. </param>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="P:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ActualValue">
      <summary>Gets the argument value that causes this exception.</summary>
      <returns>An Object that contains the value of the parameter that caused the current <see cref="T:System.Exception" />.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.Message">
      <summary>Gets the error message and the string representation of the invalid argument value, or only the error message if the argument value is null.</summary>
      <returns>The text message for this exception. The value of this property takes one of two forms, as follows.Condition Value The <paramref name="actualValue" /> is null. The <paramref name="message" /> string passed to the constructor. The <paramref name="actualValue" /> is not null. The <paramref name="message" /> string appended with the string representation of the invalid argument value. </returns>
    <member name="T:System.ArithmeticException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown for errors in an arithmetic, casting, or conversion operation.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ArithmeticException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArithmeticException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ArithmeticException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArithmeticException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ArithmeticException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArithmeticException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Array">
      <summary>Provides methods for creating, manipulating, searching, and sorting arrays, thereby serving as the base class for all arrays in the common language runtime.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Array.BinarySearch(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Object)">
      <summary>Searches a range of elements in a one-dimensional sorted array for a value, using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface implemented by each element of the array and by the specified value.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the specified <paramref name="value" /> in the specified <paramref name="array" />, if <paramref name="value" /> is found. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is less than one or more elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of the index of the first element that is larger than <paramref name="value" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is greater than any of the elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of (the index of the last element plus 1).</returns>
      <param name="array">The sorted one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to search.</param>
      <param name="length">The length of the range to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to search for.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not compatible with the elements of <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="value" /> does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface, and the search encounters an element that does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.BinarySearch(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Searches a range of elements in a one-dimensional sorted array for a value, using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.IComparer" /> interface.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the specified <paramref name="value" /> in the specified <paramref name="array" />, if <paramref name="value" /> is found. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is less than one or more elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of the index of the first element that is larger than <paramref name="value" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is greater than any of the elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of (the index of the last element plus 1).</returns>
      <param name="array">The sorted one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to search.</param>
      <param name="length">The length of the range to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to search for.</param>
      <param name="comparer">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IComparer" /> implementation to use when comparing elements.-or- null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> implementation of each element.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and <paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not compatible with the elements of <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, <paramref name="value" /> does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface, and the search encounters an element that does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.BinarySearch(System.Array,System.Object)">
      <summary>Searches an entire one-dimensional sorted array for a specific element, using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface implemented by each element of the array and by the specified object.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the specified <paramref name="value" /> in the specified <paramref name="array" />, if <paramref name="value" /> is found. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is less than one or more elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of the index of the first element that is larger than <paramref name="value" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is greater than any of the elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of (the index of the last element plus 1).</returns>
      <param name="array">The sorted one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to search for.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not compatible with the elements of <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="value" /> does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface, and the search encounters an element that does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.BinarySearch(System.Array,System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Searches an entire one-dimensional sorted array for a value using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.IComparer" /> interface.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the specified <paramref name="value" /> in the specified <paramref name="array" />, if <paramref name="value" /> is found. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is less than one or more elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of the index of the first element that is larger than <paramref name="value" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is greater than any of the elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of (the index of the last element plus 1).</returns>
      <param name="array">The sorted one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to search for.</param>
      <param name="comparer">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IComparer" /> implementation to use when comparing elements.-or- null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> implementation of each element.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and <paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not compatible with the elements of <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, <paramref name="value" /> does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface, and the search encounters an element that does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.BinarySearch``1(``0[],System.Int32,System.Int32,``0)">
      <summary>Searches a range of elements in a one-dimensional sorted array for a value, using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface implemented by each element of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> and by the specified value.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the specified <paramref name="value" /> in the specified <paramref name="array" />, if <paramref name="value" /> is found. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is less than one or more elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of the index of the first element that is larger than <paramref name="value" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is greater than any of the elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of (the index of the last element plus 1).</returns>
      <param name="array">The sorted one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search. </param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to search.</param>
      <param name="length">The length of the range to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not compatible with the elements of <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="T" /> does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.BinarySearch``1(``0[],System.Int32,System.Int32,``0,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer{``0})">
      <summary>Searches a range of elements in a one-dimensional sorted array for a value, using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> generic interface.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the specified <paramref name="value" /> in the specified <paramref name="array" />, if <paramref name="value" /> is found. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is less than one or more elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of the index of the first element that is larger than <paramref name="value" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is greater than any of the elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of (the index of the last element plus 1).</returns>
      <param name="array">The sorted one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search. </param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to search.</param>
      <param name="length">The length of the range to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to search for.</param>
      <param name="comparer">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> implementation to use when comparing elements.-or- null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> implementation of each element.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and <paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not compatible with the elements of <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and <paramref name="T" /> does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.BinarySearch``1(``0[],``0)">
      <summary>Searches an entire one-dimensional sorted array for a specific element, using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface implemented by each element of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> and by the specified object.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the specified <paramref name="value" /> in the specified <paramref name="array" />, if <paramref name="value" /> is found. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is less than one or more elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of the index of the first element that is larger than <paramref name="value" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is greater than any of the elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of (the index of the last element plus 1).</returns>
      <param name="array">The sorted one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search. </param>
      <param name="value">The object to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="T" /> does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.BinarySearch``1(``0[],``0,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer{``0})">
      <summary>Searches an entire one-dimensional sorted array for a value using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> generic interface.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the specified <paramref name="value" /> in the specified <paramref name="array" />, if <paramref name="value" /> is found. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is less than one or more elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of the index of the first element that is larger than <paramref name="value" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is not found and <paramref name="value" /> is greater than any of the elements in <paramref name="array" />, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of (the index of the last element plus 1).</returns>
      <param name="array">The sorted one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.  </param>
      <param name="value">The object to search for.</param>
      <param name="comparer">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> implementation to use when comparing elements.-or- null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> implementation of each element.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and <paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not compatible with the elements of <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and <paramref name="T" /> does not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Clear(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Sets a range of elements in an array to the default value of each element type.</summary>
      <param name="array">The array whose elements need to be cleared.</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range of elements to clear.</param>
      <param name="length">The number of elements to clear.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.-or-The sum of <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> is greater than the size of <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Clone">
      <summary>Creates a shallow copy of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>A shallow copy of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Array.ConstrainedCopy(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies a range of elements from an <see cref="T:System.Array" /> starting at the specified source index and pastes them to another <see cref="T:System.Array" /> starting at the specified destination index.  Guarantees that all changes are undone if the copy does not succeed completely.</summary>
      <param name="sourceArray">The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the data to copy.</param>
      <param name="sourceIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the <paramref name="sourceArray" /> at which copying begins.</param>
      <param name="destinationArray">The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that receives the data.</param>
      <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the <paramref name="destinationArray" /> at which storing begins.</param>
      <param name="length">A 32-bit integer that represents the number of elements to copy.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="sourceArray" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="destinationArray" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="sourceArray" /> and <paramref name="destinationArray" /> have different ranks.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArrayTypeMismatchException">The <paramref name="sourceArray" /> type is neither the same as nor derived from the <paramref name="destinationArray" /> type.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">At least one element in <paramref name="sourceArray" /> cannot be cast to the type of <paramref name="destinationArray" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="sourceIndex" /> is less than the lower bound of the first dimension of <paramref name="sourceArray" />.-or-<paramref name="destinationIndex" /> is less than the lower bound of the first dimension of <paramref name="destinationArray" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="length" /> is greater than the number of elements from <paramref name="sourceIndex" /> to the end of <paramref name="sourceArray" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is greater than the number of elements from <paramref name="destinationIndex" /> to the end of <paramref name="destinationArray" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Copy(System.Array,System.Array,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies a range of elements from an <see cref="T:System.Array" /> starting at the first element and pastes them into another <see cref="T:System.Array" /> starting at the first element. The length is specified as a 32-bit integer.</summary>
      <param name="sourceArray">The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the data to copy.</param>
      <param name="destinationArray">The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that receives the data.</param>
      <param name="length">A 32-bit integer that represents the number of elements to copy.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="sourceArray" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="destinationArray" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="sourceArray" /> and <paramref name="destinationArray" /> have different ranks.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArrayTypeMismatchException">
        <paramref name="sourceArray" /> and <paramref name="destinationArray" /> are of incompatible types.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">At least one element in <paramref name="sourceArray" /> cannot be cast to the type of <paramref name="destinationArray" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="length" /> is greater than the number of elements in <paramref name="sourceArray" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is greater than the number of elements in <paramref name="destinationArray" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Copy(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies a range of elements from an <see cref="T:System.Array" /> starting at the specified source index and pastes them to another <see cref="T:System.Array" /> starting at the specified destination index. The length and the indexes are specified as 32-bit integers.</summary>
      <param name="sourceArray">The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the data to copy.</param>
      <param name="sourceIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the <paramref name="sourceArray" /> at which copying begins.</param>
      <param name="destinationArray">The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that receives the data.</param>
      <param name="destinationIndex">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the <paramref name="destinationArray" /> at which storing begins.</param>
      <param name="length">A 32-bit integer that represents the number of elements to copy.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="sourceArray" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="destinationArray" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="sourceArray" /> and <paramref name="destinationArray" /> have different ranks.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArrayTypeMismatchException">
        <paramref name="sourceArray" /> and <paramref name="destinationArray" /> are of incompatible types.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">At least one element in <paramref name="sourceArray" /> cannot be cast to the type of <paramref name="destinationArray" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="sourceIndex" /> is less than the lower bound of the first dimension of <paramref name="sourceArray" />.-or-<paramref name="destinationIndex" /> is less than the lower bound of the first dimension of <paramref name="destinationArray" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="length" /> is greater than the number of elements from <paramref name="sourceIndex" /> to the end of <paramref name="sourceArray" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is greater than the number of elements from <paramref name="destinationIndex" /> to the end of <paramref name="destinationArray" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.CopyTo(System.Array,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies all the elements of the current one-dimensional array to the specified one-dimensional array starting at the specified destination array index. The index is specified as a 32-bit integer.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the current array.</param>
      <param name="index">A 32-bit integer that represents the index in <paramref name="array" /> at which copying begins.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.-or-The number of elements in the source array is greater than the available number of elements from <paramref name="index" /> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArrayTypeMismatchException">The type of the source <see cref="T:System.Array" /> cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">The source array is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">At least one element in the source <see cref="T:System.Array" /> cannot be cast to the type of destination <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.CreateInstance(System.Type,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Creates a one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> of the specified <see cref="T:System.Type" /> and length, with zero-based indexing.</summary>
      <returns>A new one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> of the specified <see cref="T:System.Type" /> with the specified length, using zero-based indexing.</returns>
      <param name="elementType">The <see cref="T:System.Type" /> of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to create.</param>
      <param name="length">The size of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to create.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="elementType" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="elementType" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.Type" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">
        <paramref name="elementType" /> is not supported. For example, <see cref="T:System.Void" /> is not supported.-or-<paramref name="elementType" /> is an open generic type.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.CreateInstance(System.Type,System.Int32[])">
      <summary>Creates a multidimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> of the specified <see cref="T:System.Type" /> and dimension lengths, with zero-based indexing. The dimension lengths are specified in an array of 32-bit integers.</summary>
      <returns>A new multidimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> of the specified <see cref="T:System.Type" /> with the specified length for each dimension, using zero-based indexing.</returns>
      <param name="elementType">The <see cref="T:System.Type" /> of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to create.</param>
      <param name="lengths">An array of 32-bit integers that represent the size of each dimension of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to create.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="elementType" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="lengths" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="elementType" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.Type" />.-or-The <paramref name="lengths" /> array contains less than one element.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">
        <paramref name="elementType" /> is not supported. For example, <see cref="T:System.Void" /> is not supported. -or-<paramref name="elementType" /> is an open generic type.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Any value in <paramref name="lengths" /> is less than zero.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.CreateInstance(System.Type,System.Int32[],System.Int32[])">
      <summary>Creates a multidimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> of the specified <see cref="T:System.Type" /> and dimension lengths, with the specified lower bounds.</summary>
      <returns>A new multidimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> of the specified <see cref="T:System.Type" /> with the specified length and lower bound for each dimension.</returns>
      <param name="elementType">The <see cref="T:System.Type" /> of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to create.</param>
      <param name="lengths">A one-dimensional array that contains the size of each dimension of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to create.</param>
      <param name="lowerBounds">A one-dimensional array that contains the lower bound (starting index) of each dimension of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to create.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="elementType" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="lengths" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="lowerBounds" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="elementType" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.Type" />.-or-The <paramref name="lengths" /> array contains less than one element.-or-The <paramref name="lengths" /> and <paramref name="lowerBounds" /> arrays do not contain the same number of elements.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">
        <paramref name="elementType" /> is not supported. For example, <see cref="T:System.Void" /> is not supported. -or-<paramref name="elementType" /> is an open generic type.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Any value in <paramref name="lengths" /> is less than zero.-or-Any value in <paramref name="lowerBounds" /> is very large, such that the sum of a dimension's lower bound and length is greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Empty``1">
      <summary>Returns an empty array.</summary>
      <returns>Returns an empty <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</returns>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Exists``1(``0[],System.Predicate{``0})">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified array contains elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="array" /> contains one or more elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="match">The <see cref="T:System.Predicate`1" /> that defines the conditions of the elements to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="match" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Find``1(``0[],System.Predicate{``0})">
      <summary>Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the first occurrence within the entire <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>The first element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, if found; otherwise, the default value for type <paramref name="T" />.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based array to search.</param>
      <param name="match">The predicate that defines the conditions of the element to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="match" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.FindAll``1(``0[],System.Predicate{``0})">
      <summary>Retrieves all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Array" /> containing all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate, if found; otherwise, an empty <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="match">The <see cref="T:System.Predicate`1" /> that defines the conditions of the elements to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="match" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.FindIndex``1(``0[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Predicate{``0})">
      <summary>Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the range of elements in the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that starts at the specified index and contains the specified number of elements.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the first occurrence of an element that matches the conditions defined by <paramref name="match" />, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based starting index of the search.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of elements in the section to search.</param>
      <param name="match">The <see cref="T:System.Predicate`1" /> that defines the conditions of the element to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="match" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="count" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="startIndex" /> and <paramref name="count" /> do not specify a valid section in <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.FindIndex``1(``0[],System.Int32,System.Predicate{``0})">
      <summary>Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the range of elements in the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that extends from the specified index to the last element.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the first occurrence of an element that matches the conditions defined by <paramref name="match" />, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based starting index of the search.</param>
      <param name="match">The <see cref="T:System.Predicate`1" /> that defines the conditions of the element to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="match" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.FindIndex``1(``0[],System.Predicate{``0})">
      <summary>Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the first occurrence of an element that matches the conditions defined by <paramref name="match" />, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="match">The <see cref="T:System.Predicate`1" /> that defines the conditions of the element to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="match" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.FindLast``1(``0[],System.Predicate{``0})">
      <summary>Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the last occurrence within the entire <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>The last element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, if found; otherwise, the default value for type <paramref name="T" />.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="match">The <see cref="T:System.Predicate`1" /> that defines the conditions of the element to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="match" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.FindLastIndex``1(``0[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Predicate{``0})">
      <summary>Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the zero-based index of the last occurrence within the range of elements in the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the specified number of elements and ends at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the last occurrence of an element that matches the conditions defined by <paramref name="match" />, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based starting index of the backward search.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of elements in the section to search.</param>
      <param name="match">The <see cref="T:System.Predicate`1" /> that defines the conditions of the element to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="match" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="count" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="startIndex" /> and <paramref name="count" /> do not specify a valid section in <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.FindLastIndex``1(``0[],System.Int32,System.Predicate{``0})">
      <summary>Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the zero-based index of the last occurrence within the range of elements in the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that extends from the first element to the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the last occurrence of an element that matches the conditions defined by <paramref name="match" />, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based starting index of the backward search.</param>
      <param name="match">The <see cref="T:System.Predicate`1" /> that defines the conditions of the element to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="match" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.FindLastIndex``1(``0[],System.Predicate{``0})">
      <summary>Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the zero-based index of the last occurrence within the entire <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the last occurrence of an element that matches the conditions defined by <paramref name="match" />, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="match">The <see cref="T:System.Predicate`1" /> that defines the conditions of the element to search for.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="match" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> for the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> for the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Array.GetLength(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the number of elements in the specified dimension of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit integer that represents the number of elements in the specified dimension.</returns>
      <param name="dimension">A zero-based dimension of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> whose length needs to be determined.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="dimension" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="dimension" /> is equal to or greater than <see cref="P:System.Array.Rank" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.GetLowerBound(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets the index of the first element of the specified dimension in the array.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the first element of the specified dimension in the array.</returns>
      <param name="dimension">A zero-based dimension of the array whose starting index needs to be determined.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="dimension" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="dimension" /> is equal to or greater than <see cref="P:System.Array.Rank" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.GetUpperBound(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets the index of the last element of the specified dimension in the array.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the last element of the specified dimension in the array, or -1 if the specified dimension is empty. </returns>
      <param name="dimension">A zero-based dimension of the array whose upper bound needs to be determined.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="dimension" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="dimension" /> is equal to or greater than <see cref="P:System.Array.Rank" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.GetValue(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets the value at the specified position in the one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" />. The index is specified as a 32-bit integer.</summary>
      <returns>The value at the specified position in the one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</returns>
      <param name="index">A 32-bit integer that represents the position of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> element to get.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The current <see cref="T:System.Array" /> does not have exactly one dimension.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for the current <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.GetValue(System.Int32[])">
      <summary>Gets the value at the specified position in the multidimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" />. The indexes are specified as an array of 32-bit integers.</summary>
      <returns>The value at the specified position in the multidimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</returns>
      <param name="indices">A one-dimensional array of 32-bit integers that represent the indexes specifying the position of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> element to get.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="indices" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The number of dimensions in the current <see cref="T:System.Array" /> is not equal to the number of elements in <paramref name="indices" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">Any element in <paramref name="indices" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for the corresponding dimension of the current <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.IndexOf(System.Array,System.Object)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object and returns the index of its first occurrence in a one-dimensional array. </summary>
      <returns>The index of the first occurrence of <paramref name="value" /> in <paramref name="array" />, if found; otherwise, the lower bound of the array minus 1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional array to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.IndexOf(System.Array,System.Object,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object in a range of elements of a one-dimensional array, and returns the index of its first occurrence. The range extends from a specified index to the end of the array.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the first occurrence of <paramref name="value" />, if it’s found, within the range of elements in <paramref name="array" /> that extends from <paramref name="startIndex" /> to the last element; otherwise, the lower bound of the array minus 1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional array to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting index of the search. 0 (zero) is valid in an empty array.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.IndexOf(System.Array,System.Object,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object in a range of elements of a one-dimensional array, and returns the index of ifs first occurrence. The range extends from a specified index for a specified number of elements.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the first occurrence of <paramref name="value" />, if it’s found, in the <paramref name="array" /> from index <paramref name="startIndex" /> to <paramref name="startIndex" /> + <paramref name="count" /> - 1; otherwise, the lower bound of the array minus 1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional array to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting index of the search. 0 (zero) is valid in an empty array.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of elements to search.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="count" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="startIndex" /> and <paramref name="count" /> do not specify a valid section in <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.IndexOf``1(``0[],``0)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object and returns the index of its first occurrence in a one-dimensional array.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the first occurrence of <paramref name="value" /> in the entire <paramref name="array" />, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based array to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.IndexOf``1(``0[],``0,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object in a range of elements of a one dimensional array, and returns the index of its first occurrence. The range extends from a specified index to the end of the array.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the first occurrence of <paramref name="value" /> within the range of elements in <paramref name="array" /> that extends from <paramref name="startIndex" /> to the last element, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based array to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based starting index of the search. 0 (zero) is valid in an empty array.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.IndexOf``1(``0[],``0,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object in a range of elements of a one-dimensional array, and returns the index of its first occurrence. The range extends from a specified index for a specified number of elements.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the first occurrence of <paramref name="value" /> within the range of elements in <paramref name="array" /> that starts at <paramref name="startIndex" /> and contains the number of elements specified in <paramref name="count" />, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based array to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based starting index of the search. 0 (zero) is valid in an empty array.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of elements in the section to search.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="count" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="startIndex" /> and <paramref name="count" /> do not specify a valid section in <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Initialize">
      <summary>Initializes every element of the value-type <see cref="T:System.Array" /> by calling the default constructor of the value type.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Array.LastIndexOf(System.Array,System.Object)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object and returns the index of the last occurrence within the entire one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the last occurrence of <paramref name="value" /> within the entire <paramref name="array" />, if found; otherwise, the lower bound of the array minus 1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.LastIndexOf(System.Array,System.Object,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object and returns the index of the last occurrence within the range of elements in the one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that extends from the first element to the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the last occurrence of <paramref name="value" /> within the range of elements in <paramref name="array" /> that extends from the first element to <paramref name="startIndex" />, if found; otherwise, the lower bound of the array minus 1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting index of the backward search.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.LastIndexOf(System.Array,System.Object,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object and returns the index of the last occurrence within the range of elements in the one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the specified number of elements and ends at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The index of the last occurrence of <paramref name="value" /> within the range of elements in <paramref name="array" /> that contains the number of elements specified in <paramref name="count" /> and ends at <paramref name="startIndex" />, if found; otherwise, the lower bound of the array minus 1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting index of the backward search.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of elements in the section to search.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="count" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="startIndex" /> and <paramref name="count" /> do not specify a valid section in <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.LastIndexOf``1(``0[],``0)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object and returns the index of the last occurrence within the entire <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the last occurrence of <paramref name="value" /> within the entire <paramref name="array" />, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.LastIndexOf``1(``0[],``0,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object and returns the index of the last occurrence within the range of elements in the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that extends from the first element to the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the last occurrence of <paramref name="value" /> within the range of elements in <paramref name="array" /> that extends from the first element to <paramref name="startIndex" />, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based starting index of the backward search.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.LastIndexOf``1(``0[],``0,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object and returns the index of the last occurrence within the range of elements in the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the specified number of elements and ends at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the last occurrence of <paramref name="value" /> within the range of elements in <paramref name="array" /> that contains the number of elements specified in <paramref name="count" /> and ends at <paramref name="startIndex" />, if found; otherwise, –1.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to search.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in <paramref name="array" />.</param>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based starting index of the backward search.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of elements in the section to search.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="count" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="startIndex" /> and <paramref name="count" /> do not specify a valid section in <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Array.Length">
      <summary>Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of elements in all the dimensions of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit integer that represents the total number of elements in all the dimensions of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />; zero if there are no elements in the array.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The array is multidimensional and contains more than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" /> elements.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Array.Rank">
      <summary>Gets the rank (number of dimensions) of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />. For example, a one-dimensional array returns 1, a two-dimensional array returns 2, and so on. </summary>
      <returns>The rank (number of dimensions) of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Resize``1(``0[]@,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Changes the number of elements of a one-dimensional array to the specified new size.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based array to resize, or null to create a new array with the specified size.</param>
      <param name="newSize">The size of the new array.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="newSize" /> is less than zero.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Reverse(System.Array)">
      <summary>Reverses the sequence of the elements in the entire one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to reverse.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Reverse(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reverses the sequence of the elements in a range of elements in the one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to reverse.</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the section to reverse.</param>
      <param name="length">The number of elements in the section to reverse.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.SetValue(System.Object,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Sets a value to the element at the specified position in the one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" />. The index is specified as a 32-bit integer.</summary>
      <param name="value">The new value for the specified element.</param>
      <param name="index">A 32-bit integer that represents the position of the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> element to set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The current <see cref="T:System.Array" /> does not have exactly one dimension.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">
        <paramref name="value" /> cannot be cast to the element type of the current <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for the current <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.SetValue(System.Object,System.Int32[])">
      <summary>Sets a value to the element at the specified position in the multidimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" />. The indexes are specified as an array of 32-bit integers.</summary>
      <param name="value">The new value for the specified element.</param>
      <param name="indices">A one-dimensional array of 32-bit integers that represent the indexes specifying the position of the element to set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="indices" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The number of dimensions in the current <see cref="T:System.Array" /> is not equal to the number of elements in <paramref name="indices" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">
        <paramref name="value" /> cannot be cast to the element type of the current <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">Any element in <paramref name="indices" /> is outside the range of valid indexes for the corresponding dimension of the current <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort(System.Array)">
      <summary>Sorts the elements in an entire one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> implementation of each element of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to sort.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">One or more elements in <paramref name="array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort(System.Array,System.Array)">
      <summary>Sorts a pair of one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> objects (one contains the keys and the other contains the corresponding items) based on the keys in the first <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> implementation of each key.</summary>
      <param name="keys">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the keys to sort.</param>
      <param name="items">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the items that correspond to each of the keys in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.-or-null to sort only the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="keys" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">The <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> is multidimensional.-or-The <paramref name="items" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the length of <paramref name="keys" /> is greater than the length of <paramref name="items" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">One or more elements in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort(System.Array,System.Array,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Sorts a pair of one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> objects (one contains the keys and the other contains the corresponding items) based on the keys in the first <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.IComparer" />.</summary>
      <param name="keys">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the keys to sort.</param>
      <param name="items">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the items that correspond to each of the keys in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.-or-null to sort only the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.</param>
      <param name="comparer">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IComparer" /> implementation to use when comparing elements.-or-null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> implementation of each element.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="keys" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">The <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> is multidimensional.-or-The <paramref name="items" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the length of <paramref name="keys" /> is greater than the length of <paramref name="items" />. -or-The implementation of <paramref name="comparer" /> caused an error during the sort. For example, <paramref name="comparer" /> might not return 0 when comparing an item with itself.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and one or more elements in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort(System.Array,System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Sorts a range of elements in a pair of one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> objects (one contains the keys and the other contains the corresponding items) based on the keys in the first <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> implementation of each key.</summary>
      <param name="keys">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the keys to sort.</param>
      <param name="items">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the items that correspond to each of the keys in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.-or-null to sort only the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="length">The number of elements in the range to sort.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="keys" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">The <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> is multidimensional.-or-The <paramref name="items" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="keys" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the length of <paramref name="keys" /> is greater than the length of <paramref name="items" />.-or-<paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.-or-<paramref name="items" /> is not null, and <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in the <paramref name="items" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">One or more elements in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort(System.Array,System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Sorts a range of elements in a pair of one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> objects (one contains the keys and the other contains the corresponding items) based on the keys in the first <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.IComparer" />.</summary>
      <param name="keys">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the keys to sort.</param>
      <param name="items">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the items that correspond to each of the keys in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.-or-null to sort only the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="length">The number of elements in the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="comparer">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IComparer" /> implementation to use when comparing elements.-or-null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> implementation of each element.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="keys" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">The <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> is multidimensional.-or-The <paramref name="items" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="keys" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the lower bound of <paramref name="keys" /> does not match the lower bound of <paramref name="items" />.-or-<paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the length of <paramref name="keys" /> is greater than the length of <paramref name="items" />.-or-<paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.-or-<paramref name="items" /> is not null, and <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in the <paramref name="items" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />. -or-The implementation of <paramref name="comparer" /> caused an error during the sort. For example, <paramref name="comparer" /> might not return 0 when comparing an item with itself.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and one or more elements in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort(System.Array,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Sorts the elements in a one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.IComparer" />.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional array to sort.</param>
      <param name="comparer">The implementation to use when comparing elements.-or-null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> implementation of each element.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and one or more elements in <paramref name="array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The implementation of <paramref name="comparer" /> caused an error during the sort. For example, <paramref name="comparer" /> might not return 0 when comparing an item with itself.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Sorts the elements in a range of elements in a one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> implementation of each element of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to sort.</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="length">The number of elements in the range to sort.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">One or more elements in <paramref name="array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Sorts the elements in a range of elements in a one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.IComparer" />.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to sort.</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="length">The number of elements in the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="comparer">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IComparer" /> implementation to use when comparing elements.-or-null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> implementation of each element.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.RankException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in <paramref name="array" />. -or-The implementation of <paramref name="comparer" /> caused an error during the sort. For example, <paramref name="comparer" /> might not return 0 when comparing an item with itself.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and one or more elements in <paramref name="array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort``1(``0[])">
      <summary>Sorts the elements in an entire <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface implementation of each element of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to sort.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">One or more elements in <paramref name="array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort``1(``0[],System.Collections.Generic.IComparer{``0})">
      <summary>Sorts the elements in an <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> generic interface.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-base <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to sort</param>
      <param name="comparer">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> generic interface implementation to use when comparing elements, or null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface implementation of each element.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and one or more elements in <paramref name="array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The implementation of <paramref name="comparer" /> caused an error during the sort. For example, <paramref name="comparer" /> might not return 0 when comparing an item with itself.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort``1(``0[],System.Comparison{``0})">
      <summary>Sorts the elements in an <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the specified <see cref="T:System.Comparison`1" />.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to sort</param>
      <param name="comparison">The <see cref="T:System.Comparison`1" /> to use when comparing elements.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="comparison" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The implementation of <paramref name="comparison" /> caused an error during the sort. For example, <paramref name="comparison" /> might not return 0 when comparing an item with itself.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort``1(``0[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Sorts the elements in a range of elements in an <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface implementation of each element of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to sort</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="length">The number of elements in the range to sort.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">One or more elements in <paramref name="array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort``1(``0[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer{``0})">
      <summary>Sorts the elements in a range of elements in an <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> generic interface.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to sort.</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="length">The number of elements in the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="comparer">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> generic interface implementation to use when comparing elements, or null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface implementation of each element.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="array" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in <paramref name="array" />. -or-The implementation of <paramref name="comparer" /> caused an error during the sort. For example, <paramref name="comparer" /> might not return 0 when comparing an item with itself.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and one or more elements in <paramref name="array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort``2(``0[],``1[])">
      <summary>Sorts a pair of <see cref="T:System.Array" /> objects (one contains the keys and the other contains the corresponding items) based on the keys in the first <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface implementation of each key.</summary>
      <param name="keys">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the keys to sort. </param>
      <param name="items">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the items that correspond to the keys in <paramref name="keys" />, or null to sort only <paramref name="keys" />.</param>
      <typeparam name="TKey">The type of the elements of the key array.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TValue">The type of the elements of the items array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="keys" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the lower bound of <paramref name="keys" /> does not match the lower bound of <paramref name="items" />.-or-<paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the length of <paramref name="keys" /> is greater than the length of <paramref name="items" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">One or more elements in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort``2(``0[],``1[],System.Collections.Generic.IComparer{``0})">
      <summary>Sorts a pair of <see cref="T:System.Array" /> objects (one contains the keys and the other contains the corresponding items) based on the keys in the first <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> generic interface.</summary>
      <param name="keys">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the keys to sort. </param>
      <param name="items">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the items that correspond to the keys in <paramref name="keys" />, or null to sort only <paramref name="keys" />.</param>
      <param name="comparer">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> generic interface implementation to use when comparing elements, or null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface implementation of each element.</param>
      <typeparam name="TKey">The type of the elements of the key array.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TValue">The type of the elements of the items array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="keys" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the lower bound of <paramref name="keys" /> does not match the lower bound of <paramref name="items" />.-or-<paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the length of <paramref name="keys" /> is greater than the length of <paramref name="items" />.-or-The implementation of <paramref name="comparer" /> caused an error during the sort. For example, <paramref name="comparer" /> might not return 0 when comparing an item with itself.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and one or more elements in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort``2(``0[],``1[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Sorts a range of elements in a pair of <see cref="T:System.Array" /> objects (one contains the keys and the other contains the corresponding items) based on the keys in the first <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface implementation of each key.</summary>
      <param name="keys">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the keys to sort. </param>
      <param name="items">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the items that correspond to the keys in <paramref name="keys" />, or null to sort only <paramref name="keys" />.</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="length">The number of elements in the range to sort.</param>
      <typeparam name="TKey">The type of the elements of the key array.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TValue">The type of the elements of the items array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="keys" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="keys" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the lower bound of <paramref name="keys" /> does not match the lower bound of <paramref name="items" />.-or-<paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the length of <paramref name="keys" /> is greater than the length of <paramref name="items" />.-or-<paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.-or-<paramref name="items" /> is not null, and <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in the <paramref name="items" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">One or more elements in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.Sort``2(``0[],``1[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer{``0})">
      <summary>Sorts a range of elements in a pair of <see cref="T:System.Array" /> objects (one contains the keys and the other contains the corresponding items) based on the keys in the first <see cref="T:System.Array" /> using the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> generic interface.</summary>
      <param name="keys">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the keys to sort. </param>
      <param name="items">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that contains the items that correspond to the keys in <paramref name="keys" />, or null to sort only <paramref name="keys" />.</param>
      <param name="index">The starting index of the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="length">The number of elements in the range to sort.</param>
      <param name="comparer">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1" /> generic interface implementation to use when comparing elements, or null to use the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface implementation of each element.</param>
      <typeparam name="TKey">The type of the elements of the key array.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TValue">The type of the elements of the items array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="keys" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than the lower bound of <paramref name="keys" />.-or-<paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the lower bound of <paramref name="keys" /> does not match the lower bound of <paramref name="items" />.-or-<paramref name="items" /> is not null, and the length of <paramref name="keys" /> is greater than the length of <paramref name="items" />.-or-<paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />.-or-<paramref name="items" /> is not null, and <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="length" /> do not specify a valid range in the <paramref name="items" /><see cref="T:System.Array" />. -or-The implementation of <paramref name="comparer" /> caused an error during the sort. For example, <paramref name="comparer" /> might not return 0 when comparing an item with itself.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="comparer" /> is null, and one or more elements in the <paramref name="keys" /><see cref="T:System.Array" /> do not implement the <see cref="T:System.IComparable`1" /> generic interface.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Array.System#Collections#ICollection#Count">
      <summary>Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>The number of elements contained in the collection.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Array.System#Collections#ICollection#IsSynchronized">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether access to the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> is synchronized (thread safe).</summary>
      <returns>true if access to the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Array.System#Collections#ICollection#SyncRoot">
      <summary>Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
      <returns>An object that can be used to synchronize access to the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Array.System#Collections#IList#Add(System.Object)">
      <summary>Calling this method always throws a <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" /> exception. </summary>
      <returns>Adding a value to an array is not supported. No value is returned. </returns>
      <param name="value">The object to be added to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.System#Collections#IList#Clear">
      <summary>Removes all items from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.System#Collections#IList#Contains(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether an element is in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value" /> is found in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in the current list. The element to locate can be null for reference types.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Array.System#Collections#IList#IndexOf(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines the index of a specific item in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <returns>The index of value if found in the list; otherwise, -1.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in the current list.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Array.System#Collections#IList#Insert(System.Int32,System.Object)">
      <summary>Inserts an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The index at which <paramref name="value" /> should be inserted.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to insert.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only.-or- The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NullReferenceException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null reference in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Array.System#Collections#IList#IsFixedSize">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> has a fixed size.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> has a fixed size; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Array.System#Collections#IList#IsReadOnly">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> is read-only.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Array" /> is read-only; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Array.System#Collections#IList#Item(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets or sets the element at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
      <param name="index">The index of the element to get or set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="index" /> is equal to or greater than <see cref="P:System.Collections.ICollection.Count" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The current <see cref="T:System.Array" /> does not have exactly one dimension.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.System#Collections#IList#Remove(System.Object)">
      <summary>Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <param name="value">The object to remove from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only.-or- The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.System#Collections#IList#RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Removes the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> item at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The index of the element to remove.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">index is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only.-or- The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Array.System#Collections#IStructuralComparable#CompareTo(System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Determines whether the current collection object precedes, occurs in the same position as, or follows another object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>An integer that indicates the relationship of the current collection object to other, as shown in the following table.Return valueDescription-1The current instance precedes <paramref name="other" />.0The current instance and <paramref name="other" /> are equal.1The current instance follows <paramref name="other" />.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that compares the current object and <paramref name="other" />.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Array.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#Equals(System.Object,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Determines whether an object is equal to the current instance.</summary>
      <returns>true if the two objects are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that determines whether the current instance and <paramref name="other" /> are equal. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Array.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Returns a hash code for the current instance.</summary>
      <returns>The hash code for the current instance.</returns>
      <param name="comparer">An object that computes the hash code of the current object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Array.TrueForAll``1(``0[],System.Predicate{``0})">
      <summary>Determines whether every element in the array matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate.</summary>
      <returns>true if every element in <paramref name="array" /> matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate; otherwise, false. If there are no elements in the array, the return value is true.</returns>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional, zero-based <see cref="T:System.Array" /> to check against the conditions.</param>
      <param name="match">The predicate that defines the conditions to check against the elements.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements of the array.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="match" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.ArraySegment`1">
      <summary>Delimits a section of a one-dimensional array.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements in the array segment.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.#ctor(`0[])">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" /> structure that delimits all the elements in the specified array.</summary>
      <param name="array">The array to wrap.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.#ctor(`0[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" /> structure that delimits the specified range of the elements in the specified array.</summary>
      <param name="array">The array containing the range of elements to delimit.</param>
      <param name="offset">The zero-based index of the first element in the range.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of elements in the range.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="offset" /> or <paramref name="count" /> is less than 0.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="offset" /> and <paramref name="count" /> do not specify a valid range in <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.ArraySegment`1.Array">
      <summary>Gets the original array containing the range of elements that the array segment delimits.</summary>
      <returns>The original array that was passed to the constructor, and that contains the range delimited by the <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" />.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.ArraySegment`1.Count">
      <summary>Gets the number of elements in the range delimited by the array segment.</summary>
      <returns>The number of elements in the range delimited by the <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.Equals(System.ArraySegment{`0})">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" /> structure is equal to the current instance.</summary>
      <returns>true if the specified <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" /> structure is equal to the current instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The structure to compare with the current instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current instance.</summary>
      <returns>true if the specified object is a <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" /> structure and is equal to the current instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to be compared with the current instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for the current instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.ArraySegment`1.Offset">
      <summary>Gets the position of the first element in the range delimited by the array segment, relative to the start of the original array.</summary>
      <returns>The position of the first element in the range delimited by the <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" />, relative to the start of the original array.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.op_Equality(System.ArraySegment{`0},System.ArraySegment{`0})">
      <summary>Indicates whether two <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" /> structures are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="a" /> is equal to <paramref name="b" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="a">The  structure on the left side of the equality operator.</param>
      <param name="b">The structure on the right side of the equality operator.</param>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.op_Inequality(System.ArraySegment{`0},System.ArraySegment{`0})">
      <summary>Indicates whether two <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" /> structures are unequal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="a" /> is not equal to <paramref name="b" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="a">The structure on the left side of the inequality operator.</param>
      <param name="b">The structure on the right side of the inequality operator.</param>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{T}#Add(`0)">
      <summary>Adds an item to the array segment.</summary>
      <param name="item">The object to add to the array segment.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The array segment is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{T}#Clear">
      <summary>Removes all items from the array segment.</summary>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The array segment is read-only. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{T}#Contains(`0)">
      <summary>Determines whether the array segment contains a specific value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="item" /> is found in the array segment; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="item">The object to locate in the array segment.</param>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{T}#CopyTo(`0[],System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies the elements of the array segment to an array, starting at the specified array index.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from the array segment. The array must have zero-based indexing.</param>
      <param name="arrayIndex">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array" /> at which copying begins.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="arrayIndex" /> is less than 0.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.-or-The number of elements in the source array segment is greater than the available space from <paramref name="arrayIndex" /> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array" />.-or-Type <paramref name="T" /> cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{T}#IsReadOnly">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether the array segment  is read-only.</summary>
      <returns>true if the array segment is read-only; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{T}#Remove(`0)">
      <summary>Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the array segment.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="item" /> was successfully removed from the array segment; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if <paramref name="item" /> is not found in the array segment.</returns>
      <param name="item">The object to remove from the array segment.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The array segment is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#IEnumerable{T}#GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through the array segment.</summary>
      <returns>An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the array segment.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#IList{T}#IndexOf(`0)">
      <summary>Determines the index of a specific item in the array segment.</summary>
      <returns>The index of <paramref name="item" /> if found in the list; otherwise, -1.</returns>
      <param name="item">The object to locate in the array segment.</param>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#IList{T}#Insert(System.Int32,`0)">
      <summary>Inserts an item into the array segment at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item" /> should be inserted.</param>
      <param name="item">The object to insert into the array segment.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the array segment.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The array segment is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#IList{T}#Item(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets or sets the element at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The property is set and the array segment is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#IList{T}#RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Removes the array segment item at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the item to remove.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the array segment.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The array segment is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#Generic#IReadOnlyList{T}#Item(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets the element at the specified index of the array segment.</summary>
      <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.ArraySegment`1" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The property is set.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.ArraySegment`1.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through an array segment.</summary>
      <returns>An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the array segment.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.ArrayTypeMismatchException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to store an element of the wrong type within an array. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.ArrayTypeMismatchException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArrayTypeMismatchException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ArrayTypeMismatchException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArrayTypeMismatchException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ArrayTypeMismatchException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ArrayTypeMismatchException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.AsyncCallback">
      <summary>References a method to be called when a corresponding asynchronous operation completes.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.AsyncCallback.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.AsyncCallback.BeginInvoke(System.IAsyncResult,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
    <member name="M:System.AsyncCallback.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)">
    <member name="M:System.AsyncCallback.Invoke(System.IAsyncResult)">
    <member name="T:System.Attribute">
      <summary>Represents the base class for custom attributes.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Attribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Attribute" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Attribute.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> equals the type and value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to compare with this instance or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Attribute.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.AttributeTargets">
      <summary>Specifies the application elements on which it is valid to apply an attribute.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.All">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to any application element.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Assembly">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to an assembly.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Class">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to a class.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Constructor">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to a constructor.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Delegate">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to a delegate.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Enum">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to an enumeration.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Event">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to an event.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Field">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to a field.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.GenericParameter">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to a generic parameter.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Interface">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to an interface.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Method">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to a method.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Module">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to a module.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Parameter">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to a parameter.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Property">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to a property.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.ReturnValue">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to a return value.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.AttributeTargets.Struct">
      <summary>Attribute can be applied to a structure; that is, a value type.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.AttributeUsageAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies the usage of another attribute class. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.AttributeUsageAttribute.#ctor(System.AttributeTargets)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.AttributeUsageAttribute" /> class with the specified list of <see cref="T:System.AttributeTargets" />, the <see cref="P:System.AttributeUsageAttribute.AllowMultiple" /> value, and the <see cref="P:System.AttributeUsageAttribute.Inherited" /> value.</summary>
      <param name="validOn">The set of values combined using a bitwise OR operation to indicate which program elements are valid. </param>
    <member name="P:System.AttributeUsageAttribute.AllowMultiple">
      <summary>Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether more than one instance of the indicated attribute can be specified for a single program element.</summary>
      <returns>true if more than one instance is allowed to be specified; otherwise, false. The default is false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.AttributeUsageAttribute.Inherited">
      <summary>Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the indicated attribute can be inherited by derived classes and overriding members.</summary>
      <returns>true if the attribute can be inherited by derived classes and overriding members; otherwise, false. The default is true.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.AttributeUsageAttribute.ValidOn">
      <summary>Gets a set of values identifying which program elements that the indicated attribute can be applied to.</summary>
      <returns>One or several <see cref="T:System.AttributeTargets" /> values. The default is All.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.BadImageFormatException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when the file image of a dynamic link library (DLL) or an executable program is invalid. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.BadImageFormatException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.BadImageFormatException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.BadImageFormatException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.BadImageFormatException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.BadImageFormatException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.BadImageFormatException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.BadImageFormatException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.BadImageFormatException" /> class with a specified error message and file name.</summary>
      <param name="message">A message that describes the error. </param>
      <param name="fileName">The full name of the file with the invalid image. </param>
    <member name="M:System.BadImageFormatException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.BadImageFormatException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="fileName">The full name of the file with the invalid image. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="P:System.BadImageFormatException.FileName">
      <summary>Gets the name of the file that causes this exception.</summary>
      <returns>The name of the file with the invalid image, or a null reference if no file name was passed to the constructor for the current instance.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.BadImageFormatException.Message">
      <summary>Gets the error message and the name of the file that caused this exception.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the error message and the name of the file that caused this exception.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.BadImageFormatException.ToString">
      <summary>Returns the fully qualified name of this exception and possibly the error message, the name of the inner exception, and the stack trace.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the fully qualified name of this exception and possibly the error message, the name of the inner exception, and the stack trace.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="ControlEvidence, ControlPolicy" />
    <member name="T:System.Boolean">
      <summary>Represents a Boolean (true or false) value.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.CompareTo(System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> object and returns an integer that indicates their relationship to one another.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return Value Condition Less than zero This instance is false and <paramref name="value" /> is true. Zero This instance and <paramref name="value" /> are equal (either both are true or both are false). Greater than zero This instance is true and <paramref name="value" /> is false. </returns>
      <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> object to compare to this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.Equals(System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> and has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare to this instance. </param>
    <member name="F:System.Boolean.FalseString">
      <summary>Represents the Boolean value false as a string. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Boolean" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a logical value to its <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> equivalent, or throws an exception if the string is not equal to the value of <see cref="F:System.Boolean.TrueString" /> or <see cref="F:System.Boolean.FalseString" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value" /> is equal to the value of the <see cref="F:System.Boolean.TrueString" /> field; false if <paramref name="value" /> is equal to the value of the <see cref="F:System.Boolean.FalseString" /> field.</returns>
      <param name="value">A string containing the value to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not equal to the value of the <see cref="F:System.Boolean.TrueString" /> or <see cref="F:System.Boolean.FalseString" /> field. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="obj" />.Return value Condition Less than zero This instance is false and <paramref name="obj" /> is true. Zero This instance and <paramref name="obj" /> are equal (either both are true or both are false). Greater than zero This instance is true and <paramref name="obj" /> is false.-or- <paramref name="obj" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance, or null.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true or false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>1 if the value of this instance is true; otherwise, 0. </returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">You attempt to convert a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value to a <see cref="T:System.Char" /> value. This conversion is not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">You attempt to convert a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value to a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value. This conversion is not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />..</summary>
      <returns>1 if this instance is true; otherwise, 0.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />..</summary>
      <returns>1 if this instance is true; otherwise, 0.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>1 if this instance is true; otherwise, 0.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>1 if this instance is true; otherwise, 0.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>1 if this instance is true; otherwise, 0.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>1 if this instance is true; otherwise, 0.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />..</summary>
      <returns>1 if this instance is true; otherwise, 0.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToString(System.IFormatProvider)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>An object of the specified type, with a value that is equivalent to the value of this Boolean object.</returns>
      <param name="type">The desired type. </param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> implementation that supplies culture-specific information about the format of the returned value.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">The requested type conversion is not supported. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>1 if this instance is true; otherwise, 0.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>1 if this instance is true; otherwise, 0.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>1 if this instance is true; otherwise, 0.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent string representation (either "True" or "False").</summary>
        <see cref="F:System.Boolean.TrueString" /> if the value of this instance is true, or <see cref="F:System.Boolean.FalseString" /> if the value of this instance is false.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.Boolean.TrueString">
      <summary>Represents the Boolean value true as a string. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Boolean.TryParse(System.String,System.Boolean@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert the specified string representation of a logical value to its <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">A string containing the value to convert. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, if the conversion succeeded, contains true if <paramref name="value" /> is equal to <see cref="F:System.Boolean.TrueString" /> or false if <paramref name="value" /> is equal to <see cref="F:System.Boolean.FalseString" />. If the conversion failed, contains false. The conversion fails if <paramref name="value" /> is null or is not equal to the value of either the <see cref="F:System.Boolean.TrueString" /> or <see cref="F:System.Boolean.FalseString" /> field.</param>
    <member name="T:System.Buffer">
      <summary>Manipulates arrays of primitive types.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Buffer.BlockCopy(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies a specified number of bytes from a source array starting at a particular offset to a destination array starting at a particular offset.</summary>
      <param name="src">The source buffer. </param>
      <param name="srcOffset">The zero-based byte offset into <paramref name="src" />. </param>
      <param name="dst">The destination buffer. </param>
      <param name="dstOffset">The zero-based byte offset into <paramref name="dst" />. </param>
      <param name="count">The number of bytes to copy. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="src" /> or <paramref name="dst" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="src" /> or <paramref name="dst" /> is not an array of primitives.-or- The number of bytes in <paramref name="src" /> is less than <paramref name="srcOffset" /> plus <paramref name="count" />.-or- The number of bytes in <paramref name="dst" /> is less than <paramref name="dstOffset" /> plus <paramref name="count" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="srcOffset" />, <paramref name="dstOffset" />, or <paramref name="count" /> is less than 0. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Buffer.ByteLength(System.Array)">
      <summary>Returns the number of bytes in the specified array.</summary>
      <returns>The number of bytes in the array.</returns>
      <param name="array">An array. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is not a primitive. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is larger than 2 gigabytes (GB).</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Buffer.GetByte(System.Array,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Retrieves the byte at a specified location in a specified array.</summary>
      <returns>Returns the <paramref name="index" /> byte in the array.</returns>
      <param name="array">An array. </param>
      <param name="index">A location in the array. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is not a primitive. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is negative or greater than the length of <paramref name="array" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is larger than 2 gigabytes (GB).</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Buffer.MemoryCopy(System.Void*,System.Void*,System.Int64,System.Int64)">
      <summary>Copies a number of bytes specified as a long integer value from one address in memory to another. </summary>
      <param name="source">The address of the bytes to copy. </param>
      <param name="destination">The target address. </param>
      <param name="destinationSizeInBytes">The number of bytes available in the destination memory block. </param>
      <param name="sourceBytesToCopy">The number of bytes to copy.  </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="sourceBytesToCopy" /> is greater than <paramref name="destinationSizeInBytes" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Buffer.MemoryCopy(System.Void*,System.Void*,System.UInt64,System.UInt64)">
      <summary>Copies a number of bytes specified as an unsigned long integer value from one address in memory to another. </summary>
      <param name="source">The address of the bytes to copy. </param>
      <param name="destination">The target address. </param>
      <param name="destinationSizeInBytes">The number of bytes available in the destination memory block. </param>
      <param name="sourceBytesToCopy">The number of bytes to copy.   </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="sourceBytesToCopy" /> is greater than <paramref name="destinationSizeInBytes" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Buffer.SetByte(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Byte)">
      <summary>Assigns a specified value to a byte at a particular location in a specified array.</summary>
      <param name="array">An array. </param>
      <param name="index">A location in the array. </param>
      <param name="value">A value to assign. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is not a primitive. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is negative or greater than the length of <paramref name="array" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is larger than 2 gigabytes (GB).</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Byte">
      <summary>Represents an 8-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.CompareTo(System.Byte)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified 8-bit unsigned integer and returns an indication of their relative values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return Value Description Less than zero This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">An 8-bit unsigned integer to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.Equals(System.Byte)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance and a specified <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> object represent the same value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Byte" />.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.Byte.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Byte.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A byte value that is equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" /> style. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not of the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A byte value that is equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the style specified by <paramref name="style" />. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not of the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A byte value that is equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the style specified by <paramref name="style" />. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific information about the format of <paramref name="s" />. If <paramref name="provider" /> is null, the thread current culture is used. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not of the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A byte value that is equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" /> style. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific parsing information about <paramref name="s" />. If <paramref name="provider" /> is null, the thread current culture is used. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not of the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Description Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order. Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order. Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current instance is not zero; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Char" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Double" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.SByte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Single" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to <paramref name="type" />.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type to which to convert this <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> value. </param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> implementation that supplies information about the format of the returned value.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">The requested type conversion is not supported. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> object to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this object, which consists of a sequence of digits that range from 0 to 9 with no leading zeroes.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of the current <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> object to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this object in the format specified by the <paramref name="provider" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the current <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> object, formatted as specified by the <paramref name="format" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> includes an unsupported specifier. Supported format specifiers are listed in the Remarks section.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the current <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> object, formatted as specified by the <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" /> parameters.</returns>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom numeric format string.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> includes an unsupported specifier. Supported format specifiers are listed in the Remarks section.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.TryParse(System.String,System.Byte@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert the string representation of a number to its <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> equivalent, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false. </returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" /> style.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> value equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" /> if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Byte.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.Byte@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its <see cref="T:System.Byte" /> equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the style specified by <paramref name="style" />. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. If <paramref name="provider" /> is null, the thread current culture is used. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 8-bit unsigned integer value equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" /> if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not of the correct format, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Char">
      <summary>Represents a character as a UTF-16 code unit.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Char.CompareTo(System.Char)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object and indicates whether this instance precedes, follows, or appears in the same position in the sort order as the specified <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the position of this instance in the sort order in relation to the <paramref name="value" /> parameter.Return Value Description Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance has the same position in the sort order as <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.ConvertFromUtf32(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Converts the specified Unicode code point into a UTF-16 encoded string.</summary>
      <returns>A string consisting of one <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object or a surrogate pair of <see cref="T:System.Char" /> objects equivalent to the code point specified by the <paramref name="utf32" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="utf32">A 21-bit Unicode code point. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="utf32" /> is not a valid 21-bit Unicode code point ranging from U+0 through U+10FFFF, excluding the surrogate pair range from U+D800 through U+DFFF. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.ConvertToUtf32(System.Char,System.Char)">
      <summary>Converts the value of a UTF-16 encoded surrogate pair into a Unicode code point.</summary>
      <returns>The 21-bit Unicode code point represented by the <paramref name="highSurrogate" /> and <paramref name="lowSurrogate" /> parameters.</returns>
      <param name="highSurrogate">A high surrogate code unit (that is, a code unit ranging from U+D800 through U+DBFF). </param>
      <param name="lowSurrogate">A low surrogate code unit (that is, a code unit ranging from U+DC00 through U+DFFF). </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="highSurrogate" /> is not in the range U+D800 through U+DBFF, or <paramref name="lowSurrogate" /> is not in the range U+DC00 through U+DFFF. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.ConvertToUtf32(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Converts the value of a UTF-16 encoded character or surrogate pair at a specified position in a string into a Unicode code point.</summary>
      <returns>The 21-bit Unicode code point represented by the character or surrogate pair at the position in the <paramref name="s" /> parameter specified by the <paramref name="index" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a character or surrogate pair. </param>
      <param name="index">The index position of the character or surrogate pair in <paramref name="s" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a position within <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The specified index position contains a surrogate pair, and either the first character in the pair is not a valid high surrogate or the second character in the pair is not a valid low surrogate. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.Equals(System.Char)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to the specified <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="obj" /> parameter equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare to this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.Char" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Char.GetNumericValue(System.Char)">
      <summary>Converts the specified numeric Unicode character to a double-precision floating point number.</summary>
      <returns>The numeric value of <paramref name="c" /> if that character represents a number; otherwise, -1.0.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.GetNumericValue(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric Unicode character at the specified position in a specified string to a double-precision floating point number.</summary>
      <returns>The numeric value of the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> if that character represents a number; otherwise, -1.</returns>
      <param name="s">A <see cref="T:System.String" />. </param>
      <param name="index">The character position in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsControl(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a control character.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is a control character; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsControl(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a control character.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is a control character; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsDigit(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a decimal digit.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is a decimal digit; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsDigit(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a decimal digit.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is a decimal digit; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsHighSurrogate(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object is a high surrogate.</summary>
      <returns>true if the numeric value of the <paramref name="c" /> parameter ranges from U+D800 through U+DBFF; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsHighSurrogate(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object at the specified position in a string is a high surrogate.</summary>
      <returns>true if the numeric value of the specified character in the <paramref name="s" /> parameter ranges from U+D800 through U+DBFF; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a position within <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsLetter(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a Unicode letter. </summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is a letter; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsLetter(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a Unicode letter.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is a letter; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsLetterOrDigit(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a letter or a decimal digit.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is a letter or a decimal digit; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsLetterOrDigit(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a letter or a decimal digit.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is a letter or a decimal digit; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsLower(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a lowercase letter.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is a lowercase letter; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsLower(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a lowercase letter.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is a lowercase letter; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsLowSurrogate(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object is a low surrogate.</summary>
      <returns>true if the numeric value of the <paramref name="c" /> parameter ranges from U+DC00 through U+DFFF; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsLowSurrogate(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object at the specified position in a string is a low surrogate.</summary>
      <returns>true if the numeric value of the specified character in the <paramref name="s" /> parameter ranges from U+DC00 through U+DFFF; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a position within <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsNumber(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a number.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is a number; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsNumber(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a number.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is a number; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsPunctuation(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a punctuation mark.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is a punctuation mark; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsPunctuation(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a punctuation mark.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is a punctuation mark; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsSeparator(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a separator character.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is a separator character; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsSeparator(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a separator character.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is a separator character; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsSurrogate(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified character has a surrogate code unit.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is either a high surrogate or a low surrogate; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsSurrogate(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string has a surrogate code unit.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is a either a high surrogate or a low surrogate; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsSurrogatePair(System.Char,System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the two specified <see cref="T:System.Char" /> objects form a surrogate pair.</summary>
      <returns>true if the numeric value of the <paramref name="highSurrogate" /> parameter ranges from U+D800 through U+DBFF, and the numeric value of the <paramref name="lowSurrogate" /> parameter ranges from U+DC00 through U+DFFF; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="highSurrogate">The character to evaluate as the high surrogate of a surrogate pair. </param>
      <param name="lowSurrogate">The character to evaluate as the low surrogate of a surrogate pair. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsSurrogatePair(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether two adjacent <see cref="T:System.Char" /> objects at a specified position in a string form a surrogate pair.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter includes adjacent characters at positions <paramref name="index" /> and <paramref name="index" /> + 1, and the numeric value of the character at position <paramref name="index" /> ranges from U+D800 through U+DBFF, and the numeric value of the character at position <paramref name="index" />+1 ranges from U+DC00 through U+DFFF; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The starting position of the pair of characters to evaluate within <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a position within <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsSymbol(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a symbol character.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is a symbol character; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsSymbol(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as a symbol character.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is a symbol character; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsUpper(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as an uppercase letter.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is an uppercase letter; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsUpper(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as an uppercase letter.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is an uppercase letter; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(System.Char)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as white space.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="c" /> is white space; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to evaluate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified string is categorized as white space.</summary>
      <returns>true if the character at position <paramref name="index" /> in <paramref name="s" /> is white space; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string. </param>
      <param name="index">The position of the character to evaluate in <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the last position in <paramref name="s" />. </exception>
    <member name="F:System.Char.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of a <see cref="T:System.Char" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Char.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of a <see cref="T:System.Char" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Char.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified string to its equivalent Unicode character.</summary>
      <returns>A Unicode character equivalent to the sole character in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a single character, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The length of <paramref name="s" /> is not 1. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the position of this instance in the sort order in relation to the <paramref name="value" /> parameter.Return value Description Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order. Zero This instance has the same position in the sort order as <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare this instance to, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Note   This conversion is not supported. Attempting to do so throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">This conversion is not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Note   This conversion is not supported. Attempting to do so throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">This conversion is not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Note   This conversion is not supported. Attempting to do so throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">This conversion is not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Note   This conversion is not supported. Attempting to do so throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">This conversion is not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary> For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary> For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary> For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Note   This conversion is not supported. Attempting to do so throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">This conversion is not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToString(System.IFormatProvider)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>An object of the specified type.</returns>
      <param name="type">A <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object. </param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> object. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object cannot be converted to the type specified by the <paramref name="type" /> parameter. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> object. (Specify null because the <paramref name="provider" /> parameter is ignored.)</param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> object. (Specify null because the <paramref name="provider" /> parameter is ignored.)</param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> object. (Specify null because the <paramref name="provider" /> parameter is ignored.)</param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.ToLower(System.Char)">
      <summary>Converts the value of a Unicode character to its lowercase equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>The lowercase equivalent of <paramref name="c" />, or the unchanged value of <paramref name="c" />, if <paramref name="c" /> is already lowercase or not alphabetic.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.ToLowerInvariant(System.Char)">
      <summary>Converts the value of a Unicode character to its lowercase equivalent using the casing rules of the invariant culture.</summary>
      <returns>The lowercase equivalent of the <paramref name="c" /> parameter, or the unchanged value of <paramref name="c" />, if <paramref name="c" /> is already lowercase or not alphabetic.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Char.ToString(System.Char)">
      <summary>Converts the specified Unicode character to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of <paramref name="c" />.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.ToUpper(System.Char)">
      <summary>Converts the value of a Unicode character to its uppercase equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>The uppercase equivalent of <paramref name="c" />, or the unchanged value of <paramref name="c" /> if <paramref name="c" /> is already uppercase, has no uppercase equivalent, or is not alphabetic.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.ToUpperInvariant(System.Char)">
      <summary>Converts the value of a Unicode character to its uppercase equivalent using the casing rules of the invariant culture.</summary>
      <returns>The uppercase equivalent of the <paramref name="c" /> parameter, or the unchanged value of <paramref name="c" />, if <paramref name="c" /> is already uppercase or not alphabetic.</returns>
      <param name="c">The Unicode character to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Char.TryParse(System.String,System.Char@)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified string to its equivalent Unicode character. A return code indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a single character, or null. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains a Unicode character equivalent to the sole character in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or an undefined value if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null or the length of <paramref name="s" /> is not 1. This parameter is passed uninitialized. </param>
    <member name="T:System.CLSCompliantAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates whether a program element is compliant with the Common Language Specification (CLS). This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.CLSCompliantAttribute.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Initializes an instance of the <see cref="T:System.CLSCompliantAttribute" /> class with a Boolean value indicating whether the indicated program element is CLS-compliant.</summary>
      <param name="isCompliant">true if CLS-compliant; otherwise, false. </param>
    <member name="P:System.CLSCompliantAttribute.IsCompliant">
      <summary>Gets the Boolean value indicating whether the indicated program element is CLS-compliant.</summary>
      <returns>true if the program element is CLS-compliant; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Comparison`1">
      <summary>Represents the method that compares two objects of the same type.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the objects to compare.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Comparison`1.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Comparison`1.BeginInvoke(`0,`0,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Comparison`1.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Comparison`1.Invoke(`0,`0)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.DateTime">
      <summary>Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day. To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> structure to the specified year, month, and day.</summary>
      <param name="year">The year (1 through 9999). </param>
      <param name="month">The month (1 through 12). </param>
      <param name="day">The day (1 through the number of days in <paramref name="month" />). </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="year" /> is less than 1 or greater than 9999.-or- <paramref name="month" /> is less than 1 or greater than 12.-or- <paramref name="day" /> is less than 1 or greater than the number of days in <paramref name="month" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> structure to the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.</summary>
      <param name="year">The year (1 through 9999). </param>
      <param name="month">The month (1 through 12). </param>
      <param name="day">The day (1 through the number of days in <paramref name="month" />). </param>
      <param name="hour">The hours (0 through 23). </param>
      <param name="minute">The minutes (0 through 59). </param>
      <param name="second">The seconds (0 through 59). </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="year" /> is less than 1 or greater than 9999. -or- <paramref name="month" /> is less than 1 or greater than 12. -or- <paramref name="day" /> is less than 1 or greater than the number of days in <paramref name="month" />.-or- <paramref name="hour" /> is less than 0 or greater than 23. -or- <paramref name="minute" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59. -or- <paramref name="second" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.DateTimeKind)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> structure to the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or local time.</summary>
      <param name="year">The year (1 through 9999). </param>
      <param name="month">The month (1 through 12). </param>
      <param name="day">The day (1 through the number of days in <paramref name="month" />). </param>
      <param name="hour">The hours (0 through 23). </param>
      <param name="minute">The minutes (0 through 59). </param>
      <param name="second">The seconds (0 through 59). </param>
      <param name="kind">One of the enumeration values that indicates whether <paramref name="year" />, <paramref name="month" />, <paramref name="day" />, <paramref name="hour" />, <paramref name="minute" /> and <paramref name="second" /> specify a local time, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or neither.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="year" /> is less than 1 or greater than 9999. -or- <paramref name="month" /> is less than 1 or greater than 12. -or- <paramref name="day" /> is less than 1 or greater than the number of days in <paramref name="month" />.-or- <paramref name="hour" /> is less than 0 or greater than 23. -or- <paramref name="minute" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59. -or- <paramref name="second" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="kind" /> is not one of the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> structure to the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.</summary>
      <param name="year">The year (1 through 9999). </param>
      <param name="month">The month (1 through 12). </param>
      <param name="day">The day (1 through the number of days in <paramref name="month" />). </param>
      <param name="hour">The hours (0 through 23). </param>
      <param name="minute">The minutes (0 through 59). </param>
      <param name="second">The seconds (0 through 59). </param>
      <param name="millisecond">The milliseconds (0 through 999). </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="year" /> is less than 1 or greater than 9999.-or- <paramref name="month" /> is less than 1 or greater than 12.-or- <paramref name="day" /> is less than 1 or greater than the number of days in <paramref name="month" />.-or- <paramref name="hour" /> is less than 0 or greater than 23.-or- <paramref name="minute" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59.-or- <paramref name="second" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59.-or- <paramref name="millisecond" /> is less than 0 or greater than 999. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.DateTimeKind)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> structure to the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or local time.</summary>
      <param name="year">The year (1 through 9999). </param>
      <param name="month">The month (1 through 12). </param>
      <param name="day">The day (1 through the number of days in <paramref name="month" />). </param>
      <param name="hour">The hours (0 through 23). </param>
      <param name="minute">The minutes (0 through 59). </param>
      <param name="second">The seconds (0 through 59). </param>
      <param name="millisecond">The milliseconds (0 through 999). </param>
      <param name="kind">One of the enumeration values that indicates whether <paramref name="year" />, <paramref name="month" />, <paramref name="day" />, <paramref name="hour" />, <paramref name="minute" />, <paramref name="second" />, and <paramref name="millisecond" /> specify a local time, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or neither.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="year" /> is less than 1 or greater than 9999.-or- <paramref name="month" /> is less than 1 or greater than 12.-or- <paramref name="day" /> is less than 1 or greater than the number of days in <paramref name="month" />.-or- <paramref name="hour" /> is less than 0 or greater than 23.-or- <paramref name="minute" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59.-or- <paramref name="second" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59.-or- <paramref name="millisecond" /> is less than 0 or greater than 999. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="kind" /> is not one of the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.#ctor(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> structure to a specified number of ticks.</summary>
      <param name="ticks">A date and time expressed in the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since January 1, 0001 at 00:00:00.000 in the Gregorian calendar. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="ticks" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.#ctor(System.Int64,System.DateTimeKind)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> structure to a specified number of ticks and to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or local time.</summary>
      <param name="ticks">A date and time expressed in the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since January 1, 0001 at 00:00:00.000 in the Gregorian calendar. </param>
      <param name="kind">One of the enumeration values that indicates whether <paramref name="ticks" /> specifies a local time, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or neither.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="ticks" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="kind" /> is not one of the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.Add(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> that adds the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by this instance and the time interval represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A positive or negative time interval. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.AddDays(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> that adds the specified number of days to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by this instance and the number of days represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of whole and fractional days. The <paramref name="value" /> parameter can be negative or positive. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.AddHours(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> that adds the specified number of hours to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by this instance and the number of hours represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of whole and fractional hours. The <paramref name="value" /> parameter can be negative or positive. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.AddMilliseconds(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> that adds the specified number of milliseconds to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by this instance and the number of milliseconds represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of whole and fractional milliseconds. The <paramref name="value" /> parameter can be negative or positive. Note that this value is rounded to the nearest integer.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.AddMinutes(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> that adds the specified number of minutes to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by this instance and the number of minutes represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of whole and fractional minutes. The <paramref name="value" /> parameter can be negative or positive. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.AddMonths(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by this instance and <paramref name="months" />.</returns>
      <param name="months">A number of months. The <paramref name="months" /> parameter can be negative or positive. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />.-or- <paramref name="months" /> is less than -120,000 or greater than 120,000. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.AddSeconds(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> that adds the specified number of seconds to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by this instance and the number of seconds represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of whole and fractional seconds. The <paramref name="value" /> parameter can be negative or positive. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.AddTicks(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> that adds the specified number of ticks to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by this instance and the time represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of 100-nanosecond ticks. The <paramref name="value" /> parameter can be positive or negative. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.AddYears(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by this instance and the number of years represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of years. The <paramref name="value" /> parameter can be negative or positive. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="value" /> or the resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.Compare(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Compares two instances of <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> and returns an integer that indicates whether the first instance is earlier than, the same as, or later than the second instance.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of <paramref name="t1" /> and <paramref name="t2" />.Value Type Condition Less than zero <paramref name="t1" /> is earlier than <paramref name="t2" />. Zero <paramref name="t1" /> is the same as <paramref name="t2" />. Greater than zero <paramref name="t1" /> is later than <paramref name="t2" />. </returns>
      <param name="t1">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.CompareTo(System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Compares the value of this instance to a specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value and returns an integer that indicates whether this instance is earlier than, the same as, or later than the specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and the <paramref name="value" /> parameter.Value Description Less than zero This instance is earlier than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is the same as <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance is later than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">The object to compare to the current instance. </param>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Date">
      <summary>Gets the date component of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A new object with the same date as this instance, and the time value set to 12:00:00 midnight (00:00:00).</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Day">
      <summary>Gets the day of the month represented by this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The day component, expressed as a value between 1 and 31.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.DayOfWeek">
      <summary>Gets the day of the week represented by this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An enumerated constant that indicates the day of the week of this <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value. </returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.DayOfYear">
      <summary>Gets the day of the year represented by this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The day of the year, expressed as a value between 1 and 366.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns the number of days in the specified month and year.</summary>
      <returns>The number of days in <paramref name="month" /> for the specified <paramref name="year" />.For example, if <paramref name="month" /> equals 2 for February, the return value is 28 or 29 depending upon whether <paramref name="year" /> is a leap year.</returns>
      <param name="year">The year. </param>
      <param name="month">The month (a number ranging from 1 to 12). </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="month" /> is less than 1 or greater than 12.-or-<paramref name="year" /> is less than 1 or greater than 9999.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.Equals(System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether the value of this instance is equal to the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="value" /> parameter equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to compare to this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.Equals(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether two <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> instances  have the same date and time value.</summary>
      <returns>true if the two values are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to compare to this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.FromBinary(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Deserializes a 64-bit binary value and recreates an original serialized <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object that was serialized by the <see cref="M:System.DateTime.ToBinary" /> method.</returns>
      <param name="dateData">A 64-bit signed integer that encodes the <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Kind" /> property in a 2-bit field and the <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Ticks" /> property in a 62-bit field. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="dateData" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.FromFileTime(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Converts the specified Windows file time to an equivalent local time.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents the local time equivalent of the date and time represented by the <paramref name="fileTime" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="fileTime">A Windows file time expressed in ticks. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="fileTime" /> is less than 0 or represents a time greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Converts the specified Windows file time to an equivalent UTC time.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents the UTC time equivalent of the date and time represented by the <paramref name="fileTime" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="fileTime">A Windows file time expressed in ticks. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="fileTime" /> is less than 0 or represents a time greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.GetDateTimeFormats">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to all the string representations supported by the standard date and time format specifiers.</summary>
      <returns>A string array where each element is the representation of the value of this instance formatted with one of the standard date and time format specifiers.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.GetDateTimeFormats(System.Char)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to all the string representations supported by the specified standard date and time format specifier.</summary>
      <returns>A string array where each element is the representation of the value of this instance formatted with the <paramref name="format" /> standard date and time format specifier.</returns>
      <param name="format">A standard date and time format string (see Remarks). </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is not a valid standard date and time format specifier character.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.GetDateTimeFormats(System.Char,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to all the string representations supported by the specified standard date and time format specifier and culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>A string array where each element is the representation of the value of this instance formatted with one of the standard date and time format specifiers.</returns>
      <param name="format">A date and time format string (see Remarks). </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about this instance. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is not a valid standard date and time format specifier character.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.GetDateTimeFormats(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to all the string representations supported by the standard date and time format specifiers and the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>A string array where each element is the representation of the value of this instance formatted with one of the standard date and time format specifiers.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Hour">
      <summary>Gets the hour component of the date represented by this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The hour component, expressed as a value between 0 and 23.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.IsDaylightSavingTime">
      <summary>Indicates whether this instance of <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is within the daylight saving time range for the current time zone.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Kind" /> property is <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Local" /> or <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Unspecified" /> and the value of this instance of <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is within the daylight saving time range for the local time zone; false if <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Kind" /> is <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Utc" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.IsLeapYear(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns an indication whether the specified year is a leap year.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="year" /> is a leap year; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="year">A 4-digit year. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="year" /> is less than 1 or greater than 9999.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Kind">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether the time represented by this instance is based on local time, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or neither.</summary>
      <returns>One of the enumeration values that indicates what the current time represents. The default is <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Unspecified" />.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of <see cref="T:System.DateTime" />. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Millisecond">
      <summary>Gets the milliseconds component of the date represented by this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The milliseconds component, expressed as a value between 0 and 999.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Minute">
      <summary>Gets the minute component of the date represented by this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The minute component, expressed as a value between 0 and 59.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.DateTime.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of <see cref="T:System.DateTime" />. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Month">
      <summary>Gets the month component of the date represented by this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The month component, expressed as a value between 1 and 12.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Now">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object that is set to the current date and time on this computer, expressed as the local time.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the current local date and time.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.op_Addition(System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Adds a specified time interval to a specified date and time, yielding a new date and time.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is the sum of the values of <paramref name="d" /> and <paramref name="t" />.</returns>
      <param name="d">The date and time value to add. </param>
      <param name="t">The time interval to add. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.op_Equality(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified instances of <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" /> represent the same date and time; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.op_GreaterThan(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Determines whether one specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is later than another specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="t1" /> is later than <paramref name="t2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.op_GreaterThanOrEqual(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Determines whether one specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> represents a date and time that is the same as or later than another specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="t1" /> is the same as or later than <paramref name="t2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.op_Inequality(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified instances of <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" /> do not represent the same date and time; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.op_LessThan(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Determines whether one specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is earlier than another specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="t1" /> is earlier than <paramref name="t2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.op_LessThanOrEqual(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Determines whether one specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> represents a date and time that is the same as or earlier than another specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="t1" /> is the same as or later than <paramref name="t2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.op_Subtraction(System.DateTime,System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Subtracts a specified date and time from another specified date and time and returns a time interval.</summary>
      <returns>The time interval between <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" />; that is, <paramref name="d1" /> minus <paramref name="d2" />.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The date and time value to subtract from (the minuend). </param>
      <param name="d2">The date and time value to subtract (the subtrahend). </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.op_Subtraction(System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Subtracts a specified time interval from a specified date and time and returns a new date and time.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the value of <paramref name="d" /> minus the value of <paramref name="t" />.</returns>
      <param name="d">The date and time value to subtract from. </param>
      <param name="t">The time interval to subtract. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a date and time to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> equivalent by using culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time contained in <paramref name="s" /> as specified by <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a date and time to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific format information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> equivalent by using culture-specific format information and formatting style.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time contained in <paramref name="s" />, as specified by <paramref name="provider" /> and <paramref name="styles" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a date and time to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="styles">A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" /> for the parse operation to succeed, and that defines how to interpret the parsed date in relation to the current time zone or the current date. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="styles" /> contains an invalid combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values. For example, both <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> equivalent using the specified format and culture-specific format information. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time contained in <paramref name="s" />, as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a date and time to convert. </param>
      <param name="format">A format specifier that defines the required format of <paramref name="s" />. For more information, see the Remarks section. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific format information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> or <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> or <paramref name="format" /> is an empty string. -or- <paramref name="s" /> does not contain a date and time that corresponds to the pattern specified in <paramref name="format" />. -or-The hour component and the AM/PM designator in <paramref name="s" /> do not agree.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> equivalent using the specified format, culture-specific format information, and style. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly or an exception is thrown.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time contained in <paramref name="s" />, as specified by <paramref name="format" />, <paramref name="provider" />, and <paramref name="style" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a date and time to convert. </param>
      <param name="format">A format specifier that defines the required format of <paramref name="s" />. For more information, see the Remarks section. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that provides additional information about <paramref name="s" />, about style elements that may be present in <paramref name="s" />, or about the conversion from <paramref name="s" /> to a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> or <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> or <paramref name="format" /> is an empty string. -or- <paramref name="s" /> does not contain a date and time that corresponds to the pattern specified in <paramref name="format" />. -or-The hour component and the AM/PM designator in <paramref name="s" /> do not agree.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> contains an invalid combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values. For example, both <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ParseExact(System.String,System.String[],System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> equivalent using the specified array of formats, culture-specific format information, and style. The format of the string representation must match at least one of the specified formats exactly or an exception is thrown.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time contained in <paramref name="s" />, as specified by <paramref name="formats" />, <paramref name="provider" />, and <paramref name="style" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a date and time to convert. </param>
      <param name="formats">An array of allowable formats of <paramref name="s" />. For more information, see the Remarks section. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific format information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> or <paramref name="formats" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is an empty string. -or- an element of <paramref name="formats" /> is an empty string. -or- <paramref name="s" /> does not contain a date and time that corresponds to any element of <paramref name="formats" />. -or-The hour component and the AM/PM designator in <paramref name="s" /> do not agree.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> contains an invalid combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values. For example, both <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Second">
      <summary>Gets the seconds component of the date represented by this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The seconds component, expressed as a value between 0 and 59.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.SpecifyKind(System.DateTime,System.DateTimeKind)">
      <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object that has the same number of ticks as the specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" />, but is designated as either local time, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or neither, as indicated by the specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>A new object that has the same number of ticks as the object represented by the <paramref name="value" /> parameter and the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind" /> value specified by the <paramref name="kind" /> parameter. </returns>
      <param name="value">A date and time. </param>
      <param name="kind">One of the enumeration values that indicates whether the new object represents local time, UTC, or neither.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.Subtract(System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Subtracts the specified date and time from this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A time interval that is equal to the date and time represented by this instance minus the date and time represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The date and time value to subtract. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The result is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.Subtract(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Subtracts the specified duration from this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equal to the date and time represented by this instance minus the time interval represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The time interval to subtract. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The result is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether this instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Value Description Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order. Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order. Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order, or <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Returns the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The current object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object to an object of a specified type.</summary>
      <returns>An object of the type specified by the <paramref name="type" /> parameter, with a value equivalent to the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="type">The desired type. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">This conversion is not supported for the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> type.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The return value for this member is not used.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface. (This parameter is not used; specify null.)</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Ticks">
      <summary>Gets the number of ticks that represent the date and time of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The number of ticks that represent the date and time of this instance. The value is between DateTime.MinValue.Ticks and DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.TimeOfDay">
      <summary>Gets the time of day for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A time interval that represents the fraction of the day that has elapsed since midnight.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ToBinary">
      <summary>Serializes the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object to a 64-bit binary value that subsequently can be used to recreate the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit signed integer that encodes the <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Kind" /> and <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Ticks" /> properties. </returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Today">
      <summary>Gets the current date.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is set to today's date, with the time component set to 00:00:00.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ToFileTime">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object to a Windows file time.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object expressed as a Windows file time.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting file time would represent a date and time before 12:00 midnight January 1, 1601 C.E. UTC. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ToFileTimeUtc">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object to a Windows file time.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object expressed as a Windows file time.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting file time would represent a date and time before 12:00 midnight January 1, 1601 C.E. UTC. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ToLocalTime">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object to local time.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Kind" /> property is <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Local" />, and whose value is the local time equivalent to the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object, or <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" /> if the converted value is too large to be represented by a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object, or <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> if the converted value is too small to be represented as a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The date and time is outside the range of dates supported by the calendar used by the current culture. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object as specified by <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The date and time is outside the range of dates supported by the calendar used by <paramref name="provider" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom date and time format string (see Remarks). </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The length of <paramref name="format" /> is 1, and it is not one of the format specifier characters defined for <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo" />.-or- <paramref name="format" /> does not contain a valid custom format pattern. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The date and time is outside the range of dates supported by the calendar used by the current culture.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom date and time format string. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The length of <paramref name="format" /> is 1, and it is not one of the format specifier characters defined for <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo" />.-or- <paramref name="format" /> does not contain a valid custom format pattern. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The date and time is outside the range of dates supported by the calendar used by <paramref name="provider" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.ToUniversalTime">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</summary>
      <returns>An object whose <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Kind" /> property is <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Utc" />, and whose value is the UTC equivalent to the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object, or <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" /> if the converted value is too large to be represented by a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object, or <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> if the converted value is too small to be represented by a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.TryParse(System.String,System.DateTime@)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> equivalent and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a date and time to convert. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value equivalent to the date and time contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null, is an empty string (""), or does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time. This parameter is passed uninitialized. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.TryParse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles,System.DateTime@)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> equivalent using the specified culture-specific format information and formatting style, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a date and time to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="styles">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that defines how to interpret the parsed date in relation to the current time zone or the current date. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None" />.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value equivalent to the date and time contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null, is an empty string (""), or does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time. This parameter is passed uninitialized. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="styles" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> value.-or-<paramref name="styles" /> contains an invalid combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values (for example, both <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal" />).</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">
        <paramref name="provider" /> is a neutral culture and cannot be used in a parsing operation.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.TryParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles,System.DateTime@)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> equivalent using the specified format, culture-specific format information, and style. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly. The method returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a date and time to convert. </param>
      <param name="format">The required format of <paramref name="s" />. See the Remarks section for more information. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of one or more enumeration values that indicate the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value equivalent to the date and time contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if either the <paramref name="s" /> or <paramref name="format" /> parameter is null, is an empty string, or does not contain a date and time that correspond to the pattern specified in <paramref name="format" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="styles" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> value.-or-<paramref name="styles" /> contains an invalid combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values (for example, both <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal" />).</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTime.TryParseExact(System.String,System.String[],System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles,System.DateTime@)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> equivalent using the specified array of formats, culture-specific format information, and style. The format of the string representation must match at least one of the specified formats exactly. The method returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a date and time to convert. </param>
      <param name="formats">An array of allowable formats of <paramref name="s" />. See the Remarks section for more information. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific format information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None" />.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value equivalent to the date and time contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if <paramref name="s" /> or <paramref name="formats" /> is null, <paramref name="s" /> or an element of <paramref name="formats" /> is an empty string, or the format of <paramref name="s" /> is not exactly as specified by at least one of the format patterns in <paramref name="formats" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="styles" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> value.-or-<paramref name="styles" /> contains an invalid combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values (for example, both <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal" />).</exception>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.UtcNow">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object that is set to the current date and time on this computer, expressed as the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the current UTC date and time.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTime.Year">
      <summary>Gets the year component of the date represented by this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The year, between 1 and 9999.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.DateTimeKind">
      <summary>Specifies whether a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object represents a local time, a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or is not specified as either local time or UTC.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.DateTimeKind.Local">
      <summary>The time represented is local time.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.DateTimeKind.Unspecified">
      <summary>The time represented is not specified as either local time or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</summary>
    <member name="F:System.DateTimeKind.Utc">
      <summary>The time represented is UTC.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.DateTimeOffset">
      <summary>Represents a point in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day, relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</summary>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.#ctor(System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> structure using the specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value.</summary>
      <param name="dateTime">A date and time.   </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time that results from applying the offset is earlier than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or-The UTC date and time that results from applying the offset is later than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.#ctor(System.DateTime,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> structure using the specified <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value and offset.</summary>
      <param name="dateTime">A date and time.   </param>
      <param name="offset">The time's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="dateTime.Kind" /> equals <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Utc" /> and <paramref name="offset" /> does not equal zero.-or-<paramref name="dateTime.Kind" /> equals <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Local" /> and <paramref name="offset" /> does not equal the offset of the system's local time zone.-or-<paramref name="offset" /> is not specified in whole minutes.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="offset" /> is less than -14 hours or greater than 14 hours.-or-<see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> structure using the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and offset.</summary>
      <param name="year">The year (1 through 9999).</param>
      <param name="month">The month (1 through 12).</param>
      <param name="day">The day (1 through the number of days in <paramref name="month" />).</param>
      <param name="hour">The hours (0 through 23).   </param>
      <param name="minute">The minutes (0 through 59).</param>
      <param name="second">The seconds (0 through 59).</param>
      <param name="millisecond">The milliseconds (0 through 999).</param>
      <param name="offset">The time's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="offset" /> does not represent whole minutes.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="year" /> is less than one or greater than 9999.-or-<paramref name="month" /> is less than one or greater than 12.-or-<paramref name="day" /> is less than one or greater than the number of days in <paramref name="month" />.-or-<paramref name="hour" /> is less than zero or greater than 23.-or-<paramref name="minute" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59.-or-<paramref name="second" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59.-or-<paramref name="millisecond" /> is less than 0 or greater than 999.-or-<paramref name="offset" /> is less than -14 or greater than 14.-or-The <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> property is earlier than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" /> or later than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> structure using the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and offset.</summary>
      <param name="year">The year (1 through 9999).</param>
      <param name="month">The month (1 through 12).</param>
      <param name="day">The day (1 through the number of days in <paramref name="month" />).</param>
      <param name="hour">The hours (0 through 23).   </param>
      <param name="minute">The minutes (0 through 59).</param>
      <param name="second">The seconds (0 through 59).</param>
      <param name="offset">The time's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="offset" /> does not represent whole minutes.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="year" /> is less than one or greater than 9999.-or-<paramref name="month" /> is less than one or greater than 12.-or-<paramref name="day" /> is less than one or greater than the number of days in <paramref name="month" />.-or-<paramref name="hour" /> is less than zero or greater than 23.-or-<paramref name="minute" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59.-or-<paramref name="second" /> is less than 0 or greater than 59.-or-<paramref name="offset" /> is less than -14 hours or greater than 14 hours.-or-The <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> property is earlier than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" /> or later than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.#ctor(System.Int64,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> structure using the specified number of ticks and offset.</summary>
      <param name="ticks">A date and time expressed as the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since 12:00:00 midnight on January 1, 0001.</param>
      <param name="offset">The time's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="offset" /> is not specified in whole minutes.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> property is earlier than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" /> or later than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.-or-<paramref name="ticks" /> is less than DateTimeOffset.MinValue.Ticks or greater than DateTimeOffset.MaxValue.Ticks.-or-<paramref name="Offset" /> s less than -14 hours or greater than 14 hours.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.Add(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that adds a specified time interval to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and the time interval represented by <paramref name="timeSpan" />.</returns>
      <param name="timeSpan">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object that represents a positive or a negative time interval.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or- The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.AddDays(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that adds a specified number of whole and fractional days to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and the number of days represented by <paramref name="days" />.</returns>
      <param name="days">A number of whole and fractional days. The number can be negative or positive.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or- The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.AddHours(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that adds a specified number of whole and fractional hours to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and the number of hours represented by <paramref name="hours" />.</returns>
      <param name="hours">A number of whole and fractional hours. The number can be negative or positive.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or- The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.AddMilliseconds(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that adds a specified number of milliseconds to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and the number of whole milliseconds represented by <paramref name="milliseconds" />.</returns>
      <param name="milliseconds">A number of whole and fractional milliseconds. The number can be negative or positive.   </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or- The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.AddMinutes(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that adds a specified number of whole and fractional minutes to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and the number of minutes represented by <paramref name="minutes" />.</returns>
      <param name="minutes">A number of whole and fractional minutes. The number can be negative or positive.   </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or- The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.AddMonths(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that adds a specified number of months to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and the number of months represented by <paramref name="months" />.</returns>
      <param name="months">A number of whole months. The number can be negative or positive.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or- The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.AddSeconds(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that adds a specified number of whole and fractional seconds to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and the number of seconds represented by <paramref name="seconds" />.</returns>
      <param name="seconds">A number of whole and fractional seconds. The number can be negative or positive.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or- The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.AddTicks(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that adds a specified number of ticks to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and the number of ticks represented by <paramref name="ticks" />.</returns>
      <param name="ticks">A number of 100-nanosecond ticks. The number can be negative or positive.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or- The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.AddYears(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that adds a specified number of years to the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the date and time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and the number of years represented by <paramref name="years" />.</returns>
      <param name="years">A number of years. The number can be negative or positive.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or- The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.Compare(System.DateTimeOffset,System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Compares two <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> objects and indicates whether the first is earlier than the second, equal to the second, or later than the second.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates whether the value of the <paramref name="first" /> parameter is earlier than, later than, or the same time as the value of the <paramref name="second" /> parameter, as the following table shows.Return valueMeaningLess than zero<paramref name="first" /> is earlier than <paramref name="second" />.Zero<paramref name="first" /> is equal to <paramref name="second" />.Greater than zero<paramref name="first" /> is later than <paramref name="second" />.</returns>
      <param name="first">The first object to compare.</param>
      <param name="second">The second object to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.CompareTo(System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object to a specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and indicates whether the current object is earlier than, the same as, or later than the second <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relationship between the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and <paramref name="other" />, as the following table shows.Return ValueDescriptionLess than zeroThe current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object is earlier than <paramref name="other" />.ZeroThe current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object is the same as <paramref name="other" />.Greater than zero.The current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object is later than <paramref name="other" />.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare with the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</param>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Date">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value that represents the date component of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value that represents the date component of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.DateTime">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value that represents the date and time of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The date and time of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Day">
      <summary>Gets the day of the month represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The day component of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, expressed as a value between 1 and 31.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.DayOfWeek">
      <summary>Gets the day of the week represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>One of the enumeration values that indicates the day of the week of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.DayOfYear">
      <summary>Gets the day of the year represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The day of the year of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, expressed as a value between 1 and 366.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.Equals(System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Determines whether the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object represents the same point in time as a specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if both <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> objects have the same <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare to the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.   </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.Equals(System.DateTimeOffset,System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> objects represent the same point in time.</summary>
      <returns>true if the two <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> objects have the same <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="first">The first object to compare.</param>
      <param name="second">The second object to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object represents the same point in time as a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="obj" /> parameter is a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and represents the same point in time as the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare to the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.EqualsExact(System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Determines whether the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object represents the same time and has the same offset as a specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object and <paramref name="other" /> have the same date and time value and the same <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Offset" /> value; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare to the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.FromFileTime(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Converts the specified Windows file time to an equivalent local time.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents the date and time of <paramref name="fileTime" /> with the offset set to the local time offset.</returns>
      <param name="fileTime">A Windows file time, expressed in ticks.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="filetime" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="filetime" /> is greater than DateTimeOffset.MaxValue.Ticks.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. </returns>
      <param name="milliseconds">A Unix time, expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="milliseconds" /> is less than  -62,135,596,800,000. -or-<paramref name="milliseconds" /> is greater than 253,402,300,799,999. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value. </summary>
      <returns>A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. </returns>
      <param name="seconds">A Unix time, expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="seconds" /> is less than  -62,135,596,800. -or-<paramref name="seconds" /> is greater than 253,402,300,799. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Hour">
      <summary>Gets the hour component of the time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The hour component of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object. This property uses a 24-hour clock; the value ranges from 0 to 23.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.LocalDateTime">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value that represents the local date and time of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The local date and time of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the greatest possible value of <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" />. This field is read-only.</summary>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MaxValue" /> is outside the range of the current or specified culture's default calendar.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Millisecond">
      <summary>Gets the millisecond component of the time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The millisecond component of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, expressed as an integer between 0 and 999.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Minute">
      <summary>Gets the minute component of the time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The minute component of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, expressed as an integer between 0 and 59.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the earliest possible <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Month">
      <summary>Gets the month component of the date represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The month component of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, expressed as an integer between 1 and 12.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Now">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that is set to the current date and time on the current computer, with the offset set to the local time's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object whose date and time is the current local time and whose offset is the local time zone's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Offset">
      <summary>Gets the time's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). </summary>
      <returns>The difference between the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object's time value and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.op_Addition(System.DateTimeOffset,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Adds a specified time interval to a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that has a specified date and time, and yields a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that has new a date and time.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the values of <paramref name="dateTimeTz" /> and <paramref name="timeSpan" />.</returns>
      <param name="dateTimeOffset">The object to add the time interval to.</param>
      <param name="timeSpan">The time interval to add.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or- The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.op_Equality(System.DateTimeOffset,System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> objects represent the same point in time.</summary>
      <returns>true if both <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> objects have the same <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first object to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second object to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.op_GreaterThan(System.DateTimeOffset,System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Determines whether one specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object is greater than (or later than) a second specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value of <paramref name="left" /> is later than the <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value of <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first object to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second object to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.op_GreaterThanOrEqual(System.DateTimeOffset,System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Determines whether one specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object is greater than or equal to a second specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value of <paramref name="left" /> is the same as or later than the <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value of <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first object to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second object to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.op_Implicit(System.DateTime)~System.DateTimeOffset">
      <summary>Defines an implicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object to a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The converted object.</returns>
      <param name="dateTime">The object to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time that results from applying the offset is earlier than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or-The UTC date and time that results from applying the offset is later than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.op_Inequality(System.DateTimeOffset,System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> objects refer to different points in time.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> and <paramref name="right" /> do not have the same <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first object to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second object to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.op_LessThan(System.DateTimeOffset,System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Determines whether one specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object is less than a second specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value of <paramref name="left" /> is earlier than the <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value of <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first object to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second object to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.op_LessThanOrEqual(System.DateTimeOffset,System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Determines whether one specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object is less than a second specified <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value of <paramref name="left" /> is earlier than the <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime" /> value of <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first object to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second object to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.op_Subtraction(System.DateTimeOffset,System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Subtracts one <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object from another and yields a time interval.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents the difference between <paramref name="left" /> and <paramref name="right" />.</returns>
      <param name="left">The minuend.   </param>
      <param name="right">The subtrahend.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.op_Subtraction(System.DateTimeOffset,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Subtracts a specified time interval from a specified date and time, and yields a new date and time.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equal to the value of <paramref name="dateTimeOffset" /> minus <paramref name="timeSpan" />.</returns>
      <param name="dateTimeOffset">The date and time object to subtract from.</param>
      <param name="timeSpan">The time interval to subtract.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date, time, and offset to its <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time that is contained in <paramref name="input" />.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a date and time to convert.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The offset is greater than 14 hours or less than -14 hours.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time.-or-<paramref name="input" /> contains the string representation of an offset value without a date or time.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time that is contained in <paramref name="input" />, as specified by <paramref name="formatProvider" />.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a date and time to convert.   </param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that provides culture-specific format information about <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The offset is greater than 14 hours or less than -14 hours.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time.-or-<paramref name="input" /> contains the string representation of an offset value without a date or time.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent using the specified culture-specific format information and formatting style.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time that is contained in <paramref name="input" /> as specified by <paramref name="formatProvider" /> and <paramref name="styles" />.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a date and time to convert.   </param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that provides culture-specific format information about <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="styles">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="input" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None" />.   </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The offset is greater than 14 hours or less than -14 hours.-or-<paramref name="styles" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> value.-or-<paramref name="styles" /> includes an unsupported <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> value.-or-<paramref name="styles" /> includes <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values that cannot be used together.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time.-or-<paramref name="input" /> contains the string representation of an offset value without a date or time.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent using the specified format and culture-specific format information. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time that is contained in <paramref name="input" /> as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="formatProvider" />.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a date and time to convert.</param>
      <param name="format">A format specifier that defines the expected format of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The offset is greater than 14 hours or less than -14 hours.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="format" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is an empty string ("").-or-<paramref name="input" /> does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time.-or-<paramref name="format" /> is an empty string.-or-The hour component and the AM/PM designator in <paramref name="input" /> do not agree.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent using the specified format, culture-specific format information, and style. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time that is contained in the <paramref name="input" /> parameter, as specified by the <paramref name="format" />, <paramref name="formatProvider" />, and <paramref name="styles" /> parameters.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a date and time to convert.</param>
      <param name="format">A format specifier that defines the expected format of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="styles">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The offset is greater than 14 hours or less than -14 hours.-or-The <paramref name="styles" /> parameter includes an unsupported value.-or-The <paramref name="styles" /> parameter contains <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values that cannot be used together.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null.-or-<paramref name="format" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is an empty string ("").-or-<paramref name="input" /> does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time.-or-<paramref name="format" /> is an empty string.-or-The hour component and the AM/PM designator in <paramref name="input" /> do not agree. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ParseExact(System.String,System.String[],System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent using the specified formats, culture-specific format information, and style. The format of the string representation must match one of the specified formats exactly.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the date and time that is contained in the <paramref name="input" /> parameter, as specified by the <paramref name="formats" />, <paramref name="formatProvider" />, and <paramref name="styles" /> parameters.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a date and time to convert.</param>
      <param name="formats">An array of format specifiers that define the expected formats of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="styles">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The offset is greater than 14 hours or less than -14 hours.-or-<paramref name="styles" /> includes an unsupported value.-or-The <paramref name="styles" /> parameter contains <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values that cannot be used together.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is an empty string ("").-or-<paramref name="input" /> does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time.-or-No element of <paramref name="formats" /> contains a valid format specifier.-or-The hour component and the AM/PM designator in <paramref name="input" /> do not agree. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Second">
      <summary>Gets the second component of the clock time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The second component of the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, expressed as an integer value between 0 and 59.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.Subtract(System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Subtracts a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value that represents a specific date and time from the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>An object that specifies the interval between the two <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> objects.</returns>
      <param name="value">An object that represents the value to subtract. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.Subtract(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Subtracts a specified time interval from the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equal to the date and time represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, minus the time interval represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The time interval to subtract.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is less than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or- The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value is greater than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object with another object of the same type.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object is less than, equal to, or greater than <paramref name="obj" />. The return values of the method are interpreted as follows:Return ValueDescriptionLess than zeroThe current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object is less than (earlier than) <paramref name="obj" />.ZeroThe current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object is equal to (the same point in time as) <paramref name="obj" />.Greater than zeroThe current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object is greater than (later than) <paramref name="obj" />.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</param>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Ticks">
      <summary>Gets the number of ticks that represents the date and time of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object in clock time.</summary>
      <returns>The number of ticks in the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object's clock time.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.TimeOfDay">
      <summary>Gets the time of day for the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The time interval of the current date that has elapsed since midnight.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ToFileTime">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object to a Windows file time.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, expressed as a Windows file time.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The resulting file time would represent a date and time before midnight on January 1, 1601 C.E. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ToLocalTime">
      <summary>Converts the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object to a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that represents the local time.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents the date and time of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object converted to local time.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ToOffset(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object to the date and time specified by an offset value.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equal to the original <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object (that is, their <see cref="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ToUniversalTime" /> methods return identical points in time) but whose <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Offset" /> property is set to <paramref name="offset" />.</returns>
      <param name="offset">The offset to convert the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value to.   </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object has a <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.DateTime" /> value earlier than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />.-or-The resulting <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object has a <see cref="P:System.DateTimeOffset.DateTime" /> value later than <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="offset" /> is less than -14 hours.-or-<paramref name="offset" /> is greater than 14 hours.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object that includes the offset appended at the end of the string.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The date and time is outside the range of dates supported by the calendar used by the current culture. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, as specified by <paramref name="formatProvider" />.</returns>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The date and time is outside the range of dates supported by the calendar used by <paramref name="formatProvider" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A format string.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The length of <paramref name="format" /> is one, and it is not one of the standard format specifier characters defined for <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo" />. -or-<paramref name="format" /> does not contain a valid custom format pattern.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The date and time is outside the range of dates supported by the calendar used by the current culture. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of the value of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A format string.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The length of <paramref name="format" /> is one, and it is not one of the standard format specifier characters defined for <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo" />.-or-<paramref name="format" /> does not contain a valid custom format pattern. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The date and time is outside the range of dates supported by the calendar used by <paramref name="formatProvider" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ToUniversalTime">
      <summary>Converts the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object to a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value that represents the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents the date and time of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object converted to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds">
      <summary>Returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z. </summary>
      <returns>The number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z. </returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.ToUnixTimeSeconds">
      <summary>Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. </summary>
      <returns>The number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. </returns>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.TryParse(System.String,System.DateTimeOffset@)">
      <summary>Tries to converts a specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="input" /> parameter is successfully converted; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a date and time to convert.</param>
      <param name="result">When the method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent to the date and time of <paramref name="input" />, if the conversion succeeded, or <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />, if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="input" /> parameter is null or does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.TryParse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles,System.DateTimeOffset@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert a specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="input" /> parameter is successfully converted; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a date and time to convert.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="styles">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="input" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When the method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> value equivalent to the date and time of <paramref name="input" />, if the conversion succeeded, or <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />, if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="input" /> parameter is null or does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="styles" /> includes an undefined <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> value.-or-<see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault" />  is not supported.-or-<paramref name="styles" /> includes mutually exclusive <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.TryParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles,System.DateTimeOffset@)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent using the specified format, culture-specific format information, and style. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="input" /> parameter is successfully converted; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a date and time to convert.</param>
      <param name="format">A format specifier that defines the required format of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="styles">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of input. A typical value to specify is None.</param>
      <param name="result">When the method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent to the date and time of <paramref name="input" />, if the conversion succeeded, or <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />, if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="input" /> parameter is null, or does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time in the expected format defined by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="styles" /> includes an undefined <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> value.-or-<see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault" />  is not supported.-or-<paramref name="styles" /> includes mutually exclusive <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.DateTimeOffset.TryParseExact(System.String,System.String[],System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles,System.DateTimeOffset@)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent using the specified array of formats, culture-specific format information, and style. The format of the string representation must match one of the specified formats exactly.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="input" /> parameter is successfully converted; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a date and time to convert.</param>
      <param name="formats">An array that defines the expected formats of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="styles">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of input. A typical value to specify is None.</param>
      <param name="result">When the method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> equivalent to the date and time of <paramref name="input" />, if the conversion succeeded, or <see cref="F:System.DateTimeOffset.MinValue" />, if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="input" /> does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time, or does not contain the date and time in the expected format defined by <paramref name="format" />, or if <paramref name="formats" /> is null. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="styles" /> includes an undefined <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> value.-or-<see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault" />  is not supported.-or-<paramref name="styles" /> includes mutually exclusive <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value that represents the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcNow">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object whose date and time are set to the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time and whose offset is <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.Zero" />.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose date and time is the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and whose offset is <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.Zero" />.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.UtcTicks">
      <summary>Gets the number of ticks that represents the date and time of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</summary>
      <returns>The number of ticks in the <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object's Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</returns>
    <member name="P:System.DateTimeOffset.Year">
      <summary>Gets the year component of the date represented by the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The year component of the current <see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset" /> object, expressed as an integer value between 0 and 9999.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.DayOfWeek">
      <summary>Specifies the day of the week.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.DayOfWeek.Friday">
      <summary>Indicates Friday.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.DayOfWeek.Monday">
      <summary>Indicates Monday.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.DayOfWeek.Saturday">
      <summary>Indicates Saturday.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.DayOfWeek.Sunday">
      <summary>Indicates Sunday.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.DayOfWeek.Thursday">
      <summary>Indicates Thursday.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.DayOfWeek.Tuesday">
      <summary>Indicates Tuesday.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.DayOfWeek.Wednesday">
      <summary>Indicates Wednesday.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Decimal">
      <summary>Represents a decimal number.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.#ctor(System.Double)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the value of the specified double-precision floating-point number.</summary>
      <param name="value">The value to represent as a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" /> or less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" />.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />, <see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" />, or <see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.#ctor(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the value of the specified 32-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <param name="value">The value to represent as a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Byte)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> from parameters specifying the instance's constituent parts.</summary>
      <param name="lo">The low 32 bits of a 96-bit integer. </param>
      <param name="mid">The middle 32 bits of a 96-bit integer. </param>
      <param name="hi">The high 32 bits of a 96-bit integer. </param>
      <param name="isNegative">true to indicate a negative number; false to indicate a positive number. </param>
      <param name="scale">A power of 10 ranging from 0 to 28. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="scale" /> is greater than 28. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.#ctor(System.Int32[])">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to a decimal value represented in binary and contained in a specified array.</summary>
      <param name="bits">An array of 32-bit signed integers containing a representation of a decimal value. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="bits" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The length of the <paramref name="bits" /> is not 4.-or- The representation of the decimal value in <paramref name="bits" /> is not valid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.#ctor(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the value of the specified 64-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <param name="value">The value to represent as a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.#ctor(System.Single)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the value of the specified single-precision floating-point number.</summary>
      <param name="value">The value to represent as a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" /> or less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" />.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Single.NaN" />, <see cref="F:System.Single.PositiveInfinity" />, or <see cref="F:System.Single.NegativeInfinity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.#ctor(System.UInt32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the value of the specified 32-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <param name="value">The value to represent as a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.#ctor(System.UInt64)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the value of the specified 64-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <param name="value">The value to represent as a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Add(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Adds two specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> values.</summary>
      <returns>The sum of <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" />.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first value to add. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second value to add. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The sum of <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Ceiling(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified decimal number.</summary>
      <returns>The smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the <paramref name="d" /> parameter. Note that this method returns a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> instead of an integral type.</returns>
      <param name="d">A decimal number. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Compare(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Compares two specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero <paramref name="d1" /> is less than <paramref name="d2" />. Zero <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" /> are equal. Greater than zero <paramref name="d1" /> is greater than <paramref name="d2" />. </returns>
      <param name="d1">The first value to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second value to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.CompareTo(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> object and returns a comparison of their relative values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Divide(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Divides two specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> values.</summary>
      <returns>The result of dividing <paramref name="d1" /> by <paramref name="d2" />.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The dividend. </param>
      <param name="d2">The divisor. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.DivideByZeroException">
        <paramref name="d2" /> is zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value (that is, the quotient) is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Equals(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance and a specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> object represent the same value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value" /> is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Equals(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether two specified instances of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> represent the same value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" /> are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first value to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second value to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance and a specified <see cref="T:System.Object" /> represent the same type and value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value" /> is a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> and equal to this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Floor(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Rounds a specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> number to the closest integer toward negative infinity.</summary>
      <returns>If <paramref name="d" /> has a fractional part, the next whole <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> number toward negative infinity that is less than <paramref name="d" />.-or- If <paramref name="d" /> doesn't have a fractional part, <paramref name="d" /> is returned unchanged. Note that the method returns an integral value of type <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />. </returns>
      <param name="d">The value to round. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.GetBits(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Converts the value of a specified instance of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to its equivalent binary representation.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer array with four elements that contain the binary representation of <paramref name="d" />.</returns>
      <param name="d">The value to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />. This field is constant and read-only.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Decimal.MinusOne">
      <summary>Represents the number negative one (-1).</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Decimal.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />. This field is constant and read-only.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Multiply(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Multiplies two specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> values.</summary>
      <returns>The result of multiplying <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" />.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The multiplicand. </param>
      <param name="d2">The multiplier. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Negate(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns the result of multiplying the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> value by negative one.</summary>
      <returns>A decimal number with the value of <paramref name="d" />, but the opposite sign.-or- Zero, if <paramref name="d" /> is zero.</returns>
      <param name="d">The value to negate. </param>
    <member name="F:System.Decimal.One">
      <summary>Represents the number one (1).</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Addition(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Adds two specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> values.</summary>
      <returns>The result of adding <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" />.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first value to add. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second value to add. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Decrement(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Decrements the <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> operand by one.</summary>
      <returns>The value of <paramref name="d" /> decremented by 1.</returns>
      <param name="d">The value to decrement. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Division(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Divides two specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> values.</summary>
      <returns>The result of dividing <paramref name="d1" /> by <paramref name="d2" />.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The dividend. </param>
      <param name="d2">The divisor. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.DivideByZeroException">
        <paramref name="d2" /> is zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Equality(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether two <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> values are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" /> are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first value to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second value to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Decimal)~System.SByte">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to an 8-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>An 8-bit signed integer that represents the converted <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Decimal)~System.Int64">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to a 64-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit signed integer that represents the converted <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Decimal)~System.UInt16">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to a 16-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit unsigned integer that represents the converted <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MaxValue" /> or less than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MinValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Decimal)~System.UInt64">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to a 64-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit unsigned integer that represents the converted <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is negative or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Decimal)~System.UInt32">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to a 32-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit unsigned integer that represents the converted <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is negative or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Decimal)~System.Int32">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to a 32-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that represents the converted <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Decimal)~System.Char">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to a Unicode character.</summary>
      <returns>A Unicode character that represents the converted <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Char.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Char.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Decimal)~System.Byte">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to an 8-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>An 8-bit unsigned integer that represents the converted <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Decimal)~System.Single">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to a single-precision floating-point number.</summary>
      <returns>A single-precision floating-point number that represents the converted <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Decimal)~System.Int16">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to a 16-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit signed integer that represents the converted <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Decimal)~System.Double">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to a double-precision floating-point number.</summary>
      <returns>A double-precision floating-point number that represents the converted <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Double)~System.Decimal">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a double-precision floating-point number to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted double-precision floating point number.</returns>
      <param name="value">The double-precision floating-point number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />, <see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" />, or <see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Explicit(System.Single)~System.Decimal">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a single-precision floating-point number to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted single-precision floating point number.</returns>
      <param name="value">The single-precision floating-point number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Single.NaN" />, <see cref="F:System.Single.PositiveInfinity" />, or <see cref="F:System.Single.NegativeInfinity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_GreaterThan(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> is greater than another specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> is greater than <paramref name="d2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first value to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second value to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> is greater than or equal to another specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> is greater than or equal to <paramref name="d2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first value to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second value to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Implicit(System.Byte)~System.Decimal">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of an 8-bit unsigned integer to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted 8-bit unsigned integer.</returns>
      <param name="value">The 8-bit unsigned integer to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Implicit(System.Char)~System.Decimal">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a Unicode character to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted Unicode character.</returns>
      <param name="value">The Unicode character to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Implicit(System.Int16)~System.Decimal">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a 16-bit signed integer to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted 16-bit signed integer.</returns>
      <param name="value">The16-bit signed integer to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Implicit(System.Int32)~System.Decimal">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a 32-bit signed integer to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted 32-bit signed integer.</returns>
      <param name="value">The 32-bit signed integer to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Implicit(System.Int64)~System.Decimal">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a 64-bit signed integer to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted 64-bit signed integer.</returns>
      <param name="value">The 64-bit signed integer to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Implicit(System.SByte)~System.Decimal">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of an 8-bit signed integer to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted 8-bit signed integer.</returns>
      <param name="value">The 8-bit signed integer to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Implicit(System.UInt16)~System.Decimal">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a 16-bit unsigned integer to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted 16-bit unsigned integer.</returns>
      <param name="value">The 16-bit unsigned integer to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Implicit(System.UInt32)~System.Decimal">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a 32-bit unsigned integer to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted 32-bit unsigned integer.</returns>
      <param name="value">The 32-bit unsigned integer to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Implicit(System.UInt64)~System.Decimal">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a 64-bit unsigned integer to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted 64-bit unsigned integer.</returns>
      <param name="value">The 64-bit unsigned integer to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Increment(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Increments the <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> operand by 1.</summary>
      <returns>The value of <paramref name="d" /> incremented by 1.</returns>
      <param name="d">The value to increment. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Inequality(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether two <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> objects have different values.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" /> are not equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first value to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second value to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_LessThan(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> is less than another specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> is less than <paramref name="d2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first value to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second value to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_LessThanOrEqual(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> is less than or equal to another specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> is less than or equal to <paramref name="d2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first value to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second value to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Modulus(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns the remainder resulting from dividing two specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> values.</summary>
      <returns>The remainder resulting from dividing <paramref name="d1" /> by <paramref name="d2" />.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The dividend. </param>
      <param name="d2">The divisor. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.DivideByZeroException">
        <paramref name="d2" /> is zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Multiply(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Multiplies two specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> values.</summary>
      <returns>The result of multiplying <paramref name="d1" /> by <paramref name="d2" />.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first value to multiply. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second value to multiply. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_Subtraction(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Subtracts two specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> values.</summary>
      <returns>The result of subtracting <paramref name="d2" /> from <paramref name="d1" />.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The minuend. </param>
      <param name="d2">The subtrahend. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_UnaryNegation(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Negates the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> operand.</summary>
      <returns>The result of <paramref name="d" /> multiplied by negative one (-1).</returns>
      <param name="d">The value to negate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.op_UnaryPlus(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns the value of the <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> operand (the sign of the operand is unchanged).</summary>
      <returns>The value of the operand, <paramref name="d" />.</returns>
      <param name="d">The operand to return.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>The equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">The string representation of the number to convert.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> number equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" /> as specified by <paramref name="style" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">The string representation of the number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> value.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" /></exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> equivalent using the specified style and culture-specific format.</summary>
      <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> number equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" /> as specified by <paramref name="style" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">The string representation of the number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> object that supplies culture-specific information about the format of <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> equivalent using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> number equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" /> as specified by <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">The string representation of the number to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> that supplies culture-specific parsing information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not of the correct format </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" /></exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Remainder(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Computes the remainder after dividing two <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> values.</summary>
      <returns>The remainder after dividing <paramref name="d1" /> by <paramref name="d2" />.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The dividend. </param>
      <param name="d2">The divisor. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.DivideByZeroException">
        <paramref name="d2" /> is zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Subtract(System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Subtracts one specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> value from another.</summary>
      <returns>The result of subtracting <paramref name="d2" /> from <paramref name="d1" />.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The minuend. </param>
      <param name="d2">The subtrahend. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">The object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current instance is not zero; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The resulting integer value is less than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>None. This conversion is not supported. </returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>None. This conversion is not supported. </returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Double" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Int16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The resulting integer value is less than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">The parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The resulting integer value is less than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Int64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The resulting integer value is less than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.SByte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The resulting integer value is less than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Single" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <paramref name="type" />.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type to which to convert the value of this <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> instance. </param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> implementation that supplies culture-specific information about the format of the returned value.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">The requested type conversion is not supported. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The resulting integer value is less than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The resulting integer value is less than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The resulting integer value is less than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToByte(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>An 8-bit unsigned integer equivalent to <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The decimal number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToDouble(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the equivalent double-precision floating-point number.</summary>
      <returns>A double-precision floating-point number equivalent to <paramref name="d" />.</returns>
      <param name="d">The decimal number to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToInt16(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the equivalent 16-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit signed integer equivalent to <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The decimal number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToInt32(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the equivalent 32-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of <paramref name="d" />.</returns>
      <param name="d">The decimal number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="d" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToInt64(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the equivalent 64-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of <paramref name="d" />.</returns>
      <param name="d">The decimal number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="d" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToSByte(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the equivalent 8-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>An 8-bit signed integer equivalent to <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The decimal number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToSingle(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the equivalent single-precision floating-point number.</summary>
      <returns>A single-precision floating-point number equivalent to the value of <paramref name="d" />.</returns>
      <param name="d">The decimal number to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>A string that represents the value of this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom numeric format string (see Remarks).</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string (see Remarks).</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToUInt16(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the equivalent 16-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The decimal number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MaxValue" /> or less than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MinValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToUInt32(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the equivalent 32-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of <paramref name="d" />.</returns>
      <param name="d">The decimal number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="d" /> is negative or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.ToUInt64(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> to the equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of <paramref name="d" />.</returns>
      <param name="d">The decimal number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="d" /> is negative or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.Truncate(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Returns the integral digits of the specified <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />; any fractional digits are discarded.</summary>
      <returns>The result of <paramref name="d" /> rounded toward zero, to the nearest whole number.</returns>
      <param name="d">The decimal number to truncate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.TryParse(System.String,System.Decimal@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">The string representation of the number to convert.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> number that is equivalent to the numeric value contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or is zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not a number in a valid format, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
    <member name="M:System.Decimal.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.Decimal@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> equivalent using the specified style and culture-specific format. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">The string representation of the number to convert.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific parsing information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> number that is equivalent to the numeric value contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or is zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="F:System.Decimal.Zero">
      <summary>Represents the number zero (0).</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Delegate">
      <summary>Represents a delegate, which is a data structure that refers to a static method or to a class instance and an instance method of that class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Delegate.Combine(System.Delegate,System.Delegate)">
      <summary>Concatenates the invocation lists of two delegates.</summary>
      <returns>A new delegate with an invocation list that concatenates the invocation lists of <paramref name="a" /> and <paramref name="b" /> in that order. Returns <paramref name="a" /> if <paramref name="b" /> is null, returns <paramref name="b" /> if <paramref name="a" /> is a null reference, and returns a null reference if both <paramref name="a" /> and <paramref name="b" /> are null references.</returns>
      <param name="a">The delegate whose invocation list comes first. </param>
      <param name="b">The delegate whose invocation list comes last. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Both <paramref name="a" /> and <paramref name="b" /> are not null, and <paramref name="a" /> and <paramref name="b" /> are not instances of the same delegate type. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Delegate.Combine(System.Delegate[])">
      <summary>Concatenates the invocation lists of an array of delegates.</summary>
      <returns>A new delegate with an invocation list that concatenates the invocation lists of the delegates in the <paramref name="delegates" /> array. Returns null if <paramref name="delegates" /> is null, if <paramref name="delegates" /> contains zero elements, or if every entry in <paramref name="delegates" /> is null.</returns>
      <param name="delegates">The array of delegates to combine. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Not all the non-null entries in <paramref name="delegates" /> are instances of the same delegate type. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(System.Object[])">
      <summary>Dynamically invokes (late-bound) the method represented by the current delegate.</summary>
      <returns>The object returned by the method represented by the delegate.</returns>
      <param name="args">An array of objects that are the arguments to pass to the method represented by the current delegate.-or- null, if the method represented by the current delegate does not require arguments. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">The caller does not have access to the method represented by the delegate (for example, if the method is private).-or- The number, order, or type of parameters listed in <paramref name="args" /> is invalid. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The method represented by the delegate is invoked on an object or a class that does not support it. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException">The method represented by the delegate is an instance method and the target object is null.-or- One of the encapsulated methods throws an exception. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Delegate.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified object and the current delegate are of the same type and share the same targets, methods, and invocation list.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> and the current delegate have the same targets, methods, and invocation list; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with the current delegate. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">The caller does not have access to the method represented by the delegate (for example, if the method is private). </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Delegate.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns a hash code for the delegate.</summary>
      <returns>A hash code for the delegate.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Delegate.GetInvocationList">
      <summary>Returns the invocation list of the delegate.</summary>
      <returns>An array of delegates representing the invocation list of the current delegate.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Delegate.op_Equality(System.Delegate,System.Delegate)">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified delegates are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> is equal to <paramref name="d2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first delegate to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second delegate to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Delegate.op_Inequality(System.Delegate,System.Delegate)">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified delegates are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> is not equal to <paramref name="d2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The first delegate to compare. </param>
      <param name="d2">The second delegate to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Delegate.Remove(System.Delegate,System.Delegate)">
      <summary>Removes the last occurrence of the invocation list of a delegate from the invocation list of another delegate.</summary>
      <returns>A new delegate with an invocation list formed by taking the invocation list of <paramref name="source" /> and removing the last occurrence of the invocation list of <paramref name="value" />, if the invocation list of <paramref name="value" /> is found within the invocation list of <paramref name="source" />. Returns <paramref name="source" /> if <paramref name="value" /> is null or if the invocation list of <paramref name="value" /> is not found within the invocation list of <paramref name="source" />. Returns a null reference if the invocation list of <paramref name="value" /> is equal to the invocation list of <paramref name="source" /> or if <paramref name="source" /> is a null reference.</returns>
      <param name="source">The delegate from which to remove the invocation list of <paramref name="value" />. </param>
      <param name="value">The delegate that supplies the invocation list to remove from the invocation list of <paramref name="source" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">The caller does not have access to the method represented by the delegate (for example, if the method is private). </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The delegate types do not match.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Delegate.RemoveAll(System.Delegate,System.Delegate)">
      <summary>Removes all occurrences of the invocation list of a delegate from the invocation list of another delegate.</summary>
      <returns>A new delegate with an invocation list formed by taking the invocation list of <paramref name="source" /> and removing all occurrences of the invocation list of <paramref name="value" />, if the invocation list of <paramref name="value" /> is found within the invocation list of <paramref name="source" />. Returns <paramref name="source" /> if <paramref name="value" /> is null or if the invocation list of <paramref name="value" /> is not found within the invocation list of <paramref name="source" />. Returns a null reference if the invocation list of <paramref name="value" /> is equal to the invocation list of <paramref name="source" />, if <paramref name="source" /> contains only a series of invocation lists that are equal to the invocation list of <paramref name="value" />, or if <paramref name="source" /> is a null reference.</returns>
      <param name="source">The delegate from which to remove the invocation list of <paramref name="value" />. </param>
      <param name="value">The delegate that supplies the invocation list to remove from the invocation list of <paramref name="source" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">The caller does not have access to the method represented by the delegate (for example, if the method is private). </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The delegate types do not match.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Delegate.Target">
      <summary>Gets the class instance on which the current delegate invokes the instance method.</summary>
      <returns>The object on which the current delegate invokes the instance method, if the delegate represents an instance method; null if the delegate represents a static method.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.DivideByZeroException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when there is an attempt to divide an integral or decimal value by zero.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.DivideByZeroException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DivideByZeroException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.DivideByZeroException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DivideByZeroException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.DivideByZeroException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.DivideByZeroException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Double">
      <summary>Represents a double-precision floating-point number.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Double.CompareTo(System.Double)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified double-precision floating-point number and returns an integer that indicates whether the value of this instance is less than, equal to, or greater than the value of the specified double-precision floating-point number.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return Value Description Less than zero This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />.-or- This instance is not a number (<see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />) and <paramref name="value" /> is a number. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />.-or- Both this instance and <paramref name="value" /> are not a number (<see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />), <see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" />, or <see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity" />. Greater than zero This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />.-or- This instance is a number and <paramref name="value" /> is not a number (<see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />). </returns>
      <param name="value">A double-precision floating-point number to compare. </param>
    <member name="F:System.Double.Epsilon">
      <summary>Represents the smallest positive <see cref="T:System.Double" /> value that is greater than zero. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Double.Equals(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance and a specified <see cref="T:System.Double" /> object represent the same value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">A <see cref="T:System.Double" /> object to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.Double" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Double.IsInfinity(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether the specified number evaluates to negative or positive infinity </summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d" /> evaluates to <see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" /> or <see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d">A double-precision floating-point number. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.IsNaN(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the specified value is not a number (<see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />).</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d" /> evaluates to <see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d">A double-precision floating-point number. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.IsNegativeInfinity(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether the specified number evaluates to negative infinity.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d" /> evaluates to <see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d">A double-precision floating-point number. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.IsPositiveInfinity(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether the specified number evaluates to positive infinity.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d" /> evaluates to <see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d">A double-precision floating-point number. </param>
    <member name="F:System.Double.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of a <see cref="T:System.Double" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Double.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of a <see cref="T:System.Double" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Double.NaN">
      <summary>Represents a value that is not a number (NaN). This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity">
      <summary>Represents negative infinity. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Double.op_Equality(System.Double,System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether two specified <see cref="T:System.Double" /> values are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> and <paramref name="right" /> are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare. </param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.op_GreaterThan(System.Double,System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Double" /> value is greater than another specified <see cref="T:System.Double" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is greater than <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.op_GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Double,System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Double" /> value is greater than or equal to another specified <see cref="T:System.Double" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is greater than or equal to <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.op_Inequality(System.Double,System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether two specified <see cref="T:System.Double" /> values are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> and <paramref name="right" /> are not equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.op_LessThan(System.Double,System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Double" /> value is less than another specified <see cref="T:System.Double" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is less than <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.op_LessThanOrEqual(System.Double,System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Double" /> value is less than or equal to another specified <see cref="T:System.Double" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is less than or equal to <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its double-precision floating-point number equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A double-precision floating-point number that is equivalent to the numeric value or symbol specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> does not represent a number in a valid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.Double.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Double.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Double.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its double-precision floating-point number equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A double-precision floating-point number that is equivalent to the numeric value or symbol specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicate the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float" /> combined with <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> does not represent a number in a valid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.Double.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Double.MaxValue" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> includes the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> value. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Double.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its double-precision floating-point number equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A double-precision floating-point number that is equivalent to the numeric value or symbol specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicate the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float" /> combined with <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> does not represent a numeric value. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> value.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.Double.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Double.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Double.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its double-precision floating-point number equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A double-precision floating-point number that is equivalent to the numeric value or symbol specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> does not represent a number in a valid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.Double.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Double.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity">
      <summary>Represents positive infinity. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Double" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current instance is not zero; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />. </summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" /></summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.SByte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Single" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to <paramref name="type" />.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type to which to convert this <see cref="T:System.Double" /> value.</param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> implementation that supplies culture-specific information about the format of the returned value.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.   </param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Double.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Double.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.TryParse(System.String,System.Double@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its double-precision floating-point number equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the double-precision floating-point number equivalent of the <paramref name="s" /> parameter, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not a number in a valid format, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Double.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Double.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
    <member name="M:System.Double.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.Double@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its double-precision floating-point number equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float" /> combined with <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains a double-precision floating-point number equivalent of the numeric value or symbol contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />, represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MaxValue" />, or if <paramref name="style" /> is not a valid combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> enumerated constants. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> includes the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Enum">
      <summary>Provides the base class for enumerations.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Enum" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an indication of their relative values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number that indicates the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="target" />.Value Meaning Less than zero The value of this instance is less than the value of <paramref name="target" />. Zero The value of this instance is equal to the value of <paramref name="target" />. Greater than zero The value of this instance is greater than the value of <paramref name="target" />.-or- <paramref name="target" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="target">An object to compare, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="target" /> and this instance are not the same type. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance is not type <see cref="T:System.SByte" />, <see cref="T:System.Int16" />, <see cref="T:System.Int32" />, <see cref="T:System.Int64" />, <see cref="T:System.Byte" />, <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />, <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />, or <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an enumeration value of the same type and with the same underlying value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.Format(System.Type,System.Object,System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the specified value of a specified enumerated type to its equivalent string representation according to the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="enumType">The enumeration type of the value to convert. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to convert. </param>
      <param name="format">The output format to use. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="enumType" />, <paramref name="value" />, or <paramref name="format" /> parameter is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The <paramref name="enumType" /> parameter is not an <see cref="T:System.Enum" /> type.-or- The <paramref name="value" /> is from an enumeration that differs in type from <paramref name="enumType" />.-or- The type of <paramref name="value" /> is not an underlying type of <paramref name="enumType" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="format" /> parameter contains an invalid value. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="format" /> equals "X", but the enumeration type is unknown.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.GetName(System.Type,System.Object)">
      <summary>Retrieves the name of the constant in the specified enumeration that has the specified value.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the name of the enumerated constant in <paramref name="enumType" /> whose value is <paramref name="value" />; or null if no such constant is found.</returns>
      <param name="enumType">An enumeration type. </param>
      <param name="value">The value of a particular enumerated constant in terms of its underlying type. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> or <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> is not an <see cref="T:System.Enum" />.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is neither of type <paramref name="enumType" /> nor does it have the same underlying type as <paramref name="enumType" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.GetNames(System.Type)">
      <summary>Retrieves an array of the names of the constants in a specified enumeration.</summary>
      <returns>A string array of the names of the constants in <paramref name="enumType" />. </returns>
      <param name="enumType">An enumeration type. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> parameter is not an <see cref="T:System.Enum" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.GetUnderlyingType(System.Type)">
      <summary>Returns the underlying type of the specified enumeration.</summary>
      <returns>The underlying type of <paramref name="enumType" />.</returns>
      <param name="enumType">The enumeration whose underlying type will be retrieved.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> is not an <see cref="T:System.Enum" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.GetValues(System.Type)">
      <summary>Retrieves an array of the values of the constants in a specified enumeration.</summary>
      <returns>An array that contains the values of the constants in <paramref name="enumType" />. </returns>
      <param name="enumType">An enumeration type. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> is not an <see cref="T:System.Enum" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The method is invoked by reflection in a reflection-only context, -or-<paramref name="enumType" /> is a type from an assembly loaded in a reflection-only context.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.HasFlag(System.Enum)">
      <summary>Determines whether one or more bit fields are set in the current instance.</summary>
      <returns>true if the bit field or bit fields that are set in <paramref name="flag" /> are also set in the current instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="flag">An enumeration value.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="flag" /> is a different type than the current instance.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.IsDefined(System.Type,System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns an indication whether a constant with a specified value exists in a specified enumeration.</summary>
      <returns>true if a constant in <paramref name="enumType" /> has a value equal to <paramref name="value" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="enumType">An enumeration type. </param>
      <param name="value">The value or name of a constant in <paramref name="enumType" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> or <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> is not an Enum.-or- The type of <paramref name="value" /> is an enumeration, but it is not an enumeration of type <paramref name="enumType" />.-or- The type of <paramref name="value" /> is not an underlying type of <paramref name="enumType" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not type <see cref="T:System.SByte" />, <see cref="T:System.Int16" />, <see cref="T:System.Int32" />, <see cref="T:System.Int64" />, <see cref="T:System.Byte" />, <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />, <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />, or <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />, or <see cref="T:System.String" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.Parse(System.Type,System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object.</summary>
      <returns>An object of type <paramref name="enumType" /> whose value is represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="enumType">An enumeration type. </param>
      <param name="value">A string containing the name or value to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> or <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> is not an <see cref="T:System.Enum" />.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is either an empty string or only contains white space.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is a name, but not one of the named constants defined for the enumeration. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is outside the range of the underlying type of <paramref name="enumType" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.Parse(System.Type,System.String,System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. A parameter specifies whether the operation is case-insensitive.</summary>
      <returns>An object of type <paramref name="enumType" /> whose value is represented by <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="enumType">An enumeration type. </param>
      <param name="value">A string containing the name or value to convert. </param>
      <param name="ignoreCase">true to ignore case; false to regard case. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> or <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> is not an <see cref="T:System.Enum" />.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is either an empty string ("") or only contains white space.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is a name, but not one of the named constants defined for the enumeration. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is outside the range of the underlying type of <paramref name="enumType" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a Boolean value based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>This member always throws an exception.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to an 8-bit unsigned integer based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a Unicode character based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>This member always throws an exception.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>This member always throws an exception.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>This member always throws an exception.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a double-precision floating point number based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>This member always throws an exception.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a 16-bit signed integer based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a 32-bit signed integer based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a 64-bit signed integer based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to an 8-bit signed integer based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a single-precision floating-point number based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>This member always throws an exception.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a string based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a specified type based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type to convert to. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a 16-bit unsigned integer based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a 32-bit unsigned integer based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the current value to a 64-bit unsigned integer based on the underlying type.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.System#IFormattable#ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This method overload is obsolete; use <see cref="M:System.Enum.ToString(System.String)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A format specification.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> does not contain a valid format specification. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="format" /> equals "X", but the enumeration type is unknown.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.ToObject(System.Type,System.Object)">
      <summary>Converts the specified object with an integer value to an enumeration member.</summary>
      <returns>An enumeration object whose value is <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="enumType">The enumeration type to return. </param>
      <param name="value">The value convert to an enumeration member. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> or <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="enumType" /> is not an <see cref="T:System.Enum" />.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is not type <see cref="T:System.SByte" />, <see cref="T:System.Int16" />, <see cref="T:System.Int32" />, <see cref="T:System.Int64" />, <see cref="T:System.Byte" />, <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />, <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />, or <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A format string. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> contains an invalid specification. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
        <paramref name="format" /> equals "X", but the enumeration type is unknown.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.TryParse``1(System.String,System.Boolean,``0@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. A parameter specifies whether the operation is case-sensitive. The return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="value" /> parameter was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string representation of the enumeration name or underlying value to convert.</param>
      <param name="ignoreCase">true to ignore case; false to consider case.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, <paramref name="result" /> contains an object of type <paramref name="TEnum" /> whose value is represented by <paramref name="value" /> if the parse operation succeeds. If the parse operation fails, <paramref name="result" /> contains the default value of the underlying type of <paramref name="TEnum" />. Note that this value need not be a member of the <paramref name="TEnum" /> enumeration. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
      <typeparam name="TEnum">The enumeration type to which to convert <paramref name="value" />.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="TEnum" /> is not an enumeration type.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Enum.TryParse``1(System.String,``0@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. The return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="value" /> parameter was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string representation of the enumeration name or underlying value to convert.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, <paramref name="result" /> contains an object of type <paramref name="TEnum" /> whose value is represented by <paramref name="value" /> if the parse operation succeeds. If the parse operation fails, <paramref name="result" /> contains the default value of the underlying type of <paramref name="TEnum" />. Note that this value need not be a member of the <paramref name="TEnum" /> enumeration. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
      <typeparam name="TEnum">The enumeration type to which to convert <paramref name="value" />.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="TEnum" /> is not an enumeration type.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.EventArgs">
      <summary>Represents the base class for classes that contain event data, and provides a value to use for events that do not include event data. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.EventArgs.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.EventArgs" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.EventArgs.Empty">
      <summary>Provides a value to use with events that do not have event data.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.EventHandler">
      <summary>Represents the method that will handle an event that has no event data.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.EventHandler.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.EventHandler.BeginInvoke(System.Object,System.EventArgs,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
    <member name="M:System.EventHandler.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)">
    <member name="M:System.EventHandler.Invoke(System.Object,System.EventArgs)">
    <member name="T:System.EventHandler`1">
      <summary>Represents the method that will handle an event when the event provides data. </summary>
      <typeparam name="TEventArgs">The type of the event data generated by the event.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.EventHandler`1.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.EventHandler`1.BeginInvoke(System.Object,`0,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.EventHandler`1.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(System.Object,`0)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Exception">
      <summary>Represents errors that occur during application execution.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Exception.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Exception.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Exception.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Exception.Data">
      <summary>Gets a collection of key/value pairs that provide additional user-defined information about the exception.</summary>
      <returns>An object that implements the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> interface and contains a collection of user-defined key/value pairs. The default is an empty collection.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Exception.GetBaseException">
      <summary>When overridden in a derived class, returns the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> that is the root cause of one or more subsequent exceptions.</summary>
      <returns>The first exception thrown in a chain of exceptions. If the <see cref="P:System.Exception.InnerException" /> property of the current exception is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), this property returns the current exception.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Exception.HelpLink">
      <summary>Gets or sets a link to the help file associated with this exception.</summary>
      <returns>The Uniform Resource Name (URN) or Uniform Resource Locator (URL).</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Exception.HResult">
      <summary>Gets or sets HRESULT, a coded numerical value that is assigned to a specific exception.</summary>
      <returns>The HRESULT value.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Exception.InnerException">
      <summary>Gets the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> instance that caused the current exception.</summary>
      <returns>An object that describes the error that caused the current exception. The <see cref="P:System.Exception.InnerException" /> property returns the same value as was passed into the <see cref="M:System.Exception.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)" /> constructor, or null if the inner exception value was not supplied to the constructor. This property is read-only.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Exception.Message">
      <summary>Gets a message that describes the current exception.</summary>
      <returns>The error message that explains the reason for the exception, or an empty string ("").</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Exception.Source">
      <summary>Gets or sets the name of the application or the object that causes the error.</summary>
      <returns>The name of the application or the object that causes the error.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The object must be a runtime <see cref="N:System.Reflection" /> object</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Exception.StackTrace">
      <summary>Gets a string representation of the immediate frames on the call stack.</summary>
      <returns>A string that describes the immediate frames of the call stack.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" PathDiscovery="*AllFiles*" />
    <member name="M:System.Exception.ToString">
      <summary>Creates and returns a string representation of the current exception.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of the current exception.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" PathDiscovery="*AllFiles*" />
    <member name="T:System.FieldAccessException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when there is an invalid attempt to access a private or protected field inside a class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.FieldAccessException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.FieldAccessException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.FieldAccessException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.FieldAccessException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
    <member name="M:System.FieldAccessException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.FieldAccessException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception.</param>
    <member name="T:System.FlagsAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates that an enumeration can be treated as a bit field; that is, a set of flags.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.FlagsAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.FlagsAttribute" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.FormatException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when the format of an argument is invalid, or when a composite format string is not well formed. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.FormatException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.FormatException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.FormatException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.FormatException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.FormatException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.FormatException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.FormattableString">
      <summary>Represents a composite format string, along with the arguments to be formatted. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.FormattableString.#ctor">
      <summary>Instantiates a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.FormattableString" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="P:System.FormattableString.ArgumentCount">
      <summary>Gets the number of arguments to be formatted. </summary>
      <returns>The number of arguments to be formatted. </returns>
    <member name="P:System.FormattableString.Format">
      <summary>Returns the composite format string. </summary>
      <returns>The composite format string. </returns>
    <member name="M:System.FormattableString.GetArgument(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns the argument at the specified index position. </summary>
      <returns>The argument. </returns>
      <param name="index">The index of the argument. Its value can range from zero to one less than the value of <see cref="P:System.FormattableString.ArgumentCount" />. </param>
    <member name="M:System.FormattableString.GetArguments">
      <summary>Returns an object array that contains one or more objects to format. </summary>
      <returns>An object array that contains one or more objects to format. </returns>
    <member name="M:System.FormattableString.Invariant(System.FormattableString)">
      <summary>Returns a result string in which arguments are formatted by using the conventions of the invariant culture. </summary>
      <returns>The string that results from formatting the current instance by using the conventions of the invariant culture. </returns>
      <param name="formattable">The object to convert to a result string. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="formattable" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.FormattableString.System#IFormattable#ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Returns the string that results from formatting the format string along with its arguments by using the formatting conventions of a specified culture. </summary>
      <returns>A string formatted using the conventions of the <paramref name="formatProvider" /> parameter. </returns>
      <param name="ignored">A string. This argument is ignored. </param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.FormattableString.ToString">
      <summary>Returns the string that results from formatting the composite format string along with its arguments by using the formatting conventions of the current culture. </summary>
      <returns>A result string formatted by using the conventions of the current culture. </returns>
    <member name="M:System.FormattableString.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Returns the string that results from formatting the composite format string along with its arguments by using the formatting conventions of a specified culture. </summary>
      <returns>A result string formatted by using the conventions of <paramref name="formatProvider" />. </returns>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Func`1">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has no parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`1.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`1.BeginInvoke(System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`1.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`1.Invoke"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`10">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has nine parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`10.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`10.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`10.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`10.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`11">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 10 parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`11.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`11.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`11.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`11.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`12">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 11 parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`12.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`12.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`12.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`12.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`13">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 12 parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T12">The type of the twelfth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`13.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`13.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`13.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`13.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`14">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 13 parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T12">The type of the twelfth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T13">The type of the thirteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`14.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`14.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`14.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`14.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`15">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 14 parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T12">The type of the twelfth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T13">The type of the thirteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T14">The type of the fourteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`15.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`15.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`15.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`15.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`16">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 15 parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T12">The type of the twelfth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T13">The type of the thirteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T14">The type of the fourteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T15">The type of the fifteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`16.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`16.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13,`14,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`16.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`16.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13,`14)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`17">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has 16 parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T9">The type of the ninth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T10">The type of the tenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T11">The type of the eleventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T12">The type of the twelfth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T13">The type of the thirteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T14">The type of the fourteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T15">The type of the fifteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T16">The type of the sixteenth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`17.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`17.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13,`14,`15,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`17.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`17.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,`8,`9,`10,`11,`12,`13,`14,`15)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`2">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has one parameter and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`2.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`2.BeginInvoke(`0,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`2.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`2.Invoke(`0)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`3">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has two parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`3.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`3.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`3.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`3.Invoke(`0,`1)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`4">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has three parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`4.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`4.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`4.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`4.Invoke(`0,`1,`2)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`5">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has four parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`5.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`5.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`5.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`5.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`6">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has five parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`6.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`6.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`6.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`6.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`7">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has six parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`7.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`7.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`7.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`7.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`8">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has seven parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`8.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`8.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`8.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`8.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Func`9">
      <summary>Encapsulates a method that has eight parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the <paramref name="TResult" /> parameter.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth parameter of the method that this delegate encapsulates.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the return value of the method that this delegate encapsulates.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Func`9.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`9.BeginInvoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`9.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Func`9.Invoke(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.GC">
      <summary>Controls the system garbage collector, a service that automatically reclaims unused memory.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.GC.AddMemoryPressure(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Informs the runtime of a large allocation of unmanaged memory that should be taken into account when scheduling garbage collection.</summary>
      <param name="bytesAllocated">The incremental amount of unmanaged memory that has been allocated. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="bytesAllocated" /> is less than or equal to 0.-or-On a 32-bit computer, <paramref name="bytesAllocated" /> is larger than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode" />
    <member name="M:System.GC.Collect">
      <summary>Forces an immediate garbage collection of all generations. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.GC.Collect(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Forces an immediate garbage collection from generation 0 through a specified generation.</summary>
      <param name="generation">The number of the oldest generation to be garbage collected. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="generation" /> is not valid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.GC.Collect(System.Int32,System.GCCollectionMode)">
      <summary>Forces a garbage collection from generation 0 through a specified generation, at a time specified by a <see cref="T:System.GCCollectionMode" /> value.</summary>
      <param name="generation">The number of the oldest generation to be garbage collected. </param>
      <param name="mode">An enumeration value that specifies whether the garbage collection is forced (<see cref="F:System.GCCollectionMode.Default" /> or <see cref="F:System.GCCollectionMode.Forced" />) or optimized (<see cref="F:System.GCCollectionMode.Optimized" />). </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="generation" /> is not valid.-or-<paramref name="mode" /> is not one of the <see cref="T:System.GCCollectionMode" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.GC.Collect(System.Int32,System.GCCollectionMode,System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Forces a garbage collection from generation 0 through a specified generation, at a time specified by a <see cref="T:System.GCCollectionMode" /> value, with a value specifying whether the collection should be blocking.</summary>
      <param name="generation">The number of the oldest generation to be garbage collected. </param>
      <param name="mode">An enumeration value that specifies whether the garbage collection is forced (<see cref="F:System.GCCollectionMode.Default" /> or <see cref="F:System.GCCollectionMode.Forced" />) or optimized (<see cref="F:System.GCCollectionMode.Optimized" />). </param>
      <param name="blocking">true to perform a blocking garbage collection; false to perform a background garbage collection where possible.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="generation" /> is not valid.-or-<paramref name="mode" /> is not one of the <see cref="T:System.GCCollectionMode" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.GC.CollectionCount(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns the number of times garbage collection has occurred for the specified generation of objects.</summary>
      <returns>The number of times garbage collection has occurred for the specified generation since the process was started.</returns>
      <param name="generation">The generation of objects for which the garbage collection count is to be determined. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="generation" /> is less than 0. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.GC.GetGeneration(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns the current generation number of the specified object.</summary>
      <returns>The current generation number of <paramref name="obj" />.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object that generation information is retrieved for. </param>
    <member name="M:System.GC.GetTotalMemory(System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Retrieves the number of bytes currently thought to be allocated. A parameter indicates whether this method can wait a short interval before returning, to allow the system to collect garbage and finalize objects.</summary>
      <returns>A number that is the best available approximation of the number of bytes currently allocated in managed memory.</returns>
      <param name="forceFullCollection">true to indicate that this method can wait for garbage collection to occur before returning; otherwise, false.</param>
    <member name="M:System.GC.KeepAlive(System.Object)">
      <summary>References the specified object, which makes it ineligible for garbage collection from the start of the current routine to the point where this method is called.</summary>
      <param name="obj">The object to reference. </param>
    <member name="P:System.GC.MaxGeneration">
      <summary>Gets the maximum number of generations that the system currently supports.</summary>
      <returns>A value that ranges from zero to the maximum number of supported generations.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.GC.RemoveMemoryPressure(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Informs the runtime that unmanaged memory has been released and no longer needs to be taken into account when scheduling garbage collection.</summary>
      <param name="bytesAllocated">The amount of unmanaged memory that has been released. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="bytesAllocated" /> is less than or equal to 0. -or- On a 32-bit computer, <paramref name="bytesAllocated" /> is larger than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode" />
    <member name="M:System.GC.ReRegisterForFinalize(System.Object)">
      <summary>Requests that the system call the finalizer for the specified object for which <see cref="M:System.GC.SuppressFinalize(System.Object)" /> has previously been called.</summary>
      <param name="obj">The object that a finalizer must be called for. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="obj" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.GC.SuppressFinalize(System.Object)">
      <summary>Requests that the common language runtime not call the finalizer for the specified object. </summary>
      <param name="obj">The object whose finalizer must not be executed. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="obj" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers">
      <summary>Suspends the current thread until the thread that is processing the queue of finalizers has emptied that queue.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.GCCollectionMode">
      <summary>Specifies the behavior for a forced garbage collection.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.GCCollectionMode.Default">
      <summary>The default setting for this enumeration, which is currently <see cref="F:System.GCCollectionMode.Forced" />. </summary>
    <member name="F:System.GCCollectionMode.Forced">
      <summary>Forces the garbage collection to occur immediately.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.GCCollectionMode.Optimized">
      <summary>Allows the garbage collector to determine whether the current time is optimal to reclaim objects. </summary>
    <member name="T:System.Guid">
      <summary>Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID).To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.#ctor(System.Byte[])">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> structure by using the specified array of bytes.</summary>
      <param name="b">A 16-element byte array containing values with which to initialize the GUID. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="b" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="b" /> is not 16 bytes long. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int16,System.Int16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> structure by using the specified integers and bytes.</summary>
      <param name="a">The first 4 bytes of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="b">The next 2 bytes of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="c">The next 2 bytes of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="d">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="e">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="f">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="g">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="h">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="i">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="j">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="k">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int16,System.Int16,System.Byte[])">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> structure by using the specified integers and byte array.</summary>
      <param name="a">The first 4 bytes of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="b">The next 2 bytes of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="c">The next 2 bytes of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="d">The remaining 8 bytes of the GUID. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="d" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="d" /> is not 8 bytes long. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> structure by using the value represented by the specified string.</summary>
      <param name="g">A string that contains a GUID in one of the following formats ("d" represents a hexadecimal digit whose case is ignored): 32 contiguous digits: dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd -or- Groups of 8, 4, 4, 4, and 12 digits with hyphens between the groups. The entire GUID can optionally be enclosed in matching braces or parentheses: dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd -or- {dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd} -or- (dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd) -or- Groups of 8, 4, and 4 digits, and a subset of eight groups of 2 digits, with each group prefixed by "0x" or "0X", and separated by commas. The entire GUID, as well as the subset, is enclosed in matching braces: {0xdddddddd, 0xdddd, 0xdddd,{0xdd,0xdd,0xdd,0xdd,0xdd,0xdd,0xdd,0xdd}} All braces, commas, and "0x" prefixes are required. All embedded spaces are ignored. All leading zeros in a group are ignored.The digits shown in a group are the maximum number of meaningful digits that can appear in that group. You can specify from 1 to the number of digits shown for a group. The specified digits are assumed to be the low-order digits of the group. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="g" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The format of <paramref name="g" /> is invalid. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The format of <paramref name="g" /> is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.#ctor(System.UInt32,System.UInt16,System.UInt16,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> structure by using the specified unsigned integers and bytes.</summary>
      <param name="a">The first 4 bytes of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="b">The next 2 bytes of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="c">The next 2 bytes of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="d">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="e">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="f">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="g">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="h">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="i">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="j">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
      <param name="k">The next byte of the GUID. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.CompareTo(System.Guid)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> object and returns an indication of their relative values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Description A negative integer This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. A positive integer This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="F:System.Guid.Empty">
      <summary>A read-only instance of the <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> structure whose value is all zeros.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.Equals(System.Guid)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance and a specified <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> object represent the same value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="g" /> is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="g">An object to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="o" /> is a <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> that has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="o">The object to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The hash code for this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.NewGuid">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> structure.</summary>
      <returns>A new GUID object.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.op_Equality(System.Guid,System.Guid)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the values of two specified <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> objects are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="a" /> and <paramref name="b" /> are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="a">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="b">The second object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.op_Inequality(System.Guid,System.Guid)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the values of two specified <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> objects are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="a" /> and <paramref name="b" /> are not equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="a">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="b">The second object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a GUID to the equivalent <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> structure.</summary>
      <returns>A structure that contains the value that was parsed.</returns>
      <param name="input">The string to convert.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is not in a recognized format.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.ParseExact(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a GUID to the equivalent <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> structure, provided that the string is in the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>A structure that contains the value that was parsed.</returns>
      <param name="input">The GUID to convert.</param>
      <param name="format">One of the following specifiers that indicates the exact format to use when interpreting <paramref name="input" />: "N", "D", "B", "P", or "X".</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> or <paramref name="format" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is not in the format specified by <paramref name="format" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an indication of their relative values. </summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Description A negative integer This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. A positive integer This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />, or <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare, or null.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Guid" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.System#IFormattable#ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Returns a string representation of the value of this instance, according to the provided format specifier.</summary>
      <returns>The value of this <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> represented as a series of lowercase hexadecimal digits in the specified format.</returns>
      <param name="format">A single format specifier that indicates how to format the value of the <see cref="T:System.Guid" />. The <paramref name="format" /> parameter can be "N", "D", "B", "P", or "X". If <paramref name="format" /> is null or an empty string (""), "D" is used.</param>
      <param name="provider">(Reserved) An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The value of <paramref name="format" /> is not null, an empty string (""), or one of the following single format specifiers:"N", "D", "B", "P", or "X".</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.ToByteArray">
      <summary>Returns a 16-element byte array that contains the value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-element byte array.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a string representation of the value of this instance in registry format.</summary>
      <returns>The value of this <see cref="T:System.Guid" />, formatted by using the "D" format specifier as follows: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where the value of the GUID is represented as a series of lowercase hexadecimal digits in groups of 8, 4, 4, 4, and 12 digits and separated by hyphens. An example of a return value is "382c74c3-721d-4f34-80e5-57657b6cbc27". To convert the hexadecimal digits from a through f to uppercase, call the <see cref="M:System.String.ToUpper" />  method on the returned string.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Returns a string representation of the value of this <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> instance, according to the provided format specifier.</summary>
      <returns>The value of this <see cref="T:System.Guid" />, represented as a series of lowercase hexadecimal digits in the specified format. </returns>
      <param name="format">A single format specifier that indicates how to format the value of this <see cref="T:System.Guid" />. The <paramref name="format" /> parameter can be "N", "D", "B", "P", or "X". If <paramref name="format" /> is null or an empty string (""), "D" is used. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The value of <paramref name="format" /> is not null, an empty string (""), "N", "D", "B", "P", or "X". </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.TryParse(System.String,System.Guid@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a GUID to the equivalent <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> structure. </summary>
      <returns>true if the parse operation was successful; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="input">The GUID to convert.</param>
      <param name="result">The structure that will contain the parsed value. If the method returns true, <paramref name="result" /> contains a valid <see cref="T:System.Guid" />. If the method returns false, <paramref name="result" /> equals <see cref="F:System.Guid.Empty" />. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Guid.TryParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.Guid@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a GUID to the equivalent <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> structure, provided that the string is in the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>true if the parse operation was successful; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="input">The GUID to convert.</param>
      <param name="format">One of the following specifiers that indicates the exact format to use when interpreting <paramref name="input" />: "N", "D", "B", "P", or "X".</param>
      <param name="result">The structure that will contain the parsed value. If the method returns true, <paramref name="result" /> contains a valid <see cref="T:System.Guid" />. If the method returns false, <paramref name="result" /> equals <see cref="F:System.Guid.Empty" />.</param>
    <member name="T:System.IAsyncResult">
      <summary>Represents the status of an asynchronous operation. </summary>
    <member name="P:System.IAsyncResult.AsyncState">
      <summary>Gets a user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation.</summary>
      <returns>A user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.IAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.IAsyncResult.CompletedSynchronously">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether the asynchronous operation completed synchronously.</summary>
      <returns>true if the asynchronous operation completed synchronously; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.IAsyncResult.IsCompleted">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether the asynchronous operation has completed.</summary>
      <returns>true if the operation is complete; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.IComparable">
      <summary>Defines a generalized type-specific comparison method that a value type or class implements to order or sort its instances.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IComparable.CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="obj" /> in the sort order. Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as <paramref name="obj" />. Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="obj" /> in the sort order. </returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="obj" /> is not the same type as this instance. </exception>
    <member name="T:System.IComparable`1">
      <summary>Defines a generalized comparison method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific comparison method for ordering or sorting its instances.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of object to compare. This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.IComparable`1.CompareTo(`0)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object. </summary>
      <returns>A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="other" /> in the sort order.  Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as <paramref name="other" />. Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="other" /> in the sort order. </returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="T:System.IConvertible">
      <summary>Defines methods that convert the value of the implementing reference or value type to a common language runtime type that has an equivalent value.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.GetTypeCode">
      <summary>Returns the <see cref="T:System.TypeCode" /> for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The enumerated constant that is the <see cref="T:System.TypeCode" /> of the class or value type that implements this interface.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Boolean value using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>A Boolean value equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>An 8-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent Unicode character using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>A Unicode character equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> instance equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> number using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> number equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent double-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>A double-precision floating-point number equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>An 16-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>An 32-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>An 64-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 8-bit signed integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>An 8-bit signed integer equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent single-precision floating-point number using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>A single-precision floating-point number equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent <see cref="T:System.String" /> using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> instance equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an <see cref="T:System.Object" /> of the specified <see cref="T:System.Type" /> that has an equivalent value, using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Object" /> instance of type <paramref name="conversionType" /> whose value is equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="conversionType">The <see cref="T:System.Type" /> to which the value of this instance is converted. </param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 16-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>An 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 32-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>An 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to an equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer using the specified culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>An 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> interface implementation that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="T:System.ICustomFormatter">
      <summary>Defines a method that supports custom formatting of the value of an object.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ICustomFormatter.Format(System.String,System.Object,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of a specified object to an equivalent string representation using specified format and culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of <paramref name="arg" />, formatted as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="formatProvider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A format string containing formatting specifications. </param>
      <param name="arg">An object to format. </param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies format information about the current instance. </param>
    <member name="T:System.IDisposable">
      <summary>Provides a mechanism for releasing unmanaged resources.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IDisposable.Dispose">
      <summary>Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.IEquatable`1">
      <summary>Defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific method for determining equality of instances.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of objects to compare.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.IEquatable`1.Equals(`0)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current object is equal to the <paramref name="other" /> parameter; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>
    <member name="T:System.IFormatProvider">
      <summary>Provides a mechanism for retrieving an object to control formatting.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IFormatProvider.GetFormat(System.Type)">
      <summary>Returns an object that provides formatting services for the specified type.</summary>
      <returns>An instance of the object specified by <paramref name="formatType" />, if the <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> implementation can supply that type of object; otherwise, null.</returns>
      <param name="formatType">An object that specifies the type of format object to return. </param>
    <member name="T:System.IFormattable">
      <summary>Provides functionality to format the value of an object into a string representation.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IFormattable.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance in the specified format.</returns>
      <param name="format">The format to use.-or- A null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) to use the default format defined for the type of the <see cref="T:System.IFormattable" /> implementation. </param>
      <param name="formatProvider">The provider to use to format the value.-or- A null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) to obtain the numeric format information from the current locale setting of the operating system. </param>
    <member name="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to access an element of an array or collection with an index that is outside its bounds. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.IndexOutOfRangeException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IndexOutOfRangeException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IndexOutOfRangeException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.InsufficientExecutionStackException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when there is insufficient execution stack available to allow most methods to execute.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.InsufficientExecutionStackException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InsufficientExecutionStackException" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.InsufficientExecutionStackException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InsufficientExecutionStackException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.InsufficientExecutionStackException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InsufficientExecutionStackException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Int16">
      <summary>Represents a 16-bit signed integer.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.CompareTo(System.Int16)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified 16-bit signed integer and returns an integer that indicates whether the value of this instance is less than, equal to, or greater than the value of the specified 16-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return Value Description Less than zero This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">An integer to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.Equals(System.Int16)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified <see cref="T:System.Int16" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An <see cref="T:System.Int16" /> value to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.Int16" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare to this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.Int16.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of an <see cref="T:System.Int16" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Int16.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of <see cref="T:System.Int16" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its 16-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit signed integer equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its 16-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit signed integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 16-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit signed integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its 16-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit signed integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Int16" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current instance is not zero; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Char" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Double" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.SByte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Single" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to <paramref name="type" />.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type to which to convert this <see cref="T:System.Int16" /> value.</param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> implementation that supplies information about the format of the returned value.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, consisting of a minus sign if the value is negative, and a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9 with no leading zeroes.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.Int16@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 16-bit signed integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the style specified by <paramref name="style" />.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 16-bit signed integer value equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int16.TryParse(System.String,System.Int16@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its 16-bit signed integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 16-bit signed integer value equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not of the correct format, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
    <member name="T:System.Int32">
      <summary>Represents a 32-bit signed integer.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.CompareTo(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified 32-bit signed integer and returns an indication of their relative values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return Value Description Less than zero This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">An integer to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.Equals(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> value. </summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> value to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.Int32.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of an <see cref="T:System.Int32" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Int32.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of <see cref="T:System.Int32" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific information about the format of <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not of the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not an <see cref="T:System.Int32" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current instance is not zero; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Char" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Double" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.SByte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Single" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to <paramref name="type" />.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type to which to convert this <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> value.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides information about the format of the returned value.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, consisting of a negative sign if the value is negative, and a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9 with no leading zeroes.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom numeric format string.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid or not supported. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom numeric format string.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid or not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.Int32@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the style specified by <paramref name="style" />.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 32-bit signed integer value equivalent of the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int32.TryParse(System.String,System.Int32@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 32-bit signed integer value equivalent of the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not of the correct format, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
    <member name="T:System.Int64">
      <summary>Represents a 64-bit signed integer.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.CompareTo(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified 64-bit signed integer and returns an indication of their relative values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return Value Description Less than zero This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">An integer to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.Equals(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> value to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of an <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.Int64.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of an Int64. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Int64.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of an Int64. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its 64-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit signed integer equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its 64-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit signed integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MaxValue" />.-or-<paramref name="style" /> supports fractional digits but <paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero fractional digits. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 64-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit signed integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="style" /> supports fractional digits, but <paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its 64-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit signed integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not an <see cref="T:System.Int64" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current instance is not zero; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Char" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />. </summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Double" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.SByte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Single" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to <paramref name="type" />.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type to which to convert this <see cref="T:System.Int64" /> value.</param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> implementation that provides information about the format of the returned value.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, consisting of a minus sign if the value is negative, and a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9 with no leading zeroes.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid or not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about this instance. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid or not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.Int64@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 64-bit signed integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the style specified by <paramref name="style" />. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 64-bit signed integer value equivalent of the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Int64.TryParse(System.String,System.Int64@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its 64-bit signed integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string containing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 64-bit signed integer value equivalent of the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not of the correct format, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Int64.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
    <member name="T:System.IntPtr">
      <summary>A platform-specific type that is used to represent a pointer or a handle.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.#ctor(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> using the specified 32-bit pointer or handle.</summary>
      <param name="value">A pointer or handle contained in a 32-bit signed integer. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.#ctor(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> using the specified 64-bit pointer.</summary>
      <param name="value">A pointer or handle contained in a 64-bit signed integer. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">On a 32-bit platform, <paramref name="value" /> is too large or too small to represent as an <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.#ctor(System.Void*)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> using the specified pointer to an unspecified type.</summary>
      <param name="value">A pointer to an unspecified type. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.Add(System.IntPtr,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Adds an offset to the value of a pointer.</summary>
      <returns>A new pointer that reflects the addition of <paramref name="offset" /> to <paramref name="pointer" />.</returns>
      <param name="pointer">The pointer to add the offset to.</param>
      <param name="offset">The offset to add.</param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.op_Addition(System.IntPtr,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Adds an offset to the value of a pointer.</summary>
      <returns>A new pointer that reflects the addition of <paramref name="offset" /> to <paramref name="pointer" />.</returns>
      <param name="pointer">The pointer to add the offset to.</param>
      <param name="offset">The offset to add.</param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.op_Equality(System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified instances of <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value1" /> equals <paramref name="value2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value1">The first pointer or handle to compare.</param>
      <param name="value2">The second pointer or handle to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.Int32)~System.IntPtr">
      <summary>Converts the value of a 32-bit signed integer to an <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" />.</summary>
      <returns>A new instance of <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> initialized to <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A 32-bit signed integer. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.Int64)~System.IntPtr">
      <summary>Converts the value of a 64-bit signed integer to an <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" />.</summary>
      <returns>A new instance of <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> initialized to <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A 64-bit signed integer. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">On a 32-bit platform, <paramref name="value" /> is too large to represent as an <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)~System.Int64">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> to a 64-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>The contents of <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The pointer or handle to convert.</param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)~System.Void*">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> to a pointer to an unspecified type.</summary>
      <returns>The contents of <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The pointer or handle to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)~System.Int32">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> to a 32-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>The contents of <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The pointer or handle to convert.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">On a 64-bit platform, the value of <paramref name="value" /> is too large to represent as a 32-bit signed integer. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.Void*)~System.IntPtr">
      <summary>Converts the specified pointer to an unspecified type to an <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" />.</summary>
      <returns>A new instance of <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> initialized to <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A pointer to an unspecified type. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.op_Inequality(System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified instances of <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value1" /> does not equal <paramref name="value2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value1">The first pointer or handle to compare. </param>
      <param name="value2">The second pointer or handle to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.op_Subtraction(System.IntPtr,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Subtracts an offset from the value of a pointer.</summary>
      <returns>A new pointer that reflects the subtraction of <paramref name="offset" /> from <paramref name="pointer" />.</returns>
      <param name="pointer">The pointer to subtract the offset from.</param>
      <param name="offset">The offset to subtract.</param>
    <member name="P:System.IntPtr.Size">
      <summary>Gets the size of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The size of a pointer or handle in this process, measured in bytes. The value of this property is 4 in a 32-bit process, and 8 in a 64-bit process. You can define the process type by setting the /platform switch when you compile your code with the C# and Visual Basic compilers.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.Subtract(System.IntPtr,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Subtracts an offset from the value of a pointer.</summary>
      <returns>A new pointer that reflects the subtraction of <paramref name="offset" /> from <paramref name="pointer" />.</returns>
      <param name="pointer">The pointer to subtract the offset from.</param>
      <param name="offset">The offset to subtract.</param>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.ToInt32">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to a 32-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer equal to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">On a 64-bit platform, the value of this instance is too large or too small to represent as a 32-bit signed integer. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.ToInt64">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to a 64-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit signed integer equal to the value of this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.ToPointer">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to a pointer to an unspecified type.</summary>
      <returns>A pointer to <see cref="T:System.Void" />; that is, a pointer to memory containing data of an unspecified type.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of the current <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> object to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.IntPtr.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of the current <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> object to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of the current <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="format">A format specification that governs how the current <see cref="T:System.IntPtr" /> object is converted. </param>
    <member name="F:System.IntPtr.Zero">
      <summary>A read-only field that represents a pointer or handle that has been initialized to zero.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.InvalidCastException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown for invalid casting or explicit conversion.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidCastException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidCastException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidCastException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidCastException.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" /> class with a specified message and error code.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that indicates the reason the exception occurred.</param>
      <param name="errorCode">The error code (HRESULT) value associated with the exception.</param>
    <member name="T:System.InvalidOperationException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when a method call is invalid for the object's current state.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidOperationException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidOperationException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidOperationException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.InvalidProgramException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when a program contains invalid Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) or metadata. Generally this indicates a bug in the compiler that generated the program.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidProgramException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidProgramException" /> class with default properties.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidProgramException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidProgramException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidProgramException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidProgramException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.InvalidTimeZoneException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when time zone information is invalid.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidTimeZoneException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidTimeZoneException" /> class with a system-supplied message.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidTimeZoneException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidTimeZoneException" /> class with the specified message string.</summary>
      <param name="message">A string that describes the exception.</param>
    <member name="M:System.InvalidTimeZoneException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.InvalidTimeZoneException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">A string that describes the exception.    </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception.  </param>
    <member name="T:System.IObservable`1">
      <summary>Defines a provider for push-based notification.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The object that provides notification information.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.IObservable`1.Subscribe(System.IObserver{`0})">
      <summary>Notifies the provider that an observer is to receive notifications.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to an interface that allows observers to stop receiving notifications before the provider has finished sending them.</returns>
      <param name="observer">The object that is to receive notifications.</param>
    <member name="T:System.IObserver`1">
      <summary>Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The object that provides notification information.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.IObserver`1.OnCompleted">
      <summary>Notifies the observer that the provider has finished sending push-based notifications.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IObserver`1.OnError(System.Exception)">
      <summary>Notifies the observer that the provider has experienced an error condition.</summary>
      <param name="error">An object that provides additional information about the error.</param>
    <member name="M:System.IObserver`1.OnNext(`0)">
      <summary>Provides the observer with new data.</summary>
      <param name="value">The current notification information.</param>
    <member name="T:System.IProgress`1">
      <summary>Defines a provider for progress updates.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of progress update value.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.IProgress`1.Report(`0)">
      <summary>Reports a progress update.</summary>
      <param name="value">The value of the updated progress.</param>
    <member name="T:System.Lazy`1">
      <summary>Provides support for lazy initialization.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of object that is being lazily initialized.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`1.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> class. When lazy initialization occurs, the default constructor of the target type is used.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`1.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> class. When lazy initialization occurs, the default constructor of the target type and the specified initialization mode are used.</summary>
      <param name="isThreadSafe">true to make this instance usable concurrently by multiple threads; false to make the instance usable by only one thread at a time. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`1.#ctor(System.Func{`0})">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> class. When lazy initialization occurs, the specified initialization function is used.</summary>
      <param name="valueFactory">The delegate that is invoked to produce the lazily initialized value when it is needed.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="valueFactory" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`1.#ctor(System.Func{`0},System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> class. When lazy initialization occurs, the specified initialization function and initialization mode are used.</summary>
      <param name="valueFactory">The delegate that is invoked to produce the lazily initialized value when it is needed.</param>
      <param name="isThreadSafe">true to make this instance usable concurrently by multiple threads; false to make this instance usable by only one thread at a time.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="valueFactory" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`1.#ctor(System.Func{`0},System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> class that uses the specified initialization function and thread-safety mode.</summary>
      <param name="valueFactory">The delegate that is invoked to produce the lazily initialized value when it is needed.</param>
      <param name="mode">One of the enumeration values that specifies the thread safety mode. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="mode" /> contains an invalid value. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="valueFactory" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`1.#ctor(System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> class that uses the default constructor of <paramref name="T" /> and the specified thread-safety mode.</summary>
      <param name="mode">One of the enumeration values that specifies the thread safety mode. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="mode" /> contains an invalid value. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Lazy`1.IsValueCreated">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether a value has been created for this <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>true if a value has been created for this <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`1.ToString">
      <summary>Creates and returns a string representation of the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The result of calling the <see cref="M:System.Object.ToString" /> method on the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property for this instance, if the value has been created (that is, if the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.IsValueCreated" /> property returns true). Otherwise, a string indicating that the value has not been created. </returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.NullReferenceException">The <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property is null.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Lazy`1.Value">
      <summary>Gets the lazily initialized value of the current <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>The lazily initialized value of the current <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">The <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance is initialized to use the default constructor of the type that is being lazily initialized, and permissions to access the constructor are missing. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.MissingMemberException">The <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance is initialized to use the default constructor of the type that is being lazily initialized, and that type does not have a public, parameterless constructor. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The initialization function tries to access <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> on this instance. </exception>
    <member name="T:System.Lazy`2">
      <summary>Provides a lazy indirect reference to an object and its associated metadata for use by the Managed Extensibility Framework.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the object referenced.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TMetadata">The type of the metadata.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`2.#ctor(System.Func{`0},`1)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`2" /> class with the specified metadata that uses the specified function to get the referenced object.</summary>
      <param name="valueFactory">A function that returns the referenced object.</param>
      <param name="metadata">The metadata associated with the referenced object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`2.#ctor(System.Func{`0},`1,System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`2" /> class with the specified metadata and thread safety value that uses the specified function to get the referenced object.</summary>
      <param name="valueFactory">A function that returns the referenced object.</param>
      <param name="metadata">The metadata associated with the referenced object.</param>
      <param name="isThreadSafe">Indicates whether the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`2" /> object that is created will be thread-safe.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`2.#ctor(System.Func{`0},`1,System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`2" /> class with the specified metadata and thread synchronization mode that uses the specified function to get the referenced object.</summary>
      <param name="valueFactory">A function that returns the referenced object</param>
      <param name="metadata">The metadata associated with the referenced object.</param>
      <param name="mode">The thread synchronization mode</param>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`2.#ctor(`1)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`2" /> class with the specified metadata.</summary>
      <param name="metadata">The metadata associated with the referenced object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`2.#ctor(`1,System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`2" /> class with the specified metadata and thread safety value.</summary>
      <param name="metadata">The metadata associated with the referenced object.</param>
      <param name="isThreadSafe">Indicates whether the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`2" /> object that is created will be thread-safe.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Lazy`2.#ctor(`1,System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`2" /> class with the specified metadata and thread synchronization mode.</summary>
      <param name="metadata">The metadata associated with the referenced object.</param>
      <param name="mode">The thread synchronization mode.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Lazy`2.Metadata">
      <summary>Gets the metadata associated with the referenced object.</summary>
      <returns>The metadata associated with the referenced object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.MemberAccessException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when an attempt to access a class member fails.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.MemberAccessException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MemberAccessException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.MemberAccessException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MemberAccessException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.MemberAccessException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MemberAccessException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.MethodAccessException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when there is an invalid attempt to access a method, such as accessing a private method from partially trusted code.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.MethodAccessException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MethodAccessException" /> class, setting the <see cref="P:System.Exception.Message" /> property of the new instance to a system-supplied message that describes the error, such as "Attempt to access the method failed." This message takes into account the current system culture.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.MethodAccessException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MethodAccessException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.MethodAccessException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MethodAccessException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.MissingFieldException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when there is an attempt to dynamically access a field that does not exist.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.MissingFieldException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MissingFieldException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.MissingFieldException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MissingFieldException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.MissingFieldException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MissingFieldException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="P:System.MissingFieldException.Message">
      <summary>Gets the text string showing the signature of the missing field, the class name, and the field name. This property is read-only.</summary>
      <returns>The error message string.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.MissingMemberException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when there is an attempt to dynamically access a class member that does not exist.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.MissingMemberException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MissingMemberException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.MissingMemberException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MissingMemberException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.MissingMemberException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MissingMemberException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the root cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">An instance of <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> that is the cause of the current Exception. If <paramref name="inner" /> is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), then the current Exception is raised in a catch block handling <paramref name="inner" />. </param>
    <member name="P:System.MissingMemberException.Message">
      <summary>Gets the text string showing the class name, the member name, and the signature of the missing member.</summary>
      <returns>The error message string.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.MissingMethodException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when there is an attempt to dynamically access a method that does not exist.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.MissingMethodException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MissingMethodException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.MissingMethodException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MissingMethodException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.MissingMethodException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MissingMethodException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="P:System.MissingMethodException.Message">
      <summary>Gets the text string showing the class name, the method name, and the signature of the missing method. This property is read-only.</summary>
      <returns>The error message string.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.MTAThreadAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates that the COM threading model for an application is multithreaded apartment (MTA). </summary>
    <member name="M:System.MTAThreadAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MTAThreadAttribute" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.MulticastDelegate">
      <summary>Represents a multicast delegate; that is, a delegate that can have more than one element in its invocation list.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.MulticastDelegate.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether this multicast delegate and the specified object are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> and this instance have the same invocation lists; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with this instance. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">Cannot create an instance of an abstract class, or this member was invoked with a late-binding mechanism. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.MulticastDelegate.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">Cannot create an instance of an abstract class, or this member was invoked with a late-binding mechanism. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.MulticastDelegate.GetInvocationList">
      <summary>Returns the invocation list of this multicast delegate, in invocation order.</summary>
      <returns>An array of delegates whose invocation lists collectively match the invocation list of this instance.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">Cannot create an instance of an abstract class, or this member was invoked with a late-binding mechanism. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.MulticastDelegate.op_Equality(System.MulticastDelegate,System.MulticastDelegate)">
      <summary>Determines whether two <see cref="T:System.MulticastDelegate" /> objects are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" /> have the same invocation lists; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The left operand. </param>
      <param name="d2">The right operand. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">Cannot create an instance of an abstract class, or this member was invoked with a late-binding mechanism. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.MulticastDelegate.op_Inequality(System.MulticastDelegate,System.MulticastDelegate)">
      <summary>Determines whether two <see cref="T:System.MulticastDelegate" /> objects are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="d1" /> and <paramref name="d2" /> do not have the same invocation lists; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="d1">The left operand. </param>
      <param name="d2">The right operand. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.MemberAccessException">Cannot create an instance of an abstract class, or this member was invoked with a late-binding mechanism. </exception>
    <member name="T:System.NotImplementedException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when a requested method or operation is not implemented.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.NotImplementedException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.NotImplementedException" /> class with default properties.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.NotImplementedException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.NotImplementedException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.NotImplementedException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.NotImplementedException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.NotSupportedException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when an invoked method is not supported, or when there is an attempt to read, seek, or write to a stream that does not support the invoked functionality.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.NotSupportedException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" /> class, setting the <see cref="P:System.Exception.Message" /> property of the new instance to a system-supplied message that describes the error. This message takes into account the current system culture.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.NotSupportedException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
    <member name="M:System.NotSupportedException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Nullable">
      <summary>Supports a value type that can be assigned null. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Nullable.Compare``1(System.Nullable{``0},System.Nullable{``0})">
      <summary>Compares the relative values of two <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> objects.</summary>
      <returns>An integer that indicates the relative values of the <paramref name="n1" /> and <paramref name="n2" /> parameters.Return ValueDescriptionLess than zeroThe <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property for <paramref name="n1" /> is false, and the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property for <paramref name="n2" /> is true.-or-The <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> properties for <paramref name="n1" /> and <paramref name="n2" /> are true, and the value of the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property for <paramref name="n1" /> is less than the value of the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property for <paramref name="n2" />.ZeroThe <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> properties for <paramref name="n1" /> and <paramref name="n2" /> are false.-or-The <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> properties for <paramref name="n1" /> and <paramref name="n2" /> are true, and the value of the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property for <paramref name="n1" /> is equal to the value of the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property for <paramref name="n2" />.Greater than zeroThe <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property for <paramref name="n1" /> is true, and the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property for <paramref name="n2" /> is false.-or-The <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> properties for <paramref name="n1" /> and <paramref name="n2" /> are true, and the value of the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property for <paramref name="n1" /> is greater than the value of the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property for <paramref name="n2" />.</returns>
      <param name="n1">A <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object.</param>
      <param name="n2">A <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The underlying value type of the <paramref name="n1" /> and <paramref name="n2" /> parameters.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Nullable.Equals``1(System.Nullable{``0},System.Nullable{``0})">
      <summary>Indicates whether two specified <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> objects are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="n1" /> parameter is equal to the <paramref name="n2" /> parameter; otherwise, false. The return value depends on the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> and <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> properties of the two parameters that are compared.Return ValueDescriptiontrueThe <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> properties for <paramref name="n1" /> and <paramref name="n2" /> are false. -or-The <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> properties for <paramref name="n1" /> and <paramref name="n2" /> are true, and the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> properties of the parameters are equal.falseThe <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is true for one parameter and false for the other parameter.-or-The <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> properties for <paramref name="n1" /> and <paramref name="n2" /> are true, and the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> properties of the parameters are unequal.</returns>
      <param name="n1">A <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object.</param>
      <param name="n2">A <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The underlying value type of the <paramref name="n1" /> and <paramref name="n2" /> parameters.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(System.Type)">
      <summary>Returns the underlying type argument of the specified nullable type.</summary>
      <returns>The type argument of the <paramref name="nullableType" /> parameter, if the <paramref name="nullableType" /> parameter is a closed generic nullable type; otherwise, null. </returns>
      <param name="nullableType">A <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object that describes a closed generic nullable type. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="nullableType" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Nullable`1">
      <summary>Represents a value type that can be assigned null.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The underlying value type of the <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> generic type.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Nullable`1.#ctor(`0)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> structure to the specified value. </summary>
      <param name="value">A value type.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Nullable`1.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="other" /> parameter is equal to the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object; otherwise, false. This table describes how equality is defined for the compared values: Return ValueDescriptiontrueThe <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is false, and the <paramref name="other" /> parameter is null. That is, two null values are equal by definition.-or-The <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is true, and the value returned by the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property is equal to the <paramref name="other" /> parameter.falseThe <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property for the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> structure is true, and the <paramref name="other" /> parameter is null.-or-The <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property for the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> structure is false, and the <paramref name="other" /> parameter is not null.-or-The <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property for the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> structure is true, and the value returned by the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property is not equal to the <paramref name="other" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Nullable`1.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Retrieves the hash code of the object returned by the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property.</summary>
      <returns>The hash code of the object returned by the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property if the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is true, or zero if the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is false. </returns>
    <member name="M:System.Nullable`1.GetValueOrDefault">
      <summary>Retrieves the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object, or the object's default value.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property if the  <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is true; otherwise, the default value of the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object. The type of the default value is the type argument of the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object, and the value of the default value consists solely of binary zeroes.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Nullable`1.GetValueOrDefault(`0)">
      <summary>Retrieves the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object, or the specified default value.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property if the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is true; otherwise, the <paramref name="defaultValue" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="defaultValue">A value to return if the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is false.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object has a valid value of its underlying type. </summary>
      <returns>true if the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object has a value; false if the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object has no value.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Nullable`1.op_Explicit(System.Nullable{`0})~`0">
      <summary>Defines an explicit conversion of a <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> instance to its underlying value. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property for the <paramref name="value" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="value">A nullable value.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Nullable`1.op_Implicit(`0)~System.Nullable{`0}">
      <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object initialized to a specified value. </summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object whose <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.Value" /> property is initialized with the <paramref name="value" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="value">A value type.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Nullable`1.ToString">
      <summary>Returns the text representation of the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The text representation of the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object if the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is true, or an empty string ("") if the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Nullable`1.Value">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object if it has been assigned a valid underlying value.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" /> object if the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is true. An exception is thrown if the <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is false.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <see cref="P:System.Nullable`1.HasValue" /> property is false.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.NullReferenceException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when there is an attempt to dereference a null object reference.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.NullReferenceException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.NullReferenceException" /> class, setting the <see cref="P:System.Exception.Message" /> property of the new instance to a system-supplied message that describes the error, such as "The value 'null' was found where an instance of an object was required." This message takes into account the current system culture.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.NullReferenceException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.NullReferenceException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
    <member name="M:System.NullReferenceException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.NullReferenceException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Object">
      <summary>Supports all classes in the .NET Framework class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all classes in the .NET Framework; it is the root of the type hierarchy.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Object.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Object" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the specified object  is equal to the current object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with the current object. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if the objects are considered equal; otherwise, false. If both <paramref name="objA" /> and <paramref name="objB" /> are null, the method returns true.</returns>
      <param name="objA">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="objB">The second object to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Object.Finalize">
      <summary>Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Object.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Serves as the default hash function. </summary>
      <returns>A hash code for the current object.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Object.GetType">
      <summary>Gets the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> of the current instance.</summary>
      <returns>The exact runtime type of the current instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Object.MemberwiseClone">
      <summary>Creates a shallow copy of the current <see cref="T:System.Object" />.</summary>
      <returns>A shallow copy of the current <see cref="T:System.Object" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified <see cref="T:System.Object" /> instances are the same instance.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="objA" /> is the same instance as <paramref name="objB" /> or if both are null; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="objA">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="objB">The second object  to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Object.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a string that represents the current object.</summary>
      <returns>A string that represents the current object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when an operation is performed on a disposed object.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ObjectDisposedException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException" /> class with a string containing the name of the disposed object.</summary>
      <param name="objectName">A string containing the name of the disposed object. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ObjectDisposedException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If <paramref name="innerException" /> is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception.</param>
    <member name="M:System.ObjectDisposedException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException" /> class with the specified object name and message.</summary>
      <param name="objectName">The name of the disposed object. </param>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
    <member name="P:System.ObjectDisposedException.Message">
      <summary>Gets the message that describes the error.</summary>
      <returns>A string that describes the error.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.ObjectDisposedException.ObjectName">
      <summary>Gets the name of the disposed object.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the name of the disposed object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.ObsoleteAttribute">
      <summary>Marks the program elements that are no longer in use. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ObsoleteAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ObsoleteAttribute" /> class with default properties.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ObsoleteAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ObsoleteAttribute" /> class with a specified workaround message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The text string that describes alternative workarounds. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ObsoleteAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ObsoleteAttribute" /> class with a workaround message and a Boolean value indicating whether the obsolete element usage is considered an error.</summary>
      <param name="message">The text string that describes alternative workarounds. </param>
      <param name="error">The Boolean value that indicates whether the obsolete element usage is considered an error. </param>
    <member name="P:System.ObsoleteAttribute.IsError">
      <summary>Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the compiler will treat usage of the obsolete program element as an error.</summary>
      <returns>true if the obsolete element usage is considered an error; otherwise, false. The default is false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.ObsoleteAttribute.Message">
      <summary>Gets the workaround message, including a description of the alternative program elements.</summary>
      <returns>The workaround text string.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when there is not enough memory to continue the execution of a program.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.OutOfMemoryException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.OutOfMemoryException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.OutOfMemoryException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.OverflowException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when an arithmetic, casting, or conversion operation in a checked context results in an overflow.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.OverflowException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.OverflowException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.OverflowException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.OverflowException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.OverflowException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.OverflowException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.ParamArrayAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates that a method will allow a variable number of arguments in its invocation. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ParamArrayAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ParamArrayAttribute" /> class with default properties.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when a feature does not run on a particular platform.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.PlatformNotSupportedException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException" /> class with default properties.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.PlatformNotSupportedException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The text message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.PlatformNotSupportedException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Predicate`1">
      <summary>Represents the method that defines a set of criteria and determines whether the specified object meets those criteria.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the object to compare.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Predicate`1.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Predicate`1.BeginInvoke(`0,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Predicate`1.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Predicate`1.Invoke(`0)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.RankException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when an array with the wrong number of dimensions is passed to a method.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.RankException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.RankException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.RankException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.RankException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.RankException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.RankException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.RuntimeFieldHandle">
      <summary>Represents a field using an internal metadata token.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeFieldHandle.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the current instance is equal to the specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is a <see cref="T:System.RuntimeFieldHandle" /> and equal to the value of the current instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare to the current instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeFieldHandle.Equals(System.RuntimeFieldHandle)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the current instance is equal to the specified <see cref="T:System.RuntimeFieldHandle" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of <paramref name="handle" /> is equal to the value of the current instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="handle">The <see cref="T:System.RuntimeFieldHandle" /> to compare to the current instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeFieldHandle.GetHashCode">
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeFieldHandle.op_Equality(System.RuntimeFieldHandle,System.RuntimeFieldHandle)">
      <summary>Indicates whether two <see cref="T:System.RuntimeFieldHandle" /> structures are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is equal to <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The <see cref="T:System.RuntimeFieldHandle" /> to compare to <paramref name="right" />.</param>
      <param name="right">The <see cref="T:System.RuntimeFieldHandle" /> to compare to <paramref name="left" />.</param>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeFieldHandle.op_Inequality(System.RuntimeFieldHandle,System.RuntimeFieldHandle)">
      <summary>Indicates whether two <see cref="T:System.RuntimeFieldHandle" /> structures are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is not equal to <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The <see cref="T:System.RuntimeFieldHandle" /> to compare to <paramref name="right" />.</param>
      <param name="right">The <see cref="T:System.RuntimeFieldHandle" /> to compare to <paramref name="left" />.</param>
    <member name="T:System.RuntimeMethodHandle">
        <see cref="T:System.RuntimeMethodHandle" /> is a handle to the internal metadata representation of a method.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeMethodHandle.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is a <see cref="T:System.RuntimeMethodHandle" /> and equal to the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">A <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeMethodHandle.Equals(System.RuntimeMethodHandle)">
      <summary>Indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified <see cref="T:System.RuntimeMethodHandle" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="handle" /> is equal to the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="handle">A <see cref="T:System.RuntimeMethodHandle" /> to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeMethodHandle.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeMethodHandle.op_Equality(System.RuntimeMethodHandle,System.RuntimeMethodHandle)">
      <summary>Indicates whether two instances of <see cref="T:System.RuntimeMethodHandle" /> are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of <paramref name="left" /> is equal to the value of <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">A <see cref="T:System.RuntimeMethodHandle" /> to compare to <paramref name="right" />.</param>
      <param name="right">A <see cref="T:System.RuntimeMethodHandle" /> to compare to <paramref name="left" />.</param>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeMethodHandle.op_Inequality(System.RuntimeMethodHandle,System.RuntimeMethodHandle)">
      <summary>Indicates whether two instances of <see cref="T:System.RuntimeMethodHandle" /> are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of <paramref name="left" /> is unequal to the value of <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">A <see cref="T:System.RuntimeMethodHandle" /> to compare to <paramref name="right" />.</param>
      <param name="right">A <see cref="T:System.RuntimeMethodHandle" /> to compare to <paramref name="left" />.</param>
    <member name="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle">
      <summary>Represents a type using an internal metadata token.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeTypeHandle.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified object is equal to the current <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is a <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure and is equal to the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare to the current instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeTypeHandle.Equals(System.RuntimeTypeHandle)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure is equal to the current <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of <paramref name="handle" /> is equal to the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="handle">The <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure to compare to the current instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for the current instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeTypeHandle.op_Equality(System.Object,System.RuntimeTypeHandle)">
      <summary>Indicates whether an object and a <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is a <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure and is equal to <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">An object to compare to <paramref name="right" />.</param>
      <param name="right">A <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure to compare to <paramref name="left" />.</param>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeTypeHandle.op_Equality(System.RuntimeTypeHandle,System.Object)">
      <summary>Indicates whether a <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure is equal to an object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="right" /> is a <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> and is equal to <paramref name="left" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">A <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure to compare to <paramref name="right" />.</param>
      <param name="right">An object to compare to <paramref name="left" />.</param>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeTypeHandle.op_Inequality(System.Object,System.RuntimeTypeHandle)">
      <summary>Indicates whether an object and a <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is a <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> and is not equal to <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">An object to compare to <paramref name="right" />.</param>
      <param name="right">A <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure to compare to <paramref name="left" />.</param>
    <member name="M:System.RuntimeTypeHandle.op_Inequality(System.RuntimeTypeHandle,System.Object)">
      <summary>Indicates whether a <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure is not equal to an object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="right" /> is a <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure and is not equal to <paramref name="left" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">A <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" /> structure to compare to <paramref name="right" />.</param>
      <param name="right">An object to compare to <paramref name="left" />.</param>
    <member name="T:System.SByte">
      <summary>Represents an 8-bit signed integer.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.CompareTo(System.SByte)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified 8-bit signed integer and returns an indication of their relative values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return Value Description Less than zero This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">An 8-bit signed integer to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.SByte" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.Equals(System.SByte)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified <see cref="T:System.SByte" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An <see cref="T:System.SByte" /> value to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.SByte.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of <see cref="T:System.SByte" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.SByte.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of <see cref="T:System.SByte" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its 8-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>An 8-bit signed integer that is equivalent to the number contained in the <paramref name="s" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" /> style.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> does not consist of an optional sign followed by a sequence of digits (zero through nine). </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its 8-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>An 8-bit signed integer that is equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the style specified by <paramref name="style" />.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format that is compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number that is in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 8-bit signed equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>An 8-bit signed byte value that is equivalent to the number specified in the <paramref name="s" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains the number to convert. The string is interpreted by using the style specified by <paramref name="style" />.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. If <paramref name="provider" /> is null, the thread current culture is used.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value.-or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format that is compliant with <paramref name="style" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MaxValue" />.-or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its 8-bit signed integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>An 8-bit signed integer that is equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents a number to convert. The string is interpreted using the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" /> style.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. If <paramref name="provider" /> is null, the thread current culture is used.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct format.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not an <see cref="T:System.SByte" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current instance is not zero; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is unused.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is unused.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Char" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to do so throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>None. This conversion is not supported. </returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is unused.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Double" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Single" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an object of type <paramref name="type" />.</returns>
      <param name="type">The <see cref="T:System.Type" /> to which to convert this <see cref="T:System.SByte" /> value.</param>
      <param name="provider">A <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> implementation that provides information about the format of the returned value.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, consisting of a negative sign if the value is negative, and a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9 with no leading zeroes.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, as specified by <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom numeric format string.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom numeric format string.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.SByte@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its <see cref="T:System.SByte" /> equivalent, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string representing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 8-bit signed integer value equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.SByte.TryParse(System.String,System.SByte@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert the string representation of a number to its <see cref="T:System.SByte" /> equivalent, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 8-bit signed integer value that is equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" /> if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in the correct format, or represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Single">
      <summary>Represents a single-precision floating-point number.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Single.CompareTo(System.Single)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified single-precision floating-point number and returns an integer that indicates whether the value of this instance is less than, equal to, or greater than the value of the specified single-precision floating-point number.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return Value Description Less than zero This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />.-or- This instance is not a number (<see cref="F:System.Single.NaN" />) and <paramref name="value" /> is a number. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />.-or- Both this instance and <paramref name="value" /> are not a number (<see cref="F:System.Single.NaN" />), <see cref="F:System.Single.PositiveInfinity" />, or <see cref="F:System.Single.NegativeInfinity" />. Greater than zero This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />.-or- This instance is a number and <paramref name="value" /> is not a number (<see cref="F:System.Single.NaN" />). </returns>
      <param name="value">A single-precision floating-point number to compare. </param>
    <member name="F:System.Single.Epsilon">
      <summary>Represents the smallest positive <see cref="T:System.Single" /> value that is greater than zero. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Single.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.Single" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.Equals(System.Single)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance and a specified <see cref="T:System.Single" /> object represent the same value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Single.IsInfinity(System.Single)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether the specified number evaluates to negative or positive infinity.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="f" /> evaluates to <see cref="F:System.Single.PositiveInfinity" /> or <see cref="F:System.Single.NegativeInfinity" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="f">A single-precision floating-point number. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.IsNaN(System.Single)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the specified value is not a number (<see cref="F:System.Single.NaN" />).</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="f" /> evaluates to not a number (<see cref="F:System.Single.NaN" />); otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="f">A single-precision floating-point number. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.IsNegativeInfinity(System.Single)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether the specified number evaluates to negative infinity.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="f" /> evaluates to <see cref="F:System.Single.NegativeInfinity" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="f">A single-precision floating-point number. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.IsPositiveInfinity(System.Single)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether the specified number evaluates to positive infinity.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="f" /> evaluates to <see cref="F:System.Single.PositiveInfinity" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="f">A single-precision floating-point number. </param>
    <member name="F:System.Single.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of <see cref="T:System.Single" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Single.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of <see cref="T:System.Single" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Single.NaN">
      <summary>Represents not a number (NaN). This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Single.NegativeInfinity">
      <summary>Represents negative infinity. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Single.op_Equality(System.Single,System.Single)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether two specified <see cref="T:System.Single" /> values are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> and <paramref name="right" /> are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.op_GreaterThan(System.Single,System.Single)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Single" /> value is greater than another specified <see cref="T:System.Single" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is greater than <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.op_GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Single,System.Single)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Single" /> value is greater than or equal to another specified <see cref="T:System.Single" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is greater than or equal to <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.op_Inequality(System.Single,System.Single)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether two specified <see cref="T:System.Single" /> values are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> and <paramref name="right" /> are not equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.op_LessThan(System.Single,System.Single)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Single" /> value is less than another specified <see cref="T:System.Single" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is less than <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.op_LessThanOrEqual(System.Single,System.Single)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.Single" /> value is less than or equal to another specified <see cref="T:System.Single" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="left" /> is less than or equal to <paramref name="right" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="left">The first value to compare.</param>
      <param name="right">The second value to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its single-precision floating-point number equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A single-precision floating-point number equivalent to the numeric value or symbol specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> does not represent a number in a valid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Single.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Single.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Single.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its single-precision floating-point number equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A single-precision floating-point number that is equivalent to the numeric value or symbol specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float" /> combined with <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not a number in a valid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.Single.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Single.MaxValue" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> includes the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Single.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its single-precision floating-point number equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A single-precision floating-point number equivalent to the numeric value or symbol specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float" /> combined with <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> does not represent a numeric value. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> value.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.Single.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Single.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Single.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its single-precision floating-point number equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A single-precision floating-point number equivalent to the numeric value or symbol specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that contains a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> does not represent a number in a valid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Single.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Single.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="F:System.Single.PositiveInfinity">
      <summary>Represents positive infinity. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Single" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current instance is not zero; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />. </summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Double" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.SByte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to <paramref name="type" />.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type to which to convert this <see cref="T:System.Single" /> value.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies information about the format of the returned value.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Single.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Single.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.Single@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its single-precision floating-point number equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string representing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float" /> combined with <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the single-precision floating-point number equivalent to the numeric value or symbol contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />, represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Single.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Single.MaxValue" />, or if <paramref name="style" /> is not a valid combination of <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> enumerated constants. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Single.TryParse(System.String,System.Single@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its single-precision floating-point number equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string representing a number to convert. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains single-precision floating-point number equivalent to the numeric value or symbol contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not a number in a valid format, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.Single.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Single.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
    <member name="T:System.STAThreadAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates that the COM threading model for an application is single-threaded apartment (STA). </summary>
    <member name="M:System.STAThreadAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.STAThreadAttribute" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.String">
      <summary>Represents text as a series of Unicode characters.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.String.#ctor(System.Char*)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.String" /> class to the value indicated by a specified pointer to an array of Unicode characters.</summary>
      <param name="value">A pointer to a null-terminated array of Unicode characters. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The current process does not have read access to all the addressed characters.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> specifies an array that contains an invalid Unicode character, or <paramref name="value" /> specifies an address less than 64000.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.#ctor(System.Char*,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.String" /> class to the value indicated by a specified pointer to an array of Unicode characters, a starting character position within that array, and a length.</summary>
      <param name="value">A pointer to an array of Unicode characters. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting position within <paramref name="value" />. </param>
      <param name="length">The number of characters within <paramref name="value" /> to use. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> or <paramref name="length" /> is less than zero, <paramref name="value" /> + <paramref name="startIndex" /> cause a pointer overflow, or the current process does not have read access to all the addressed characters.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> specifies an array that contains an invalid Unicode character, or <paramref name="value" /> + <paramref name="startIndex" /> specifies an address less than 64000.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.#ctor(System.Char,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.String" /> class to the value indicated by a specified Unicode character repeated a specified number of times.</summary>
      <param name="c">A Unicode character. </param>
      <param name="count">The number of times <paramref name="c" /> occurs. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="count" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.#ctor(System.Char[])">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.String" /> class to the value indicated by an array of Unicode characters.</summary>
      <param name="value">An array of Unicode characters. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.#ctor(System.Char[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.String" /> class to the value indicated by an array of Unicode characters, a starting character position within that array, and a length.</summary>
      <param name="value">An array of Unicode characters. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting position within <paramref name="value" />. </param>
      <param name="length">The number of characters within <paramref name="value" /> to use. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> or <paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.-or- The sum of <paramref name="startIndex" /> and <paramref name="length" /> is greater than the number of elements in <paramref name="value" />. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.String.Chars(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets the <see cref="T:System.Char" /> object at a specified position in the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The object at position <paramref name="index" />.</returns>
      <param name="index">A position in the current string. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is greater than or equal to the length of this object or less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Compare(System.String,System.Int32,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Compares substrings of two specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> objects and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer indicating the lexical relationship between the two comparands.Value Condition Less than zero The substring in <paramref name="strA" /> precedes the substring in <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. Zero The substrings occur in the same position in the sort order, or <paramref name="length" /> is zero. Greater than zero The substring in <paramref name="strA" /> follows the substring in <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. </returns>
      <param name="strA">The first string to use in the comparison. </param>
      <param name="indexA">The position of the substring within <paramref name="strA" />. </param>
      <param name="strB">The second string to use in the comparison. </param>
      <param name="indexB">The position of the substring within <paramref name="strB" />. </param>
      <param name="length">The maximum number of characters in the substrings to compare. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="indexA" /> is greater than <paramref name="strA" />.<see cref="P:System.String.Length" />.-or- <paramref name="indexB" /> is greater than <paramref name="strB" />.<see cref="P:System.String.Length" />.-or- <paramref name="indexA" />, <paramref name="indexB" />, or <paramref name="length" /> is negative. -or-Either <paramref name="indexA" /> or <paramref name="indexB" /> is null, and <paramref name="length" /> is greater than zero.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Compare(System.String,System.Int32,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Compares substrings of two specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> objects using the specified rules, and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order. </summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the lexical relationship between the two comparands.Value Condition Less than zero The substring in <paramref name="strA" /> precedes the substring in <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order.Zero The substrings occur in the same position in the sort order, or the <paramref name="length" /> parameter is zero. Greater than zero The substring in <paramref name="strA" /> follllows the substring in <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. </returns>
      <param name="strA">The first string to use in the comparison. </param>
      <param name="indexA">The position of the substring within <paramref name="strA" />. </param>
      <param name="strB">The second string to use in the comparison.</param>
      <param name="indexB">The position of the substring within <paramref name="strB" />. </param>
      <param name="length">The maximum number of characters in the substrings to compare. </param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that specifies the rules to use in the comparison. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="indexA" /> is greater than <paramref name="strA" />.<see cref="P:System.String.Length" />.-or- <paramref name="indexB" /> is greater than <paramref name="strB" />.<see cref="P:System.String.Length" />.-or- <paramref name="indexA" />, <paramref name="indexB" />, or <paramref name="length" /> is negative. -or-Either <paramref name="indexA" /> or <paramref name="indexB" /> is null, and <paramref name="length" /> is greater than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Compare(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Compares two specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> objects and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the lexical relationship between the two comparands.Value Condition Less than zero <paramref name="strA" /> precedes <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. Zero <paramref name="strA" /> occurs in the same position as <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. Greater than zero <paramref name="strA" /> follows <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. </returns>
      <param name="strA">The first string to compare. </param>
      <param name="strB">The second string to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Compare(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Compares two specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> objects, ignoring or honoring their case, and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the lexical relationship between the two comparands.Value Condition Less than zero <paramref name="strA" /> precedes <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. Zero <paramref name="strA" /> occurs in the same position as <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. Greater than zero <paramref name="strA" /> follows <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. </returns>
      <param name="strA">The first string to compare. </param>
      <param name="strB">The second string to compare. </param>
      <param name="ignoreCase">true to ignore case during the comparison; otherwise, false.</param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Compare(System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Compares two specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> objects using the specified rules, and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the lexical relationship between the two comparands.Value Condition Less than zero <paramref name="strA" /> precedes <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. Zero <paramref name="strA" /> is in the same position as <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. Greater than zero <paramref name="strA" /> follows <paramref name="strB" /> in the sort order. </returns>
      <param name="strA">The first string to compare.</param>
      <param name="strB">The second string to compare. </param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that specifies the rules to use in the comparison. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">
        <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> is not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.CompareOrdinal(System.String,System.Int32,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Compares substrings of two specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> objects by evaluating the numeric values of the corresponding <see cref="T:System.Char" /> objects in each substring. </summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the lexical relationship between the two comparands.ValueCondition Less than zero The substring in <paramref name="strA" /> is less than the substring in <paramref name="strB" />. Zero The substrings are equal, or <paramref name="length" /> is zero. Greater than zero The substring in <paramref name="strA" /> is greater than the substring in <paramref name="strB" />. </returns>
      <param name="strA">The first string to use in the comparison. </param>
      <param name="indexA">The starting index of the substring in <paramref name="strA" />. </param>
      <param name="strB">The second string to use in the comparison. </param>
      <param name="indexB">The starting index of the substring in <paramref name="strB" />. </param>
      <param name="length">The maximum number of characters in the substrings to compare. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="strA" /> is not null and <paramref name="indexA" /> is greater than <paramref name="strA" />.<see cref="P:System.String.Length" />.-or- <paramref name="strB" /> is not null and<paramref name="indexB" /> is greater than <paramref name="strB" />.<see cref="P:System.String.Length" />.-or- <paramref name="indexA" />, <paramref name="indexB" />, or <paramref name="length" /> is negative. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.CompareOrdinal(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Compares two specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> objects by evaluating the numeric values of the corresponding <see cref="T:System.Char" /> objects in each string.</summary>
      <returns>An integer that indicates the lexical relationship between the two comparands.ValueCondition Less than zero <paramref name="strA" /> is less than <paramref name="strB" />. Zero <paramref name="strA" /> and <paramref name="strB" /> are equal. Greater than zero <paramref name="strA" /> is greater than <paramref name="strB" />. </returns>
      <param name="strA">The first string to compare. </param>
      <param name="strB">The second string to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.CompareTo(System.String)">
      <summary>Compares this instance with a specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> object and indicates whether this instance precedes, follows, or appears in the same position in the sort order as the specified string. </summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this instance precedes, follows, or appears in the same position in the sort order as the <paramref name="strB" /> parameter.Value Condition Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="strB" />. Zero This instance has the same position in the sort order as <paramref name="strB" />. Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="strB" />.-or- <paramref name="strB" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="strB">The string to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Concat(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
      <summary>Concatenates the members of a constructed <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1" /> collection of type <see cref="T:System.String" />.</summary>
      <returns>The concatenated strings in <paramref name="values" />.</returns>
      <param name="values">A collection object that implements <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1" /> and whose generic type argument is <see cref="T:System.String" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="values" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Concat``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
      <summary>Concatenates the members of an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1" /> implementation.</summary>
      <returns>The concatenated members in <paramref name="values" />.</returns>
      <param name="values">A collection object that implements the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1" /> interface.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the members of <paramref name="values" />.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="values" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Concat(System.Object)">
      <summary>Creates the string  representation of a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of <paramref name="arg0" />, or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" /> if <paramref name="arg0" /> is null.</returns>
      <param name="arg0">The object to represent, or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Concat(System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Concatenates the string representations of two specified objects.</summary>
      <returns>The concatenated string representations of the values of <paramref name="arg0" /> and <paramref name="arg1" />.</returns>
      <param name="arg0">The first object to concatenate. </param>
      <param name="arg1">The second object to concatenate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Concat(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Concatenates the string representations of three specified objects.</summary>
      <returns>The concatenated string representations of the values of <paramref name="arg0" />, <paramref name="arg1" />, and <paramref name="arg2" />.</returns>
      <param name="arg0">The first object to concatenate. </param>
      <param name="arg1">The second object to concatenate. </param>
      <param name="arg2">The third object to concatenate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Concat(System.Object[])">
      <summary>Concatenates the string representations of the elements in a specified <see cref="T:System.Object" /> array.</summary>
      <returns>The concatenated string representations of the values of the elements in <paramref name="args" />.</returns>
      <param name="args">An object array that contains the elements to concatenate. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="args" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Out of memory.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Concat(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Concatenates two specified instances of <see cref="T:System.String" />.</summary>
      <returns>The concatenation of <paramref name="str0" /> and <paramref name="str1" />.</returns>
      <param name="str0">The first string to concatenate. </param>
      <param name="str1">The second string to concatenate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Concat(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Concatenates three specified instances of <see cref="T:System.String" />.</summary>
      <returns>The concatenation of <paramref name="str0" />, <paramref name="str1" />, and <paramref name="str2" />.</returns>
      <param name="str0">The first string to concatenate. </param>
      <param name="str1">The second string to concatenate. </param>
      <param name="str2">The third string to concatenate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Concat(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Concatenates four specified instances of <see cref="T:System.String" />.</summary>
      <returns>The concatenation of <paramref name="str0" />, <paramref name="str1" />, <paramref name="str2" />, and <paramref name="str3" />.</returns>
      <param name="str0">The first string to concatenate. </param>
      <param name="str1">The second string to concatenate. </param>
      <param name="str2">The third string to concatenate. </param>
      <param name="str3">The fourth string to concatenate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Concat(System.String[])">
      <summary>Concatenates the elements of a specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> array.</summary>
      <returns>The concatenated elements of <paramref name="values" />.</returns>
      <param name="values">An array of string instances. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="values" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Out of memory.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Contains(System.String)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether a specified substring occurs within this string.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="value" /> parameter occurs within this string, or if <paramref name="value" /> is the empty string (""); otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.CopyTo(System.Int32,System.Char[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies a specified number of characters from a specified position in this instance to a specified position in an array of Unicode characters.</summary>
      <param name="sourceIndex">The index of the first character in this instance to copy. </param>
      <param name="destination">An array of Unicode characters to which characters in this instance are copied. </param>
      <param name="destinationIndex">The index in <paramref name="destination" /> at which the copy operation begins. </param>
      <param name="count">The number of characters in this instance to copy to <paramref name="destination" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="destination" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="sourceIndex" />, <paramref name="destinationIndex" />, or <paramref name="count" /> is negative -or- <paramref name="sourceIndex" /> does not identify a position in the current instance. -or-<paramref name="destinationIndex" /> does not identify a valid index in the <paramref name="destination" /> array. -or-<paramref name="count" /> is greater than the length of the substring from <paramref name="startIndex" /> to the end of this instance -or- <paramref name="count" /> is greater than the length of the subarray from <paramref name="destinationIndex" /> to the end of the <paramref name="destination" /> array. </exception>
    <member name="F:System.String.Empty">
      <summary>Represents the empty string. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.String.EndsWith(System.String)">
      <summary>Determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified string.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value" /> matches the end of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to compare to the substring at the end of this instance. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.EndsWith(System.String,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified string when compared using the specified comparison option.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="value" /> parameter matches the end of this string; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to compare to the substring at the end of this instance. </param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that determines how this string and <paramref name="value" /> are compared. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether this instance and a specified object, which must also be a <see cref="T:System.String" /> object, have the same value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is a <see cref="T:System.String" /> and its value is the same as this instance; otherwise, false.  If <paramref name="obj" /> is null, the method returns false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The string to compare to this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Equals(System.String)">
      <summary>Determines whether this instance and another specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> object have the same value.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the <paramref name="value" /> parameter is the same as the value of this instance; otherwise, false. If <paramref name="value" /> is null, the method returns false. </returns>
      <param name="value">The string to compare to this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Equals(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> objects have the same value.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of <paramref name="a" /> is the same as the value of <paramref name="b" />; otherwise, false. If both <paramref name="a" /> and <paramref name="b" /> are null, the method returns true.</returns>
      <param name="a">The first string to compare, or null. </param>
      <param name="b">The second string to compare, or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Equals(System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> objects have the same value. A parameter specifies the culture, case, and sort rules used in the comparison.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the <paramref name="a" /> parameter is equal to the value of the <paramref name="b" /> parameter; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="a">The first string to compare, or null. </param>
      <param name="b">The second string to compare, or null. </param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that specifies the rules for the comparison. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Equals(System.String,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Determines whether this string and a specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> object have the same value. A parameter specifies the culture, case, and sort rules used in the comparison.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the <paramref name="value" /> parameter is the same as this string; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to compare to this instance.</param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object)">
      <summary>Replaces the format item or items in a specified string with the string representation of the corresponding object. A parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. </summary>
      <returns>A copy of <paramref name="format" /> in which the format item or items have been replaced by the string representation of <paramref name="arg0" />. </returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <param name="format">A composite format string. </param>
      <param name="arg0">The object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> or <paramref name="arg0" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid.-or- The index of a format item is less than zero, or greater than or equal to one. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Replaces the format items in a specified string with the string representation of two specified objects. A parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. </summary>
      <returns>A copy of <paramref name="format" /> in which format items are replaced by the string representations of <paramref name="arg0" /> and <paramref name="arg1" />. </returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <param name="format">A composite format string. </param>
      <param name="arg0">The first object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg1">The second object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" />, <paramref name="arg0" />, or <paramref name="arg1" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid.-or- The index of a format item is less than zero, or greater than or equal to two. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Replaces the format items in a specified string with the string representation of three specified objects. An parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. </summary>
      <returns>A copy of <paramref name="format" /> in which the format items have been replaced by the string representations of <paramref name="arg0" />, <paramref name="arg1" />, and <paramref name="arg2" />. </returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <param name="format">A composite format string. </param>
      <param name="arg0">The first object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg1">The second object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg2">The third object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" />, <paramref name="arg0" />, <paramref name="arg1" />, or <paramref name="arg2" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid.-or- The index of a format item is less than zero, or greater than or equal to three. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
      <summary>Replaces the format items in a specified string with the string representations of corresponding objects in a specified array. A parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>A copy of <paramref name="format" /> in which the format items have been replaced by the string representation of the corresponding objects in <paramref name="args" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <param name="format">A composite format string. </param>
      <param name="args">An object array that contains zero or more objects to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> or <paramref name="args" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid.-or- The index of a format item is less than zero, or greater than or equal to the length of the <paramref name="args" /> array. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object)">
      <summary>Replaces one or more format items in a specified string with the string representation of a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>A copy of <paramref name="format" /> in which any format items are replaced by the string representation of <paramref name="arg0" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A composite format string. </param>
      <param name="arg0">The object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The format item in <paramref name="format" /> is invalid.-or- The index of a format item is not zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Replaces the format items in a specified string with the string representation of two specified objects.</summary>
      <returns>A copy of <paramref name="format" /> in which format items are replaced by the string representations of <paramref name="arg0" /> and <paramref name="arg1" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A composite format string. </param>
      <param name="arg0">The first object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg1">The second object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid.-or- The index of a format item is not zero or one. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Replaces the format items in a specified string with the string representation of three specified objects.</summary>
      <returns>A copy of <paramref name="format" /> in which the format items have been replaced by the string representations of <paramref name="arg0" />, <paramref name="arg1" />, and <paramref name="arg2" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A composite format string.</param>
      <param name="arg0">The first object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg1">The second object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg2">The third object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid.-or- The index of a format item is less than zero, or greater than two. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])">
      <summary>Replaces the format item in a specified string with the string representation of a corresponding object in a specified array.</summary>
      <returns>A copy of <paramref name="format" /> in which the format items have been replaced by the string representation of the corresponding objects in <paramref name="args" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A composite format string.</param>
      <param name="args">An object array that contains zero or more objects to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> or <paramref name="args" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid.-or- The index of a format item is less than zero, or greater than or equal to the length of the <paramref name="args" /> array. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this string.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOf(System.Char)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified Unicode character in this string.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that character is found, or -1 if it is not.</returns>
      <param name="value">A Unicode character to seek. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOf(System.Char,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified Unicode character in this string. The search starts at a specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that character is found, or -1 if it is not.</returns>
      <param name="value">A Unicode character to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than 0 (zero) or greater than the length of the string. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOf(System.Char,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified character in this instance. The search starts at a specified character position and examines a specified number of character positions.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that character is found, or -1 if it is not.</returns>
      <param name="value">A Unicode character to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. </param>
      <param name="count">The number of character positions to examine. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="count" /> or <paramref name="startIndex" /> is negative.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> is greater than the length of this string.-or-<paramref name="count" /> is greater than the length of this string minus <paramref name="startIndex" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOf(System.String)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified string in this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that string is found, or -1 if it is not. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is 0.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOf(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified string in this instance. The search starts at a specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that string is found, or -1 if it is not. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is <paramref name="startIndex" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than 0 (zero) or greater than the length of this string.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOf(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified string in this instance. The search starts at a specified character position and examines a specified number of character positions.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that string is found, or -1 if it is not. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is <paramref name="startIndex" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. </param>
      <param name="count">The number of character positions to examine. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="count" /> or <paramref name="startIndex" /> is negative.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> is greater than the length of this string.-or-<paramref name="count" /> is greater than the length of this string minus <paramref name="startIndex" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOf(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified string in the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object. Parameters specify the starting search position in the current string, the number of characters in the current string to search, and the type of search to use for the specified string.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of the <paramref name="value" /> parameter if that string is found, or -1 if it is not. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is <paramref name="startIndex" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. </param>
      <param name="count">The number of character positions to examine. </param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that specifies the rules for the search. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="count" /> or <paramref name="startIndex" /> is negative.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> is greater than the length of this instance.-or-<paramref name="count" /> is greater than the length of this string minus <paramref name="startIndex" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOf(System.String,System.Int32,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified string in the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object. Parameters specify the starting search position in the current string and the type of search to use for the specified string.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of the <paramref name="value" /> parameter if that string is found, or -1 if it is not. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is <paramref name="startIndex" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. </param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that specifies the rules for the search. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than 0 (zero) or greater than the length of this string. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOf(System.String,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified string in the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object. A parameter specifies the type of search to use for the specified string.</summary>
      <returns>The index position of the <paramref name="value" /> parameter if that string is found, or -1 if it is not. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is 0.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that specifies the rules for the search. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOfAny(System.Char[])">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence in this instance of any character in a specified array of Unicode characters.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of the first occurrence in this instance where any character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found; -1 if no character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found.</returns>
      <param name="anyOf">A Unicode character array containing one or more characters to seek. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="anyOf" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOfAny(System.Char[],System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence in this instance of any character in a specified array of Unicode characters. The search starts at a specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of the first occurrence in this instance where any character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found; -1 if no character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found.</returns>
      <param name="anyOf">A Unicode character array containing one or more characters to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="anyOf" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is negative.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> is greater than the number of characters in this instance. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.IndexOfAny(System.Char[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence in this instance of any character in a specified array of Unicode characters. The search starts at a specified character position and examines a specified number of character positions.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of the first occurrence in this instance where any character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found; -1 if no character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found.</returns>
      <param name="anyOf">A Unicode character array containing one or more characters to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. </param>
      <param name="count">The number of character positions to examine. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="anyOf" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="count" /> or <paramref name="startIndex" /> is negative.-or- <paramref name="count" /> + <paramref name="startIndex" /> is greater than the number of characters in this instance. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Insert(System.Int32,System.String)">
      <summary>Returns a new string in which a specified string is inserted at a specified index position in this instance. </summary>
      <returns>A new string that is equivalent to this instance, but with <paramref name="value" /> inserted at position <paramref name="startIndex" />.</returns>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based index position of the insertion. </param>
      <param name="value">The string to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is negative or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.String)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the specified string is null or an <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" /> string.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="value" /> parameter is null or an empty string (""); otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to test. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(System.String)">
      <summary>Indicates whether a specified string is null, empty, or consists only of white-space characters.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="value" /> parameter is null or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, or if <paramref name="value" /> consists exclusively of white-space characters. </returns>
      <param name="value">The string to test.</param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Join(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">
      <summary>Concatenates the members of a constructed <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1" /> collection of type <see cref="T:System.String" />, using the specified separator between each member.</summary>
      <returns>A string that consists of the members of <paramref name="values" /> delimited by the <paramref name="separator" /> string. If <paramref name="values" /> has no members, the method returns <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.</returns>
      <param name="separator">The string to use as a separator. <paramref name="separator" /> is included in the returned string only if <paramref name="values" /> has more than one element.</param>
      <param name="values">A collection that contains the strings to concatenate.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="values" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Join``1(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
      <summary>Concatenates the members of a collection, using the specified separator between each member.</summary>
      <returns>A string that consists of the members of <paramref name="values" /> delimited by the <paramref name="separator" /> string. If <paramref name="values" /> has no members, the method returns <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.</returns>
      <param name="separator">The string to use as a separator. <paramref name="separator" /> is included in the returned string only if <paramref name="values" /> has more than one element.</param>
      <param name="values">A collection that contains the objects to concatenate.</param>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the members of <paramref name="values" />.</typeparam>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="values" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Join(System.String,System.Object[])">
      <summary>Concatenates the elements of an object array, using the specified separator between each element.</summary>
      <returns>A string that consists of the elements of <paramref name="values" /> delimited by the <paramref name="separator" /> string. If <paramref name="values" /> is an empty array, the method returns <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.</returns>
      <param name="separator">The string to use as a separator. <paramref name="separator" /> is included in the returned string only if <paramref name="values" /> has more than one element.</param>
      <param name="values">An array that contains the elements to concatenate.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="values" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Join(System.String,System.String[])">
      <summary>Concatenates all the elements of a string array, using the specified separator between each element. </summary>
      <returns>A string that consists of the elements in <paramref name="value" /> delimited by the <paramref name="separator" /> string. If <paramref name="value" /> is an empty array, the method returns <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.</returns>
      <param name="separator">The string to use as a separator. <paramref name="separator" /> is included in the returned string only if <paramref name="value" /> has more than one element.</param>
      <param name="value">An array that contains the elements to concatenate. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Join(System.String,System.String[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Concatenates the specified elements of a string array, using the specified separator between each element. </summary>
      <returns>A string that consists of the strings in <paramref name="value" /> delimited by the <paramref name="separator" /> string. -or-<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" /> if <paramref name="count" /> is zero, <paramref name="value" /> has no elements, or <paramref name="separator" /> and all the elements of <paramref name="value" /> are <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.</returns>
      <param name="separator">The string to use as a separator. <paramref name="separator" /> is included in the returned string only if <paramref name="value" /> has more than one element.</param>
      <param name="value">An array that contains the elements to concatenate. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The first element in <paramref name="value" /> to use. </param>
      <param name="count">The number of elements of <paramref name="value" /> to use. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> or <paramref name="count" /> is less than 0.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> plus <paramref name="count" /> is greater than the number of elements in <paramref name="value" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Out of memory.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOf(System.Char)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character within this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that character is found, or -1 if it is not.</returns>
      <param name="value">The Unicode character to seek. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOf(System.Char,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character within this instance. The search starts at a specified character position and proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that character is found, or -1 if it is not found or if the current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The Unicode character to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting position of the search. The search proceeds from <paramref name="startIndex" /> toward the beginning of this instance.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than zero or greater than or equal to the length of this instance.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOf(System.Char,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence of the specified Unicode character in a substring within this instance. The search starts at a specified character position and proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string for a specified number of character positions.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that character is found, or -1 if it is not found or if the current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The Unicode character to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting position of the search. The search proceeds from <paramref name="startIndex" /> toward the beginning of this instance.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of character positions to examine. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than zero or greater than or equal to the length of this instance.-or-The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> - <paramref name="count" /> + 1 is less than zero.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOf(System.String)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based starting index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that string is found, or -1 if it is not. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is the last index position in this instance.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOf(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance. The search starts at a specified character position and proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based starting index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that string is found, or -1 if it is not found or if the current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is the smaller of <paramref name="startIndex" /> and the last index position in this instance.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. The search proceeds from <paramref name="startIndex" /> toward the beginning of this instance.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of the current instance. -or-The current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than -1 or greater than zero.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOf(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance. The search starts at a specified character position and proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string for a specified number of character positions.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based starting index position of <paramref name="value" /> if that string is found, or -1 if it is not found or if the current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is the smaller of <paramref name="startIndex" /> and the last index position in this instance.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. The search proceeds from <paramref name="startIndex" /> toward the beginning of this instance.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of character positions to examine. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="count" /> is negative.-or-The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and  <paramref name="startIndex" /> is negative.-or- The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> is greater than the length of this instance.-or-The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> - <paramref name="count" /> + 1 specifies a position that is not within this instance. -or-The current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" /> and <paramref name="start" /> is less than -1 or greater than zero. -or-The current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" /> and <paramref name="count" /> is greater than 1. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOf(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance. The search starts at a specified character position and proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string for the specified number of character positions. A parameter specifies the type of comparison to perform when searching for the specified string.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based starting index position of the <paramref name="value" /> parameter if that string is found, or -1 if it is not found or if the current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is the smaller of <paramref name="startIndex" /> and the last index position in this instance.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. The search proceeds from <paramref name="startIndex" /> toward the beginning of this instance.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of character positions to examine. </param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that specifies the rules for the search. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="count" /> is negative.-or-The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> is negative.-or- The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> is greater than the length of this instance.-or-The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> + 1 - <paramref name="count" /> specifies a position that is not within this instance. -or-The current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" /> and <paramref name="start" /> is less than -1 or greater than zero. -or-The current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" /> and <paramref name="count" /> is greater than 1. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOf(System.String,System.Int32,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the last occurrence of a specified string within the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object. The search starts at a specified character position and proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string. A parameter specifies the type of comparison to perform when searching for the specified string.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based starting index position of the <paramref name="value" /> parameter if that string is found, or -1 if it is not found or if the current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is the smaller of <paramref name="startIndex" /> and the last index position in this instance.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. The search proceeds from <paramref name="startIndex" /> toward the beginning of this instance.</param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that specifies the rules for the search. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of the current instance. -or-The current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than -1 or greater than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOf(System.String,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index of the last occurrence of a specified string within the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object. A parameter specifies the type of search to use for the specified string.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based starting index position of the <paramref name="value" /> parameter if that string is found, or -1 if it is not. If <paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, the return value is the last index position in this instance.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to seek. </param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that specifies the rules for the search. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOfAny(System.Char[])">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence in this instance of one or more characters specified in a Unicode array.</summary>
      <returns>The index position of the last occurrence in this instance where any character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found; -1 if no character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found.</returns>
      <param name="anyOf">A Unicode character array containing one or more characters to seek. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="anyOf" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOfAny(System.Char[],System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence in this instance of one or more characters specified in a Unicode array. The search starts at a specified character position and proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string.</summary>
      <returns>The index position of the last occurrence in this instance where any character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found; -1 if no character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found or if the current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.</returns>
      <param name="anyOf">A Unicode character array containing one or more characters to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. The search proceeds from <paramref name="startIndex" /> toward the beginning of this instance.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="anyOf" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> specifies a position that is not within this instance. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.LastIndexOfAny(System.Char[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence in this instance of one or more characters specified in a Unicode array. The search starts at a specified character position and proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string for a specified number of character positions.</summary>
      <returns>The index position of the last occurrence in this instance where any character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found; -1 if no character in <paramref name="anyOf" /> was found or if the current instance equals <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.</returns>
      <param name="anyOf">A Unicode character array containing one or more characters to seek. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The search starting position. The search proceeds from <paramref name="startIndex" /> toward the beginning of this instance.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of character positions to examine. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="anyOf" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="count" /> or <paramref name="startIndex" /> is negative.-or- The current instance does not equal <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> minus <paramref name="count" /> + 1 is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.String.Length">
      <summary>Gets the number of characters in the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The number of characters in the current string.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.String.op_Equality(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified strings have the same value.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of <paramref name="a" /> is the same as the value of <paramref name="b" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="a">The first string to compare, or null. </param>
      <param name="b">The second string to compare, or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.op_Inequality(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified strings have different values.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of <paramref name="a" /> is different from the value of <paramref name="b" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="a">The first string to compare, or null. </param>
      <param name="b">The second string to compare, or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.PadLeft(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns a new string that right-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them with spaces on the left, for a specified total length.</summary>
      <returns>A new string that is equivalent to this instance, but right-aligned and padded on the left with as many spaces as needed to create a length of <paramref name="totalWidth" />. However, if <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is less than the length of this instance, the method returns a reference to the existing instance. If <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is equal to the length of this instance, the method returns a new string that is identical to this instance.</returns>
      <param name="totalWidth">The number of characters in the resulting string, equal to the number of original characters plus any additional padding characters. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.PadLeft(System.Int32,System.Char)">
      <summary>Returns a new string that right-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them on the left with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.</summary>
      <returns>A new string that is equivalent to this instance, but right-aligned and padded on the left with as many <paramref name="paddingChar" /> characters as needed to create a length of <paramref name="totalWidth" />. However, if <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is less than the length of this instance, the method returns a reference to the existing instance. If <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is equal to the length of this instance, the method returns a new string that is identical to this instance.</returns>
      <param name="totalWidth">The number of characters in the resulting string, equal to the number of original characters plus any additional padding characters. </param>
      <param name="paddingChar">A Unicode padding character. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.PadRight(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns a new string that left-aligns the characters in this string by padding them with spaces on the right, for a specified total length.</summary>
      <returns>A new string that is equivalent to this instance, but left-aligned and padded on the right with as many spaces as needed to create a length of <paramref name="totalWidth" />. However, if <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is less than the length of this instance, the method returns a reference to the existing instance. If <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is equal to the length of this instance, the method returns a new string that is identical to this instance.</returns>
      <param name="totalWidth">The number of characters in the resulting string, equal to the number of original characters plus any additional padding characters. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.PadRight(System.Int32,System.Char)">
      <summary>Returns a new string that left-aligns the characters in this string by padding them on the right with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.</summary>
      <returns>A new string that is equivalent to this instance, but left-aligned and padded on the right with as many <paramref name="paddingChar" /> characters as needed to create a length of <paramref name="totalWidth" />.  However, if <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is less than the length of this instance, the method returns a reference to the existing instance. If <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is equal to the length of this instance, the method returns a new string that is identical to this instance.</returns>
      <param name="totalWidth">The number of characters in the resulting string, equal to the number of original characters plus any additional padding characters. </param>
      <param name="paddingChar">A Unicode padding character. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="totalWidth" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Remove(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns a new string in which all the characters in the current instance, beginning at a specified position and continuing through the last position, have been deleted.</summary>
      <returns>A new string that is equivalent to this string except for the removed characters.</returns>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based position to begin deleting characters. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than zero.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> specifies a position that is not within this string. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Remove(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns a new string in which a specified number of characters in the current instance beginning at a specified position have been deleted.</summary>
      <returns>A new string that is equivalent to this instance except for the removed characters.</returns>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based position to begin deleting characters. </param>
      <param name="count">The number of characters to delete. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Either <paramref name="startIndex" /> or <paramref name="count" /> is less than zero.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> plus <paramref name="count" /> specify a position outside this instance. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Replace(System.Char,System.Char)">
      <summary>Returns a new string in which all occurrences of a specified Unicode character in this instance are replaced with another specified Unicode character.</summary>
      <returns>A string that is equivalent to this instance except that all instances of <paramref name="oldChar" /> are replaced with <paramref name="newChar" />. If <paramref name="oldChar" /> is not found in the current instance, the method returns the current instance unchanged. </returns>
      <param name="oldChar">The Unicode character to be replaced. </param>
      <param name="newChar">The Unicode character to replace all occurrences of <paramref name="oldChar" />. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Replace(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Returns a new string in which all occurrences of a specified string in the current instance are replaced with another specified string.</summary>
      <returns>A string that is equivalent to the current string except that all instances of <paramref name="oldValue" /> are replaced with <paramref name="newValue" />. If <paramref name="oldValue" /> is not found in the current instance, the method returns the current instance unchanged. </returns>
      <param name="oldValue">The string to be replaced. </param>
      <param name="newValue">The string to replace all occurrences of <paramref name="oldValue" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="oldValue" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="oldValue" /> is the empty string (""). </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Split(System.Char[])">
      <summary>Returns a string array that contains the substrings in this instance that are delimited by elements of a specified Unicode character array.</summary>
      <returns>An array whose elements contain the substrings in this instance that are delimited by one or more characters in <paramref name="separator" />. For more information, see the Remarks section.</returns>
      <param name="separator">An array of Unicode characters that delimit the substrings in this instance, an empty array that contains no delimiters, or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.Split(System.Char[],System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns a string array that contains the substrings in this instance that are delimited by elements of a specified Unicode character array. A parameter specifies the maximum number of substrings to return.</summary>
      <returns>An array whose elements contain the substrings in this instance that are delimited by one or more characters in <paramref name="separator" />. For more information, see the Remarks section.</returns>
      <param name="separator">An array of Unicode characters that delimit the substrings in this instance, an empty array that contains no delimiters, or null. </param>
      <param name="count">The maximum number of substrings to return. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="count" /> is negative. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Split(System.Char[],System.Int32,System.StringSplitOptions)">
      <summary>Returns a string array that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified Unicode character array. Parameters specify the maximum number of substrings to return and whether to return empty array elements.</summary>
      <returns>An array whose elements contain the substrings in this string that are delimited by one or more characters in <paramref name="separator" />. For more information, see the Remarks section.</returns>
      <param name="separator">An array of Unicode characters that delimit the substrings in this string, an empty array that contains no delimiters, or null. </param>
      <param name="count">The maximum number of substrings to return. </param>
      <param name="options">
        <see cref="F:System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries" /> to omit empty array elements from the array returned; or <see cref="F:System.StringSplitOptions.None" /> to include empty array elements in the array returned. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="count" /> is negative. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="options" /> is not one of the <see cref="T:System.StringSplitOptions" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Split(System.Char[],System.StringSplitOptions)">
      <summary>Returns a string array that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified Unicode character array. A parameter specifies whether to return empty array elements.</summary>
      <returns>An array whose elements contain the substrings in this string that are delimited by one or more characters in <paramref name="separator" />. For more information, see the Remarks section.</returns>
      <param name="separator">An array of Unicode characters that delimit the substrings in this string, an empty array that contains no delimiters, or null. </param>
      <param name="options">
        <see cref="F:System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries" /> to omit empty array elements from the array returned; or <see cref="F:System.StringSplitOptions.None" /> to include empty array elements in the array returned. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="options" /> is not one of the <see cref="T:System.StringSplitOptions" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Split(System.String[],System.Int32,System.StringSplitOptions)">
      <summary>Returns a string array that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string array. Parameters specify the maximum number of substrings to return and whether to return empty array elements.</summary>
      <returns>An array whose elements contain the substrings in this string that are delimited by one or more strings in <paramref name="separator" />. For more information, see the Remarks section.</returns>
      <param name="separator">A string array that delimits the substrings in this string, an empty array that contains no delimiters, or null. </param>
      <param name="count">The maximum number of substrings to return. </param>
      <param name="options">
        <see cref="F:System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries" /> to omit empty array elements from the array returned; or <see cref="F:System.StringSplitOptions.None" /> to include empty array elements in the array returned. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="count" /> is negative. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="options" /> is not one of the <see cref="T:System.StringSplitOptions" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Split(System.String[],System.StringSplitOptions)">
      <summary>Returns a string array that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by elements of a specified string array. A parameter specifies whether to return empty array elements.</summary>
      <returns>An array whose elements contain the substrings in this string that are delimited by one or more strings in <paramref name="separator" />. For more information, see the Remarks section.</returns>
      <param name="separator">A string array that delimits the substrings in this string, an empty array that contains no delimiters, or null. </param>
      <param name="options">
        <see cref="F:System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries" /> to omit empty array elements from the array returned; or <see cref="F:System.StringSplitOptions.None" /> to include empty array elements in the array returned. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="options" /> is not one of the <see cref="T:System.StringSplitOptions" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.StartsWith(System.String)">
      <summary>Determines whether the beginning of this string instance matches the specified string.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value" /> matches the beginning of this string; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to compare. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.StartsWith(System.String,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Determines whether the beginning of this string instance matches the specified string when compared using the specified comparison option.</summary>
      <returns>true if this instance begins with <paramref name="value" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to compare. </param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that determines how this string and <paramref name="value" /> are compared. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Substring(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Retrieves a substring from this instance. The substring starts at a specified character position and continues to the end of the string.</summary>
      <returns>A string that is equivalent to the substring that begins at <paramref name="startIndex" /> in this instance, or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" /> if <paramref name="startIndex" /> is equal to the length of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based starting character position of a substring in this instance. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.Substring(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Retrieves a substring from this instance. The substring starts at a specified character position and has a specified length.</summary>
      <returns>A string that is equivalent to the substring of length <paramref name="length" /> that begins at <paramref name="startIndex" /> in this instance, or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" /> if <paramref name="startIndex" /> is equal to the length of this instance and <paramref name="length" /> is zero.</returns>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based starting character position of a substring in this instance. </param>
      <param name="length">The number of characters in the substring. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> plus <paramref name="length" /> indicates a position not within this instance.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> or <paramref name="length" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#Collections#Generic#IEnumerable{T}#GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object. </summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1" /> of type <see cref="T:System.Char" /> that can be used to iterate through the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object. </summary>
      <returns>An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the current string.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.String" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current string is <see cref="F:System.Boolean.TrueString" />; false if the value of the current string is <see cref="F:System.Boolean.FalseString" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The value of the current string is not <see cref="F:System.Boolean.TrueString" /> or <see cref="F:System.Boolean.FalseString" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object cannot be parsed. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object is a number greater than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MaxValue" /> or less than <see cref="F:System.Byte.MinValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The character at index 0 in the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object cannot be parsed. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object is a number less than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MinValue" /> or than <see cref="F:System.Decimal.MaxValue" /> greater. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object cannot be parsed. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object is a number less than <see cref="F:System.Double.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.Double.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object cannot be parsed. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object is a number greater than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MaxValue" /> or less than <see cref="F:System.Int16.MinValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object cannot be parsed. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object is a number greater than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MaxValue" /> or less than <see cref="F:System.SByte.MinValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToString(System.IFormatProvider)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type of the returned object. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="type" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object cannot be converted to the type specified by the <paramref name="type" /> parameter. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object cannot be parsed. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object is a number greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MaxValue" /> or less than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MinValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object cannot be parsed. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object is a number greater <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue" /> or less than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MinValue" /></exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />.</summary>
      <returns>The converted value of the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.ToCharArray">
      <summary>Copies the characters in this instance to a Unicode character array. </summary>
      <returns>A Unicode character array whose elements are the individual characters of this instance. If this instance is an empty string, the returned array is empty and has a zero length.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.String.ToCharArray(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies the characters in a specified substring in this instance to a Unicode character array.</summary>
      <returns>A Unicode character array whose elements are the <paramref name="length" /> number of characters in this instance starting from character position <paramref name="startIndex" />.</returns>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting position of a substring in this instance. </param>
      <param name="length">The length of the substring in this instance. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> or <paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> plus <paramref name="length" /> is greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.String.ToLower">
      <summary>Returns a copy of this string converted to lowercase.</summary>
      <returns>A string in lowercase.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode" />
    <member name="M:System.String.ToLowerInvariant">
      <summary>Returns a copy of this <see cref="T:System.String" /> object converted to lowercase using the casing rules of the invariant culture.</summary>
      <returns>The lowercase equivalent of the current string.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode" />
    <member name="M:System.String.ToString">
      <summary>Returns this instance of <see cref="T:System.String" />; no actual conversion is performed.</summary>
      <returns>The current string.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.String.ToUpper">
      <summary>Returns a copy of this string converted to uppercase.</summary>
      <returns>The uppercase equivalent of the current string.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode" />
    <member name="M:System.String.ToUpperInvariant">
      <summary>Returns a copy of this <see cref="T:System.String" /> object converted to uppercase using the casing rules of the invariant culture.</summary>
      <returns>The uppercase equivalent of the current string.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode" />
    <member name="M:System.String.Trim">
      <summary>Removes all leading and trailing white-space characters from the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The string that remains after all white-space characters are removed from the start and end of the current string. If no characters can be trimmed from the current instance, the method returns the current instance unchanged. </returns>
    <member name="M:System.String.Trim(System.Char[])">
      <summary>Removes all leading and trailing occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The string that remains after all occurrences of the characters in the <paramref name="trimChars" /> parameter are removed from the start and end of the current string. If <paramref name="trimChars" /> is null or an empty array, white-space characters are removed instead. If no characters can be trimmed from the current instance, the method returns the current instance unchanged. </returns>
      <param name="trimChars">An array of Unicode characters to remove, or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.TrimEnd(System.Char[])">
      <summary>Removes all trailing occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The string that remains after all occurrences of the characters in the <paramref name="trimChars" /> parameter are removed from the end of the current string. If <paramref name="trimChars" /> is null or an empty array, Unicode white-space characters are removed instead. If no characters can be trimmed from the current instance, the method returns the current instance unchanged. </returns>
      <param name="trimChars">An array of Unicode characters to remove, or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.String.TrimStart(System.Char[])">
      <summary>Removes all leading occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the current <see cref="T:System.String" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The string that remains after all occurrences of characters in the <paramref name="trimChars" /> parameter are removed from the start of the current string. If <paramref name="trimChars" /> is null or an empty array, white-space characters are removed instead.</returns>
      <param name="trimChars">An array of Unicode characters to remove, or null. </param>
    <member name="T:System.StringComparison">
      <summary>Specifies the culture, case, and sort rules to be used by certain overloads of the <see cref="M:System.String.Compare(System.String,System.String)" /> and <see cref="M:System.String.Equals(System.Object)" /> methods.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.StringComparison.CurrentCulture">
      <summary>Compare strings using culture-sensitive sort rules and the current culture.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase">
      <summary>Compare strings using culture-sensitive sort rules, the current culture, and ignoring the case of the strings being compared.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.StringComparison.Ordinal">
      <summary>Compare strings using ordinal sort rules.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase">
      <summary>Compare strings using ordinal sort rules and ignoring the case of the strings being compared.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.StringSplitOptions">
      <summary>Specifies whether applicable <see cref="Overload:System.String.Split" /> method overloads include or omit empty substrings from the return value.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.StringSplitOptions.None">
      <summary>The return value includes array elements that contain an empty string</summary>
    <member name="F:System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries">
      <summary>The return value does not include array elements that contain an empty string</summary>
    <member name="T:System.ThreadStaticAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates that the value of a static field is unique for each thread.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ThreadStaticAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ThreadStaticAttribute" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.TimeoutException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when the time allotted for a process or operation has expired.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.TimeoutException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TimeoutException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.TimeoutException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TimeoutException" /> class with the specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeoutException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TimeoutException" /> class with the specified error message and inner exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.TimeSpan">
      <summary>Represents a time interval.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure to a specified number of hours, minutes, and seconds.</summary>
      <param name="hours">Number of hours. </param>
      <param name="minutes">Number of minutes. </param>
      <param name="seconds">Number of seconds. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The parameters specify a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> value less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure to a specified number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.</summary>
      <param name="days">Number of days. </param>
      <param name="hours">Number of hours. </param>
      <param name="minutes">Number of minutes. </param>
      <param name="seconds">Number of seconds. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The parameters specify a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> value less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure to a specified number of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.</summary>
      <param name="days">Number of days. </param>
      <param name="hours">Number of hours. </param>
      <param name="minutes">Number of minutes. </param>
      <param name="seconds">Number of seconds. </param>
      <param name="milliseconds">Number of milliseconds. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The parameters specify a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> value less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.#ctor(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure to the specified number of ticks.</summary>
      <param name="ticks">A time period expressed in 100-nanosecond units. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.Add(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object whose value is the sum of the specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object and this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A new object that represents the value of this instance plus the value of <paramref name="ts" />.</returns>
      <param name="ts">The time interval to add.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.Compare(System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Compares two <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> values and returns an integer that indicates whether the first value is shorter than, equal to, or longer than the second value.</summary>
      <returns>One of the following values.Value Description -1 <paramref name="t1" /> is shorter than <paramref name="t2" />. 0 <paramref name="t1" /> is equal to <paramref name="t2" />. 1 <paramref name="t1" /> is longer than <paramref name="t2" />. </returns>
      <param name="t1">The first time interval to compare. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second time interval to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.CompareTo(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object and returns an integer that indicates whether this instance is shorter than, equal to, or longer than the <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Value Description A negative integer This instance is shorter than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. A positive integer This instance is longer than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="P:System.TimeSpan.Days">
      <summary>Gets the days component of the time interval represented by the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure.</summary>
      <returns>The day component of this instance. The return value can be positive or negative.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.Duration">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object whose value is the absolute value of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A new object whose value is the absolute value of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The value of this instance is <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value" /> is a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object that represents the same time interval as the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.Equals(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> represents the same time interval as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.Equals(System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether two specified instances of <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if the values of <paramref name="t1" /> and <paramref name="t2" /> are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first time interval to compare. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second time interval to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.FromDays(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents a specified number of days, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of days, accurate to the nearest millisecond. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" />.-or-<paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is equal to <see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.FromHours(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents a specified number of hours, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of hours accurate to the nearest millisecond. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" />.-or-<paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is equal to <see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents a specified number of milliseconds.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of milliseconds. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />.-or-<paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" />.-or-<paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is equal to <see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents a specified number of minutes, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of minutes, accurate to the nearest millisecond. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />.-or-<paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" />.-or-<paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is equal to <see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(System.Double)">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents a specified number of seconds, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of seconds, accurate to the nearest millisecond. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />.-or-<paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" />.-or-<paramref name="value" /> is <see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is equal to <see cref="F:System.Double.NaN" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.FromTicks(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents a specified time, where the specification is in units of ticks.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A number of ticks that represent a time. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns a hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.TimeSpan.Hours">
      <summary>Gets the hours component of the time interval represented by the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure.</summary>
      <returns>The hour component of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure. The return value ranges from -23 through 23.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the maximum <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> value. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.TimeSpan.Milliseconds">
      <summary>Gets the milliseconds component of the time interval represented by the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure.</summary>
      <returns>The millisecond component of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure. The return value ranges from -999 through 999.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.TimeSpan.Minutes">
      <summary>Gets the minutes component of the time interval represented by the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure.</summary>
      <returns>The minute component of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure. The return value ranges from -59 through 59.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the minimum <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> value. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.Negate">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object whose value is the negated value of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A new object with the same numeric value as this instance, but with the opposite sign.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The negated value of this instance cannot be represented by a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" />; that is, the value of this instance is <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.op_Addition(System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Adds two specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> instances.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the sum of the values of <paramref name="t1" /> and <paramref name="t2" />.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first time interval to add. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second time interval to add.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.op_Equality(System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Indicates whether two <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> instances are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if the values of <paramref name="t1" /> and <paramref name="t2" /> are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first time interval to compare. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second time interval to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.op_GreaterThan(System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> is greater than another specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of <paramref name="t1" /> is greater than the value of <paramref name="t2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first time interval to compare. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second time interval to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.op_GreaterThanOrEqual(System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> is greater than or equal to another specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of <paramref name="t1" /> is greater than or equal to the value of <paramref name="t2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first time interval to compare.</param>
      <param name="t2">The second time interval to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.op_Inequality(System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Indicates whether two <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> instances are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if the values of <paramref name="t1" /> and <paramref name="t2" /> are not equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first time interval to compare.</param>
      <param name="t2">The second time interval to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.op_LessThan(System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> is less than another specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of <paramref name="t1" /> is less than the value of <paramref name="t2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first time interval to compare.</param>
      <param name="t2">The second time interval to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.op_LessThanOrEqual(System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Indicates whether a specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> is less than or equal to another specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of <paramref name="t1" /> is less than or equal to the value of <paramref name="t2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The first time interval to compare. </param>
      <param name="t2">The second time interval to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.op_Subtraction(System.TimeSpan,System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Subtracts a specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> from another specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" />.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose value is the result of the value of <paramref name="t1" /> minus the value of <paramref name="t2" />.</returns>
      <param name="t1">The minuend. </param>
      <param name="t2">The subtrahend. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.op_UnaryNegation(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> whose value is the negated value of the specified instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object that has the same numeric value as this instance, but the opposite sign.</returns>
      <param name="t">The time interval to be negated. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The negated value of this instance cannot be represented by a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" />; that is, the value of this instance is <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.op_UnaryPlus(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Returns the specified instance of <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" />.</summary>
      <returns>The time interval specified by <paramref name="t" />.</returns>
      <param name="t">The time interval to return. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent. </summary>
      <returns>A time interval that corresponds to <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that specifies the time interval to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> has an invalid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />.-or- At least one of the days, hours, minutes, or seconds components is outside its valid range. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent by using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>A time interval that corresponds to <paramref name="input" />, as specified by <paramref name="formatProvider" />.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that specifies the time interval to convert.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> has an invalid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="input" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />.-or- At least one of the days, hours, minutes, or seconds components in <paramref name="input" /> is outside its valid range. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.ParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent by using the specified format and culture-specific format information. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly.</summary>
      <returns>A time interval that corresponds to <paramref name="input" />, as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="formatProvider" />.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that specifies the time interval to convert.</param>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom format string that defines the required format of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> has an invalid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="input" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />.-or- At least one of the days, hours, minutes, or seconds components in <paramref name="input" /> is outside its valid range. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.ParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent by using the specified format, culture-specific format information, and styles. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly.</summary>
      <returns>A time interval that corresponds to <paramref name="input" />, as specified by <paramref name="format" />, <paramref name="formatProvider" />, and <paramref name="styles" />.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that specifies the time interval to convert.</param>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom format string that defines the required format of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <param name="styles">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that defines the style elements that may be present in <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="styles" /> is an invalid <see cref="T:System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles" /> value.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> has an invalid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="input" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />.-or- At least one of the days, hours, minutes, or seconds components in <paramref name="input" /> is outside its valid range. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.ParseExact(System.String,System.String[],System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent by using the specified array of format strings and culture-specific format information. The format of the string representation must match one of the specified formats exactly.</summary>
      <returns>A time interval that corresponds to <paramref name="input" />, as specified by <paramref name="formats" /> and <paramref name="formatProvider" />.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that specifies the time interval to convert.</param>
      <param name="formats">A array of standard or custom format strings that defines the required format of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> has an invalid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="input" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />.-or- At least one of the days, hours, minutes, or seconds components in <paramref name="input" /> is outside its valid range. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.ParseExact(System.String,System.String[],System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent by using the specified formats, culture-specific format information, and styles. The format of the string representation must match one of the specified formats exactly. </summary>
      <returns>A time interval that corresponds to <paramref name="input" />, as specified by <paramref name="formats" />, <paramref name="formatProvider" />, and <paramref name="styles" />.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that specifies the time interval to convert.</param>
      <param name="formats">A array of standard or custom format strings that define the required format of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <param name="styles">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that defines the style elements that may be present in input.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="styles" /> is an invalid <see cref="T:System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles" /> value.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="input" /> has an invalid format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="input" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />.-or- At least one of the days, hours, minutes, or seconds components in <paramref name="input" /> is outside its valid range. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.TimeSpan.Seconds">
      <summary>Gets the seconds component of the time interval represented by the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure.</summary>
      <returns>The second component of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure. The return value ranges from -59 through 59.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.Subtract(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Returns a new <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object whose value is the difference between the specified <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object and this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A new time interval whose value is the result of the value of this instance minus the value of <paramref name="ts" />.</returns>
      <param name="ts">The time interval to be subtracted. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The return value is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.TimeSpan.Ticks">
      <summary>Gets the number of ticks that represent the value of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure.</summary>
      <returns>The number of ticks contained in this instance.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.TimeSpan.TicksPerDay">
      <summary>Represents the number of ticks in 1 day. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TimeSpan.TicksPerHour">
      <summary>Represents the number of ticks in 1 hour. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond">
      <summary>Represents the number of ticks in 1 millisecond. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute">
      <summary>Represents the number of ticks in 1 minute. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond">
      <summary>Represents the number of ticks in 1 second.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> value. </returns>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object to its equivalent string representation by using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> value in the format specified by the <paramref name="format" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> format string.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="format" /> parameter is not recognized or is not supported.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> object to its equivalent string representation by using the specified format and culture-specific formatting information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> value, as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="formatProvider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> format string.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="format" /> parameter is not recognized or is not supported.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.TimeSpan.TotalDays">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure expressed in whole and fractional days.</summary>
      <returns>The total number of days represented by this instance.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.TimeSpan.TotalHours">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure expressed in whole and fractional hours.</summary>
      <returns>The total number of hours represented by this instance.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure expressed in whole and fractional milliseconds.</summary>
      <returns>The total number of milliseconds represented by this instance.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.TimeSpan.TotalMinutes">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure expressed in whole and fractional minutes.</summary>
      <returns>The total number of minutes represented by this instance.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> structure expressed in whole and fractional seconds.</summary>
      <returns>The total number of seconds represented by this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.TryParse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.TimeSpan@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent by using the specified culture-specific formatting information, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="input" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false. This operation returns false if the <paramref name="input" /> parameter is null or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, has an invalid format, represents a time interval that is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />, or has at least one days, hours, minutes, or seconds component outside its valid range.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that specifies the time interval to convert.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains an object that represents the time interval specified by <paramref name="input" />, or <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.Zero" /> if the conversion failed. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.TryParse(System.String,System.TimeSpan@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false. This operation returns false if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, has an invalid format, represents a time interval that is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue" />, or has at least one days, hours, minutes, or seconds component outside its valid range.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that specifies the time interval to convert.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains an object that represents the time interval specified by <paramref name="s" />, or <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.Zero" /> if the conversion failed. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.TryParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles,System.TimeSpan@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent by using the specified format, culture-specific format information, and styles, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly. </summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="input" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that specifies the time interval to convert.</param>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom format string that defines the required format of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <param name="styles">One or more enumeration values that indicate the style of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains an object that represents the time interval specified by <paramref name="input" />, or <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.Zero" /> if the conversion failed. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.TryParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.IFormatProvider,System.TimeSpan@)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent by using the specified format and culture-specific format information, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly. </summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="input" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that specifies the time interval to convert.</param>
      <param name="format">A standard or custom format string that defines the required format of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains an object that represents the time interval specified by <paramref name="input" />, or <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.Zero" /> if the conversion failed. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.TryParseExact(System.String,System.String[],System.IFormatProvider,System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles,System.TimeSpan@)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent by using the specified formats, culture-specific format information, and styles, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded. The format of the string representation must match one of the specified formats exactly. </summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="input" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that specifies the time interval to convert.</param>
      <param name="formats">A array of standard or custom format strings that define the acceptable formats of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <param name="styles">One or more enumeration values that indicate the style of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains an object that represents the time interval specified by <paramref name="input" />, or <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.Zero" /> if the conversion failed. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeSpan.TryParseExact(System.String,System.String[],System.IFormatProvider,System.TimeSpan@)">
      <summary>Converts the specified string representation of a time interval to its <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> equivalent by using the specified formats and culture-specific format information, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded. The format of the string representation must match one of the specified formats exactly. </summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="input" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that specifies the time interval to convert.</param>
      <param name="formats">A array of standard or custom format strings that define the acceptable formats of <paramref name="input" />.</param>
      <param name="formatProvider">An object that provides culture-specific formatting information.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains an object that represents the time interval specified by <paramref name="input" />, or <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.Zero" /> if the conversion failed. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
    <member name="F:System.TimeSpan.Zero">
      <summary>Represents the zero <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> value. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.TimeZoneInfo">
      <summary>Represents any time zone in the world.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.TimeZoneInfo.BaseUtcOffset">
      <summary>Gets the time difference between the current time zone's standard time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</summary>
      <returns>An object that indicates the time difference between the current time zone's standard time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).</returns>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(System.DateTime,System.TimeZoneInfo)">
      <summary>Converts a time to the time in a particular time zone.</summary>
      <returns>The date and time in the destination time zone.</returns>
      <param name="dateTime">The date and time to convert.   </param>
      <param name="destinationTimeZone">The time zone to convert <paramref name="dateTime" /> to.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The value of the <paramref name="dateTime" /> parameter represents an invalid time.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The value of the <paramref name="destinationTimeZone" /> parameter is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(System.DateTime,System.TimeZoneInfo,System.TimeZoneInfo)">
      <summary>Converts a time from one time zone to another.</summary>
      <returns>The date and time in the destination time zone that corresponds to the <paramref name="dateTime" /> parameter in the source time zone.</returns>
      <param name="dateTime">The date and time to convert.</param>
      <param name="sourceTimeZone">The time zone of <paramref name="dateTime" />.</param>
      <param name="destinationTimeZone">The time zone to convert <paramref name="dateTime" /> to.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Kind" /> property of the <paramref name="dateTime" /> parameter is <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Local" />, but the <paramref name="sourceTimeZone" /> parameter does not equal <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Local" />. For more information, see the Remarks section. -or-The <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Kind" /> property of the <paramref name="dateTime" /> parameter is <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Utc" />, but the <paramref name="sourceTimeZone" /> parameter does not equal <see cref="P:System.TimeZoneInfo.Utc" />.-or-The <paramref name="dateTime" /> parameter is an invalid time (that is, it represents a time that does not exist because of a time zone's adjustment rules).</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="sourceTimeZone" /> parameter is null.-or-The <paramref name="destinationTimeZone" /> parameter is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(System.DateTimeOffset,System.TimeZoneInfo)">
      <summary>Converts a time to the time in a particular time zone.</summary>
      <returns>The date and time in the destination time zone.</returns>
      <param name="dateTimeOffset">The date and time to convert.   </param>
      <param name="destinationTimeZone">The time zone to convert <paramref name="dateTime" /> to.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The value of the <paramref name="destinationTimeZone" /> parameter is null.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.TimeZoneInfo.DaylightName">
      <summary>Gets the display name for the current time zone's daylight saving time.</summary>
      <returns>The display name for the time zone's daylight saving time.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.TimeZoneInfo.DisplayName">
      <summary>Gets the general display name that represents the time zone.</summary>
      <returns>The time zone's general display name.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.Equals(System.TimeZoneInfo)">
      <summary>Determines whether the current <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> object and another <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> object are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if the two <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> objects are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">A second object to compare with the current object.  </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(System.String)">
      <summary>Retrieves a <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> object from the registry based on its identifier.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose identifier is the value of the <paramref name="id" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="id">The time zone identifier, which corresponds to the <see cref="P:System.TimeZoneInfo.Id" /> property.      </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">The system does not have enough memory to hold information about the time zone.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="id" /> parameter is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.TimeZoneNotFoundException">The time zone identifier specified by <paramref name="id" /> was not found. This means that a registry key whose name matches <paramref name="id" /> does not exist, or that the key exists but does not contain any time zone data.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">The process does not have the permissions required to read from the registry key that contains the time zone information.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidTimeZoneException">The time zone identifier was found, but the registry data is corrupted.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.GetAmbiguousTimeOffsets(System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Returns information about the possible dates and times that an ambiguous date and time can be mapped to.</summary>
      <returns>An array of objects that represents possible Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offsets that a particular date and time can be mapped to.</returns>
      <param name="dateTime">A date and time.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="dateTime" /> is not an ambiguous time.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.GetAmbiguousTimeOffsets(System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Returns information about the possible dates and times that an ambiguous date and time can be mapped to.</summary>
      <returns>An array of objects that represents possible Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offsets that a particular date and time can be mapped to.</returns>
      <param name="dateTimeOffset">A date and time.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="dateTime" /> is not an ambiguous time.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Serves as a hash function for hashing algorithms and data structures such as hash tables.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that serves as the hash code for this <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones">
      <summary>Returns a sorted collection of all the time zones about which information is available on the local system.</summary>
      <returns>A read-only collection of <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> objects.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">There is insufficient memory to store all time zone information.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">The user does not have permission to read from the registry keys that contain time zone information.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.GetUtcOffset(System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Calculates the offset or difference between the time in this time zone and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for a particular date and time.</summary>
      <returns>An object that indicates the time difference between the two time zones.</returns>
      <param name="dateTime">The date and time to determine the offset for.   </param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.GetUtcOffset(System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Calculates the offset or difference between the time in this time zone and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for a particular date and time.</summary>
      <returns>An object that indicates the time difference between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the current time zone.</returns>
      <param name="dateTimeOffset">The date and time to determine the offset for.</param>
    <member name="P:System.TimeZoneInfo.Id">
      <summary>Gets the time zone identifier.</summary>
      <returns>The time zone identifier.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.IsAmbiguousTime(System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Determines whether a particular date and time in a particular time zone is ambiguous and can be mapped to two or more Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) times.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="dateTime" /> parameter is ambiguous; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="dateTime">A date and time value.   </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Kind" /> property of the <paramref name="dateTime" /> value is <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Local" /> and <paramref name="dateTime" /> is an invalid time.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.IsAmbiguousTime(System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Determines whether a particular date and time in a particular time zone is ambiguous and can be mapped to two or more Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) times.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="dateTimeOffset" /> parameter is ambiguous in the current time zone; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="dateTimeOffset">A date and time.</param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Indicates whether a specified date and time falls in the range of daylight saving time for the time zone of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="dateTime" /> parameter is a daylight saving time; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="dateTime">A date and time value.   </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Kind" /> property of the <paramref name="dateTime" /> value is <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Local" /> and <paramref name="dateTime" /> is an invalid time.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(System.DateTimeOffset)">
      <summary>Indicates whether a specified date and time falls in the range of daylight saving time for the time zone of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="dateTimeOffset" /> parameter is a daylight saving time; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="dateTimeOffset">A date and time value.</param>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.IsInvalidTime(System.DateTime)">
      <summary>Indicates whether a particular date and time is invalid.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="dateTime" /> is invalid; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="dateTime">A date and time value.   </param>
    <member name="P:System.TimeZoneInfo.Local">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> object that represents the local time zone.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents the local time zone.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.TimeZoneInfo.StandardName">
      <summary>Gets the display name for the time zone's standard time.</summary>
      <returns>The display name of the time zone's standard time.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.TimeZoneInfo.SupportsDaylightSavingTime">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the time zone has any daylight saving time rules.</summary>
      <returns>true if the time zone supports daylight saving time; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.TimeZoneInfo.ToString">
      <summary>Returns the current <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> object's display name.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the <see cref="P:System.TimeZoneInfo.DisplayName" /> property of the current <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.TimeZoneInfo.Utc">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.TimeZoneInfo" /> object that represents the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) zone.</summary>
      <returns>An object that represents the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) zone.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Tuple">
      <summary>Provides static methods for creating tuple objects. To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple.Create``1(``0)">
      <summary>Creates a new 1-tuple, or singleton.</summary>
      <returns>A tuple whose value is (<paramref name="item1" />).</returns>
      <param name="item1">The value of the only component of the tuple.</param>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the only component of the tuple.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple.Create``2(``0,``1)">
      <summary>Creates a new 2-tuple, or pair.</summary>
      <returns>A 2-tuple whose value is (<paramref name="item1" />, <paramref name="item2" />).</returns>
      <param name="item1">The value of the first component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the second component of the tuple.</param>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second component of the tuple.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple.Create``3(``0,``1,``2)">
      <summary>Creates a new 3-tuple, or triple.</summary>
      <returns>A 3-tuple whose value is (<paramref name="item1" />, <paramref name="item2" />, <paramref name="item3" />).</returns>
      <param name="item1">The value of the first component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the second component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the third component of the tuple.</param>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third component of the tuple.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple.Create``4(``0,``1,``2,``3)">
      <summary>Creates a new 4-tuple, or quadruple.</summary>
      <returns>A 4-tuple whose value is (<paramref name="item1" />, <paramref name="item2" />, <paramref name="item3" />, <paramref name="item4" />).</returns>
      <param name="item1">The value of the first component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the second component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the third component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item4">The value of the fourth component of the tuple.</param>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth component of the tuple.  </typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple.Create``5(``0,``1,``2,``3,``4)">
      <summary>Creates a new 5-tuple, or quintuple.</summary>
      <returns>A 5-tuple whose value is (<paramref name="item1" />, <paramref name="item2" />, <paramref name="item3" />, <paramref name="item4" />, <paramref name="item5" />).</returns>
      <param name="item1">The value of the first component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the second component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the third component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item4">The value of the fourth component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item5">The value of the fifth component of the tuple.</param>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple.Create``6(``0,``1,``2,``3,``4,``5)">
      <summary>Creates a new 6-tuple, or sextuple.</summary>
      <returns>A 6-tuple whose value is (<paramref name="item1" />, <paramref name="item2" />, <paramref name="item3" />, <paramref name="item4" />, <paramref name="item5" />, <paramref name="item6" />).</returns>
      <param name="item1">The value of the first component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the second component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the third component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item4">The value of the fourth component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item5">The value of the fifth component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item6">The value of the sixth component of the tuple.</param>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple.Create``7(``0,``1,``2,``3,``4,``5,``6)">
      <summary>Creates a new 7-tuple, or septuple.</summary>
      <returns>A 7-tuple whose value is (<paramref name="item1" />, <paramref name="item2" />, <paramref name="item3" />, <paramref name="item4" />, <paramref name="item5" />, <paramref name="item6" />, <paramref name="item7" />).</returns>
      <param name="item1">The value of the first component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the second component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the third component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item4">The value of the fourth component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item5">The value of the fifth component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item6">The value of the sixth component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item7">The value of the seventh component of the tuple.</param>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh component of the tuple.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple.Create``8(``0,``1,``2,``3,``4,``5,``6,``7)">
      <summary>Creates a new 8-tuple, or octuple.</summary>
      <returns>An 8-tuple (octuple) whose value is (<paramref name="item1" />, <paramref name="item2" />, <paramref name="item3" />, <paramref name="item4" />, <paramref name="item5" />, <paramref name="item6" />, <paramref name="item7" />, <paramref name="item8" />). </returns>
      <param name="item1">The value of the first component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the second component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the third component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item4">The value of the fourth component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item5">The value of the fifth component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item6">The value of the sixth component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item7">The value of the seventh component of the tuple.</param>
      <param name="item8">The value of the eighth component of the tuple.</param>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the first component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the second component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the third component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the fourth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the fifth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the sixth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the seventh component of the tuple.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T8">The type of the eighth component of the tuple.</typeparam>
    <member name="T:System.Tuple`1">
      <summary>Represents a 1-tuple, or singleton. </summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the tuple's only component.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`1.#ctor(`0)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="item1">The value of the tuple's only component.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`1.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`1.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`1.Item1">
      <summary>Gets the value of the <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object's single component. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object's single component.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`1.System#Collections#IStructuralComparable#CompareTo(System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object to a specified object by using a specified comparer, and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="other" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="other" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="other" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="other" />.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that provides custom rules for comparison.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`1.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#Equals(System.Object,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object is equal to a specified object based on a specified comparison method.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that defines the method to use to evaluate whether the two objects are equal.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`1.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Calculates the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object by using a specified computation method.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
      <param name="comparer">An object whose <see cref="M:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(System.Object)" />  method calculates the hash code of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`1.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object to a specified object, and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="obj" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="obj" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="obj" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="obj" />.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="obj" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`1.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a string that represents the value of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`1" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Tuple`2">
      <summary>Represents a 2-tuple, or pair. </summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the tuple's first component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the tuple's second component.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`2.#ctor(`0,`1)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="item1">The value of the tuple's first component.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the tuple's second component.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`2.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`2.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`2.Item1">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object's first component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object's first component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`2.Item2">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object's second component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object's second component.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`2.System#Collections#IStructuralComparable#CompareTo(System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object to a specified object by using a specified comparer, and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="other" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="other" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="other" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="other" />.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that provides custom rules for comparison.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`2.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#Equals(System.Object,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object is equal to a specified object based on a specified comparison method.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that defines the method to use to evaluate whether the two objects are equal.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`2.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Calculates the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object by using a specified computation method.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
      <param name="comparer">An object whose <see cref="M:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(System.Object)" />  method calculates the hash code of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`2.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object to a specified object and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="obj" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="obj" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="obj" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="obj" />.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="obj" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`2.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a string that represents the value of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`2" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Tuple`3">
      <summary>Represents a 3-tuple, or triple. </summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the tuple's first component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the tuple's second component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the tuple's third component.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`3.#ctor(`0,`1,`2)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="item1">The value of the tuple's first component.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the tuple's second component.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the tuple's third component.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`3.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`3.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`3.Item1">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object's first component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object's first component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`3.Item2">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object's second component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object's second component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`3.Item3">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object's third component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object's third component.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`3.System#Collections#IStructuralComparable#CompareTo(System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object to a specified object by using a specified comparer, and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="other" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="other" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="other" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="other" />.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that provides custom rules for comparison.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`3.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#Equals(System.Object,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object is equal to a specified object based on a specified comparison method.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that defines the method to use to evaluate whether the two objects are equal.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`3.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Calculates the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object by using a specified computation method.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
      <param name="comparer">An object whose <see cref="M:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(System.Object)" />  method calculates the hash code of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`3.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object to a specified object and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="obj" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="obj" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="obj" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="obj" />.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="obj" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`3.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a string that represents the value of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`3" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Tuple`4">
      <summary>Represents a 4-tuple, or quadruple. </summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the tuple's first component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the tuple's second component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the tuple's third component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the tuple's fourth component.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`4.#ctor(`0,`1,`2,`3)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="item1">The value of the tuple's first component.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the tuple's second component.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the tuple's third component.</param>
      <param name="item4">The value of the tuple's fourth component</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`4.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`4.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`4.Item1">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object's first component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object's first component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`4.Item2">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object's second component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object's second component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`4.Item3">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object's third component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object's third component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`4.Item4">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object's fourth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object's fourth component.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`4.System#Collections#IStructuralComparable#CompareTo(System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object to a specified object by using a specified comparer and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="other" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="other" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="other" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="other" />.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that provides custom rules for comparison.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`4.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#Equals(System.Object,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object is equal to a specified object based on a specified comparison method.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false. </returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that defines the method to use to evaluate whether the two objects are equal.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`4.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Calculates the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object by using a specified computation method.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
      <param name="comparer">An object whose <see cref="M:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(System.Object)" />  method calculates the hash code of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`4.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object to a specified object and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="obj" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="obj" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="obj" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="obj" />.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="obj" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`4.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a string that represents the value of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`4" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Tuple`5">
      <summary>Represents a 5-tuple, or quintuple. </summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the tuple's first component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the tuple's second component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the tuple's third component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the tuple's fourth component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the tuple's fifth component.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`5.#ctor(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="item1">The value of the tuple's first component.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the tuple's second component.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the tuple's third component.</param>
      <param name="item4">The value of the tuple's fourth component</param>
      <param name="item5">The value of the tuple's fifth component.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`5.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`5.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`5.Item1">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object's first component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object's first component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`5.Item2">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object's second component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object's second component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`5.Item3">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object's third component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object's third component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`5.Item4">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object's fourth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object's fourth component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`5.Item5">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object's fifth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object's fifth component.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`5.System#Collections#IStructuralComparable#CompareTo(System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object to a specified object by using a specified comparer and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="other" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="other" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="other" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="other" />.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that provides custom rules for comparison.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`5.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#Equals(System.Object,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object is equal to a specified object based on a specified comparison method.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that defines the method to use to evaluate whether the two objects are equal.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`5.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Calculates the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object by using a specified computation method.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
      <param name="comparer">An object whose <see cref="M:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(System.Object)" />  method calculates the hash code of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`5.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object to a specified object and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="obj" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="obj" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="obj" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="obj" />.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="obj" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`5.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a string that represents the value of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`5" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Tuple`6">
      <summary>Represents a 6-tuple, or sextuple. </summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the tuple's first component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the tuple's second component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the tuple's third component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the tuple's fourth component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the tuple's fifth component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the tuple's sixth component.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`6.#ctor(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="item1">The value of the tuple's first component.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the tuple's second component.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the tuple's third component.</param>
      <param name="item4">The value of the tuple's fourth component</param>
      <param name="item5">The value of the tuple's fifth component.</param>
      <param name="item6">The value of the tuple's sixth component.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`6.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`6.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`6.Item1">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's first component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's first component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`6.Item2">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's second component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's second component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`6.Item3">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's third component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's third component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`6.Item4">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's fourth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's fourth component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`6.Item5">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's fifth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's fifth  component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`6.Item6">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's sixth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object's sixth component.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`6.System#Collections#IStructuralComparable#CompareTo(System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object to a specified object by using a specified comparer and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="other" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="other" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="other" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="other" />.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that provides custom rules for comparison.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`6.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#Equals(System.Object,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object is equal to a specified object based on a specified comparison method.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that defines the method to use to evaluate whether the two objects are equal.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`6.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Calculates the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object by using a specified computation method.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
      <param name="comparer">An object whose <see cref="M:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(System.Object)" />  method calculates the hash code of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`6.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object to a specified object and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="obj" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="obj" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="obj" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="obj" />.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="obj" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`6.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a string that represents the value of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`6" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Tuple`7">
      <summary>Represents a 7-tuple, or septuple. </summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the tuple's first component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the tuple's second component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the tuple's third component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the tuple's fourth component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the tuple's fifth component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the tuple's sixth component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the tuple's seventh component.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`7.#ctor(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="item1">The value of the tuple's first component.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the tuple's second component.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the tuple's third component.</param>
      <param name="item4">The value of the tuple's fourth component</param>
      <param name="item5">The value of the tuple's fifth component.</param>
      <param name="item6">The value of the tuple's sixth component.</param>
      <param name="item7">The value of the tuple's seventh component.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`7.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`7.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`7.Item1">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's first component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's first component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`7.Item2">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's second component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's second component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`7.Item3">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's third component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's third component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`7.Item4">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's fourth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's fourth component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`7.Item5">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's fifth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's fifth component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`7.Item6">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's sixth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's sixth component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`7.Item7">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's seventh component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object's seventh component.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`7.System#Collections#IStructuralComparable#CompareTo(System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object to a specified object by using a specified comparer, and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="other" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="other" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="other" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="other" />.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that provides custom rules for comparison.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`7.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#Equals(System.Object,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object is equal to a specified object based on a specified comparison method.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that defines the method to use to evaluate whether the two objects are equal.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`7.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Calculates the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object by using a specified computation method.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
      <param name="comparer">An object whose <see cref="M:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(System.Object)" /> method calculates the hash code of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`7.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object to a specified object and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="obj" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="obj" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="obj" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="obj" />.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="obj" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`7.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a string that represents the value of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`7" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Tuple`8">
      <summary>Represents an n-tuple, where n is 8 or greater.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T1">The type of the tuple's first component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T2">The type of the tuple's second component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T3">The type of the tuple's third component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T4">The type of the tuple's fourth component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T5">The type of the tuple's fifth component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T6">The type of the tuple's sixth component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="T7">The type of the tuple's seventh component.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TRest">Any generic Tuple object that defines the types of the tuple's remaining components.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`8.#ctor(`0,`1,`2,`3,`4,`5,`6,`7)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="item1">The value of the tuple's first component.</param>
      <param name="item2">The value of the tuple's second component.</param>
      <param name="item3">The value of the tuple's third component.</param>
      <param name="item4">The value of the tuple's fourth component</param>
      <param name="item5">The value of the tuple's fifth component.</param>
      <param name="item6">The value of the tuple's sixth component.</param>
      <param name="item7">The value of the tuple's seventh component.</param>
      <param name="rest">Any generic Tuple object that contains the values of the tuple's remaining components.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="rest" /> is not a generic Tuple object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`8.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`8.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Calculates the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`8.Item1">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's first component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's first component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`8.Item2">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's second component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's second component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`8.Item3">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's third component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's third component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`8.Item4">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's fourth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's fourth component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`8.Item5">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's fifth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's fifth component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`8.Item6">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's sixth component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's sixth component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`8.Item7">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's seventh component.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's seventh component.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Tuple`8.Rest">
      <summary>Gets the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's remaining components.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object's remaining components.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`8.System#Collections#IStructuralComparable#CompareTo(System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object to a specified object by using a specified comparer and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="other" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="other" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="other" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="other" />.</returns>
      <param name="other">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that provides custom rules for comparison.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`8.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#Equals(System.Object,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Returns a value that indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object is equal to a specified object based on a specified comparison method.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance is equal to the specified object; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with this instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that defines the method to use to evaluate whether the two objects are equal.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`8.System#Collections#IStructuralEquatable#GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Calculates the hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object by using a specified computation method.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
      <param name="comparer">An object whose <see cref="M:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(System.Object)" />  method calculates the hash code of the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`8.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object to a specified object and returns an integer that indicates whether the current object is before, after, or in the same position as the specified object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative position of this instance and <paramref name="obj" /> in the sort order, as shown in the following table.ValueDescriptionA negative integerThis instance precedes <paramref name="obj" />.ZeroThis instance and <paramref name="obj" /> have the same position in the sort order.A positive integerThis instance follows <paramref name="obj" />.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="obj" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Tuple`8.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a string that represents the value of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of this <see cref="T:System.Tuple`8" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Type">
      <summary>Represents type declarations: class types, interface types, array types, value types, enumeration types, type parameters, generic type definitions, and open or closed constructed generic types.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName">
      <summary>Gets the assembly-qualified name of the type, which includes the name of the assembly from which this <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object was loaded.</summary>
      <returns>The assembly-qualified name of the <see cref="T:System.Type" />, which includes the name of the assembly from which the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> was loaded, or null if the current instance represents a generic type parameter.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Type.DeclaringType">
      <summary>Gets the type that declares the current nested type or generic type parameter.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object representing the enclosing type, if the current type is a nested type; or the generic type definition, if the current type is a type parameter of a generic type; or the type that declares the generic method, if the current type is a type parameter of a generic method; otherwise, null.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.Type.EmptyTypes">
      <summary>Represents an empty array of type <see cref="T:System.Type" />. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Type.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines if the underlying system type of the current <see cref="T:System.Type" /> is the same as the underlying system type of the specified <see cref="T:System.Object" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if the underlying system type of <paramref name="o" /> is the same as the underlying system type of the current <see cref="T:System.Type" />; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if the object specified by the <paramref name="o" /> parameter is not a Type.</returns>
      <param name="o">The object whose underlying system type is to be compared with the underlying system type of the current <see cref="T:System.Type" />. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Type.Equals(System.Type)">
      <summary>Determines if the underlying system type of the current <see cref="T:System.Type" /> is the same as the underlying system type of the specified <see cref="T:System.Type" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if the underlying system type of <paramref name="o" /> is the same as the underlying system type of the current <see cref="T:System.Type" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="o">The object whose underlying system type is to be compared with the underlying system type of the current <see cref="T:System.Type" />. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Type.FullName">
      <summary>Gets the fully qualified name of the type, including its namespace but not its assembly. </summary>
      <returns>The fully qualified name of the type, including its namespace but not its assembly; or null if the current instance represents a generic type parameter, an array type, pointer type, or byref type based on a type parameter, or a generic type that is not a generic type definition but contains unresolved type parameters.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Type.GenericParameterPosition">
      <summary>Gets the position of the type parameter in the type parameter list of the generic type or method that declared the parameter, when the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object represents a type parameter of a generic type or a generic method.</summary>
      <returns>The position of a type parameter in the type parameter list of the generic type or method that defines the parameter. Position numbers begin at 0.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The current type does not represent a type parameter. That is, <see cref="P:System.Type.IsGenericParameter" /> returns false. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Type.GenericTypeArguments">
      <summary>Gets an array of the generic type arguments for this type.</summary>
      <returns>An array of the generic type arguments for this type.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Type.GetArrayRank">
      <summary>Gets the number of dimensions in an array. </summary>
      <returns>An integer that contains the number of dimensions in the current type. </returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The functionality of this method is unsupported in the base class and must be implemented in a derived class instead. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The current type is not an array. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Type.GetElementType">
      <summary>When overridden in a derived class, returns the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> of the object encompassed or referred to by the current array, pointer or reference type.</summary>
      <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Type" /> of the object encompassed or referred to by the current array, pointer, or reference type, or null if the current <see cref="T:System.Type" /> is not an array or a pointer, or is not passed by reference, or represents a generic type or a type parameter in the definition of a generic type or generic method.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object that represents a generic type definition from which the current generic type can be constructed.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object representing a generic type from which the current type can be constructed.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The current type is not a generic type.  That is, <see cref="P:System.Type.IsGenericType" /> returns false. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The invoked method is not supported in the base class. Derived classes must provide an implementation.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Type.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The hash code for this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Type.GetType(System.String)">
      <summary>Gets the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> with the specified name, performing a case-sensitive search.</summary>
      <returns>The type with the specified name, if found; otherwise, null.</returns>
      <param name="typeName">The assembly-qualified name of the type to get. See <see cref="P:System.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName" />. If the type is in the currently executing assembly or in Mscorlib.dll, it is sufficient to supply the type name qualified by its namespace.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="typeName" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException">A class initializer is invoked and throws an exception. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="typeName" /> represents a generic type that has a pointer type, a ByRef type, or <see cref="T:System.Void" /> as one of its type arguments.-or-<paramref name="typeName" /> represents a generic type that has an incorrect number of type arguments.-or-<paramref name="typeName" /> represents a generic type, and one of its type arguments does not satisfy the constraints for the corresponding type parameter.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">
        <paramref name="typeName" /> represents an array of <see cref="T:System.TypedReference" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileLoadException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.IO.IOException" />, instead.The assembly or one of its dependencies was found, but could not be loaded. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.BadImageFormatException">The assembly or one of its dependencies is not valid. -or-Version 2.0 or later of the common language runtime is currently loaded, and the assembly was compiled with a later version.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Type.GetType(System.String,System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Gets the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> with the specified name, performing a case-sensitive search and specifying whether to throw an exception if the type is not found.</summary>
      <returns>The type with the specified name. If the type is not found, the <paramref name="throwOnError" /> parameter specifies whether null is returned or an exception is thrown. In some cases, an exception is thrown regardless of the value of <paramref name="throwOnError" />. See the Exceptions section. </returns>
      <param name="typeName">The assembly-qualified name of the type to get. See <see cref="P:System.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName" />. If the type is in the currently executing assembly or in Mscorlib.dll, it is sufficient to supply the type name qualified by its namespace.</param>
      <param name="throwOnError">true to throw an exception if the type cannot be found; false to return null. Specifying false also suppresses some other exception conditions, but not all of them. See the Exceptions section.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="typeName" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException">A class initializer is invoked and throws an exception. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">
        <paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and the type is not found. -or-<paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and <paramref name="typeName" /> contains invalid characters, such as an embedded tab.-or-<paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and <paramref name="typeName" /> is an empty string.-or-<paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and <paramref name="typeName" /> represents an array type with an invalid size. -or-<paramref name="typeName" /> represents an array of <see cref="T:System.TypedReference" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and <paramref name="typeName" /> contains invalid syntax. For example, "MyType[,*,]".-or- <paramref name="typeName" /> represents a generic type that has a pointer type, a ByRef type, or <see cref="T:System.Void" /> as one of its type arguments.-or-<paramref name="typeName" /> represents a generic type that has an incorrect number of type arguments.-or-<paramref name="typeName" /> represents a generic type, and one of its type arguments does not satisfy the constraints for the corresponding type parameter.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
        <paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and the assembly or one of its dependencies was not found. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileLoadException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.IO.IOException" />, instead.The assembly or one of its dependencies was found, but could not be loaded. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.BadImageFormatException">The assembly or one of its dependencies is not valid. -or-Version 2.0 or later of the common language runtime is currently loaded, and the assembly was compiled with a later version.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Type.GetType(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Gets the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> with the specified name, specifying whether to throw an exception if the type is not found and whether to perform a case-sensitive search. </summary>
      <returns>The type with the specified name. If the type is not found, the <paramref name="throwOnError" /> parameter specifies whether null is returned or an exception is thrown. In some cases, an exception is thrown regardless of the value of <paramref name="throwOnError" />. See the Exceptions section. </returns>
      <param name="typeName">The assembly-qualified name of the type to get. See <see cref="P:System.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName" />. If the type is in the currently executing assembly or in Mscorlib.dll, it is sufficient to supply the type name qualified by its namespace.</param>
      <param name="throwOnError">true to throw an exception if the type cannot be found; false to return null.Specifying false also suppresses some other exception conditions, but not all of them. See the Exceptions section.</param>
      <param name="ignoreCase">true to perform a case-insensitive search for <paramref name="typeName" />, false to perform a case-sensitive search for <paramref name="typeName" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="typeName" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException">A class initializer is invoked and throws an exception. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">
        <paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and the type is not found. -or-<paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and <paramref name="typeName" /> contains invalid characters, such as an embedded tab.-or-<paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and <paramref name="typeName" /> is an empty string.-or-<paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and <paramref name="typeName" /> represents an array type with an invalid size. -or-<paramref name="typeName" /> represents an array of <see cref="T:System.TypedReference" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and <paramref name="typeName" /> contains invalid syntax. For example, "MyType[,*,]".-or- <paramref name="typeName" /> represents a generic type that has a pointer type, a ByRef type, or <see cref="T:System.Void" /> as one of its type arguments.-or-<paramref name="typeName" /> represents a generic type that has an incorrect number of type arguments.-or-<paramref name="typeName" /> represents a generic type, and one of its type arguments does not satisfy the constraints for the corresponding type parameter.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
        <paramref name="throwOnError" /> is true and the assembly or one of its dependencies was not found. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileLoadException">The assembly or one of its dependencies was found, but could not be loaded. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.BadImageFormatException">The assembly or one of its dependencies is not valid. -or-Version 2.0 or later of the common language runtime is currently loaded, and the assembly was compiled with a later version.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Type.GetTypeFromHandle(System.RuntimeTypeHandle)">
      <summary>Gets the type referenced by the specified type handle.</summary>
      <returns>The type referenced by the specified <see cref="T:System.RuntimeTypeHandle" />, or null if the <see cref="P:System.RuntimeTypeHandle.Value" /> property of <paramref name="handle" /> is null.</returns>
      <param name="handle">The object that refers to the type. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException">A class initializer is invoked and throws an exception. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Type.HasElementType">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the current <see cref="T:System.Type" /> encompasses or refers to another type; that is, whether the current <see cref="T:System.Type" /> is an array, a pointer, or is passed by reference.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> is an array, a pointer, or is passed by reference; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Type.IsArray">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether the type is an array. </summary>
      <returns>true if the current type is an array; otherwise, false. </returns>
    <member name="P:System.Type.IsByRef">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> is passed by reference.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> is passed by reference; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Type.IsConstructedGenericType">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether this object represents a constructed generic type. You can create instances of a constructed generic type. </summary>
      <returns>true if this object represents a constructed generic type; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Type.IsGenericParameter">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the current <see cref="T:System.Type" /> represents a type parameter in the definition of a generic type or method.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object represents a type parameter of a generic type definition or generic method definition; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Type.IsNested">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the current <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object represents a type whose definition is nested inside the definition of another type.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> is nested inside another type; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Type.IsPointer">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> is a pointer.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> is a pointer; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Type.MakeArrayType">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object representing a one-dimensional array of the current type, with a lower bound of zero.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object representing a one-dimensional array of the current type, with a lower bound of zero.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The invoked method is not supported in the base class. Derived classes must provide an implementation.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">The current type is <see cref="T:System.TypedReference" />.-or-The current type is a ByRef type. That is, <see cref="P:System.Type.IsByRef" /> returns true. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Type.MakeArrayType(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object representing an array of the current type, with the specified number of dimensions.</summary>
      <returns>An object representing an array of the current type, with the specified number of dimensions.</returns>
      <param name="rank">The number of dimensions for the array. This number must be less than or equal to 32.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="rank" /> is invalid. For example, 0 or negative.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The invoked method is not supported in the base class.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">The current type is <see cref="T:System.TypedReference" />.-or-The current type is a ByRef type. That is, <see cref="P:System.Type.IsByRef" /> returns true. -or-<paramref name="rank" /> is greater than 32.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Type.MakeByRefType">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object that represents the current type when passed as a ref parameter (ByRef parameter in Visual Basic).</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object that represents the current type when passed as a ref parameter (ByRef parameter in Visual Basic).</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The invoked method is not supported in the base class.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">The current type is <see cref="T:System.TypedReference" />.-or-The current type is a ByRef type. That is, <see cref="P:System.Type.IsByRef" /> returns true. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Type.MakeGenericType(System.Type[])">
      <summary>Substitutes the elements of an array of types for the type parameters of the current generic type definition and returns a <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object representing the resulting constructed type.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Type" /> representing the constructed type formed by substituting the elements of <paramref name="typeArguments" /> for the type parameters of the current generic type.</returns>
      <param name="typeArguments">An array of types to be substituted for the type parameters of the current generic type.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The current type does not represent a generic type definition. That is, <see cref="P:System.Type.IsGenericTypeDefinition" /> returns false. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="typeArguments" /> is null.-or- Any element of <paramref name="typeArguments" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The number of elements in <paramref name="typeArguments" /> is not the same as the number of type parameters in the current generic type definition.-or- Any element of <paramref name="typeArguments" /> does not satisfy the constraints specified for the corresponding type parameter of the current generic type. -or- <paramref name="typeArguments" /> contains an element that is a pointer type (<see cref="P:System.Type.IsPointer" /> returns true), a by-ref type (<see cref="P:System.Type.IsByRef" /> returns true), or <see cref="T:System.Void" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The invoked method is not supported in the base class. Derived classes must provide an implementation.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Type.MakePointerType">
      <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object that represents a pointer to the current type.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object that represents a pointer to the current type.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The invoked method is not supported in the base class.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.TypeLoadException">The current type is <see cref="T:System.TypedReference" />.-or-The current type is a ByRef type. That is, <see cref="P:System.Type.IsByRef" /> returns true. </exception>
    <member name="F:System.Type.Missing">
      <summary>Represents a missing value in the <see cref="T:System.Type" /> information. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.Type.Name"></member>
    <member name="P:System.Type.Namespace">
      <summary>Gets the namespace of the <see cref="T:System.Type" />.</summary>
      <returns>The namespace of the <see cref="T:System.Type" />; null if the current instance has no namespace or represents a generic parameter.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Type.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a String representing the name of the current Type.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> representing the name of the current <see cref="T:System.Type" />.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Type.TypeHandle">
      <summary>Gets the handle for the current <see cref="T:System.Type" />.</summary>
      <returns>The handle for the current <see cref="T:System.Type" />.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The .NET Compact Framework does not currently support this property.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.TypeAccessException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when a method attempts to use a type that it does not have access to.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.TypeAccessException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TypeAccessException" /> class with a system-supplied message that describes the error.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.TypeAccessException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TypeAccessException" /> class with a specified message that describes the error.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the exception. The caller of this constructor must ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture.</param>
    <member name="M:System.TypeAccessException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TypeAccessException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the exception. The caller of this constructor must ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.TypeCode">
      <summary>Specifies the type of an object.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.Boolean">
      <summary>A simple type representing Boolean values of true or false.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.Byte">
      <summary>An integral type representing unsigned 8-bit integers with values between 0 and 255.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.Char">
      <summary>An integral type representing unsigned 16-bit integers with values between 0 and 65535. The set of possible values for the <see cref="F:System.TypeCode.Char" /> type corresponds to the Unicode character set.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.DateTime">
      <summary>A type representing a date and time value.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.Decimal">
      <summary>A simple type representing values ranging from 1.0 x 10 -28 to approximately 7.9 x 10 28 with 28-29 significant digits.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.Double">
      <summary>A floating point type representing values ranging from approximately 5.0 x 10 -324 to 1.7 x 10 308 with a precision of 15-16 digits.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.Empty">
      <summary>A null reference.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.Int16">
      <summary>An integral type representing signed 16-bit integers with values between -32768 and 32767.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.Int32">
      <summary>An integral type representing signed 32-bit integers with values between -2147483648 and 2147483647.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.Int64">
      <summary>An integral type representing signed 64-bit integers with values between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.Object">
      <summary>A general type representing any reference or value type not explicitly represented by another TypeCode.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.SByte">
      <summary>An integral type representing signed 8-bit integers with values between -128 and 127.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.Single">
      <summary>A floating point type representing values ranging from approximately 1.5 x 10 -45 to 3.4 x 10 38 with a precision of 7 digits.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.String">
      <summary>A sealed class type representing Unicode character strings.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.UInt16">
      <summary>An integral type representing unsigned 16-bit integers with values between 0 and 65535.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.UInt32">
      <summary>An integral type representing unsigned 32-bit integers with values between 0 and 4294967295.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.TypeCode.UInt64">
      <summary>An integral type representing unsigned 64-bit integers with values between 0 and 18446744073709551615.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.TypeInitializationException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown as a wrapper around the exception thrown by the class initializer. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.TypeInitializationException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TypeInitializationException" /> class with the default error message, the specified type name, and a reference to the inner exception that is the root cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="fullTypeName">The fully qualified name of the type that fails to initialize. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="P:System.TypeInitializationException.TypeName">
      <summary>Gets the fully qualified name of the type that fails to initialize.</summary>
      <returns>The fully qualified name of the type that fails to initialize.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.TypeLoadException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when type-loading failures occur.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.TypeLoadException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TypeLoadException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.TypeLoadException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TypeLoadException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.TypeLoadException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.TypeLoadException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="P:System.TypeLoadException.Message">
      <summary>Gets the error message for this exception.</summary>
      <returns>The error message string.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.TypeLoadException.TypeName">
      <summary>Gets the fully qualified name of the type that causes the exception.</summary>
      <returns>The fully qualified type name.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.UInt16">
      <summary>Represents a 16-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.CompareTo(System.UInt16)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified 16-bit unsigned integer and returns an indication of their relative values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return Value Description Less than zero This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">An unsigned integer to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.UInt16" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare to this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.Equals(System.UInt16)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified <see cref="T:System.UInt16" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">A 16-bit unsigned integer to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.UInt16.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UInt16.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. The string is interpreted by using the style specified by the <paramref name="style" /> parameter.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that specify the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. The string is interpreted by using the style specified by the <paramref name="style" /> parameter.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicate the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct format.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.UInt16" /> object. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current instance is not zero; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Char" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The current value of this instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The current value of this instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Double" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The current value of this instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of this instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The current value of this instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The current value of this instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.SByte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The current value pf this instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Single" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The current value of this instance, converted to <paramref name="type" />.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type to which to convert this <see cref="T:System.UInt16" /> value.</param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> implementation that supplies information about the format of the returned value.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The current value of this instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The current value of this instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The current value of this instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, which consists of a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9, without a sign or leading zeros.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, which consists of a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9, without a sign or leading zeros.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="format" /> parameter is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.UInt16@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. The string is interpreted by using the style specified by the <paramref name="style" /> parameter.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 16-bit unsigned integer value equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt16.TryParse(System.String,System.UInt16@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert the string representation of a number to its 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 16-bit unsigned integer value that is equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in the correct format. , or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt16.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
    <member name="T:System.UInt32">
      <summary>Represents a 32-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.CompareTo(System.UInt32)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified 32-bit unsigned integer and returns an indication of their relative values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Description Less than zero This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">An unsigned integer to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.UInt32" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.Equals(System.UInt32)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">A value to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UInt32.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string representing the number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter is not of the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string representing the number to convert. The string is interpreted by using the style specified by the <paramref name="style" /> parameter.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that specify the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string representing the number to convert. The string is interpreted by using the style specified by the <paramref name="style" /> parameter.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="s" /> is not in the correct style. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">
        <paramref name="s" /> represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" /> object. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current instance is not zero; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Char" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Double" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.SByte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Single" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to <paramref name="type" />.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type to which to convert this <see cref="T:System.UInt32" /> value.</param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> implementation that supplies culture-specific information about the format of the returned value.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, consisting of a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9, without a sign or leading zeroes.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, which consists of a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9, without a sign or leading zeros.</returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="format" /> parameter is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about this instance. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="format" /> parameter is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.UInt32@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. The string is interpreted by using the style specified by the <paramref name="style" /> parameter.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 32-bit unsigned integer value equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />, or represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt32.TryParse(System.String,System.UInt32@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert the string representation of a number to its 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 32-bit unsigned integer value that is equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not of the correct format, or represents a number that is less than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt32.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
    <member name="T:System.UInt64">
      <summary>Represents a 64-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.CompareTo(System.UInt64)">
      <summary>Compares this instance to a specified 64-bit unsigned integer and returns an indication of their relative values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return Value Description Less than zero This instance is less than <paramref name="value" />. Zero This instance is equal to <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero This instance is greater than <paramref name="value" />. </returns>
      <param name="value">An unsigned integer to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.UInt64" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare to this instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.Equals(System.UInt64)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified <see cref="T:System.UInt64" /> value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">A <see cref="T:System.UInt64" /> value to compare to this instance.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.UInt64.MaxValue">
      <summary>Represents the largest possible value of <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UInt64.MinValue">
      <summary>Represents the smallest possible value of <see cref="T:System.UInt64" />. This field is constant.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number to its 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter is not in the correct format. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. The string is interpreted by using the style specified by the <paramref name="style" /> parameter. </param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that specifies the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.Parse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. The string is interpreted by using the style specified by the <paramref name="style" /> parameter.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the style elements that can be present in <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MaxValue" />. -or-<paramref name="s" /> includes non-zero, fractional digits.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.Parse(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent to the number specified in <paramref name="s" />.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. </param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter is not in the correct style. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The <paramref name="s" /> parameter represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MaxValue" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="value">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.UInt64" /> object. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#GetTypeCode"></member>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the current instance is not zero; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Byte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToChar(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Char" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToDateTime(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>This conversion is not supported. Attempting to use this method throws an <see cref="T:System.InvalidCastException" />.</summary>
      <returns>This conversion is not supported. No value is returned.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">In all cases.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToDouble(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Double" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.Int64" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSByte(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to an <see cref="T:System.SByte" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToSingle(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.Single" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToType(System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to <paramref name="type" />.</returns>
      <param name="type">The type to which to convert this <see cref="T:System.UInt64" /> value.</param>
      <param name="provider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider" /> implementation that supplies information about the format of the returned value.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt16" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, converted to a <see cref="T:System.UInt32" />.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.System#IConvertible#ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(System.IFormatProvider)" />. </summary>
      <returns>The value of the current instance, unchanged.</returns>
      <param name="provider">This parameter is ignored.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, consisting of a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9, without a sign or leading zeroes.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance, consisting of a sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9, without a sign or leading zeros.  </returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.ToString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="format" /> parameter is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation using the specified format and culture-specific format information.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by <paramref name="format" /> and <paramref name="provider" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A numeric format string.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about this instance. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">The <paramref name="format" /> parameter is invalid. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.UInt64@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. The string is interpreted by using the style specified by the <paramref name="style" /> parameter.</param>
      <param name="style">A bitwise combination of enumeration values that indicates the permitted format of <paramref name="s" />. A typical value to specify is <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer" />.</param>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information about <paramref name="s" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 64-bit unsigned integer value equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not in a format compliant with <paramref name="style" />, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="style" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value. -or-<paramref name="style" /> is not a combination of <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" /> values.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.UInt64.TryParse(System.String,System.UInt64@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert the string representation of a number to its 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="s" /> was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="s">A string that represents the number to convert. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the 64-bit unsigned integer value that is equivalent to the number contained in <paramref name="s" />, if the conversion succeeded, or zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the <paramref name="s" /> parameter is null  or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, is not of the correct format, or represents a number less than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MinValue" /> or greater than <see cref="F:System.UInt64.MaxValue" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized; any value originally supplied in <paramref name="result" /> will be overwritten.  </param>
    <member name="T:System.UIntPtr">
      <summary>A platform-specific type that is used to represent a pointer or a handle.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.#ctor(System.UInt32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> structure using the specified 32-bit pointer or handle.</summary>
      <param name="value">A pointer or handle contained in a 32-bit unsigned integer. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.#ctor(System.UInt64)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> using the specified 64-bit pointer or handle.</summary>
      <param name="value">A pointer or handle contained in a 64-bit unsigned integer. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">On a 32-bit platform, <paramref name="value" /> is too large to represent as an <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.#ctor(System.Void*)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> using the specified pointer to an unspecified type.</summary>
      <param name="value">A pointer to an unspecified type. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.Add(System.UIntPtr,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Adds an offset to the value of an unsigned pointer.</summary>
      <returns>A new unsigned pointer that reflects the addition of <paramref name="offset" /> to <paramref name="pointer" />.</returns>
      <param name="pointer">The unsigned pointer to add the offset to.</param>
      <param name="offset">The offset to add.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> is an instance of <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> and equals the value of this instance; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with this instance or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.op_Addition(System.UIntPtr,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Adds an offset to the value of an unsigned pointer.</summary>
      <returns>A new unsigned pointer that reflects the addition of <paramref name="offset" /> to <paramref name="pointer" />.</returns>
      <param name="pointer">The unsigned pointer to add the offset to.</param>
      <param name="offset">The offset to add.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.op_Equality(System.UIntPtr,System.UIntPtr)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified instances of <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value1" /> equals <paramref name="value2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value1">The first pointer or handle to compare. </param>
      <param name="value2">The second pointer or handle to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UInt32)~System.UIntPtr">
      <summary>Converts the value of a 32-bit unsigned integer to an <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" />.</summary>
      <returns>A new instance of <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> initialized to <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A 32-bit unsigned integer. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UInt64)~System.UIntPtr">
      <summary>Converts the value of a 64-bit unsigned integer to an <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" />.</summary>
      <returns>A new instance of <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> initialized to <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A 64-bit unsigned integer. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">On a 32-bit platform, <paramref name="value" /> is too large to represent as an <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)~System.UInt64">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> to a 64-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>The contents of <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The pointer or handle to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)~System.Void*">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> to a pointer to an unspecified type.</summary>
      <returns>The contents of <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The pointer or handle to convert. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)~System.UInt32">
      <summary>Converts the value of the specified <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> to a 32-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>The contents of <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">The pointer or handle to convert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">On a 64-bit platform, the value of <paramref name="value" /> is too large to represent as a 32-bit unsigned integer. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.Void*)~System.UIntPtr">
      <summary>Converts the specified pointer to an unspecified type to a <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" />.</summary>
      <returns>A new instance of <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> initialized to <paramref name="value" />.</returns>
      <param name="value">A pointer to an unspecified type. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.op_Inequality(System.UIntPtr,System.UIntPtr)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified instances of <see cref="T:System.UIntPtr" /> are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value1" /> does not equal <paramref name="value2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value1">The first pointer or handle to compare. </param>
      <param name="value2">The second pointer or handle to compare. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.op_Subtraction(System.UIntPtr,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Subtracts an offset from the value of an unsigned pointer.</summary>
      <returns>A new unsigned pointer that reflects the subtraction of <paramref name="offset" /> from <paramref name="pointer" />.</returns>
      <param name="pointer">The unsigned pointer to subtract the offset from.</param>
      <param name="offset">The offset to subtract.</param>
    <member name="P:System.UIntPtr.Size">
      <summary>Gets the size of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The size of a pointer or handle on this platform, measured in bytes. The value of this property is 4 on a 32-bit platform, and 8 on a 64-bit platform.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.Subtract(System.UIntPtr,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Subtracts an offset from the value of an unsigned pointer.</summary>
      <returns>A new unsigned pointer that reflects the subtraction of <paramref name="offset" /> from <paramref name="pointer" />.</returns>
      <param name="pointer">The unsigned pointer to subtract the offset from.</param>
      <param name="offset">The offset to subtract.</param>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.ToPointer">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to a pointer to an unspecified type.</summary>
      <returns>A pointer to <see cref="T:System.Void" />; that is, a pointer to memory containing data of an unspecified type.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.</summary>
      <returns>The string representation of the value of this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.ToUInt32">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to a 32-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit unsigned integer equal to the value of this instance.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">On a 64-bit platform, the value of this instance is too large to represent as a 32-bit unsigned integer. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.UIntPtr.ToUInt64">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to a 64-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <returns>A 64-bit unsigned integer equal to the value of this instance.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.UIntPtr.Zero">
      <summary>A read-only field that represents a pointer or handle that has been initialized to zero.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when the operating system denies access because of an I/O error or a specific type of security error.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.UnauthorizedAccessException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.UnauthorizedAccessException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UnauthorizedAccessException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.UnauthorizedAccessException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Uri">
      <summary>Provides an object representation of a uniform resource identifier (URI) and easy access to the parts of the URI.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> class with the specified URI.</summary>
      <param name="uriString">A URI. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="uriString" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.UriFormatException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.FormatException" />, instead.<paramref name="uriString" /> is empty.-or- The scheme specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not correctly formed. See <see cref="M:System.Uri.CheckSchemeName(System.String)" />.-or- <paramref name="uriString" /> contains too many slashes.-or- The password specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not valid.-or- The host name specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not valid.-or- The file name specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not valid. -or- The user name specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not valid.-or- The host or authority name specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> cannot be terminated by backslashes.-or- The port number specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not valid or cannot be parsed.-or- The length of <paramref name="uriString" /> exceeds 65519 characters.-or- The length of the scheme specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> exceeds 1023 characters.-or- There is an invalid character sequence in <paramref name="uriString" />.-or- The MS-DOS path specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> must start with c:\\.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.#ctor(System.String,System.UriKind)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> class with the specified URI. This constructor allows you to specify if the URI string is a relative URI, absolute URI, or is indeterminate.</summary>
      <param name="uriString">A string that identifies the resource to be represented by the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance.</param>
      <param name="uriKind">Specifies whether the URI string is a relative URI, absolute URI, or is indeterminate.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="uriKind" /> is invalid. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="uriString" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.UriFormatException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.FormatException" />, instead.<paramref name="uriString" /> contains a relative URI and <paramref name="uriKind" /> is <see cref="F:System.UriKind.Absolute" />.or<paramref name="uriString" /> contains an absolute URI and <paramref name="uriKind" /> is <see cref="F:System.UriKind.Relative" />.or<paramref name="uriString" /> is empty.-or- The scheme specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not correctly formed. See <see cref="M:System.Uri.CheckSchemeName(System.String)" />.-or- <paramref name="uriString" /> contains too many slashes.-or- The password specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not valid.-or- The host name specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not valid.-or- The file name specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not valid. -or- The user name specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not valid.-or- The host or authority name specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> cannot be terminated by backslashes.-or- The port number specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> is not valid or cannot be parsed.-or- The length of <paramref name="uriString" /> exceeds 65519 characters.-or- The length of the scheme specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> exceeds 1023 characters.-or- There is an invalid character sequence in <paramref name="uriString" />.-or- The MS-DOS path specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> must start with c:\\.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.#ctor(System.Uri,System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> class based on the specified base URI and relative URI string.</summary>
      <param name="baseUri">The base URI. </param>
      <param name="relativeUri">The relative URI to add to the base URI. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="baseUri" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="baseUri" /> is not an absolute <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.UriFormatException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.FormatException" />, instead.The URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is empty or contains only spaces.-or- The scheme specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid.-or- The URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> contains too many slashes.-or- The password specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid.-or- The host name specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid.-or- The file name specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid. -or- The user name specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid.-or- The host or authority name specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> cannot be terminated by backslashes.-or- The port number specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid or cannot be parsed.-or- The length of the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> exceeds 65519 characters.-or- The length of the scheme specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> exceeds 1023 characters.-or- There is an invalid character sequence in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" />.-or- The MS-DOS path specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> must start with c:\\.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.#ctor(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> class based on the combination of a specified base <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance and a relative <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance.</summary>
      <param name="baseUri">An absolute <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> that is the base for the new <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance. </param>
      <param name="relativeUri">A relative <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance that is combined with <paramref name="baseUri" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="baseUri" /> is not an absolute <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="baseUri" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="baseUri" /> is not an absolute <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.UriFormatException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.FormatException" />, instead.The URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is empty or contains only spaces.-or- The scheme specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid.-or- The URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> contains too many slashes.-or- The password specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid.-or- The host name specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid.-or- The file name specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid. -or- The user name specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid.-or- The host or authority name specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> cannot be terminated by backslashes.-or- The port number specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> is not valid or cannot be parsed.-or- The length of the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> exceeds 65519 characters.-or- The length of the scheme specified in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" /> exceeds 1023 characters.-or- There is an invalid character sequence in the URI formed by combining <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" />.-or- The MS-DOS path specified in <paramref name="uriString" /> must start with c:\\.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Uri.AbsolutePath">
      <summary>Gets the absolute path of the URI.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the absolute path to the resource.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.AbsoluteUri">
      <summary>Gets the absolute URI.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the entire URI.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.Authority">
      <summary>Gets the Domain Name System (DNS) host name or IP address and the port number for a server.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the authority component of the URI represented by this instance.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="M:System.Uri.CheckHostName(System.String)">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified host name is a valid DNS name.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.UriHostNameType" /> that indicates the type of the host name. If the type of the host name cannot be determined or if the host name is null or a zero-length string, this method returns <see cref="F:System.UriHostNameType.Unknown" />.</returns>
      <param name="name">The host name to validate. This can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address or an Internet host name. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.CheckSchemeName(System.String)">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified scheme name is valid.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the scheme name is valid; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="schemeName">The scheme name to validate. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.Compare(System.Uri,System.Uri,System.UriComponents,System.UriFormat,System.StringComparison)">
      <summary>Compares the specified parts of two URIs using the specified comparison rules.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> value that indicates the lexical relationship between the compared <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> components.ValueMeaningLess than zero<paramref name="uri1" /> is less than <paramref name="uri2" />.Zero<paramref name="uri1" /> equals <paramref name="uri2" />.Greater than zero<paramref name="uri1" /> is greater than <paramref name="uri2" />.</returns>
      <param name="uri1">The first <see cref="T:System.Uri" />.</param>
      <param name="uri2">The second <see cref="T:System.Uri" />.</param>
      <param name="partsToCompare">A bitwise combination of the <see cref="T:System.UriComponents" /> values that specifies the parts of <paramref name="uri1" /> and <paramref name="uri2" /> to compare.</param>
      <param name="compareFormat">One of the <see cref="T:System.UriFormat" /> values that specifies the character escaping used when the URI components are compared.</param>
      <param name="comparisonType">One of the <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> values.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="comparisonType" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:System.StringComparison" /> value.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Uri.DnsSafeHost">
      <summary>Gets an unescaped host name that is safe to use for DNS resolution.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains the unescaped host part of the URI that is suitable for DNS resolution; or the original unescaped host string, if it is already suitable for resolution.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="M:System.Uri.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares two <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instances for equality.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the two instances represent the same URI; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="comparand">The <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance or a URI identifier to compare with the current instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.EscapeDataString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts a string to its escaped representation.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains the escaped representation of <paramref name="stringToEscape" />.</returns>
      <param name="stringToEscape">The string to escape.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="stringToEscape" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.UriFormatException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.FormatException" />, instead.The length of <paramref name="stringToEscape" /> exceeds 32766 characters.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.EscapeUriString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts a URI string to its escaped representation.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains the escaped representation of <paramref name="stringToEscape" />.</returns>
      <param name="stringToEscape">The string to escape.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="stringToEscape" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.UriFormatException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.FormatException" />, instead.The length of <paramref name="stringToEscape" /> exceeds 32766 characters.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Uri.Fragment">
      <summary>Gets the escaped URI fragment.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains any URI fragment information.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="M:System.Uri.GetComponents(System.UriComponents,System.UriFormat)">
      <summary>Gets the specified components of the current instance using the specified escaping for special characters.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains the components.</returns>
      <param name="components">A bitwise combination of the <see cref="T:System.UriComponents" /> values that specifies which parts of the current instance to return to the caller.</param>
      <param name="format">One of the <see cref="T:System.UriFormat" /> values that controls how special characters are escaped. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="uriComponents" /> is not a combination of valid <see cref="T:System.UriComponents" /> values.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The current <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> is not an absolute URI. Relative URIs cannot be used with this method.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Gets the hash code for the URI.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> containing the hash value generated for this URI.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.Host">
      <summary>Gets the host component of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains the host name. This is usually the DNS host name or IP address of the server.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.HostNameType">
      <summary>Gets the type of the host name specified in the URI.</summary>
      <returns>A member of the <see cref="T:System.UriHostNameType" /> enumeration.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.IdnHost">
      <summary>The RFC 3490 compliant International Domain Name of the host, using Punycode as appropriate.</summary>
      <returns>Returns the hostname, formatted with Punycode according to the IDN standard.<see cref="T:System.String" />.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Uri.IsAbsoluteUri">
      <summary>Gets whether the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance is absolute.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance is absolute; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.IsBaseOf(System.Uri)">
      <summary>Determines whether the current <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance is a base of the specified <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance is a base of <paramref name="uri" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="uri">The specified <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance to test. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="uri" /> is null. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.IsDefaultPort">
      <summary>Gets whether the port value of the URI is the default for this scheme.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the value in the <see cref="P:System.Uri.Port" /> property is the default port for this scheme; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.IsFile">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the specified <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> is a file URI.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> is a file URI; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.IsLoopback">
      <summary>Gets whether the specified <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> references the local host.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if this <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> references the local host; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.IsUnc">
      <summary>Gets whether the specified <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> is a universal naming convention (UNC) path.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> is a UNC path; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="M:System.Uri.IsWellFormedOriginalString">
      <summary>Indicates whether the string used to construct this <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> was well-formed and is not required to be further escaped.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the string was well-formed; else false.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(System.String,System.UriKind)">
      <summary>Indicates whether the string is well-formed by attempting to construct a URI with the string and ensures that the string does not require further escaping.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the string was well-formed; else false.</returns>
      <param name="uriString">The string used to attempt to construct a <see cref="T:System.Uri" />.</param>
      <param name="uriKind">The type of the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> in <paramref name="uriString" />.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Uri.LocalPath">
      <summary>Gets a local operating-system representation of a file name.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains the local operating-system representation of a file name.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="M:System.Uri.MakeRelativeUri(System.Uri)">
      <summary>Determines the difference between two <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instances.</summary>
      <returns>If the hostname and scheme of this URI instance and <paramref name="uri" /> are the same, then this method returns a relative <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> that, when appended to the current URI instance, yields <paramref name="uri" />.If the hostname or scheme is different, then this method returns a <see cref="T:System.Uri" />  that represents the <paramref name="uri" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="uri">The URI to compare to the current URI.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="uri" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.op_Equality(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
      <summary>Determines whether two <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instances have the same value.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instances are equivalent; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="uri1">A <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance to compare with <paramref name="uri2" />. </param>
      <param name="uri2">A <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance to compare with <paramref name="uri1" />. </param>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
    <member name="M:System.Uri.op_Inequality(System.Uri,System.Uri)">
      <summary>Determines whether two <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instances do not have the same value.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the two <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instances are not equal; otherwise, false. If either parameter is null, this method returns true.</returns>
      <param name="uri1">A <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance to compare with <paramref name="uri2" />. </param>
      <param name="uri2">A <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance to compare with <paramref name="uri1" />. </param>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.OriginalString">
      <summary>Gets the original URI string that was passed to the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> constructor.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the exact URI specified when this instance was constructed; otherwise, <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.PathAndQuery">
      <summary>Gets the <see cref="P:System.Uri.AbsolutePath" /> and <see cref="P:System.Uri.Query" /> properties separated by a question mark (?).</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains the <see cref="P:System.Uri.AbsolutePath" /> and <see cref="P:System.Uri.Query" /> properties separated by a question mark (?).</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.Port">
      <summary>Gets the port number of this URI.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> value that contains the port number for this URI.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.Query">
      <summary>Gets any query information included in the specified URI.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains any query information included in the specified URI.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.Scheme">
      <summary>Gets the scheme name for this URI.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains the scheme for this URI, converted to lowercase.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="P:System.Uri.Segments">
      <summary>Gets an array containing the path segments that make up the specified URI.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> array that contains the path segments that make up the specified URI.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="M:System.Uri.ToString">
      <summary>Gets a canonical string representation for the specified <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> instance that contains the unescaped canonical representation of the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance. All characters are unescaped except #, ?, and %.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="M:System.Uri.TryCreate(System.String,System.UriKind,System.Uri@)">
      <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> using the specified <see cref="T:System.String" /> instance and a <see cref="T:System.UriKind" />.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> was successfully created; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="uriString">The <see cref="T:System.String" /> representing the <see cref="T:System.Uri" />.</param>
      <param name="uriKind">The type of the Uri.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the constructed <see cref="T:System.Uri" />.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.TryCreate(System.Uri,System.String,System.Uri@)">
      <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> using the specified base and relative <see cref="T:System.String" /> instances.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> was successfully created; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="baseUri">The base <see cref="T:System.Uri" />.</param>
      <param name="relativeUri">The relative <see cref="T:System.Uri" />, represented as a <see cref="T:System.String" />, to add to the base <see cref="T:System.Uri" />.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains a <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> constructed from <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.TryCreate(System.Uri,System.Uri,System.Uri@)">
      <summary>Creates a new <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> using the specified base and relative <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instances.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> was successfully created; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="baseUri">The base <see cref="T:System.Uri" />. </param>
      <param name="relativeUri">The relative <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> to add to the base <see cref="T:System.Uri" />. </param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains a <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> constructed from <paramref name="baseUri" /> and <paramref name="relativeUri" />. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="baseUri" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts a string to its unescaped representation.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains the unescaped representation of <paramref name="stringToUnescape" />. </returns>
      <param name="stringToUnescape">The string to unescape.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="stringToUnescape" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Uri.UserEscaped">
      <summary>Indicates that the URI string was completely escaped before the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance was created.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value that is true if the <paramref name="dontEscape" /> parameter was set to true when the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> instance was created; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Uri.UserInfo">
      <summary>Gets the user name, password, or other user-specific information associated with the specified URI.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains the user information associated with the URI. The returned value does not include the '@' character reserved for delimiting the user information part of the URI.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This instance represents a relative URI, and this property is valid only for absolute URIs. </exception>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    <member name="T:System.UriComponents">
      <summary>Specifies the parts of a <see cref="T:System.Uri" />.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.AbsoluteUri">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.Scheme" />, <see cref="P:System.Uri.UserInfo" />, <see cref="P:System.Uri.Host" />, <see cref="P:System.Uri.Port" />, <see cref="P:System.Uri.LocalPath" />, <see cref="P:System.Uri.Query" />, and <see cref="P:System.Uri.Fragment" /> data.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.Fragment">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.Fragment" /> data.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.Host">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.Host" /> data.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.HostAndPort">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.Host" /> and <see cref="P:System.Uri.Port" /> data. If no port data is in the Uri and a default port has been assigned to the <see cref="P:System.Uri.Scheme" />, the default port is returned. If there is no default port, -1 is returned.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.HttpRequestUrl">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.Scheme" />, <see cref="P:System.Uri.Host" />, <see cref="P:System.Uri.Port" />, <see cref="P:System.Uri.LocalPath" />, and <see cref="P:System.Uri.Query" /> data.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.KeepDelimiter">
      <summary>Specifies that the delimiter should be included.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.NormalizedHost">
      <summary>The normalized form of the <see cref="P:System.Uri.Host" />.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.Path">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.LocalPath" /> data.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.PathAndQuery">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.LocalPath" /> and <see cref="P:System.Uri.Query" /> data. Also see <see cref="P:System.Uri.PathAndQuery" />. </summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.Port">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.Port" /> data.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.Query">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.Query" /> data.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.Scheme">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.Scheme" /> data.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.SchemeAndServer">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.Scheme" />, <see cref="P:System.Uri.Host" />, and <see cref="P:System.Uri.Port" /> data.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.SerializationInfoString">
      <summary>The complete <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> context that is needed for Uri Serializers. The context includes the IPv6 scope.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.StrongAuthority">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.UserInfo" />, <see cref="P:System.Uri.Host" />, and <see cref="P:System.Uri.Port" /> data. If no port data is in the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> and a default port has been assigned to the <see cref="P:System.Uri.Scheme" />, the default port is returned. If there is no default port, -1 is returned.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.StrongPort">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.Port" /> data. If no port data is in the <see cref="T:System.Uri" /> and a default port has been assigned to the <see cref="P:System.Uri.Scheme" />, the default port is returned. If there is no default port, -1 is returned.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriComponents.UserInfo">
      <summary>The <see cref="P:System.Uri.UserInfo" /> data.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.UriFormat">
      <summary>Controls how URI information is escaped.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriFormat.SafeUnescaped">
      <summary>Characters that have a reserved meaning in the requested URI components remain escaped. All others are not escaped. See Remarks.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriFormat.Unescaped">
      <summary>No escaping is performed.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriFormat.UriEscaped">
      <summary>Escaping is performed according to the rules in RFC 2396.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.UriFormatException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when an invalid Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is detected.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.UriFormatException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.UriFormatException" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.UriFormatException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.UriFormatException" /> class with the specified message.</summary>
      <param name="textString">The error message string. </param>
    <member name="M:System.UriFormatException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.UriFormatException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="textString">The message that describes the exception. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
      <param name="e">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.UriHostNameType">
      <summary>Defines host name types for the <see cref="M:System.Uri.CheckHostName(System.String)" /> method.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriHostNameType.Basic">
      <summary>The host is set, but the type cannot be determined.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriHostNameType.Dns">
      <summary>The host name is a domain name system (DNS) style host name.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriHostNameType.IPv4">
      <summary>The host name is an Internet Protocol (IP) version 4 host address.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriHostNameType.IPv6">
      <summary>The host name is an Internet Protocol (IP) version 6 host address.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriHostNameType.Unknown">
      <summary>The type of the host name is not supplied.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.UriKind">
      <summary>Defines the kinds of <see cref="T:System.Uri" />s for the <see cref="M:System.Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(System.String,System.UriKind)" /> and several <see cref="Overload:System.Uri.#ctor" /> methods.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriKind.Absolute">
      <summary>The Uri is an absolute Uri.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriKind.Relative">
      <summary>The Uri is a relative Uri.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute">
      <summary>The kind of the Uri is indeterminate.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.ValueType">
      <summary>Provides the base class for value types.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ValueType.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ValueType" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.ValueType.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false. </returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to compare with the current instance. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ValueType.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.ValueType.ToString">
      <summary>Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing a fully qualified type name.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Version">
      <summary>Represents the version number of an assembly, operating system, or the common language runtime. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Version.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Version" /> class using the specified major and minor values.</summary>
      <param name="major">The major version number. </param>
      <param name="minor">The minor version number. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="major" /> or <paramref name="minor" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Version.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Version" /> class using the specified major, minor, and build values.</summary>
      <param name="major">The major version number. </param>
      <param name="minor">The minor version number. </param>
      <param name="build">The build number. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="major" />, <paramref name="minor" />, or <paramref name="build" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Version.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Version" /> class with the specified major, minor, build, and revision numbers.</summary>
      <param name="major">The major version number. </param>
      <param name="minor">The minor version number. </param>
      <param name="build">The build number. </param>
      <param name="revision">The revision number. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="major" />, <paramref name="minor" />, <paramref name="build" />, or <paramref name="revision" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Version.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Version" /> class using the specified string.</summary>
      <param name="version">A string containing the major, minor, build, and revision numbers, where each number is delimited with a period character ('.'). </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="version" /> has fewer than two components or more than four components. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="version" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">A major, minor, build, or revision component is less than zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">At least one component of <paramref name="version" /> does not parse to an integer. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">At least one component of <paramref name="version" /> represents a number greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Version.Build">
      <summary>Gets the value of the build component of the version number for the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The build number, or -1 if the build number is undefined.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Version.CompareTo(System.Version)">
      <summary>Compares the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object to a specified <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object and returns an indication of their relative values.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative values of the two objects, as shown in the following table.Return value Meaning Less than zero The current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object is a version before <paramref name="value" />. Zero The current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object is the same version as <paramref name="value" />. Greater than zero The current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object is a version subsequent to <paramref name="value" />. -or-<paramref name="value" /> is null.</returns>
      <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object to compare to the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object, or null.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Version.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object and <paramref name="obj" /> are both <see cref="T:System.Version" /> objects, and every component of the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object matches the corresponding component of <paramref name="obj" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">An object to compare with the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object, or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Version.Equals(System.Version)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object and a specified <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object represent the same value.</summary>
      <returns>true if every component of the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object matches the corresponding component of the <paramref name="obj" /> parameter; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">A <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object to compare to the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object, or null.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Version.GetHashCode">
      <summary>Returns a hash code for the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A 32-bit signed integer hash code.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Version.Major">
      <summary>Gets the value of the major component of the version number for the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The major version number.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Version.MajorRevision">
      <summary>Gets the high 16 bits of the revision number.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit signed integer.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Version.Minor">
      <summary>Gets the value of the minor component of the version number for the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The minor version number.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Version.MinorRevision">
      <summary>Gets the low 16 bits of the revision number.</summary>
      <returns>A 16-bit signed integer.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Version.op_Equality(System.Version,System.Version)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified <see cref="T:System.Version" /> objects are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="v1" /> equals <paramref name="v2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="v1">The first <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
      <param name="v2">The second <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Version.op_GreaterThan(System.Version,System.Version)">
      <summary>Determines whether the first specified <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object is greater than the second specified <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="v1" /> is greater than <paramref name="v2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="v1">The first <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
      <param name="v2">The second <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Version.op_GreaterThanOrEqual(System.Version,System.Version)">
      <summary>Determines whether the first specified <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object is greater than or equal to the second specified <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="v1" /> is greater than or equal to <paramref name="v2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="v1">The first <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
      <param name="v2">The second <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Version.op_Inequality(System.Version,System.Version)">
      <summary>Determines whether two specified <see cref="T:System.Version" /> objects are not equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="v1" /> does not equal <paramref name="v2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="v1">The first <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
      <param name="v2">The second <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Version.op_LessThan(System.Version,System.Version)">
      <summary>Determines whether the first specified <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object is less than the second specified <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="v1" /> is less than <paramref name="v2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="v1">The first <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
      <param name="v2">The second <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="v1" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Version.op_LessThanOrEqual(System.Version,System.Version)">
      <summary>Determines whether the first specified <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object is less than or equal to the second <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="v1" /> is less than or equal to <paramref name="v2" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="v1">The first <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
      <param name="v2">The second <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="v1" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Version.Parse(System.String)">
      <summary>Converts the string representation of a version number to an equivalent <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>An object that is equivalent to the version number specified in the <paramref name="input" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a version number to convert.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="input" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="input" /> has fewer than two or more than four version components.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">At least one component in <paramref name="input" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">At least one component in <paramref name="input" /> is not an integer.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">At least one component in <paramref name="input" /> represents a number that is greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Version.Revision">
      <summary>Gets the value of the revision component of the version number for the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The revision number, or -1 if the revision number is undefined.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Version.System#IComparable#CompareTo(System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative order of this instance and <paramref name="value" />.Return value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Zero This instance occurs in the same position as <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.Greater than zero This instance follows <paramref name="value" /> in the sort order.-or- <paramref name="value" /> is null. </returns>
      <param name="version">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Version.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object to its equivalent <see cref="T:System.String" /> representation.</summary>
      <returns>The <see cref="T:System.String" /> representation of the values of the major, minor, build, and revision components of the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object, as depicted in the following format. Each component is separated by a period character ('.'). Square brackets ('[' and ']') indicate a component that will not appear in the return value if the component is not defined: major.minor[.build[.revision]] For example, if you create a <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object using the constructor Version(1,1), the returned string is "1.1". If you create a <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object using the constructor Version(1,3,4,2), the returned string is "".</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Version.ToString(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Converts the value of the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object to its equivalent <see cref="T:System.String" /> representation. A specified count indicates the number of components to return.</summary>
      <returns>The <see cref="T:System.String" /> representation of the values of the major, minor, build, and revision components of the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object, each separated by a period character ('.'). The <paramref name="fieldCount" /> parameter determines how many components are returned.fieldCount Return Value 0 An empty string (""). 1 major 2 major.minor 3 major.minor.build 4 major.minor.build.revision For example, if you create <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object using the constructor Version(1,3,5), ToString(2) returns "1.3" and ToString(4) throws an exception.</returns>
      <param name="fieldCount">The number of components to return. The <paramref name="fieldCount" /> ranges from 0 to 4. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="fieldCount" /> is less than 0, or more than 4.-or- <paramref name="fieldCount" /> is more than the number of components defined in the current <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Version.TryParse(System.String,System.Version@)">
      <summary>Tries to convert the string representation of a version number to an equivalent <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object, and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <paramref name="input" /> parameter was converted successfully; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="input">A string that contains a version number to convert.</param>
      <param name="result">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="T:System.Version" /> equivalent of the number that is contained in <paramref name="input" />, if the conversion succeeded, or a <see cref="T:System.Version" /> object whose major and minor version numbers are 0 if the conversion failed. If <paramref name="input" /> is null or <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />, <paramref name="result" /> is null when the method returns. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Void">
      <summary>Specifies a return value type for a method that does not return a value.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.WeakReference">
      <summary>Represents a weak reference, which references an object while still allowing that object to be reclaimed by garbage collection.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.WeakReference.#ctor(System.Object)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.WeakReference" /> class, referencing the specified object.</summary>
      <param name="target">The object to track or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.WeakReference.#ctor(System.Object,System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.WeakReference" /> class, referencing the specified object and using the specified resurrection tracking.</summary>
      <param name="target">An object to track. </param>
      <param name="trackResurrection">Indicates when to stop tracking the object. If true, the object is tracked after finalization; if false, the object is only tracked until finalization. </param>
    <member name="M:System.WeakReference.Finalize">
      <summary>Discards the reference to the target represented by the current <see cref="T:System.WeakReference" /> object.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.WeakReference.IsAlive">
      <summary>Gets an indication whether the object referenced by the current <see cref="T:System.WeakReference" /> object has been garbage collected.</summary>
      <returns>true if the object referenced by the current <see cref="T:System.WeakReference" /> object has not been garbage collected and is still accessible; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.WeakReference.Target">
      <summary>Gets or sets the object (the target) referenced by the current <see cref="T:System.WeakReference" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>null if the object referenced by the current <see cref="T:System.WeakReference" /> object has been garbage collected; otherwise, a reference to the object referenced by the current <see cref="T:System.WeakReference" /> object.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The reference to the target object is invalid. This exception can be thrown while setting this property if the value is a null reference or if the object has been finalized during the set operation.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.WeakReference.TrackResurrection">
      <summary>Gets an indication whether the object referenced by the current <see cref="T:System.WeakReference" /> object is tracked after it is finalized.</summary>
      <returns>true if the object the current <see cref="T:System.WeakReference" /> object refers to is tracked after finalization; or false if the object is only tracked until finalization.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.WeakReference`1">
      <summary>Represents a typed weak reference, which references an object while still allowing that object to be reclaimed by garbage collection.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the object referenced.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.WeakReference`1.#ctor(`0)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.WeakReference`1" /> class that references the specified object.</summary>
      <param name="target">The object to reference, or null.</param>
    <member name="M:System.WeakReference`1.#ctor(`0,System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.WeakReference`1" /> class that references the specified object and uses the specified resurrection tracking.</summary>
      <param name="target">The object to reference, or null.</param>
      <param name="trackResurrection">true to track the object after finalization; false to track the object only until finalization.</param>
    <member name="M:System.WeakReference`1.Finalize">
      <summary>Discards the reference to the target that is represented by the current <see cref="T:System.WeakReference`1" /> object.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.WeakReference`1.SetTarget(`0)">
      <summary>Sets the target object that is referenced by this <see cref="T:System.WeakReference`1" /> object.</summary>
      <param name="target">The new target object.</param>
    <member name="M:System.WeakReference`1.TryGetTarget(`0@)">
      <summary>Tries to retrieve the target object that is referenced by the current <see cref="T:System.WeakReference`1" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if the target was retrieved; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="target">When this method returns, contains the target object, if it is available. This parameter is treated as uninitialized.</param>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.DictionaryEntry">
      <summary>Defines a dictionary key/value pair that can be set or retrieved.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.DictionaryEntry.#ctor(System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Initializes an instance of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.DictionaryEntry" /> type with the specified key and value.</summary>
      <param name="key">The object defined in each key/value pair. </param>
      <param name="value">The definition associated with <paramref name="key" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null and the .NET Framework version is 1.0 or 1.1. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.DictionaryEntry.Key">
      <summary>Gets or sets the key in the key/value pair.</summary>
      <returns>The key in the key/value pair.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.DictionaryEntry.Value">
      <summary>Gets or sets the value in the key/value pair.</summary>
      <returns>The value in the key/value pair.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.ICollection">
      <summary>Defines size, enumerators, and synchronization methods for all nongeneric collections.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies the elements of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> to an <see cref="T:System.Array" />, starting at a particular <see cref="T:System.Array" /> index.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that is the destination of the elements copied from <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" />. The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> must have zero-based indexing. </param>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array" /> at which copying begins. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.-or- The number of elements in the source <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> is greater than the available space from <paramref name="index" /> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array" />.-or-The type of the source <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ICollection.Count">
      <summary>Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" />.</summary>
      <returns>The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" />.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> is synchronized (thread safe).</summary>
      <returns>true if access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot">
      <summary>Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" />.</summary>
      <returns>An object that can be used to synchronize access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" />.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.IComparer">
      <summary>Exposes a method that compares two objects.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IComparer.Compare(System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative values of <paramref name="x" /> and <paramref name="y" />, as shown in the following table.Value Meaning Less than zero <paramref name="x" /> is less than <paramref name="y" />. Zero <paramref name="x" /> equals <paramref name="y" />. Greater than zero <paramref name="x" /> is greater than <paramref name="y" />. </returns>
      <param name="x">The first object to compare. </param>
      <param name="y">The second object to compare. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Neither <paramref name="x" /> nor <paramref name="y" /> implements the <see cref="T:System.IComparable" /> interface.-or- <paramref name="x" /> and <paramref name="y" /> are of different types and neither one can handle comparisons with the other. </exception>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.IDictionary">
      <summary>Represents a nongeneric collection of key/value pairs.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Adds an element with the provided key and value to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object.</summary>
      <param name="key">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to use as the key of the element to add. </param>
      <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to use as the value of the element to add. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">An element with the same key already exists in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> is read-only.-or- The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> has a fixed size. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IDictionary.Clear">
      <summary>Removes all elements from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object.</summary>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object is read-only. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IDictionary.Contains(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object contains an element with the specified key.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> contains an element with the key; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator" /> object for the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator" /> object for the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IDictionary.IsFixedSize">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object has a fixed size.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object has a fixed size; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IDictionary.IsReadOnly">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object is read-only.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object is read-only; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IDictionary.Item(System.Object)">
      <summary>Gets or sets the element with the specified key.</summary>
      <returns>The element with the specified key, or null if the key does not exist.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key of the element to get or set. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The property is set and the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object is read-only.-or- The property is set, <paramref name="key" /> does not exist in the collection, and the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> has a fixed size. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IDictionary.Keys">
      <summary>Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> object containing the keys of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> object containing the keys of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IDictionary.Remove(System.Object)">
      <summary>Removes the element with the specified key from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object.</summary>
      <param name="key">The key of the element to remove. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object is read-only.-or- The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> has a fixed size. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IDictionary.Values">
      <summary>Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> object containing the values in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> object containing the values in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary" /> object.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator">
      <summary>Enumerates the elements of a nongeneric dictionary.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Entry">
      <summary>Gets both the key and the value of the current dictionary entry.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Collections.DictionaryEntry" /> containing both the key and the value of the current dictionary entry.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator" /> is positioned before the first entry of the dictionary or after the last entry. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Key">
      <summary>Gets the key of the current dictionary entry.</summary>
      <returns>The key of the current element of the enumeration.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator" /> is positioned before the first entry of the dictionary or after the last entry. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Value">
      <summary>Gets the value of the current dictionary entry.</summary>
      <returns>The value of the current element of the enumeration.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator" /> is positioned before the first entry of the dictionary or after the last entry. </exception>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.IEnumerable">
      <summary>Exposes an enumerator, which supports a simple iteration over a non-generic collection.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator">
      <summary>Supports a simple iteration over a non-generic collection.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current">
      <summary>Gets the current element in the collection.</summary>
      <returns>The current element in the collection.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNext">
      <summary>Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.</summary>
      <returns>true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset">
      <summary>Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection.</summary>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. </exception>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer">
      <summary>Defines methods to support the comparison of objects for equality.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified objects are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if the specified objects are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="x">The first object to compare.</param>
      <param name="y">The second object to compare.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="x" /> and <paramref name="y" /> are of different types and neither one can handle comparisons with the other.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns a hash code for the specified object.</summary>
      <returns>A hash code for the specified object.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> for which a hash code is to be returned.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The type of <paramref name="obj" /> is a reference type and <paramref name="obj" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.IList">
      <summary>Represents a non-generic collection of objects that can be individually accessed by index.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IList.Add(System.Object)">
      <summary>Adds an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted, or -1 to indicate that the item was not inserted into the collection.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to add to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only.-or- The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IList.Clear">
      <summary>Removes all items from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IList.Contains(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> contains a specific value.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Object" /> is found in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines the index of a specific item in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <returns>The index of <paramref name="value" /> if found in the list; otherwise, -1.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IList.Insert(System.Int32,System.Object)">
      <summary>Inserts an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="value" /> should be inserted. </param>
      <param name="value">The object to insert into the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only.-or- The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NullReferenceException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null reference in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.IList.Item(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets or sets the element at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The property is set and the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IList.Remove(System.Object)">
      <summary>Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <param name="value">The object to remove from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only.-or- The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Removes the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> item at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the item to remove. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only.-or- The <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size. </exception>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.IStructuralComparable">
      <summary>Supports the structural comparison of collection objects.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(System.Object,System.Collections.IComparer)">
      <summary>Determines whether the current collection object precedes, occurs in the same position as, or follows another object in the sort order.</summary>
      <returns>An integer that indicates the relationship of the current collection object to <paramref name="other" />, as shown in the following table.Return valueDescription-1The current instance precedes <paramref name="other" />.0The current instance and <paramref name="other" /> are equal.1The current instance follows <paramref name="other" />.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that compares members of the current collection object with the corresponding members of <paramref name="other" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">This instance and <paramref name="other" /> are not the same type.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable">
      <summary>Defines methods to support the comparison of objects for structural equality. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals(System.Object,System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Determines whether an object is structurally equal to the current instance.</summary>
      <returns>true if the two objects are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The object to compare with the current instance.</param>
      <param name="comparer">An object that determines whether the current instance and <paramref name="other" /> are equal. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(System.Collections.IEqualityComparer)">
      <summary>Returns a hash code for the current instance.</summary>
      <returns>The hash code for the current instance.</returns>
      <param name="comparer">An object that computes the hash code of the current object.</param>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1">
      <summary>Defines methods to manipulate generic collections.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements in the collection.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.Add(`0)">
      <summary>Adds an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</summary>
      <param name="item">The object to add to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.Clear">
      <summary>Removes all items from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</summary>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is read-only. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.Contains(`0)">
      <summary>Determines whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> contains a specific value.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="item" /> is found in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="item">The object to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.CopyTo(`0[],System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies the elements of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> to an <see cref="T:System.Array" />, starting at a particular <see cref="T:System.Array" /> index.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that is the destination of the elements copied from <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />. The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> must have zero-based indexing.</param>
      <param name="arrayIndex">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array" /> at which copying begins.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="arrayIndex" /> is less than 0.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The number of elements in the source <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is greater than the available space from <paramref name="arrayIndex" /> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.Count">
      <summary>Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.IsReadOnly">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is read-only.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is read-only; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1.Remove(`0)">
      <summary>Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="item" /> was successfully removed from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if <paramref name="item" /> is not found in the original <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</returns>
      <param name="item">The object to remove from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1">
      <summary>Defines a method that a type implements to compare two objects.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of objects to compare.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1.Compare(`0,`0)">
      <summary>Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other.</summary>
      <returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative values of <paramref name="x" /> and <paramref name="y" />, as shown in the following table.Value Meaning Less than zero<paramref name="x" /> is less than <paramref name="y" />.Zero<paramref name="x" /> equals <paramref name="y" />.Greater than zero<paramref name="x" /> is greater than <paramref name="y" />.</returns>
      <param name="x">The first object to compare.</param>
      <param name="y">The second object to compare.</param>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2">
      <summary>Represents a generic collection of key/value pairs.</summary>
      <typeparam name="TKey">The type of keys in the dictionary.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TValue">The type of values in the dictionary.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2.Add(`0,`1)">
      <summary>Adds an element with the provided key and value to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" />.</summary>
      <param name="key">The object to use as the key of the element to add.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to use as the value of the element to add.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">An element with the same key already exists in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" /> is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2.ContainsKey(`0)">
      <summary>Determines whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" /> contains an element with the specified key.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" /> contains an element with the key; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2.Item(`0)">
      <summary>Gets or sets the element with the specified key.</summary>
      <returns>The element with the specified key.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key of the element to get or set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException">The property is retrieved and <paramref name="key" /> is not found.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The property is set and the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" /> is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2.Keys">
      <summary>Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> containing the keys of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" />.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> containing the keys of the object that implements <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2.Remove(`0)">
      <summary>Removes the element with the specified key from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if the element is successfully removed; otherwise, false.  This method also returns false if <paramref name="key" /> was not found in the original <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" />.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key of the element to remove.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" /> is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2.TryGetValue(`0,`1@)">
      <summary>Gets the value associated with the specified key.</summary>
      <returns>true if the object that implements <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" /> contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key whose value to get.</param>
      <param name="value">When this method returns, the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the default value for the type of the <paramref name="value" /> parameter. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2.Values">
      <summary>Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> containing the values in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" />.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> containing the values in the object that implements <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2" />.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1">
      <summary>Exposes the enumerator, which supports a simple iteration over a collection of a specified type.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of objects to enumerate.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1.GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.</summary>
      <returns>An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1">
      <summary>Supports a simple iteration over a generic collection.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of objects to enumerate.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1.Current">
      <summary>Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator.</summary>
      <returns>The element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1">
      <summary>Defines methods to support the comparison of objects for equality.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of objects to compare.This type parameter is contravariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is less derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1.Equals(`0,`0)">
      <summary>Determines whether the specified objects are equal.</summary>
      <returns>true if the specified objects are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="x">The first object of type <paramref name="T" /> to compare.</param>
      <param name="y">The second object of type <paramref name="T" /> to compare.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1.GetHashCode(`0)">
      <summary>Returns a hash code for the specified object.</summary>
      <returns>A hash code for the specified object.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> for which a hash code is to be returned.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The type of <paramref name="obj" /> is a reference type and <paramref name="obj" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1">
      <summary>Represents a collection of objects that can be individually accessed by index.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of elements in the list.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1.IndexOf(`0)">
      <summary>Determines the index of a specific item in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>The index of <paramref name="item" /> if found in the list; otherwise, -1.</returns>
      <param name="item">The object to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" />.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1.Insert(System.Int32,`0)">
      <summary>Inserts an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item" /> should be inserted.</param>
      <param name="item">The object to insert into the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1.Item(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets or sets the element at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The property is set and the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Removes the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> item at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the item to remove.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> is read-only.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1">
      <summary>Represents a strongly-typed, read-only collection of elements.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the elements.This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1.Count">
      <summary>Gets the number of elements in the collection.</summary>
      <returns>The number of elements in the collection. </returns>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2">
      <summary>Represents a generic read-only collection of key/value pairs.</summary>
      <typeparam name="TKey">The type of keys in the read-only dictionary. </typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TValue">The type of values in the read-only dictionary. </typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2.ContainsKey(`0)">
      <summary>Determines whether the read-only dictionary contains an element that has the specified key.</summary>
      <returns>true if the read-only dictionary contains an element that has the specified key; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key to locate.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2.Item(`0)">
      <summary>Gets the element that has the specified key in the read-only dictionary.</summary>
      <returns>The element that has the specified key in the read-only dictionary.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key to locate.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException">The property is retrieved and <paramref name="key" /> is not found. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2.Keys">
      <summary>Gets an enumerable collection that contains the keys in the read-only dictionary. </summary>
      <returns>An enumerable collection that contains the keys in the read-only dictionary.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2.TryGetValue(`0,`1@)">
      <summary>Gets the value that is associated with the specified key.</summary>
      <returns>true if the object that implements the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2" /> interface contains an element that has the specified key; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key to locate.</param>
      <param name="value">When this method returns, the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found; otherwise, the default value for the type of the <paramref name="value" /> parameter. This parameter is passed uninitialized.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2.Values">
      <summary>Gets an enumerable collection that contains the values in the read-only dictionary.</summary>
      <returns>An enumerable collection that contains the values in the read-only dictionary.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1">
      <summary>Represents a read-only collection of elements that can be accessed by index. </summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of elements in the read-only list. This type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.</typeparam>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList`1.Item(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets the element at the specified index in the read-only list.</summary>
      <returns>The element at the specified index in the read-only list.</returns>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1">
      <summary>Provides the base interface for the abstraction of sets.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of elements in the set.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1.Add(`0)">
      <summary>Adds an element to the current set and returns a value to indicate if the element was successfully added. </summary>
      <returns>true if the element is added to the set; false if the element is already in the set.</returns>
      <param name="item">The element to add to the set.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1.ExceptWith(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">
      <summary>Removes all elements in the specified collection from the current set.</summary>
      <param name="other">The collection of items to remove from the set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1.IntersectWith(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">
      <summary>Modifies the current set so that it contains only elements that are also in a specified collection.</summary>
      <param name="other">The collection to compare to the current set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1.IsProperSubsetOf(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">
      <summary>Determines whether the current set is a proper (strict) subset of a specified collection.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current set is a proper subset of <paramref name="other" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The collection to compare to the current set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1.IsProperSupersetOf(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">
      <summary>Determines whether the current set is a proper (strict) superset of a specified collection.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current set is a proper superset of <paramref name="other" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The collection to compare to the current set. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1.IsSubsetOf(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">
      <summary>Determines whether a set is a subset of a specified collection.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current set is a subset of <paramref name="other" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The collection to compare to the current set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1.IsSupersetOf(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">
      <summary>Determines whether the current set is a superset of a specified collection.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current set is a superset of <paramref name="other" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The collection to compare to the current set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1.Overlaps(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">
      <summary>Determines whether the current set overlaps with the specified collection.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current set and <paramref name="other" /> share at least one common element; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The collection to compare to the current set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1.SetEquals(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">
      <summary>Determines whether the current set and the specified collection contain the same elements.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current set is equal to <paramref name="other" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="other">The collection to compare to the current set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1.SymmetricExceptWith(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">
      <summary>Modifies the current set so that it contains only elements that are present either in the current set or in the specified collection, but not both. </summary>
      <param name="other">The collection to compare to the current set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1.UnionWith(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{`0})">
      <summary>Modifies the current set so that it contains all elements that are present in the current set, in the specified collection, or in both.</summary>
      <param name="other">The collection to compare to the current set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="other" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when the key specified for accessing an element in a collection does not match any key in the collection.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException" /> class using default property values.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException" /> class with the specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The message that describes the error.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException" /> class with the specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception.</param>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2">
      <summary>Defines a key/value pair that can be set or retrieved.</summary>
      <typeparam name="TKey">The type of the key.</typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TValue">The type of the value.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2.#ctor(`0,`1)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2" /> structure with the specified key and value.</summary>
      <param name="key">The object defined in each key/value pair.</param>
      <param name="value">The definition associated with <paramref name="key" />.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2.Key">
      <summary>Gets the key in the key/value pair.</summary>
      <returns>A <paramref name="TKey" /> that is the key of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2" />. </returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a string representation of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2" />, using the string representations of the key and value.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2" />, which includes the string representations of the key and value.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2.Value">
      <summary>Gets the value in the key/value pair.</summary>
      <returns>A <paramref name="TValue" /> that is the value of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2" />. </returns>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1">
      <summary>Provides the base class for a generic collection.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of elements in the collection.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" /> class that is empty.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IList{`0})">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" /> class as a wrapper for the specified list.</summary>
      <param name="list">The list that is wrapped by the new collection.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="list" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Add(`0)">
      <summary>Adds an object to the end of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />. </summary>
      <param name="item">The object to be added to the end of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />. The value can be null for reference types.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Clear">
      <summary>Removes all elements from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.ClearItems">
      <summary>Removes all elements from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Contains(`0)">
      <summary>Determines whether an element is in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="item" /> is found in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="item">The object to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />. The value can be null for reference types.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.CopyTo(`0[],System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies the entire <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" /> to a compatible one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" />, starting at the specified index of the target array.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that is the destination of the elements copied from <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />. The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> must have zero-based indexing.</param>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array" /> at which copying begins.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The number of elements in the source <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" /> is greater than the available space from <paramref name="index" /> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Count">
      <summary>Gets the number of elements actually contained in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>The number of elements actually contained in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1" /> for the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.IndexOf(`0)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the first occurrence of <paramref name="item" /> within the entire <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />, if found; otherwise, -1.</returns>
      <param name="item">The object to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.List`1" />. The value can be null for reference types.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Insert(System.Int32,`0)">
      <summary>Inserts an element into the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" /> at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item" /> should be inserted.</param>
      <param name="item">The object to insert. The value can be null for reference types.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="index" /> is greater than <see cref="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Count" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.InsertItem(System.Int32,`0)">
      <summary>Inserts an element into the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" /> at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="item" /> should be inserted.</param>
      <param name="item">The object to insert. The value can be null for reference types.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="index" /> is greater than <see cref="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Count" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Item(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets or sets the element at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="index" /> is equal to or greater than <see cref="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Count" />. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Items">
      <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> wrapper around the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> wrapper around the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Remove(`0)">
      <summary>Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="item" /> is successfully removed; otherwise, false.  This method also returns false if <paramref name="item" /> was not found in the original <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</returns>
      <param name="item">The object to remove from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />. The value can be null for reference types.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Removes the element at the specified index of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to remove.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="index" /> is equal to or greater than <see cref="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Count" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.RemoveItem(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Removes the element at the specified index of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to remove.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="index" /> is equal to or greater than <see cref="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Count" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.SetItem(System.Int32,`0)">
      <summary>Replaces the element at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to replace.</param>
      <param name="item">The new value for the element at the specified index. The value can be null for reference types.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="index" /> is greater than <see cref="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Count" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{T}#IsReadOnly">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is read-only.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is read-only; otherwise, false.  In the default implementation of <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />, this property always returns false.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#ICollection#CopyTo(System.Array,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies the elements of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> to an <see cref="T:System.Array" />, starting at a particular <see cref="T:System.Array" /> index.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that is the destination of the elements copied from <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" />. The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> must have zero-based indexing.</param>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array" /> at which copying begins.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.-or-<paramref name="array" /> does not have zero-based indexing.-or-The number of elements in the source <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> is greater than the available space from <paramref name="index" /> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array" />.-or-The type of the source <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#ICollection#IsSynchronized">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> is synchronized (thread safe).</summary>
      <returns>true if access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, false.  In the default implementation of <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />, this property always returns false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#ICollection#SyncRoot">
      <summary>Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" />.</summary>
      <returns>An object that can be used to synchronize access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" />.  In the default implementation of <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />, this property always returns the current instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#IList#Add(System.Object)">
      <summary>Adds an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
      <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to add to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not assignable to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#IList#Contains(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> contains a specific value.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Object" /> is found in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not assignable to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#IList#IndexOf(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines the index of a specific item in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <returns>The index of <paramref name="value" /> if found in the list; otherwise, -1.</returns>
      <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not assignable to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#IList#Insert(System.Int32,System.Object)">
      <summary>Inserts an item into the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> at the specified index.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="value" /> should be inserted.</param>
      <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to insert into the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not assignable to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#IList#IsFixedSize">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size; otherwise, false.  In the default implementation of <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />, this property always returns false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#IList#IsReadOnly">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only; otherwise, false.  In the default implementation of <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1" />, this property always returns false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#IList#Item(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets or sets the element at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get or set.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The property is set and <paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not assignable to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.System#Collections#IList#Remove(System.Object)">
      <summary>Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to remove from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is of a type that is not assignable to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1">
      <summary>Provides the base class for a generic read-only collection.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of elements in the collection.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IList{`0})">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" /> class that is a read-only wrapper around the specified list.</summary>
      <param name="list">The list to wrap.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="list" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.Contains(`0)">
      <summary>Determines whether an element is in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value" /> is found in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />. The value can be null for reference types.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.CopyTo(`0[],System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies the entire <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" /> to a compatible one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" />, starting at the specified index of the target array.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that is the destination of the elements copied from <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />. The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> must have zero-based indexing.</param>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array" /> at which copying begins.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The number of elements in the source <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" /> is greater than the available space from <paramref name="index" /> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.Count">
      <summary>Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" /> instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1" /> for the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.IndexOf(`0)">
      <summary>Searches for the specified object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />.</summary>
      <returns>The zero-based index of the first occurrence of <paramref name="item" /> within the entire <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />, if found; otherwise, -1.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.List`1" />. The value can be null for reference types.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.Item(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets the element at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="index" /> is equal to or greater than <see cref="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.Count" />. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.Items">
      <summary>Returns the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> that the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" /> wraps.</summary>
      <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> that the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" /> wraps.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{T}#Add(`0)">
      <summary>Adds an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.  This implementation always throws <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" />.</summary>
      <param name="value">The object to add to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{T}#Clear">
      <summary>Removes all items from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.  This implementation always throws <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" />.</summary>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{T}#IsReadOnly">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is read-only.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" /> is read-only; otherwise, false.  In the default implementation of <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />, this property always returns true.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{T}#Remove(`0)">
      <summary>Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.  This implementation always throws <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="value" /> was successfully removed from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to remove from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#Generic#IList{T}#Insert(System.Int32,`0)">
      <summary>Inserts an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> at the specified index.  This implementation always throws <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" />.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="value" /> should be inserted.</param>
      <param name="value">The object to insert into the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#Generic#IList{T}#Item(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets the element at the specified index. An <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" /> occurs if you try to set the item at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown if the property is set.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#Generic#IList{T}#RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Removes the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IList`1" /> item at the specified index.  This implementation always throws <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" />.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the item to remove.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#ICollection#CopyTo(System.Array,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies the elements of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> to an <see cref="T:System.Array" />, starting at a particular <see cref="T:System.Array" /> index.</summary>
      <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array" /> that is the destination of the elements copied from <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" />. The <see cref="T:System.Array" /> must have zero-based indexing.</param>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array" /> at which copying begins.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="array" /> is multidimensional.-or-<paramref name="array" /> does not have zero-based indexing.-or-The number of elements in the source <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> is greater than the available space from <paramref name="index" /> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array" />.-or-The type of the source <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> cannot be cast automatically to the type of the destination <paramref name="array" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#ICollection#IsSynchronized">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> is synchronized (thread safe).</summary>
      <returns>true if access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" /> is synchronized (thread safe); otherwise, false.  In the default implementation of <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />, this property always returns false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#ICollection#SyncRoot">
      <summary>Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" />.</summary>
      <returns>An object that can be used to synchronize access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection" />.  In the default implementation of <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />, this property always returns the current instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
      <summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#IList#Add(System.Object)">
      <summary>Adds an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.  This implementation always throws <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" />.</summary>
      <returns>The position into which the new element was inserted.</returns>
      <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to add to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#IList#Clear">
      <summary>Removes all items from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.  This implementation always throws <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" />.</summary>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#IList#Contains(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> contains a specific value.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Object" /> is found in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not of the type specified for the generic type parameter <paramref name="T" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#IList#IndexOf(System.Object)">
      <summary>Determines the index of a specific item in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</summary>
      <returns>The index of <paramref name="value" /> if found in the list; otherwise, -1.</returns>
      <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to locate in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is not of the type specified for the generic type parameter <paramref name="T" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#IList#Insert(System.Int32,System.Object)">
      <summary>Inserts an item to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> at the specified index.  This implementation always throws <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" />.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index at which <paramref name="value" /> should be inserted.</param>
      <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to insert into the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#IList#IsFixedSize">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> has a fixed size; otherwise, false.  In the default implementation of <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />, this property always returns true.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#IList#IsReadOnly">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only.</summary>
      <returns>true if the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> is read-only; otherwise, false.  In the default implementation of <see cref="T:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1" />, this property always returns true.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#IList#Item(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets the element at the specified index. A <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" /> occurs if you try to set the item at the specified index.</summary>
      <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is not a valid index in the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown if the property is set.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#IList#Remove(System.Object)">
      <summary>Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.  This implementation always throws <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" />.</summary>
      <param name="value">The <see cref="T:System.Object" /> to remove from the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1.System#Collections#IList#RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Removes the <see cref="T:System.Collections.IList" /> item at the specified index.  This implementation always throws <see cref="T:System.NotSupportedException" />.</summary>
      <param name="index">The zero-based index of the item to remove.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">Always thrown.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies the default value for a property.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" /> class using a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value.</summary>
      <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> that is the default value. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.#ctor(System.Byte)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" /> class using an 8-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
      <param name="value">An 8-bit unsigned integer that is the default value. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.#ctor(System.Char)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" /> class using a Unicode character.</summary>
      <param name="value">A Unicode character that is the default value. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.#ctor(System.Double)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" /> class using a double-precision floating point number.</summary>
      <param name="value">A double-precision floating point number that is the default value. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.#ctor(System.Int16)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" /> class using a 16-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <param name="value">A 16-bit signed integer that is the default value. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.#ctor(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" /> class using a 32-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <param name="value">A 32-bit signed integer that is the default value. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.#ctor(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" /> class using a 64-bit signed integer.</summary>
      <param name="value">A 64-bit signed integer that is the default value. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.#ctor(System.Object)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="value">An <see cref="T:System.Object" /> that represents the default value. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.#ctor(System.Single)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" /> class using a single-precision floating point number.</summary>
      <param name="value">A single-precision floating point number that is the default value. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" /> class using a <see cref="T:System.String" />.</summary>
      <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that is the default value. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.#ctor(System.Type,System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" /> class, converting the specified value to the specified type, and using an invariant culture as the translation context.</summary>
      <param name="type">A <see cref="T:System.Type" /> that represents the type to convert the value to. </param>
      <param name="value">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that can be converted to the type using the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter" /> for the type and the U.S. English culture. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns whether the value of the given object is equal to the current <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the given object is equal to that of the current; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to test the value equality of. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.GetHashCode"></member>
    <member name="P:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.Value">
      <summary>Gets the default value of the property this attribute is bound to.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Object" /> that represents the default value of the property this attribute is bound to.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies that a property or method is viewable in an editor. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute.#ctor(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute" /> class with an <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState" />.</summary>
      <param name="state">The <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState" /> to set <see cref="P:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute.State" /> to. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute.Equals(System.Object)">
      <summary>Returns whether the value of the given object is equal to the current <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute" />.</summary>
      <returns>true if the value of the given object is equal to that of the current; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The object to test the value equality of. </param>
    <member name="M:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute.GetHashCode"></member>
    <member name="P:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute.State">
      <summary>Gets the browsable state of the property or method.</summary>
      <returns>An <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState" /> that is the browsable state of the property or method.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState">
      <summary>Specifies the browsable state of a property or method from within an editor.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced">
      <summary>The property or method is a feature that only advanced users should see. An editor can either show or hide such properties.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Always">
      <summary>The property or method is always browsable from within an editor.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never">
      <summary>The property or method is never browsable from within an editor.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates to compilers that a method call or attribute should be ignored unless a specified conditional compilation symbol is defined.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="conditionString">A string that specifies the case-sensitive conditional compilation symbol that is associated with the attribute. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute.ConditionString">
      <summary>Gets the conditional compilation symbol that is associated with the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute" /> attribute.</summary>
      <returns>A string that specifies the case-sensitive conditional compilation symbol that is associated with the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute" /> attribute.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute">
      <summary>Modifies code generation for runtime just-in-time (JIT) debugging. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.#ctor(System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute" /> class, using the specified debugging modes for the just-in-time (JIT) compiler. </summary>
      <param name="modes">A bitwise combination of the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes" />  values specifying the debugging mode for the JIT compiler.</param>
    <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes">
      <summary>Specifies the debugging mode for the just-in-time (JIT) compiler.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default">
      <summary>Instructs the just-in-time (JIT) compiler to use its default behavior, which includes enabling optimizations, disabling Edit and Continue support, and using symbol store sequence points if present. In the .NET Framework version 2.0, JIT tracking information, the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) offset to the native-code offset within a method, is always generated.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations">
      <summary>Disable optimizations performed by the compiler to make your output file smaller, faster, and more efficient. Optimizations result in code rearrangement in the output file, which can make debugging difficult. Typically optimization should be disabled while debugging. In versions 2.0 or later, combine this value with Default (Default | DisableOptimizations) to enable JIT tracking and disable optimizations.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue">
      <summary>Enable edit and continue. Edit and continue enables you to make changes to your source code while your program is in break mode. The ability to edit and continue is compiler dependent. </summary>
    <member name="F:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints">
      <summary>Use the implicit MSIL sequence points, not the program database (PDB) sequence points. The symbolic information normally includes at least one Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) offset for each source line. When the just-in-time (JIT) compiler is about to compile a method, it asks the profiling services for a list of MSIL offsets that should be preserved. These MSIL offsets are called sequence points.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.None">
      <summary>In the .NET Framework version 2.0, JIT tracking information is always generated, and this flag has the same effect as <see cref="F:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default" /> with the exception of the <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.IsJITTrackingEnabled" /> property being false, which has no meaning in version 2.0.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles">
      <summary>Defines the formatting options that customize string parsing for some date and time parsing methods.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal">
      <summary>Date and time are returned as a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If the input string denotes a local time, through a time zone specifier or <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal" />, the date and time are converted from the local time to UTC. If the input string denotes a UTC time, through a time zone specifier or <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal" />, no conversion occurs. If the input string does not denote a local or UTC time, no conversion occurs and the resulting <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Kind" /> property is <see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Unspecified" />. </summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AllowInnerWhite">
      <summary>Extra white-space characters in the middle of the string must be ignored during parsing, except if they occur in the <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo" /> format patterns.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AllowLeadingWhite">
      <summary>Leading white-space characters must be ignored during parsing, except if they occur in the <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo" /> format patterns.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AllowTrailingWhite">
      <summary>Trailing white-space characters must be ignored during parsing, except if they occur in the <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo" /> format patterns.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces">
      <summary>Extra white-space characters anywhere in the string must be ignored during parsing, except if they occur in the <see cref="T:System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo" /> format patterns. This value is a combination of the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AllowLeadingWhite" />, <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AllowTrailingWhite" />, and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AllowInnerWhite" /> values.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal">
      <summary>If no time zone is specified in the parsed string, the string is assumed to denote a local time. </summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal">
      <summary>If no time zone is specified in the parsed string, the string is assumed to denote a UTC. </summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault">
      <summary>If the parsed string contains only the time and not the date, the parsing methods assume the Gregorian date with year = 1, month = 1, and day = 1. If this value is not used, the current date is assumed.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None">
      <summary>Default formatting options must be used. This value represents the default style for the <see cref="M:System.DateTime.Parse(System.String)" />, <see cref="M:System.DateTime.ParseExact(System.String,System.String,System.IFormatProvider)" />, and <see cref="M:System.DateTime.TryParse(System.String,System.DateTime@)" /> methods.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind">
      <summary>The <see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind" /> field of a date is preserved when a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object is converted to a string using the "o" or "r" standard format specifier, and the string is then converted back to a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles">
      <summary>Determines the styles permitted in numeric string arguments that are passed to the Parse and TryParse methods of the integral and floating-point numeric types.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowCurrencySymbol">
      <summary>Indicates that the numeric string can contain a currency symbol. Valid currency symbols are determined by the <see cref="P:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrencySymbol" /> property.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint">
      <summary>Indicates that the numeric string can have a decimal point. If the <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value includes the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowCurrencySymbol" /> flag and the parsed string includes a currency symbol, the decimal separator character is determined by the <see cref="P:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrencyDecimalSeparator" /> property. Otherwise, the decimal separator character is determined by the <see cref="P:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator" /> property.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowExponent">
      <summary>Indicates that the numeric string can be in exponential notation. The <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowExponent" /> flag allows the parsed string to contain an exponent that begins with the "E" or "e" character and that is followed by an optional positive or negative sign and an integer. In other words, it successfully parses strings in the form nnnExx, nnnE+xx, and nnnE-xx. It does not allow a decimal separator or sign in the significand or mantissa; to allow these elements in the string to be parsed, use the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign" /> flags, or use a composite style that includes these individual flags.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier">
      <summary>Indicates that the numeric string represents a hexadecimal value. Valid hexadecimal values include the numeric digits 0-9 and the hexadecimal digits A-F and a-f. Strings that are parsed using this style cannot be prefixed with "0x" or "&amp;h". A string that is parsed with the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> style will always be interpreted as a hexadecimal value. The only flags that can be combined with <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> are <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite" />. The <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> enumeration includes a composite style, <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber" />, that consists of these three flags.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign">
      <summary>Indicates that the numeric string can have a leading sign. Valid leading sign characters are determined by the <see cref="P:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.PositiveSign" /> and <see cref="P:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.NegativeSign" /> properties.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite">
      <summary>Indicates that leading white-space characters can be present in the parsed string. Valid white-space characters have the Unicode values U+0009, U+000A, U+000B, U+000C, U+000D, and U+0020. Note that this is a subset of the characters for which the <see cref="M:System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(System.Char)" /> method returns true.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowParentheses">
      <summary>Indicates that the numeric string can have one pair of parentheses enclosing the number. The parentheses indicate that the string to be parsed represents a negative number.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands">
      <summary>Indicates that the numeric string can have group separators, such as symbols that separate hundreds from thousands. If the <see cref="T:System.Globalization.NumberStyles" /> value includes the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowCurrencySymbol" /> flag and the string to be parsed includes a currency symbol, the valid group separator character is determined by the <see cref="P:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrencyGroupSeparator" /> property,  and the number of digits in each group is determined by the <see cref="P:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrencyGroupSizes" /> property. Otherwise, the valid group separator character is determined by the <see cref="P:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.NumberGroupSeparator" /> property, and the number of digits in each group is determined by the <see cref="P:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.NumberGroupSizes" /> property.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowTrailingSign">
      <summary>Indicates that the numeric string can have a trailing sign. Valid trailing sign characters are determined by the <see cref="P:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.PositiveSign" /> and <see cref="P:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.NegativeSign" /> properties.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite">
      <summary>Indicates that trailing white-space characters can be present in the parsed string. Valid white-space characters have the Unicode values U+0009, U+000A, U+000B, U+000C, U+000D, and U+0020. Note that this is a subset of the characters for which the <see cref="M:System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(System.Char)" /> method returns true.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any">
      <summary>Indicates that all styles except <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> are used. This is a composite number style.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency">
      <summary>Indicates that all styles except <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowExponent" /> and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> are used. This is a composite number style.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float">
      <summary>Indicates that the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite" />, <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite" />, <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign" />, <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint" />, and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowExponent" /> styles are used. This is a composite number style.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber">
      <summary>Indicates that the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite" />, <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite" />, and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier" /> styles are used. This is a composite number style.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer">
      <summary>Indicates that the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite" />, <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite" />, and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign" /> styles are used. This is a composite number style.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.None">
      <summary>Indicates that no style elements, such as leading or trailing white space, thousands separators, or a decimal separator, can be present in the parsed string. The string to be parsed must consist of integral decimal digits only. </summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Number">
      <summary>Indicates that the <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite" />, <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite" />, <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign" />, <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowTrailingSign" />, <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint" />, and <see cref="F:System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands" /> styles are used. This is a composite number style.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles">
      <summary>Defines the formatting options that customize string parsing for the <see cref="Overload:System.TimeSpan.ParseExact" /> and <see cref="Overload:System.TimeSpan.TryParseExact" /> methods.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative">
      <summary>Indicates that input is always interpreted as a negative time interval.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles.None">
      <summary>Indicates that input is interpreted as a negative time interval only if a negative sign is present.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when part of a file or directory cannot be found.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException" /> class with its message string set to a system-supplied message and its HRESULT set to COR_E_DIRECTORYNOTFOUND.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException" /> class with its message string set to <paramref name="message" /> and its HRESULT set to COR_E_DIRECTORYNOTFOUND.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.IO.FileLoadException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when a managed assembly is found but cannot be loaded.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileLoadException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileLoadException" /> class, setting the <see cref="P:System.Exception.Message" /> property of the new instance to a system-supplied message that describes the error, such as "Could not load the specified file." This message takes into account the current system culture.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileLoadException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileLoadException" /> class with the specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileLoadException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileLoadException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileLoadException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileLoadException" /> class with a specified error message and the name of the file that could not be loaded.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
      <param name="fileName">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the name of the file that was not loaded. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileLoadException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileLoadException" /> class with a specified error message, the name of the file that could not be loaded, and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
      <param name="fileName">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the name of the file that was not loaded. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="P:System.IO.FileLoadException.FileName">
      <summary>Gets the name of the file that causes this exception.</summary>
      <returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the name of the file with the invalid image, or a null reference if no file name was passed to the constructor for the current instance.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.IO.FileLoadException.Message">
      <summary>Gets the error message and the name of the file that caused this exception.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the error message and the name of the file that caused this exception.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileLoadException.ToString">
      <summary>Returns the fully qualified name of the current exception, and possibly the error message, the name of the inner exception, and the stack trace.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the fully qualified name of this exception, and possibly the error message, the name of the inner exception, and the stack trace, depending on which <see cref="T:System.IO.FileLoadException" /> constructor is used.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="ControlEvidence, ControlPolicy" />
    <member name="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when an attempt to access a file that does not exist on disk fails.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileNotFoundException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException" /> class with its message string set to a system-supplied message and its HRESULT set to COR_E_FILENOTFOUND.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileNotFoundException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException" /> class with its message string set to <paramref name="message" /> and its HRESULT set to COR_E_FILENOTFOUND.</summary>
      <param name="message">A description of the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileNotFoundException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">A description of the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileNotFoundException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException" /> class with its message string set to <paramref name="message" />, specifying the file name that cannot be found, and its HRESULT set to COR_E_FILENOTFOUND.</summary>
      <param name="message">A description of the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
      <param name="fileName">The full name of the file with the invalid image. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileNotFoundException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="fileName">The full name of the file with the invalid image. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="P:System.IO.FileNotFoundException.FileName">
      <summary>Gets the name of the file that cannot be found.</summary>
      <returns>The name of the file, or null if no file name was passed to the constructor for this instance.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.IO.FileNotFoundException.Message">
      <summary>Gets the error message that explains the reason for the exception.</summary>
      <returns>The error message.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.IO.FileNotFoundException.ToString">
      <summary>Returns the fully qualified name of this exception and possibly the error message, the name of the inner exception, and the stack trace.</summary>
      <returns>The fully qualified name of this exception and possibly the error message, the name of the inner exception, and the stack trace.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="ControlEvidence, ControlPolicy" />
    <member name="T:System.IO.IOException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when an I/O error occurs.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IO.IOException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.IOException" /> class with its message string set to the empty string (""), its HRESULT set to COR_E_IO, and its inner exception set to a null reference.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IO.IOException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.IOException" /> class with its message string set to <paramref name="message" />, its HRESULT set to COR_E_IO, and its inner exception set to null.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IO.IOException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.IOException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IO.IOException.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.IOException" /> class with its message string set to <paramref name="message" /> and its HRESULT user-defined.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
      <param name="hresult">An integer identifying the error that has occurred. </param>
    <member name="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when a path or file name is longer than the system-defined maximum length.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IO.PathTooLongException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException" /> class with its HRESULT set to COR_E_PATHTOOLONG.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.IO.PathTooLongException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException" /> class with its message string set to <paramref name="message" /> and its HRESULT set to COR_E_PATHTOOLONG.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
    <member name="M:System.IO.PathTooLongException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of <paramref name="message" /> is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute">
      <summary>Defines a company name custom attribute for an assembly manifest.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="company">The company name information. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute.Company">
      <summary>Gets company name information.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the company name.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies the build configuration, such as retail or debug, for an assembly.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="configuration">The assembly configuration. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute.Configuration">
      <summary>Gets assembly configuration information.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the assembly configuration information.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute">
      <summary>Defines a copyright custom attribute for an assembly manifest.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="copyright">The copyright information. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute.Copyright">
      <summary>Gets copyright information.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the copyright information.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyCultureAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies which culture the assembly supports.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyCultureAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyCultureAttribute" /> class with the culture supported by the assembly being attributed.</summary>
      <param name="culture">The culture supported by the attributed assembly. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyCultureAttribute.Culture">
      <summary>Gets the supported culture of the attributed assembly.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the name of the supported culture.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute">
      <summary>Defines a friendly default alias for an assembly manifest.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="defaultAlias">The assembly default alias information. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute.DefaultAlias">
      <summary>Gets default alias information.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the default alias information.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyDelaySignAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies that the assembly is not fully signed when created.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyDelaySignAttribute.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyDelaySignAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="delaySign">true if the feature this attribute represents is activated; otherwise, false. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyDelaySignAttribute.DelaySign">
      <summary>Gets a value indicating the state of the attribute.</summary>
      <returns>true if this assembly has been built as delay-signed; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute">
      <summary>Provides a text description for an assembly.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="description">The assembly description. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute.Description">
      <summary>Gets assembly description information.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the assembly description.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute">
      <summary>Instructs a compiler to use a specific version number for the Win32 file version resource. The Win32 file version is not required to be the same as the assembly's version number.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute" /> class, specifying the file version.</summary>
      <param name="version">The file version. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="version" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute.Version">
      <summary>Gets the Win32 file version resource name.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the file version resource name.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyFlagsAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies a bitwise combination of <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags" /> flags for an assembly, describing just-in-time (JIT) compiler options, whether the assembly is retargetable, and whether it has a full or tokenized public key. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyFlagsAttribute.#ctor(System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyFlagsAttribute" /> class with the specified combination of <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags" /> flags.</summary>
      <param name="assemblyFlags">A bitwise combination of <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags" /> flags representing just-in-time (JIT) compiler options, longevity, whether an assembly is retargetable, and whether it has a full or tokenized public key.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyFlagsAttribute.AssemblyFlags">
      <summary>Gets an integer value representing the combination of <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags" /> flags specified when this attribute instance was created.</summary>
      <returns>An integer value representing a bitwise combination of <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags" /> flags.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute">
      <summary>Defines additional version information for an assembly manifest.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="informationalVersion">The assembly version information. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute.InformationalVersion">
      <summary>Gets version information.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the version information.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies the name of a file containing the key pair used to generate a strong name.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyKeyFileAttribute class with the name of the file containing the key pair to generate a strong name for the assembly being attributed.</summary>
      <param name="keyFile">The name of the file containing the key pair. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute.KeyFile">
      <summary>Gets the name of the file containing the key pair used to generate a strong name for the attributed assembly.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the name of the file that contains the key pair.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyNameAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies the name of a key container within the CSP containing the key pair used to generate a strong name.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyNameAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyNameAttribute" /> class with the name of the container holding the key pair used to generate a strong name for the assembly being attributed.</summary>
      <param name="keyName">The name of the container containing the key pair. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyNameAttribute.KeyName">
      <summary>Gets the name of the container having the key pair that is used to generate a strong name for the attributed assembly.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the name of the container that has the relevant key pair.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute">
      <summary>Defines a key/value metadata pair for the decorated assembly.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute" /> class by using the specified metadata key and value.</summary>
      <param name="key">The metadata key.</param>
      <param name="value">The metadata value.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute.Key">
      <summary>Gets the metadata key.</summary>
      <returns>The metadata key.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute.Value">
      <summary>Gets the metadata value.</summary>
      <returns>The metadata value.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags">
      <summary>Provides information about an <see cref="T:System.Reflection.Assembly" /> reference.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags.None">
      <summary>Specifies that no flags are in effect.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags.PublicKey">
      <summary>Specifies that a public key is formed from the full public key rather than the public key token.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags.Retargetable">
      <summary>Specifies that the assembly can be retargeted at runtime to an assembly from a different publisher. This value supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute">
      <summary>Defines a product name custom attribute for an assembly manifest.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="product">The product name information. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute.Product">
      <summary>Gets product name information.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the product name.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute">
      <summary>Provides migration from an older, simpler strong name key to a larger key with a stronger hashing algorithm.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute" /> class by using the specified public key and countersignature.</summary>
      <param name="publicKey">The public or identity key.</param>
      <param name="countersignature">The countersignature, which is the signature key portion of the strong-name key.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute.Countersignature">
      <summary>Gets the countersignature for the strong name for this assembly.</summary>
      <returns>The countersignature for this signature key.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute.PublicKey">
      <summary>Gets the public key for the strong name used to sign the assembly.</summary>
      <returns>The public key for this assembly.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies a description for an assembly.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="title">The assembly title. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute.Title">
      <summary>Gets assembly title information.</summary>
      <returns>The assembly title. </returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademarkAttribute">
      <summary>Defines a trademark custom attribute for an assembly manifest.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademarkAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademarkAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="trademark">The trademark information. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademarkAttribute.Trademark">
      <summary>Gets trademark information.</summary>
      <returns>A String containing trademark information.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies the version of the assembly being attributed.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the AssemblyVersionAttribute class with the version number of the assembly being attributed.</summary>
      <param name="version">The version number of the attributed assembly. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute.Version">
      <summary>Gets the version number of the attributed assembly.</summary>
      <returns>A string containing the assembly version number.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute">
      <summary>Defines the member of a type that is the default member used by <see cref="M:System.Type.InvokeMember(System.String,System.Reflection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,System.Object,System.Object[],System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[],System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.String[])" />. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="memberName">A String containing the name of the member to invoke. This may be a constructor, method, property, or field. A suitable invocation attribute must be specified when the member is invoked. The default member of a class can be specified by passing an empty String as the name of the member.The default member of a type is marked with the DefaultMemberAttribute custom attribute or marked in COM in the usual way. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute.MemberName">
      <summary>Gets the name from the attribute.</summary>
      <returns>A string representing the member name.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture">
      <summary>Identifies the processor and bits-per-word of the platform targeted by an executable.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture.Amd64">
      <summary>A 64-bit AMD processor only.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture.Arm">
      <summary>An ARM processor.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture.IA64">
      <summary>A 64-bit Intel processor only.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture.MSIL">
      <summary>Neutral with respect to processor and bits-per-word.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture.None">
      <summary>An unknown or unspecified combination of processor and bits-per-word.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture.X86">
      <summary>A 32-bit Intel processor, either native or in the Windows on Windows environment on a 64-bit platform (WOW64).</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode">
      <summary>[Supported in the .NET Framework 4.5.1 and later versions] Indicates whether the next blocking garbage collection compacts the large object heap (LOH). </summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce">
      <summary>The large object heap (LOH) will be compacted during the next blocking generation 2 garbage collection. </summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.Default">
      <summary>The large object heap (LOH) is not compacted.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode">
      <summary>Adjusts the time that the garbage collector intrudes in your application.   </summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode.Batch">
      <summary>Disables garbage collection concurrency and reclaims objects in a batch call. This is the most intrusive mode.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode.Interactive">
      <summary>Enables garbage collection concurrency and reclaims objects while the application is running. This is the default mode for garbage collection on a workstation and is less intrusive than <see cref="F:System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode.Batch" />. It balances responsiveness with throughput.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode.LowLatency">
      <summary>Enables garbage collection that is more conservative in reclaiming objects. Full collections occur only if the system is under memory pressure, whereas generation 0 and generation 1 collections might occur more frequently</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode.SustainedLowLatency">
      <summary>Enables garbage collection that tries to minimize latency over an extended period. The collector tries to perform only generation 0, generation 1, and concurrent generation 2 collections. Full blocking collections may still occur if the system is under memory pressure.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.GCSettings">
      <summary>Specifies the garbage collection settings for the current process. </summary>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.GCSettings.IsServerGC">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether server garbage collection is enabled.</summary>
      <returns>true if server garbage collection is enabled; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode">
      <summary>[Supported in the .NET Framework 4.5.1 and later versions] Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a full blocking garbage collection compacts the large object heap (LOH). </summary>
      <returns>One of the enumeration values that indicates whether a full blocking garbage collection compacts the LOH. </returns>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.GCSettings.LatencyMode">
      <summary>Gets or sets the current latency mode for garbage collection.</summary>
      <returns>One of the enumeration values that specifies the latency mode. </returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The <see cref="P:System.Runtime.GCSettings.LatencyMode" /> property is being set to an invalid value. -or-The <see cref="P:System.Runtime.GCSettings.LatencyMode" /> property cannot be set to <see cref="F:System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode.NoGCRegion" />. </exception>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies the name of the property that accesses the attributed field.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute class with the name of the property used to access the attributed field.</summary>
      <param name="propertyName">The name of the property used to access the attributed field. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute.PropertyName">
      <summary>Gets the name of the property used to access the attributed field.</summary>
      <returns>The name of the property used to access the attributed field.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachineAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates whether a method is marked with either the Async (Visual Basic) or async (C# Reference) modifier.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachineAttribute.#ctor(System.Type)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachineAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="stateMachineType">The type object for the underlying state machine type that's used to implement a state machine method.</param>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerFilePathAttribute">
      <summary>Allows you to obtain the full path of the source file that contains the caller. This is the file path at the time of compile.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerFilePathAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerFilePathAttribute" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerLineNumberAttribute">
      <summary>Allows you to obtain the line number in the source file at which the method is called.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerLineNumberAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerLineNumberAttribute" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberNameAttribute">
      <summary>Allows you to obtain the method or property name of the caller to the method.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberNameAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberNameAttribute" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute">
      <summary>Controls the strictness of the code generated by the common language runtime's just-in-time (JIT) compiler.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute.#ctor(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute" /> class with the specified compilation relaxations.</summary>
      <param name="relaxations">The compilation relaxations. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute.CompilationRelaxations">
      <summary>Gets the compilation relaxations specified when the current object was constructed.</summary>
      <returns>The compilation relaxations specified when the current object was constructed.Use the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxations" /> enumeration with the <see cref="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute.CompilationRelaxations" /> property.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute">
      <summary>Distinguishes a compiler-generated element from a user-generated element. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2">
      <summary>Enables compilers to dynamically attach object fields to managed objects.</summary>
      <typeparam name="TKey">The reference type to which the field is attached. </typeparam>
      <typeparam name="TValue">The field's type. This must be a reference type.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.Add(`0,`1)">
      <summary>Adds a key to the table.</summary>
      <param name="key">The key to add. <paramref name="key" /> represents the object to which the property is attached.</param>
      <param name="value">The key's property value.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="key" /> already exists.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.Finalize">
      <summary>Ensures that resources are freed and other cleanup operations are performed when the garbage collector reclaims the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2" /> object. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.GetOrCreateValue(`0)">
      <summary>Atomically searches for a specified key in the table and returns the corresponding value. If the key does not exist in the table, the method invokes the default constructor of the class that represents the table's value to create a value that is bound to the specified key. </summary>
      <returns>The value that corresponds to <paramref name="key" />, if <paramref name="key" /> already exists in the table; otherwise, a new value created by the default constructor of the class defined by the <paramref name="TValue" /> generic type parameter.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key to search for. <paramref name="key" /> represents the object to which the property is attached.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.MissingMethodException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.MissingMemberException" />, instead.The class that represents the table's value does not define a default constructor.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.GetValue(`0,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable{`0,`1}.CreateValueCallback)">
      <summary>Atomically searches for a specified key in the table and returns the corresponding value. If the key does not exist in the table, the method invokes a callback method to create a value that is bound to the specified key.</summary>
      <returns>The value attached to <paramref name="key" />, if <paramref name="key" /> already exists in the table; otherwise, the new value returned by the <paramref name="createValueCallback" /> delegate.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key to search for. <paramref name="key" /> represents the object to which the property is attached.</param>
      <param name="createValueCallback">A delegate to a method that can create a value for the given <paramref name="key" />. It has a single parameter of type <paramref name="TKey" />, and returns a value of type <paramref name="TValue" />.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> or <paramref name="createValueCallback" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.Remove(`0)">
      <summary>Removes a key and its value from the table.</summary>
      <returns>true if the key is found and removed; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key to remove. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.TryGetValue(`0,`1@)">
      <summary>Gets the value of the specified key.</summary>
      <returns>true if <paramref name="key" /> is found; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="key">The key that represents an object with an attached property.</param>
      <param name="value">When this method returns, contains the attached property value. If <paramref name="key" /> is not found, <paramref name="value" /> contains the default value.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="key" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.CreateValueCallback">
      <summary>Represents a method that creates a non-default value to add as part of a key/value pair to a <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2" /> object. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.CreateValueCallback.#ctor(System.Object,System.IntPtr)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.CreateValueCallback.BeginInvoke(`0,System.AsyncCallback,System.Object)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.CreateValueCallback.EndInvoke(System.IAsyncResult)"></member>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable`2.CreateValueCallback.Invoke(`0)"></member>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CustomConstantAttribute">
      <summary>Defines a constant value that a compiler can persist for a field or method parameter.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CustomConstantAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CustomConstantAttribute" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CustomConstantAttribute.Value">
      <summary>Gets the constant value stored by this attribute.</summary>
      <returns>The constant value stored by this attribute.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DateTimeConstantAttribute">
      <summary>Persists an 8-byte <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> constant for a field or parameter.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DateTimeConstantAttribute.#ctor(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the DateTimeConstantAttribute class with the number of 100-nanosecond ticks that represent the date and time of this instance.</summary>
      <param name="ticks">The number of 100-nanosecond ticks that represent the date and time of this instance. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DateTimeConstantAttribute.Value">
      <summary>Gets the number of 100-nanosecond ticks that represent the date and time of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The number of 100-nanosecond ticks that represent the date and time of this instance.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute">
      <summary>Stores the value of a <see cref="T:System.Decimal" /> constant in metadata. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute.#ctor(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute" /> class with the specified signed integer values. </summary>
      <param name="scale">The power of 10 scaling factor that indicates the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Valid values are 0 through 28 inclusive.</param>
      <param name="sign">A value of 0 indicates a positive value, and a value of 1 indicates a negative value.</param>
      <param name="hi">The high 32 bits of the 96-bit <see cref="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute.Value" />.</param>
      <param name="mid">The middle 32 bits of the 96-bit <see cref="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute.Value" />.</param>
      <param name="low">The low 32 bits of the 96-bit <see cref="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute.Value" />.</param>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute.#ctor(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.UInt32,System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute" /> class with the specified unsigned integer values.</summary>
      <param name="scale">The power of 10 scaling factor that indicates the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Valid values are 0 through 28 inclusive. </param>
      <param name="sign">A value of 0 indicates a positive value, and a value of 1 indicates a negative value. </param>
      <param name="hi">The high 32 bits of the 96-bit <see cref="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute.Value" />. </param>
      <param name="mid">The middle 32 bits of the 96-bit <see cref="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute.Value" />. </param>
      <param name="low">The low 32 bits of the 96-bit <see cref="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute.Value" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="scale" /> &gt; 28. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute.Value">
      <summary>Gets the decimal constant stored in this attribute.</summary>
      <returns>The decimal constant stored in this attribute.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisablePrivateReflectionAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates that any private members contained in an assembly's types are not available to reflection. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisablePrivateReflectionAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instances of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisablePrivateReflectionAttribute" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates that a method is an extension method, or that a class or assembly contains extension methods.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FixedBufferAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates that a field should be treated as containing a fixed number of elements of the specified primitive type. This class cannot be inherited. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FixedBufferAttribute.#ctor(System.Type,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FixedBufferAttribute" /> class. </summary>
      <param name="elementType">The type of the elements contained in the buffer.</param>
      <param name="length">The number of elements in the buffer.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FixedBufferAttribute.ElementType">
      <summary>Gets the type of the elements contained in the fixed buffer. </summary>
      <returns>The type of the elements.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FixedBufferAttribute.Length">
      <summary>Gets the number of elements in the fixed buffer. </summary>
      <returns>The number of elements in the fixed buffer.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FormattableStringFactory">
      <summary>Provides a static method to create a <see cref="T:System.FormattableString" /> object from a composite format string and its arguments. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FormattableStringFactory.Create(System.String,System.Object[])">
      <summary>Creates a <see cref="T:System.FormattableString" /> instance from a composite format string and its arguments. </summary>
      <returns>The object that represents the composite format string and its arguments. </returns>
      <param name="format">A composite format string. </param>
      <param name="arguments">The arguments whose string representations are to be inserted in the result string. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is null. -or-<paramref name="arguments" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerNameAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates the name by which an indexer is known in programming languages that do not support indexers directly.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerNameAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerNameAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="indexerName">The name of the indexer, as shown to other languages. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies that types that are ordinarily visible only within the current assembly are visible to a specified assembly.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute" /> class with the name of the specified friend assembly. </summary>
      <param name="assemblyName">The name of a friend assembly.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute.AssemblyName">
      <summary>Gets the name of the friend assembly to which all types and type members that are marked with the internal keyword are to be made visible. </summary>
      <returns>A string that represents the name of the friend assembly.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsConst">
      <summary>Indicates that the modified type has a const modifier. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IStrongBox">
      <summary>Defines a property for accessing the value that an object references.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IStrongBox.Value">
      <summary>Gets or sets the value that an object references.</summary>
      <returns>The value that the object references.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsVolatile">
      <summary>Marks a field as volatile. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IteratorStateMachineAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates whether a method in Visual Basic is marked with the Iterator modifier.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IteratorStateMachineAttribute.#ctor(System.Type)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IteratorStateMachineAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="stateMachineType">The type object for the underlying state machine type that's used to implement a state machine method.</param>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies the details of how a method is implemented. This class cannot be inherited. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplAttribute.#ctor(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplAttribute" /> class with the specified <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions" /> value.</summary>
      <param name="methodImplOptions">A <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions" /> value specifying properties of the attributed method. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplAttribute.Value">
      <summary>Gets the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions" /> value describing the attributed method.</summary>
      <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions" /> value describing the attributed method.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions">
      <summary>Defines the details of how a method is implemented.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining">
      <summary>The method should be inlined if possible.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining">
      <summary>The method cannot be inlined. Inlining is an optimization by which a method call is replaced with the method body.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization">
      <summary>The method is not optimized by the just-in-time (JIT) compiler or by native code generation (see Ngen.exe) when debugging possible code generation problems.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.PreserveSig">
      <summary>The method signature is exported exactly as declared.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute">
      <summary>Identifies an assembly as a reference assembly, which contains metadata but no executable code.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute" /> class by using the specified description. </summary>
      <param name="description">The description of the reference assembly. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute.Description">
      <summary>Gets the description of the reference assembly.</summary>
      <returns>The description of the reference assembly.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies whether to wrap exceptions that do not derive from the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> class with a <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException" /> object. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute.WrapNonExceptionThrows">
      <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to wrap exceptions that do not derive from the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> class with a <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>true if exceptions that do not derive from the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> class should appear wrapped with a <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException" /> object; otherwise, false.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers">
      <summary>Provides a set of static methods and properties that provide support for compilers. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.EnsureSufficientExecutionStack">
      <summary>Ensures that the remaining stack space is large enough to execute the average .NET Framework function.</summary>
      <exception cref="T:System.InsufficientExecutionStackException">The available stack space is insufficient to execute the average .NET Framework function.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(System.Object)">
      <summary>Serves as a hash function for a particular object, and is suitable for use in algorithms and data structures that use hash codes, such as a hash table.</summary>
      <returns>A hash code for the object identified by the <paramref name="o" /> parameter.</returns>
      <param name="o">An object to retrieve the hash code for. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(System.Object)">
      <summary>Boxes a value type.</summary>
      <returns>A boxed copy of <paramref name="obj" /> if it is a value class; otherwise, <paramref name="obj" /> itself.</returns>
      <param name="obj">The value type to be boxed. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.InitializeArray(System.Array,System.RuntimeFieldHandle)">
      <summary>Provides a fast way to initialize an array from data that is stored in a module.</summary>
      <param name="array">The array to be initialized. </param>
      <param name="fldHandle">A field handle that specifies the location of the data used to initialize the array. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.OffsetToStringData">
      <summary>Gets the offset, in bytes, to the data in the given string.</summary>
      <returns>The byte offset, from the start of the <see cref="T:System.String" /> object to the first character in the string.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(System.RuntimeTypeHandle)">
      <summary>Runs a specified class constructor method.</summary>
      <param name="type">A type handle that specifies the class constructor method to run. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.TypeInitializationException">The class initializer throws an exception. </exception>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StateMachineAttribute">
      <summary>Allows you to determine whether a method is a state machine method.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StateMachineAttribute.#ctor(System.Type)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StateMachineAttribute" /> class.</summary>
      <param name="stateMachineType">The type object for the underlying state machine type that was generated by the compiler to implement the state machine method.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StateMachineAttribute.StateMachineType">
      <summary>Returns the type object for the underlying state machine type that was generated by the compiler to implement the state machine method.</summary>
      <returns>Gets the type object for the underlying state machine type that was generated by the compiler to implement the state machine method.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox`1">
      <summary>Holds a reference to a value.</summary>
      <typeparam name="T">The type of the value that the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox`1" /> references.</typeparam>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox`1.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new StrongBox which can receive a value when used in a reference call.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox`1.#ctor(`0)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox`1" /> class by using the supplied value. </summary>
      <param name="value">A value that the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox`1" /> will reference.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox`1.System#Runtime#CompilerServices#IStrongBox#Value">
      <summary>Gets or sets the value that the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox`1" /> references.</summary>
      <returns>The value that the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox`1" /> references.</returns>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox`1.Value">
      <summary>Represents the value that the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox`1" /> references.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedFromAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies a source <see cref="T:System.Type" /> in another assembly. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedFromAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedFromAttribute" /> class. </summary>
      <param name="assemblyFullName">The source <see cref="T:System.Type" /> in another assembly. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="assemblyFullName" /> is null or empty.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedFromAttribute.AssemblyFullName">
      <summary>Gets the assembly-qualified name of the source type.</summary>
      <returns>The assembly-qualified name of the source type.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies a destination <see cref="T:System.Type" /> in another assembly. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute.#ctor(System.Type)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute" /> class specifying a destination <see cref="T:System.Type" />. </summary>
      <param name="destination">The destination <see cref="T:System.Type" /> in another assembly.</param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute.Destination">
      <summary>Gets the destination <see cref="T:System.Type" /> in another assembly.</summary>
      <returns>The destination <see cref="T:System.Type" /> in another assembly.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeValueTypeAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies that a type contains an unmanaged array that might potentially overflow. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeValueTypeAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeValueTypeAttribute" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo">
      <summary>Represents an exception whose state is captured at a certain point in code. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(System.Exception)">
      <summary>Creates an <see cref="T:System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo" /> object that represents the specified exception at the current point in code. </summary>
      <returns>An object that represents the specified exception at the current point in code. </returns>
      <param name="source">The exception whose state is captured, and which is represented by the returned object. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="source" /> is null. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.SourceException">
      <summary>Gets the exception that is represented by the current instance. </summary>
      <returns>The exception that is represented by the current instance. </returns>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw">
      <summary>Throws the exception that is represented by the current <see cref="T:System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo" /> object, after restoring the state that was saved when the exception was captured. </summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet">
      <summary>Dictates which character set marshaled strings should use.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Ansi">
      <summary>Marshal strings as multiple-byte character strings.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode">
      <summary>Marshal strings as Unicode 2-byte characters.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute">
      <summary>Controls accessibility of an individual managed type or member, or of all types within an assembly, to COM.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the ComVisibleAttribute class.</summary>
      <param name="visibility">true to indicate that the type is visible to COM; otherwise, false. The default is true. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute.Value">
      <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether the COM type is visible.</summary>
      <returns>true if the type is visible; otherwise, false. The default value is true.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.FieldOffsetAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates the physical position of fields within the unmanaged representation of a class or structure.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.InteropServices.FieldOffsetAttribute.#ctor(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.FieldOffsetAttribute" /> class with the offset in the structure to the beginning of the field.</summary>
      <param name="offset">The offset in bytes from the beginning of the structure to the beginning of the field. </param>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.InteropServices.FieldOffsetAttribute.Value">
      <summary>Gets the offset from the beginning of the structure to the beginning of the field.</summary>
      <returns>The offset from the beginning of the structure to the beginning of the field.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind">
      <summary>Controls the layout of an object when exported to unmanaged code.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Auto">
      <summary>The runtime automatically chooses an appropriate layout for the members of an object in unmanaged memory. Objects defined with this enumeration member cannot be exposed outside of managed code. Attempting to do so generates an exception.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Explicit">
      <summary>The precise position of each member of an object in unmanaged memory is explicitly controlled, subject to the setting of the <see cref="F:System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute.Pack" /> field. Each member must use the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.FieldOffsetAttribute" /> to indicate the position of that field within the type.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential">
      <summary>The members of the object are laid out sequentially, in the order in which they appear when exported to unmanaged memory. The members are laid out according to the packing specified in <see cref="F:System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute.Pack" />, and can be noncontiguous.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute">
      <summary>Indicates that data should be marshaled from callee back to caller.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute">
      <summary>Lets you control the physical layout of the data fields of a class or structure in memory.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute.#ctor(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind)">
      <summary>Initalizes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute" /> class with the specified <see cref="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind" /> enumeration member.</summary>
      <param name="layoutKind">One of the enumeration values that specifes how the class or structure should be arranged. </param>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute.CharSet">
      <summary>Indicates whether string data fields within the class should be marshaled as LPWSTR or LPSTR by default.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute.Pack">
      <summary>Controls the alignment of data fields of a class or structure in memory.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute.Size">
      <summary>Indicates the absolute size of the class or structure.</summary>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute.Value">
      <summary>Gets the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind" /> value that specifies how the class or structure is arranged.</summary>
      <returns>One of the enumeration values that specifies how the class or structure is arranged.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute">
      <summary>Identifies the version of the .NET Framework that a particular assembly was compiled against.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes an instance of the <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute" /> class by specifying the .NET Framework version against which an assembly was built.</summary>
      <param name="frameworkName">The version of the .NET Framework against which the assembly was built.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="frameworkName" /> is null.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute.FrameworkDisplayName">
      <summary>Gets the display name of the .NET Framework version against which an assembly was built.</summary>
      <returns>The display name of the .NET Framework version.</returns>
    <member name="P:System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute.FrameworkName">
      <summary>Gets the name of the .NET Framework version against which a particular assembly was compiled.</summary>
      <returns>The name of the .NET Framework version with which the assembly was compiled.</returns>
    <member name="T:System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute">
      <summary>Allows an assembly to be called by partially trusted code. Without this declaration, only fully trusted callers are able to use the assembly. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="T:System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies that code or an assembly performs security-critical operations.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="T:System.Security.SecurityException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when a security error is detected.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Security.SecurityException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException" /> class with default properties.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Security.SecurityException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Security.SecurityException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="inner">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="inner" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Security.SecurityException.ToString">
      <summary>Returns a representation of the current <see cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException" />.</summary>
      <returns>A string representation of the current <see cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException" />.</returns>
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Read="*AllFiles*" PathDiscovery="*AllFiles*" />
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="MemberAccess" />
        <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="ControlEvidence, ControlPolicy" />
    <member name="T:System.Security.SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute">
      <summary>Identifies types or members as security-critical and safely accessible by transparent code.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Security.SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="T:System.Security.SecurityTransparentAttribute">
      <summary>Specifies that an assembly cannot cause an elevation of privilege. </summary>
    <member name="M:System.Security.SecurityTransparentAttribute.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.SecurityTransparentAttribute" /> class. </summary>
    <member name="T:System.Security.VerificationException">
      <summary>The exception that is thrown when the security policy requires code to be type safe and the verification process is unable to verify that the code is type safe.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Security.VerificationException.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.VerificationException" /> class with default properties.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Security.VerificationException.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.VerificationException" /> class with an explanatory message.</summary>
      <param name="message">A message indicating the reason the exception occurred. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Security.VerificationException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.VerificationException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary>
      <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception. </param>
      <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. </param>
    <member name="T:System.Text.StringBuilder">
      <summary>Represents a mutable string of characters. This class cannot be inherited.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.#ctor(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> class using the specified capacity.</summary>
      <param name="capacity">The suggested starting size of this instance. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="capacity" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> class that starts with a specified capacity and can grow to a specified maximum.</summary>
      <param name="capacity">The suggested starting size of the <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" />. </param>
      <param name="maxCapacity">The maximum number of characters the current string can contain. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="maxCapacity" /> is less than one, <paramref name="capacity" /> is less than zero, or <paramref name="capacity" /> is greater than <paramref name="maxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.#ctor(System.String)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> class using the specified string.</summary>
      <param name="value">The string used to initialize the value of the instance. If <paramref name="value" /> is null, the new <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> will contain the empty string (that is, it contains <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />). </param>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> class using the specified string and capacity.</summary>
      <param name="value">The string used to initialize the value of the instance. If <paramref name="value" /> is null, the new <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> will contain the empty string (that is, it contains <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />). </param>
      <param name="capacity">The suggested starting size of the <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="capacity" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> class from the specified substring and capacity.</summary>
      <param name="value">The string that contains the substring used to initialize the value of this instance. If <paramref name="value" /> is null, the new <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> will contain the empty string (that is, it contains <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />). </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The position within <paramref name="value" /> where the substring begins. </param>
      <param name="length">The number of characters in the substring. </param>
      <param name="capacity">The suggested starting size of the <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="capacity" /> is less than zero.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> plus <paramref name="length" /> is not a position within <paramref name="value" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified Boolean value to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The Boolean value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Byte)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified 8-bit unsigned integer to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Char)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified Unicode character to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The Unicode character to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Char*,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Appends an array of Unicode characters starting at a specified address to this instance. </summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed. </returns>
      <param name="value">A pointer to an array of characters. </param>
      <param name="valueCount">The number of characters in the array. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="valueCount" /> is less than zero. -or-Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NullReferenceException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is a null pointer. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Char,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Appends a specified number of copies of the string representation of a Unicode character to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The character to append. </param>
      <param name="repeatCount">The number of times to append <paramref name="value" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="repeatCount" /> is less than zero.-or- Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Out of memory.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Char[])">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of the Unicode characters in a specified array to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The array of characters to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Char[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified subarray of Unicode characters to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">A character array. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting position in <paramref name="value" />. </param>
      <param name="charCount">The number of characters to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> and <paramref name="charCount" /> are not zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="charCount" /> is less than zero.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> is less than zero.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> + <paramref name="charCount" /> is greater than the length of <paramref name="value" />.-or- Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified decimal number to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Double)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified double-precision floating-point number to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Int16)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified 16-bit signed integer to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified 32-bit signed integer to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Int64)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified 64-bit signed integer to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Object)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified object to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The object to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.SByte)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified 8-bit signed integer to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.Single)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified single-precision floating-point number to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.String)">
      <summary>Appends a copy of the specified string to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Appends a copy of a specified substring to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string that contains the substring to append. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting position of the substring within <paramref name="value" />. </param>
      <param name="count">The number of characters in <paramref name="value" /> to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> and <paramref name="count" /> are not zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="count" /> less than zero.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> less than zero.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> + <paramref name="count" /> is greater than the length of <paramref name="value" />.-or- Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.UInt16)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified 16-bit unsigned integer to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.UInt32)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified 32-bit unsigned integer to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(System.UInt64)">
      <summary>Appends the string representation of a specified 64-bit unsigned integer to this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The value to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object)">
      <summary>Appends the string returned by processing a composite format string, which contains zero or more format items, to this instance. Each format item is replaced by the string representation of a single argument using a specified format provider. </summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed. After the append operation, this instance contains any data that existed before the operation, suffixed by a copy of <paramref name="format" /> in which any format specification is replaced by the string representation of <paramref name="arg0" />. </returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <param name="format">A composite format string (see Remarks). </param>
      <param name="arg0">The object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. -or-The index of a format item is less than 0 (zero), or greater than or equal to one (1). </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of the expanded string would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Appends the string returned by processing a composite format string, which contains zero or more format items, to this instance. Each format item is replaced by the string representation of either of two arguments using a specified format provider.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed. After the append operation, this instance contains any data that existed before the operation, suffixed by a copy of <paramref name="format" /> where any format specification is replaced by the string representation of the corresponding object argument. </returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <param name="format">A composite format string (see Remarks). </param>
      <param name="arg0">The first object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg1">The second object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. -or-The index of a format item is less than 0 (zero), or greater than or equal to 2 (two). </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of the expanded string would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Appends the string returned by processing a composite format string, which contains zero or more format items, to this instance. Each format item is replaced by the string representation of either of three arguments using a specified format provider.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed. After the append operation, this instance contains any data that existed before the operation, suffixed by a copy of <paramref name="format" /> where any format specification is replaced by the string representation of the corresponding object argument. </returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <param name="format">A composite format string (see Remarks). </param>
      <param name="arg0">The first object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg1">The second object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg2">The third object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. -or-The index of a format item is less than 0 (zero), or greater than or equal to 3 (three). </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of the expanded string would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
      <summary>Appends the string returned by processing a composite format string, which contains zero or more format items, to this instance. Each format item is replaced by the string representation of a corresponding argument in a parameter array using a specified format provider.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed. After the append operation, this instance contains any data that existed before the operation, suffixed by a copy of <paramref name="format" /> where any format specification is replaced by the string representation of the corresponding object argument. </returns>
      <param name="provider">An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. </param>
      <param name="format">A composite format string (see Remarks). </param>
      <param name="args">An array of objects to format.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. -or-The index of a format item is less than 0 (zero), or greater than or equal to the length of the <paramref name="args" /> array.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of the expanded string would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(System.String,System.Object)">
      <summary>Appends the string returned by processing a composite format string, which contains zero or more format items, to this instance. Each format item is replaced by the string representation of a single argument.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance with <paramref name="format" /> appended. Each format item in <paramref name="format" /> is replaced by the string representation of <paramref name="arg0" />.</returns>
      <param name="format">A composite format string (see Remarks). </param>
      <param name="arg0">An object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. -or-The index of a format item is less than 0 (zero), or greater than or equal to 1.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of the expanded string would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(System.String,System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Appends the string returned by processing a composite format string, which contains zero or more format items, to this instance. Each format item is replaced by the string representation of either of two arguments.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance with <paramref name="format" /> appended. Each format item in <paramref name="format" /> is replaced by the string representation of the corresponding object argument.</returns>
      <param name="format">A composite format string (see Remarks). </param>
      <param name="arg0">The first object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg1">The second object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid.-or-The index of a format item is less than 0 (zero), or greater than or equal to 2. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of the expanded string would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(System.String,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
      <summary>Appends the string returned by processing a composite format string, which contains zero or more format items, to this instance. Each format item is replaced by the string representation of either of three arguments.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance with <paramref name="format" /> appended. Each format item in <paramref name="format" /> is replaced by the string representation of the corresponding object argument.</returns>
      <param name="format">A composite format string (see Remarks). </param>
      <param name="arg0">The first object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg1">The second object to format. </param>
      <param name="arg2">The third object to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid.-or-The index of a format item is less than 0 (zero), or greater than or equal to 3.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of the expanded string would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
      <summary>Appends the string returned by processing a composite format string, which contains zero or more format items, to this instance. Each format item is replaced by the string representation of a corresponding argument in a parameter array.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance with <paramref name="format" /> appended. Each format item in <paramref name="format" /> is replaced by the string representation of the corresponding object argument.</returns>
      <param name="format">A composite format string (see Remarks). </param>
      <param name="args">An array of objects to format. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="format" /> or <paramref name="args" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">
        <paramref name="format" /> is invalid. -or-The index of a format item is less than 0 (zero), or greater than or equal to the length of the <paramref name="args" /> array.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The length of the expanded string would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendLine">
      <summary>Appends the default line terminator to the end of the current <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendLine(System.String)">
      <summary>Appends a copy of the specified string followed by the default line terminator to the end of the current <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the append operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="value">The string to append. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.Capacity">
      <summary>Gets or sets the maximum number of characters that can be contained in the memory allocated by the current instance.</summary>
      <returns>The maximum number of characters that can be contained in the memory allocated by the current instance. Its value can range from <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.Length" /> to <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The value specified for a set operation is less than the current length of this instance.-or- The value specified for a set operation is greater than the maximum capacity. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.Chars(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Gets or sets the character at the specified character position in this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The Unicode character at position <paramref name="index" />.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position of the character. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is outside the bounds of this instance while setting a character. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.IndexOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is outside the bounds of this instance while getting a character. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Clear">
      <summary>Removes all characters from the current <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> instance.</summary>
      <returns>An object whose <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.Length" /> is 0 (zero).</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.CopyTo(System.Int32,System.Char[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Copies the characters from a specified segment of this instance to a specified segment of a destination <see cref="T:System.Char" /> array.</summary>
      <param name="sourceIndex">The starting position in this instance where characters will be copied from. The index is zero-based.</param>
      <param name="destination">The array where characters will be copied.</param>
      <param name="destinationIndex">The starting position in <paramref name="destination" /> where characters will be copied. The index is zero-based.</param>
      <param name="count">The number of characters to be copied.</param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="destination" /> is null.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="sourceIndex" />, <paramref name="destinationIndex" />, or <paramref name="count" />, is less than zero.-or-<paramref name="sourceIndex" /> is greater than the length of this instance.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="sourceIndex" /> + <paramref name="count" /> is greater than the length of this instance.-or-<paramref name="destinationIndex" /> + <paramref name="count" /> is greater than the length of <paramref name="destination" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.EnsureCapacity(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Ensures that the capacity of this instance of <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> is at least the specified value.</summary>
      <returns>The new capacity of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="capacity">The minimum capacity to ensure. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="capacity" /> is less than zero.-or- Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Equals(System.Text.StringBuilder)">
      <summary>Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.</summary>
      <returns>true if this instance and <paramref name="sb" /> have equal string, <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.Capacity" />, and <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" /> values; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="sb">An object to compare with this instance, or null. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a Boolean value into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Byte)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a specified 8-bit unsigned integer into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Char)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a specified Unicode character into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance.-or- Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Char[])">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a specified array of Unicode characters into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The character array to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance.-or- Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Char[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a specified subarray of Unicode characters into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">A character array. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting index within <paramref name="value" />. </param>
      <param name="charCount">The number of characters to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="value" /> is null, and <paramref name="startIndex" /> and <paramref name="charCount" /> are not zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" />, <paramref name="startIndex" />, or <paramref name="charCount" /> is less than zero.-or- <paramref name="index" /> is greater than the length of this instance.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> plus <paramref name="charCount" /> is not a position within <paramref name="value" />.-or- Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Decimal)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a decimal number into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Double)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a double-precision floating-point number into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Int16)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a specified 16-bit signed integer into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a specified 32-bit signed integer into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Int64)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a 64-bit signed integer into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Object)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of an object into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The object to insert, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.SByte)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a specified 8-bit signed integer into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.Single)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a single-precision floating point number into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.String)">
      <summary>Inserts a string into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The string to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the current length of this instance. -or-The current length of this <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> object plus the length of <paramref name="value" /> exceeds <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.String,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Inserts one or more copies of a specified string into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after insertion has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The string to insert. </param>
      <param name="count">The number of times to insert <paramref name="value" />. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the current length of this instance.-or- <paramref name="count" /> is less than zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">The current length of this <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> object plus the length of <paramref name="value" /> times <paramref name="count" /> exceeds <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.UInt16)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a 16-bit unsigned integer into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.UInt32)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a 32-bit unsigned integer into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(System.Int32,System.UInt64)">
      <summary>Inserts the string representation of a 64-bit unsigned integer into this instance at the specified character position.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the insert operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="index">The position in this instance where insertion begins. </param>
      <param name="value">The value to insert. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="index" /> is less than zero or greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />.</exception>
    <member name="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.Length">
      <summary>Gets or sets the length of the current <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder" /> object.</summary>
      <returns>The length of this instance.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The value specified for a set operation is less than zero or greater than <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity">
      <summary>Gets the maximum capacity of this instance.</summary>
      <returns>The maximum number of characters this instance can hold.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Remove(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Removes the specified range of characters from this instance.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance after the excise operation has completed.</returns>
      <param name="startIndex">The zero-based position in this instance where removal begins. </param>
      <param name="length">The number of characters to remove. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">If <paramref name="startIndex" /> or <paramref name="length" /> is less than zero, or <paramref name="startIndex" /> + <paramref name="length" /> is greater than the length of this instance. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Replace(System.Char,System.Char)">
      <summary>Replaces all occurrences of a specified character in this instance with another specified character.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance with <paramref name="oldChar" /> replaced by <paramref name="newChar" />.</returns>
      <param name="oldChar">The character to replace. </param>
      <param name="newChar">The character that replaces <paramref name="oldChar" />. </param>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Replace(System.Char,System.Char,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Replaces, within a substring of this instance, all occurrences of a specified character with another specified character.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance with <paramref name="oldChar" /> replaced by <paramref name="newChar" /> in the range from <paramref name="startIndex" /> to <paramref name="startIndex" /> + <paramref name="count" /> -1.</returns>
      <param name="oldChar">The character to replace. </param>
      <param name="newChar">The character that replaces <paramref name="oldChar" />. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The position in this instance where the substring begins. </param>
      <param name="count">The length of the substring. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> + <paramref name="count" /> is greater than the length of the value of this instance.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> or <paramref name="count" /> is less than zero. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Replace(System.String,System.String)">
      <summary>Replaces all occurrences of a specified string in this instance with another specified string.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance with all instances of <paramref name="oldValue" /> replaced by <paramref name="newValue" />.</returns>
      <param name="oldValue">The string to replace. </param>
      <param name="newValue">The string that replaces <paramref name="oldValue" />, or null. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="oldValue" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The length of <paramref name="oldValue" /> is zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.Replace(System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Replaces, within a substring of this instance, all occurrences of a specified string with another specified string.</summary>
      <returns>A reference to this instance with all instances of <paramref name="oldValue" /> replaced by <paramref name="newValue" /> in the range from <paramref name="startIndex" /> to <paramref name="startIndex" /> + <paramref name="count" /> - 1.</returns>
      <param name="oldValue">The string to replace. </param>
      <param name="newValue">The string that replaces <paramref name="oldValue" />, or null. </param>
      <param name="startIndex">The position in this instance where the substring begins. </param>
      <param name="count">The length of the substring. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        <paramref name="oldValue" /> is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The length of <paramref name="oldValue" /> is zero. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> or <paramref name="count" /> is less than zero.-or- <paramref name="startIndex" /> plus <paramref name="count" /> indicates a character position not within this instance.-or- Enlarging the value of this instance would exceed <see cref="P:System.Text.StringBuilder.MaxCapacity" />. </exception>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString">
      <summary>Converts the value of this instance to a <see cref="T:System.String" />.</summary>
      <returns>A string whose value is the same as this instance.</returns>
    <member name="M:System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
      <summary>Converts the value of a substring of this instance to a <see cref="T:System.String" />.</summary>
      <returns>A string whose value is the same as the specified substring of this instance.</returns>
      <param name="startIndex">The starting position of the substring in this instance. </param>
      <param name="length">The length of the substring. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="startIndex" /> or <paramref name="length" /> is less than zero.-or- The sum of <paramref name="startIndex" /> and <paramref name="length" /> is greater than the length of the current instance. </exception>
    <member name="T:System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode">
      <summary>Specifies how a <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance synchronizes access among multiple threads.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication">
      <summary>Locks are used to ensure that only a single thread can initialize a <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance in a thread-safe manner. If the initialization method (or the default constructor, if there is no initialization method) uses locks internally, deadlocks can occur. If you use a <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> constructor that specifies an initialization method (<paramref name="valueFactory" /> parameter), and if that initialization method throws an exception (or fails to handle an exception) the first time you call the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property, then the exception is cached and thrown again on subsequent calls to the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property. If you use a <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> constructor that does not specify an initialization method, exceptions that are thrown by the default constructor for <paramref name="T" /> are not cached. In that case, a subsequent call to the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property might successfully initialize the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance. If the initialization method recursively accesses the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance, an <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException" /> is thrown. </summary>
    <member name="F:System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode.None">
      <summary>The <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance is not thread safe; if the instance is accessed from multiple threads, its behavior is undefined. Use this mode only when high performance is crucial and the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance is guaranteed never to be initialized from more than one thread. If you use a <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> constructor that specifies an initialization method (<paramref name="valueFactory" /> parameter), and if that initialization method throws an exception (or fails to handle an exception) the first time you call the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property, then the exception is cached and thrown again on subsequent calls to the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property. If you use a <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> constructor that does not specify an initialization method, exceptions that are thrown by the default constructor for <paramref name="T" /> are not cached. In that case, a subsequent call to the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property might successfully initialize the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance. If the initialization method recursively accesses the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance, an <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException" /> is thrown.</summary>
    <member name="F:System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly">
      <summary>When multiple threads try to initialize a <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance simultaneously, all threads are allowed to run the initialization method (or the default constructor, if there is no initialization method). The first thread to complete initialization sets the value of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance. That value is returned to any other threads that were simultaneously running the initialization method, unless the initialization method throws exceptions on those threads. Any instances of <paramref name="T" /> that were created by the competing threads are discarded. If the initialization method throws an exception on any thread, the exception is propagated out of the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property on that thread. The exception is not cached. The value of the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.IsValueCreated" /> property remains false, and subsequent calls to the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property, either by the thread where the exception was thrown or by other threads, cause the initialization method to run again. If the initialization method recursively accesses the <see cref="P:System.Lazy`1.Value" /> property of the <see cref="T:System.Lazy`1" /> instance, no exception is thrown.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Threading.Timeout">
      <summary>Contains constants that specify infinite time-out intervals. This class cannot be inherited. </summary>
    <member name="F:System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite">
      <summary>A constant used to specify an infinite waiting period, for threading methods that accept an <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> parameter. </summary>
    <member name="F:System.Threading.Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan">
      <summary>A constant used to specify an infinite waiting period, for methods that accept a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> parameter.</summary>
    <member name="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle">
      <summary>Encapsulates operating system–specific objects that wait for exclusive access to shared resources.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.#ctor">
      <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.Dispose">
      <summary>Releases all resources used by the current instance of the <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> class.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
      <summary>When overridden in a derived class, releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" />, and optionally releases the managed resources.</summary>
      <param name="explicitDisposing">true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. </param>
    <member name="F:System.Threading.WaitHandle.InvalidHandle">
      <summary>Represents an invalid native operating system handle. This field is read-only.</summary>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAll(System.Threading.WaitHandle[])">
      <summary>Waits for all the elements in the specified array to receive a signal.</summary>
      <returns>true when every element in <paramref name="waitHandles" /> has received a signal; otherwise the method never returns.</returns>
      <param name="waitHandles">A WaitHandle array containing the objects for which the current instance will wait. This array cannot contain multiple references to the same object. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> parameter is null. -or- One or more of the objects in the <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array are null. -or-<paramref name="waitHandles" /> is an array with no elements and the .NET Framework version is 2.0 or later.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.DuplicateWaitObjectException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException" />, instead.The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array contains elements that are duplicates. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The number of objects in <paramref name="waitHandles" /> is greater than the system permits.-or- The <see cref="T:System.STAThreadAttribute" /> attribute is applied to the thread procedure for the current thread, and <paramref name="waitHandles" /> contains more than one element. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ApplicationException">
        <paramref name="waitHandles" /> is an array with no elements and the .NET Framework version is 1.0 or 1.1. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException">The wait terminated because a thread exited without releasing a mutex. This exception is not thrown on Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array contains a transparent proxy for a <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> in another application domain.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAll(System.Threading.WaitHandle[],System.Int32)">
      <summary>Waits for all the elements in the specified array to receive a signal, using an <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> value to specify the time interval.</summary>
      <returns>true when every element in <paramref name="waitHandles" /> has received a signal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="waitHandles">A WaitHandle array containing the objects for which the current instance will wait. This array cannot contain multiple references to the same object (duplicates). </param>
      <param name="millisecondsTimeout">The number of milliseconds to wait, or <see cref="F:System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite" /> (-1) to wait indefinitely. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> parameter is null.-or- One or more of the objects in the <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array is null. -or-<paramref name="waitHandles" /> is an array with no elements. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.DuplicateWaitObjectException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException" />, instead.The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array contains elements that are duplicates. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The number of objects in <paramref name="waitHandles" /> is greater than the system permits.-or- The <see cref="T:System.STAThreadAttribute" /> attribute is applied to the thread procedure for the current thread, and <paramref name="waitHandles" /> contains more than one element. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="millisecondsTimeout" /> is a negative number other than -1, which represents an infinite time-out. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException">The wait completed because a thread exited without releasing a mutex. This exception is not thrown on Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array contains a transparent proxy for a <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> in another application domain.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAll(System.Threading.WaitHandle[],System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Waits for all the elements in the specified array to receive a signal, using a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> value to specify the time interval.</summary>
      <returns>true when every element in <paramref name="waitHandles" /> has received a signal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="waitHandles">A WaitHandle array containing the objects for which the current instance will wait. This array cannot contain multiple references to the same object. </param>
      <param name="timeout">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents the number of milliseconds to wait, or a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents -1 milliseconds, to wait indefinitely. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> parameter is null. -or- One or more of the objects in the <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array is null. -or-<paramref name="waitHandles" /> is an array with no elements. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.DuplicateWaitObjectException">In the .NET for Windows Store apps or the Portable Class Library, catch the base class exception, <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException" />, instead.The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array contains elements that are duplicates. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The number of objects in <paramref name="waitHandles" /> is greater than the system permits.-or- The <see cref="T:System.STAThreadAttribute" /> attribute is applied to the thread procedure for the current thread, and <paramref name="waitHandles" /> contains more than one element. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="timeout" /> is a negative number other than -1 milliseconds, which represents an infinite time-out. -or-<paramref name="timeout" /> is greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException">The wait terminated because a thread exited without releasing a mutex. This exception is not thrown on Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array contains a transparent proxy for a <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> in another application domain.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(System.Threading.WaitHandle[])">
      <summary>Waits for any of the elements in the specified array to receive a signal.</summary>
      <returns>The array index of the object that satisfied the wait.</returns>
      <param name="waitHandles">A WaitHandle array containing the objects for which the current instance will wait. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> parameter is null.-or-One or more of the objects in the <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The number of objects in <paramref name="waitHandles" /> is greater than the system permits. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ApplicationException">
        <paramref name="waitHandles" /> is an array with no elements, and the .NET Framework version is 1.0 or 1.1. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException">The wait completed because a thread exited without releasing a mutex. This exception is not thrown on Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="waitHandles" /> is an array with no elements, and the .NET Framework version is 2.0 or later. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array contains a transparent proxy for a <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> in another application domain.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(System.Threading.WaitHandle[],System.Int32)">
      <summary>Waits for any of the elements in the specified array to receive a signal, using a 32-bit signed integer to specify the time interval.</summary>
      <returns>The array index of the object that satisfied the wait, or <see cref="F:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitTimeout" /> if no object satisfied the wait and a time interval equivalent to <paramref name="millisecondsTimeout" /> has passed.</returns>
      <param name="waitHandles">A WaitHandle array containing the objects for which the current instance will wait. </param>
      <param name="millisecondsTimeout">The number of milliseconds to wait, or <see cref="F:System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite" /> (-1) to wait indefinitely. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> parameter is null.-or-One or more of the objects in the <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The number of objects in <paramref name="waitHandles" /> is greater than the system permits. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="millisecondsTimeout" /> is a negative number other than -1, which represents an infinite time-out. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException">The wait completed because a thread exited without releasing a mutex. This exception is not thrown on Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="waitHandles" /> is an array with no elements. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array contains a transparent proxy for a <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> in another application domain.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(System.Threading.WaitHandle[],System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Waits for any of the elements in the specified array to receive a signal, using a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> to specify the time interval.</summary>
      <returns>The array index of the object that satisfied the wait, or <see cref="F:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitTimeout" /> if no object satisfied the wait and a time interval equivalent to <paramref name="timeout" /> has passed.</returns>
      <param name="waitHandles">A WaitHandle array containing the objects for which the current instance will wait. </param>
      <param name="timeout">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents the number of milliseconds to wait, or a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents -1 milliseconds to wait indefinitely. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> parameter is null.-or-One or more of the objects in the <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array is null. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The number of objects in <paramref name="waitHandles" /> is greater than the system permits. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="timeout" /> is a negative number other than -1 milliseconds, which represents an infinite time-out. -or-<paramref name="timeout" /> is greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException">The wait completed because a thread exited without releasing a mutex. This exception is not thrown on Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
        <paramref name="waitHandles" /> is an array with no elements. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <paramref name="waitHandles" /> array contains a transparent proxy for a <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> in another application domain.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne">
      <summary>Blocks the current thread until the current <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> receives a signal.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance receives a signal. If the current instance is never signaled, <see cref="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(System.Int32,System.Boolean)" /> never returns.</returns>
      <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The current instance has already been disposed. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException">The wait completed because a thread exited without releasing a mutex. This exception is not thrown on Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The current instance is a transparent proxy for a <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> in another application domain.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(System.Int32)">
      <summary>Blocks the current thread until the current <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> receives a signal, using a 32-bit signed integer to specify the time interval in milliseconds.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance receives a signal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="millisecondsTimeout">The number of milliseconds to wait, or <see cref="F:System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite" /> (-1) to wait indefinitely. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The current instance has already been disposed. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="millisecondsTimeout" /> is a negative number other than -1, which represents an infinite time-out. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException">The wait completed because a thread exited without releasing a mutex. This exception is not thrown on Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The current instance is a transparent proxy for a <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> in another application domain.</exception>
    <member name="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(System.TimeSpan)">
      <summary>Blocks the current thread until the current instance receives a signal, using a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> to specify the time interval.</summary>
      <returns>true if the current instance receives a signal; otherwise, false.</returns>
      <param name="timeout">A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents the number of milliseconds to wait, or a <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan" /> that represents -1 milliseconds to wait indefinitely. </param>
      <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The current instance has already been disposed. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        <paramref name="timeout" /> is a negative number other than -1 milliseconds, which represents an infinite time-out.-or-<paramref name="timeout" /> is greater than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />. </exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException">The wait completed because a thread exited without releasing a mutex. This exception is not thrown on Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition.</exception>
      <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The current instance is a transparent proxy for a <see cref="T:System.Threading.WaitHandle" /> in another application domain.</exception>
    <member name="F:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitTimeout">
      <summary>Indicates that a <see cref="M:System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(System.Threading.WaitHandle[],System.Int32,System.Boolean)" /> operation timed out before any of the wait handles were signaled. This field is constant.</summary>