wwdmbvbb пре 4 година

+ 1 - 0

@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@
      <Compile Include="Assets\AdvancedAnt\Scripts\PowerMeterDisplay.cs" />
      <Compile Include="Assets\AdvancedAnt\Scripts\SpeedCadenceDisplay.cs" />
      <Compile Include="Assets\AdvancedAnt\Scripts\SpeedDisplay.cs" />
+     <Compile Include="Assets\IpAddressDisplay.cs" />
      <Compile Include="Assets\Scripts\ANT+\HrReceiver.cs" />
      <Compile Include="Assets\Scripts\ANT+\PowerMeterReceiver.cs" />
      <Compile Include="Assets\Scripts\ANT+\SpeedSensorReceiver.cs" />

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Net;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.Networking.Types;
+using Valve.Newtonsoft.Json.Utilities;
+public class IpAddressDisplay : MonoBehaviour
+    private string ipAddress;
+    private void OnGUI()
+    {
+        GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width - 130f, Screen.height - 30f, 120f, 20f), ipAddress);
+    }
+    void Start()
+    {
+        string usedIp = null;
+        foreach (var ip in Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList)
+        {
+            if (ip.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
+            {
+                if (usedIp == null || ip.ToString().StartsWith("192.168.1."))
+                {
+                    usedIp = ip.ToString();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        ipAddress = usedIp;
+    }

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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+ 69 - 557

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-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 0.16895413, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 0.16895413, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 0.16895413, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 0.16895413, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 0.16895413, z: 3.6209083}
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-  - {x: -1.7438574, y: 2.137173, z: 2.0342152}
-  - {x: -1.7438574, y: 2.137173, z: -0.26830465}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 2.137173, z: 0.11532086}
-  - {x: 1.7499919, y: 2.137173, z: -0.26830465}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 2.137173, z: -1.2226346}
-  - {x: -0.6874457, y: 2.137173, z: 2.4426017}
-  - {x: -0.49640164, y: 2.137173, z: -0.26830453}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 2.137173, z: 0.11532086}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 2.137173, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 2.137173, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 2.137173, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 2.137173, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 2.137173, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 2.137173, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 2.137173, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 1.7247949, y: 2.137173, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 0.16895413, z: 0.88884413}
-  - {x: 3.0649185, y: 0.6519439, z: 2.0175197}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 0.16895413, z: -1.2226346}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 2.137173, z: -1.2226346}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 0.16895413, z: -1.2226346}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 2.137173, z: -1.2226346}
-  - {x: -0.49640164, y: 0.16895413, z: 0.11532098}
-  - {x: -0.49640164, y: 2.137173, z: 0.11532098}
-  - {x: 2.1137934, y: 0.16895413, z: 2.0019345}
-  - {x: 2.1137934, y: 2.137173, z: 2.0019345}
-  - {x: -1.7438574, y: 0.16895413, z: 0.11532086}
-  - {x: -1.7438574, y: 2.137173, z: 0.11532086}
-  - {x: 1.054212, y: 0.16895413, z: 2.411922}
-  - {x: 1.054212, y: 2.137173, z: 2.411922}
-  - {x: 0.3626945, y: 0.16895413, z: 2.0019345}
-  - {x: 0.3626945, y: 2.137173, z: 2.0019345}
-  - {x: -1.4774848, y: 0.8719945, z: 3.0514278}
-  - {x: -1.7438574, y: 2.137173, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: -1.0676951, y: 0.16895413, z: 2.9097056}
-  - {x: -0.7975282, y: 0.56283283, z: 3.0660741}
-  - {x: -1.7438574, y: 0.16895413, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 0.23031196, y: 0.16895413, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: -0.6072879, y: 0.16895413, z: 3.256002}
-  - {x: -1.2559911, y: 0.51661086, z: 2.812699}
-  - {x: -1.7438574, y: 0.16895413, z: 2.0342152}
-  - {x: 3.105528, y: 0.16895413, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 3.105528, y: 2.137173, z: 3.6209083}
-  - {x: 2.1004357, y: 0.16895413, z: 0.08172482}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 0.16895413, z: 0.10567212}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 0.16895413, z: 0.10567212}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 2.137173, z: 0.10567212}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 2.137173, z: 0.10567212}
-  - {x: 2.1004357, y: 2.137173, z: 0.08172482}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 2.137173, z: 0.88884413}
-  - {x: 2.1004357, y: 2.137173, z: 0.8648969}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 2.137173, z: 0.88884413}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 0.6519439, z: 0.88884413}
-  - {x: 2.1004357, y: 0.6519439, z: 0.8648969}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 0.6519439, z: 0.88884413}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 0.6519439, z: 1.3790772}
-  - {x: 2.1004357, y: 0.6519439, z: 1.35513}
-  - {x: -1.7438573, y: 2.137173, z: 1.3957727}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 0.6519439, z: 1.3790772}
-  - {x: 2.1137934, y: 0.16895413, z: 1.363492}
-  - {x: 2.1137934, y: 2.137173, z: 1.363492}
-  - {x: 0.36269462, y: 0.16895413, z: 1.363492}
-  - {x: 0.36269462, y: 2.137173, z: 1.363492}
-  - {x: -1.7438573, y: 0.16895413, z: 1.3957727}
-  - {x: 3.0649185, y: 1.0357099, z: 2.0175197}
-  - {x: 2.1004357, y: 1.0357099, z: 1.9935725}
-  - {x: 3.0649185, y: 1.0357099, z: 2.0175197}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 1.0357099, z: 0.88884413}
-  - {x: 2.1004357, y: 1.0357099, z: 0.8648969}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 1.0357099, z: 0.88884413}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 1.0357099, z: 1.3790772}
-  - {x: 2.1004357, y: 1.0357099, z: 1.35513}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 1.0357099, z: 1.3790772}
-  - {x: 3.0649185, y: 1.6615444, z: 2.0175197}
-  - {x: 2.1004357, y: 1.6615444, z: 1.9935725}
-  - {x: 3.0649185, y: 1.6615444, z: 2.0175197}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 1.6615444, z: 0.88884413}
-  - {x: 2.1004357, y: 1.6615444, z: 0.8648969}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 1.6615444, z: 0.88884413}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 1.6615444, z: 1.3790772}
-  - {x: 2.1004357, y: 1.6615444, z: 1.35513}
-  - {x: 3.0649188, y: 1.6615444, z: 1.3790772}
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---- !u!215 &1904166340
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 --- !u!114 &1940359576
@@ -36940,7 +36452,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
   bike: {fileID: 5134572704663073518}
   fork: {fileID: 201399530}
   centerOfMass: {fileID: 2217413905054478849}
-  velocityMode: 3
+  controller: 1
   oneRotationSpeed: 2.7
   crankMultiplier: 2
@@ -36956,7 +36468,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
   - wheel: {fileID: 4568543931324426609}
     motor: 0
     steering: 1
-  maxMotorTorque: 400
+  maxMotorTorque: 5000
   maxSteeringAngle: 5
   relativeLeanAmount: 0.01
   leftWheels: {fileID: 8158359824615092702}
@@ -41622,7 +41134,7 @@ Transform:
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-  m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.403, y: -0.24390006, z: -0.9800004}
+  m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.25, y: -0.24390006, z: -0.9800004}
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@@ -42136,7 +41648,7 @@ Rigidbody:
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   serializedVersion: 2
   m_Mass: 80
-  m_Drag: 0.1
+  m_Drag: 0
   m_AngularDrag: 0.05
   m_UseGravity: 1
   m_IsKinematic: 0
@@ -42637,7 +42149,7 @@ WheelCollider:
     targetPosition: 0
   m_SuspensionDistance: 0.03
   m_ForceAppPointDistance: 0
-  m_Mass: 0.25
+  m_Mass: 0.5
   m_WheelDampingRate: 0.25
     m_ExtremumSlip: 0.4
@@ -42975,7 +42487,7 @@ WheelCollider:
     targetPosition: 0
   m_SuspensionDistance: 0.03
   m_ForceAppPointDistance: 0
-  m_Mass: 0.25
+  m_Mass: 0.5
   m_WheelDampingRate: 0.25
     m_ExtremumSlip: 0.4
@@ -43026,7 +42538,7 @@ Transform:
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-  m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.699, y: 0.368, z: 2.669}
+  m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.699, y: 0.42, z: 2.669}
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@@ -43044,7 +42556,7 @@ Transform:
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-  m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.39699998, y: -0.24390006, z: -0.9800004}
+  m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.25, y: -0.24390006, z: -0.9800004}
   m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
   m_Children: []
   m_Father: {fileID: 6678954028052817760}
@@ -43162,7 +42674,7 @@ WheelCollider:
     targetPosition: 0
   m_SuspensionDistance: 0.03
   m_ForceAppPointDistance: 0
-  m_Mass: 0.25
+  m_Mass: 0.5
   m_WheelDampingRate: 0.25
     m_ExtremumSlip: 0.4
@@ -43206,7 +42718,7 @@ WheelCollider:
     targetPosition: 0
   m_SuspensionDistance: 0.03
   m_ForceAppPointDistance: 0
-  m_Mass: 0.25
+  m_Mass: 0.5
   m_WheelDampingRate: 0.25
     m_ExtremumSlip: 0.4
@@ -43285,7 +42797,7 @@ Transform:
   m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
   m_GameObject: {fileID: 8256718736597208395}
   m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
-  m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.403, y: -0.24390006, z: 0.98100024}
+  m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.25, y: -0.24390006, z: 0.98100024}
   m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
   m_Children: []
   m_Father: {fileID: 8158359824615092702}
@@ -43411,7 +42923,7 @@ Transform:
   m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
   m_GameObject: {fileID: 7931925400686605437}
   m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
-  m_LocalPosition: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0}
+  m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
   m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
   - {fileID: 5487412487593661275}
@@ -44077,7 +43589,7 @@ Transform:
   m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
   m_GameObject: {fileID: 5056838714069717752}
   m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
-  m_LocalPosition: {x: -0, y: 0, z: 0}
+  m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
   m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
   - {fileID: 1968497534563371266}
@@ -44212,7 +43724,7 @@ Transform:
   m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
   m_GameObject: {fileID: 1623127437632407436}
   m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
-  m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.39699998, y: -0.24390006, z: 0.98100024}
+  m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.25, y: -0.24390006, z: 0.98100024}
   m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
   m_Children: []
   m_Father: {fileID: 6678954028052817760}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public class AntSetup : MonoBehaviour
         //transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * (Time.deltaTime * (speedSensorReceiver?.Speed ?? 0)));
         bicycleController.SetSpeed(speedSensorReceiver?.Speed ?? 0);
-        bicycleController.SetTorque(powerMeterReceiver?.CrankTorque ?? 0); //TODO crank to wheel torque;
+        //bicycleController.SetTorque(powerMeterReceiver?.CrankTorque ?? 0); //TODO crank to wheel torque;
         if (speedDisplayAvailable)
             speedDisplay.text = $"{(speedSensorReceiver?.SpeedKmh ?? 0f):n2} km/h";

+ 60 - 58

@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
 using System;
 using System.Collections;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
 using UnityEngine;
+using Valve.VR.InteractionSystem;
-public enum VelocityMode
+public enum Controller
-    ApplySpeedToRigidBody,
-    ApplyTorqueToWheelCollider,
-    ApplySpeedToWheelCollider,
-    Keyboard
+    Sensors,
+    SpeedSensorOnly,
+    Keyboard,
+    KeyboardSpeedPolarSteer
 public class BicycleController : MonoBehaviour
@@ -24,19 +26,19 @@ public class BicycleController : MonoBehaviour
     public GameObject fork;
     public Transform centerOfMass;
-    [Header("Configuration")] public VelocityMode velocityMode = VelocityMode.ApplySpeedToWheelCollider;
+    [Header("Configuration")] public Controller controller = Controller.Sensors;
     [Header("Values")] public float oneRotationSpeed = 2.7f;
     public float crankMultiplier = 2f;
-    public List<AxleInfo> axleInfos; // the information about each individual axle
-    public float maxMotorTorque = 12f; // maximum torque the motor can apply to wheel
-    public float maxSteeringAngle = 5f; // maximum steer angle the wheel can have
+    public List<AxleInfo> axleInfos;
+    public float maxMotorTorque = 1000;
+    public float maxSteeringAngle = 5f;
     [Range(0, 1)] public float relativeLeanAmount = 0.01f;
     public Transform leftWheels;
     public Transform rightWheels;
     private float currentSteerAngle = 0f;
-    private float currentSpeed = 0f;
+    private float desiredSpeed = 0f;
     private float currentLeaningAngle = 0f;
     public float rotSpeed = 10;
@@ -45,6 +47,12 @@ public class BicycleController : MonoBehaviour
     private Quaternion startForkRot;
     private Vector3 upDirection = Vector3.up;
+    private float calculatedWheelSpeed;
+    private float currentMotorTorque;
+    private readonly float maxSpeed = 11.111f;
     // Start is called before the first frame update
     void Start()
@@ -61,18 +69,23 @@ public class BicycleController : MonoBehaviour
     private void OnGUI()
-        GUI.TextField(new Rect(114, 10, 304, 20), $"Wanted speed {(currentSpeed * 3.6):n2} km/h; Current Speed {(rb.velocity.magnitude *3.6):n2} km/h"); 
+        GUI.TextField(new Rect(114, 10, 280, 20),
+            $"Wanted speed {(desiredSpeed * 3.6):n2} km/h; Current Speed {(rb.velocity.magnitude * 3.6):n2}");
     // Update is called once per frame
     void Update()
-        if (velocityMode == VelocityMode.Keyboard)
+        if (controller == Controller.Keyboard || controller == Controller.KeyboardSpeedPolarSteer)
+        {
+            desiredSpeed = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * 4.3333f;
+        }
+        if (controller == Controller.Keyboard)
-            currentSpeed = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * 8.3333f;
             currentSteerAngle = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * maxSteeringAngle;
         Debug.Log("rotation: " + currentSteerAngle);
@@ -110,57 +123,60 @@ public class BicycleController : MonoBehaviour
     void ApplyWheelForce()
-        float motor = maxMotorTorque;
-        float steering = maxSteeringAngle * currentSteerAngle;
+        ControlSteer(axleInfos.Where(a => a.steering).Select(a => a.wheel));
+        ControlTorque(axleInfos.Where(a => a.motor).Select(a => a.wheel));
+    }
-        leftWheels.localPosition = -Vector3.up * (relativeLeanAmount * currentSteerAngle * rb.velocity.magnitude);
-        rightWheels.localPosition = Vector3.up * (relativeLeanAmount * currentSteerAngle * rb.velocity.magnitude);
+    private void ControlSteer(IEnumerable<WheelCollider> colliders)
+    {
+        float steering = maxSteeringAngle * currentSteerAngle * 0.2f;
+        leftWheels.localPosition = -Vector3.up * (relativeLeanAmount * currentSteerAngle * rb.velocity.magnitude * 0.2f);
+        rightWheels.localPosition = Vector3.up * (relativeLeanAmount * currentSteerAngle * rb.velocity.magnitude * 0.2f);
+        colliders.ForEach(c => c.steerAngle = steering);
+    }
-        if (velocityMode == VelocityMode.ApplySpeedToRigidBody)
+    private void ControlTorque(IEnumerable<WheelCollider> colliders)
+    {
+        var currentSpeed = rb.velocity.magnitude;
+        var speedDif = desiredSpeed - currentSpeed;
+        var ratio = speedDif / maxSpeed;
+        var torque = maxMotorTorque * ratio;
+        if (speedDif >= .1f) // 0.36 km/h
-            //TODO: figure out what to do when going upwards?
-            rb.velocity = bike.transform.forward * currentSpeed;
+            Debug.Log($"SpeedDif = {speedDif} -> applying Torque {torque} (Ratio: {ratio})");
+            colliders.ForEach(c =>
+            {
+                c.brakeTorque = 0;
+                c.motorTorque = torque;
+            });
-        foreach (AxleInfo axleInfo in axleInfos)
+        else if (speedDif <= -.1f)
-            if (axleInfo.steering)
+            Debug.Log($"SpeedDif = {speedDif} -> applying brake Torque {torque} (Ratio: {ratio})");
+            colliders.ForEach(c =>
-                axleInfo.wheel.steerAngle = steering;
-            }
-            if (velocityMode == VelocityMode.ApplySpeedToWheelCollider || velocityMode == VelocityMode.Keyboard)
-            {
-                if (axleInfo.motor && rb.velocity.magnitude < currentSpeed)
-                {
-                    axleInfo.wheel.motorTorque = motor;
-                    rb.drag = 0.01f;
-                }
-                else if (axleInfo.motor && rb.velocity.magnitude > 5)
-                {
-                    rb.drag = 100f;
-                    axleInfo.wheel.motorTorque = 0;
-                }
-            }
+                c.motorTorque = 0;
+                c.brakeTorque = -torque;
+            });
     public void SetSpeed(float speed)
-        if (velocityMode == VelocityMode.Keyboard) return;
-        currentSpeed = speed;
+        if (controller == Controller.Keyboard || controller == Controller.KeyboardSpeedPolarSteer) return;
+        desiredSpeed = speed;
     public void SetLeaningAngle(float angle)
-        if (velocityMode == VelocityMode.Keyboard) return;
+        if (controller == Controller.Keyboard) return;
         currentLeaningAngle = angle;
     public void SetSteeringAngle(float angle)
-        if (velocityMode == VelocityMode.Keyboard) return;
+        if (controller == Controller.Keyboard || controller == Controller.SpeedSensorOnly) return;
         currentSteerAngle = angle;
@@ -171,20 +187,6 @@ public class BicycleController : MonoBehaviour
         //obj.transform.Rotate(Time.deltaTime * rotSpeed * (360f / oneRotationSpeed) * multiplier, 0, 0);
-    public void SetTorque(float crankTorque)
-    {
-        foreach (AxleInfo axleInfo in axleInfos)
-        {
-            if (velocityMode == VelocityMode.ApplyTorqueToWheelCollider) ;
-            {
-                if (axleInfo.motor)
-                {
-                    axleInfo.wheel.motorTorque = crankTorque;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
     public class AxleInfo

+ 1 - 1

@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ QualitySettings:
     skinWeights: 2
     textureQuality: 0
     anisotropicTextures: 1
-    antiAliasing: 2
+    antiAliasing: 0
     softParticles: 0
     softVegetation: 1
     realtimeReflectionProbes: 1

