wwdmbvbb il y a 4 ans


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+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
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+  externalObjects: {}
+  userData: 
+  assetBundleName: 
+  assetBundleVariant: 

Fichier diff supprimé car celui-ci est trop grand
+ 260 - 624

+ 44 - 9

@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ public class PowerMeterReceiver
     private int instantaneousPower; // the instantaneous power in watt
     private int instantaneousCadence; // crank cadence in RPM if available ( 255 indicates invalid)
+    private float crankTorque;
     private AntChannel backgroundScanChannel;
     private AntChannel deviceChannel;
@@ -37,6 +38,8 @@ public class PowerMeterReceiver
     public int InstantaneousCadence => instantaneousCadence;
+    public float CrankTorque => crankTorque;
     private byte[] pageToSend;
     public PowerMeterReceiver()
@@ -109,33 +112,65 @@ public class PowerMeterReceiver
         deviceChannel.hideRXFAIL = true;
-    int update_event_count = 0;
+    private readonly Dictionary<int, int> updateEventCount = new Dictionary<int, int> {{0x10, 0}, {0x12, 0}};
+    private readonly Dictionary<int, int> sameEventCounter = new Dictionary<int, int> {{0x10, 0}, {0x12, 0}};
-    int sameEventCounter = 0;
+    private int previousAccumulatedTorqueValue = 0;
+    private int previousTorqueEventCount = 0;
     //Deal with the received Data
     private void Data(Byte[] data)
-        if (data[0] == 0x10)
+        if (data[0] == 0x10) // Standard Power-Only Main Data Page
-            if (data[1] == update_event_count)
-                sameEventCounter++;
+            if (data[1] == updateEventCount[0x10])
+                sameEventCounter[0x10]++;
-                sameEventCounter = 0;
+                sameEventCounter[0x10] = 0;
-            update_event_count = data[1];
+            updateEventCount[0x10] = data[1];
-            if (sameEventCounter > 3)
+            if (sameEventCounter[0x10] > 3)
                 instantaneousPower = 0;
                 instantaneousCadence = 0;
-                instantaneousPower = (data[6]) | data[7] << 8;
+                instantaneousPower = data[6] | data[7] << 8;
                 instantaneousCadence = data[3];
+        if (data[0] == 0x12) // Standard Crank Torque Main Data Page
+        {
+            Debug.Log($"Torque Data {data}");
+            if (data[1] == updateEventCount[0x12])
+                sameEventCounter[0x12]++;
+            else
+                sameEventCounter[0x12] = 0;
+            updateEventCount[0x12] = data[1];
+            if (sameEventCounter[0x12] > 3)
+            {
+                crankTorque = 0;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                int accumulatedTorque = data[6] | data[7] << 8;
+                float divisor = (32 * (updateEventCount[0x12] - previousTorqueEventCount));
+                if (divisor > 0)
+                {
+                    crankTorque =  (accumulatedTorque - previousAccumulatedTorqueValue) / divisor;
+                }
+                Debug.Log($"instantaneousCrankTorque = {crankTorque}");
+                previousAccumulatedTorqueValue = accumulatedTorque;
+                previousTorqueEventCount = updateEventCount[0x12];
+            }
+        }

+ 9 - 0

@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ public class AntSetup : MonoBehaviour
     public int powerMeterId = 0;
     public TextMeshProUGUI powerDisplay;
     public TextMeshProUGUI cadenceDisplay;
+    public TextMeshProUGUI torqueDisplay;
     private SpeedSensorReceiver speedSensorReceiver;
     private PowerMeterReceiver powerMeterReceiver;
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ public class AntSetup : MonoBehaviour
     private bool speedDisplayAvailable;
     private bool powerDisplayAvailable;
     private bool cadenceDisplayAvailable;
+    private bool torqueDisplayAvailable;
     private BicycleController bicycleController;
@@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ public class AntSetup : MonoBehaviour
         bicycleController = GetComponent<BicycleController>();
         speedDisplayAvailable = speedDisplay != null;
         powerDisplayAvailable = powerDisplay != null;
+        torqueDisplayAvailable = torqueDisplay != null;
         cadenceDisplayAvailable = cadenceDisplay != null;
         speedSensorReceiver = new SpeedSensorReceiver(speedSensorId, wheelCircumference);
         powerMeterReceiver = new PowerMeterReceiver(powerMeterId);
@@ -39,6 +42,7 @@ public class AntSetup : MonoBehaviour
         //transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * (Time.deltaTime * (speedSensorReceiver?.Speed ?? 0)));
         bicycleController.SetSpeed(speedSensorReceiver?.Speed ?? 0);
+        bicycleController.SetTorque(powerMeterReceiver?.CrankTorque ?? 0); //TODO crank to wheel torque;
         if (speedDisplayAvailable)
             speedDisplay.text = $"{(speedSensorReceiver?.SpeedKmh ?? 0f):n2} km/h";
@@ -53,5 +57,10 @@ public class AntSetup : MonoBehaviour
             cadenceDisplay.text = $"{(powerMeterReceiver?.InstantaneousCadence ?? 0f):0} rpm";
+        if (torqueDisplayAvailable)
+        {
+            torqueDisplay.text = $"{(powerMeterReceiver?.CrankTorque ?? 0f):F2} Nm";
+        }

+ 68 - 42

@@ -2,25 +2,34 @@
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using UnityEngine;
+public enum VelocityMode
+    ApplySpeedToRigidBody,
+    ApplyTorqueToWheelCollider,
+    ApplySpeedToWheelCollider
 public class BicycleController : MonoBehaviour
-    [Header ("GameObjects")]
-    //public GameObject rearWheel;
+    [Header("GameObjects")] public GameObject rearWheel;
     public GameObject frontWheel;
-    //public GameObject crank;
+    public GameObject crank;
+    public GameObject bike;
     //public GameObject pedalL;
     //public GameObject pedalR;
-    //public GameObject fork;
+    public GameObject fork;
     public Transform centerOfMass;
-    [Header("Values")]
-    public float oneRotationSpeed = 2.7f;
+    [Header("Configuration")] public VelocityMode velocityMode = VelocityMode.ApplyTorqueToWheelCollider;
+    [Header("Values")] public float oneRotationSpeed = 2.7f;
     public float crankMultiplier = 2f;
     public List<AxleInfo> axleInfos; // the information about each individual axle
     public float maxMotorTorque = 12f; // maximum torque the motor can apply to wheel
     public float maxSteeringAngle = 5f; // maximum steer angle the wheel can have
-    [Range(0,1)]
-    public float relativeLeanAmount = 0.01f;
+    [Range(0, 1)] public float relativeLeanAmount = 0.01f;
     public Transform leftWheels;
     public Transform rightWheels;
@@ -45,73 +54,78 @@ public class BicycleController : MonoBehaviour
         for (int i = 0; i < axleInfos.Count; i++)
             wheelPositions[i] = axleInfos[i].wheel.center;
     // Update is called once per frame
     void Update()
-        RotateMeshes();
+        //RotateMeshes();
-        Debug.Log("rotation: " + currentSteerAngle); 
+        Debug.Log("rotation: " + currentSteerAngle);
     public void FixedUpdate()
     void RotateMeshes()
-        //RotateObject(crank, 1);
+        RotateObject(crank, 1);
         //RotateObject(pedalL, -1);
         //RotateObject(pedalR, -1);
-        //RotateObject(rearWheel, crankMultiplier);
+        RotateObject(rearWheel, crankMultiplier);
         RotateObject(frontWheel, crankMultiplier);
-    /*void RotateFork()
+    void RotateFork()
         fork.transform.localRotation = startForkRot;
-        fork.transform.RotateAround(fork.transform.position, fork.transform.up, maxSteeringAngle * rotationValue);
-    }*/
+        fork.transform.RotateAround(fork.transform.position, fork.transform.up, maxSteeringAngle * currentSteerAngle);
+    }
     void Lean()
-        upDirection = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.up + transform.right * (maxSteeringAngle * relativeLeanAmount * currentSteerAngle * rb.velocity.magnitude) / 100);
+        upDirection = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.up + transform.right *
+            (maxSteeringAngle * relativeLeanAmount * currentSteerAngle * rb.velocity.magnitude) / 100);
     void ApplyWheelForce()
         float motor = maxMotorTorque;
         float steering = maxSteeringAngle * currentSteerAngle;
-        leftWheels.localPosition = - Vector3.up * (relativeLeanAmount * currentSteerAngle * rb.velocity.magnitude);
+        leftWheels.localPosition = -Vector3.up * (relativeLeanAmount * currentSteerAngle * rb.velocity.magnitude);
         rightWheels.localPosition = Vector3.up * (relativeLeanAmount * currentSteerAngle * rb.velocity.magnitude);
-        //rb.velocity = new Vector3(currentSpeed, rb.velocity.y, rb.velocity.z);
+        if (velocityMode == VelocityMode.ApplySpeedToRigidBody)
+        {
+            //TODO: figure out what to do when going upwards?
+            rb.velocity = bike.transform.forward * currentSpeed;
+        }
         foreach (AxleInfo axleInfo in axleInfos)
             if (axleInfo.steering)
                 axleInfo.wheel.steerAngle = steering;
-            if (axleInfo.motor && rb.velocity.magnitude < currentSpeed)
-            {
-                axleInfo.wheel.motorTorque = motor;
-            }
-            else if(axleInfo.motor)
+            if (velocityMode == VelocityMode.ApplySpeedToWheelCollider)
-                axleInfo.wheel.motorTorque = 0;
+                if (axleInfo.motor && rb.velocity.magnitude < currentSpeed)
+                {
+                    axleInfo.wheel.motorTorque = motor;
+                }
+                else if (axleInfo.motor)
+                {
+                    axleInfo.wheel.motorTorque = 0;
+                }
@@ -131,22 +145,34 @@ public class BicycleController : MonoBehaviour
         currentSteerAngle = angle;
     //rotates the meshes
     void RotateObject(GameObject obj, float multiplier)
         obj.transform.Rotate(Time.deltaTime * rb.velocity.magnitude * (360f / oneRotationSpeed) * multiplier, 0, 0);
         //obj.transform.Rotate(Time.deltaTime * rotSpeed * (360f / oneRotationSpeed) * multiplier, 0, 0);
+    public void SetTorque(float crankTorque)
+    {
+        foreach (AxleInfo axleInfo in axleInfos)
+        {
+            if (velocityMode == VelocityMode.ApplyTorqueToWheelCollider) ;
+            {
+                if (axleInfo.motor)
+                {
+                    axleInfo.wheel.motorTorque = crankTorque;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
-public class AxleInfo
-    public WheelCollider wheel;
-    public bool motor; // is this wheel attached to motor?
-    public bool steering; // does this wheel apply steer angle?
+    [System.Serializable]
+    public class AxleInfo
+    {
+        public WheelCollider wheel;
+        public bool motor; // is this wheel attached to motor?
+        public bool steering; // does this wheel apply steer angle?
+    }


+ 155 - 62

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---- !u!114 &15
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---- !u!114 &16
+--- !u!114 &17
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---- !u!114 &17
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---- !u!114 &18
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---- !u!114 &19
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---- !u!114 &20
+--- !u!114 &21
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+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
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Certains fichiers n'ont pas été affichés car il y a eu trop de fichiers modifiés dans ce diff