Configurator_problems.txt 3.7 KB

  1. Configurator errors
  2. 1. Other hosts remain unconfigured
  3. *.configurator.config = xml("<config><interface hosts='*.Host3' names='eth0' address=''/></config>") // its a feature, not a bug?
  4. 2. Doesn't use lower addresses
  5. *.configurator.config = xml("<config><interface hosts='*.Host3' names='eth0' address=''/><interface hosts='**' address='10.x.x.x' netmask='255.x.x.x'/></config>")
  6. Error in module (inet::IPv4NetworkConfigurator) Simple.configurator (id=2) during network initialization: Failed to configure unique address for Simple.Host2.eth0. Please refine your parameters and try again!.
  7. 3. Address doesn't take effect
  8. *.configurator.config = xml("<config><interface hosts='**' address='10.x.x.x' netmask='255.x.x.x'/><interface hosts='*.Host3' names='eth0' address=''/></config>") // wrong order?
  9. Assignment for Host3 has no effect
  10. 4. All-ones host addresses should not be assigned to hosts (they are usually used for local broadcast)
  11. 5. Cannot add manual route
  12. *.configurator.config = xml("<config><route hosts='*.Router0' destination='' netmask='255.255.255.x' gateway='' interface='eth3' metric='x'/></config>")
  13. Error in module (inet::IPv4NetworkConfigurator) Routes.configurator (id=2) during network initialization: Error in XML <route> element at content:1: Invalid IPv4 address string `255.255.255.x'.
  14. Should be able to specify certain manual routes and the configurator should add the rest automatically
  15. Or is this supposed to be done by dumping the config and rewriting the routes?
  16. 6. Optimizer fails to merge some routes
  17. Node nineteen.Area3Router
  18. -- Routing table --
  19. Destination Netmask Gateway Iface Metric
  20. * eth2 ( 0
  21. * eth0 ( 0
  22. * eth1 ( 0
  23. eth2 ( 0
  24. first could be merged with last one (gw:* gateway is the same as the destination)
  25. 7. Az auto route element feldolgozása nem veszi figyelembe a már létező route-okat, így pl az errorRate metric egy mixed wireless/wired networkben teljes útvonalra hat, beleértve a wired részt is.
  26. 8. const char *NetworkConfiguratorBase::getWirelessId(InterfaceEntry *interfaceEntry) should look for SSID first to determine members a wireless network (swap the two code blocks)
  27. 9. The Ipv4NetworkConfigurator ned documentation states that the configurator builds a graph with edge weights inversely proportional to the bitrate, so the configurator favors paths
  28. with higher bitrate. This is no true, because default the metric is hopcount, so edges get a weight of 1.
  29. 10. addStaticRoutes parameter description in NED doc: turn off when config file contains manual routes <- false
  30. 11. error in optimizer:
  31. Error in module (inet::IPv4NetworkConfigurator) ConfiguratorB.configurator (id=2) during network initialization: ASSERT: condition false false in function checkOriginalRoutes, inet/networklayer/configurator/ipv4/ line 1496.
  32. solved by optimizeRoutes=false
  33. 12. <autoroute> subelements: link selection should be more accurate
  34. 13. RoutingTableCanvasVisualizer: when nodes have address <unspec>, it matches the default route, and it visualizes that. Also, it doesnt react to changing addresses from unspec to specified
  35. it should visualize default routes from <unspec> addresses
  36. 14. Mixed metric autoroute in step 12: when addDefaultRoutes = true, the routing table changes and we dont understand why
  37. 15. DHCP Server: it should be enough to specify numReservedAddresses or maxNumClients. In general, DHCP config should be simpler.