runtest.cmd 697 B

  1. @echo off
  2. rem
  3. rem usage: runtest [<testfile>...]
  4. rem without args, runs all *.test files in the current directory
  5. rem uncomment opp_test line with -N to test with dynamic NED loading
  6. rem
  7. set TESTFILES=%*
  8. if "x%TESTFILES%" == "x" set TESTFILES=*.test
  9. path %~dp0\..\bin;%PATH%
  10. mkdir work 2>nul
  11. del work\work.exe 2>nul
  12. call opp_test gen -v %TESTFILES% || goto end
  13. cd work || goto end
  14. call opp_nmakemake -f -N -w -u cmdenv -c ..\..\..\ --no-deep-includes -I..\..\..\src || goto end
  15. nmake -f || cd .. && goto end
  16. cd .. || goto end
  17. rem call opp_test run -v %TESTFILES% || goto end
  18. call opp_test run -v %TESTFILES% || goto end
  19. echo.
  20. echo Results can be found in work/
  21. :end