tcp_send_1.test 2.6 KB

  1. %description:
  2. What if the SEND command is issued during connection setup.
  3. %inifile: {}.ini
  4. [General]
  5. #preload-ned-files = *.ned ../../*.ned @../../../../nedfiles.lst
  6. ned-path = .;../../../../src;../../lib
  7. #omnetpp 5.0 - 5.1 compatibility:
  8. eventlog-file = "${resultdir}/${configname}-${runnumber}.elog"
  9. output-scalar-file = "${resultdir}/${configname}-${runnumber}.sca"
  10. output-vector-file = "${resultdir}/${configname}-${runnumber}.vec"
  11. snapshot-file = "${resultdir}/${configname}-${runnumber}.sna"
  12. #[Cmdenv]
  13. cmdenv-event-banners=false
  14. cmdenv-express-mode=false
  15. #[Parameters]
  16. *.testing=true
  17. cmdenv-log-prefix="[%c]: "
  18. *.cli_app.tOpen=0s
  19. *.srv_app.tOpen=0s
  20. *.cli_app.tSend=0s
  21. *.cli_app.sendBytes=100B
  22. include ../../lib/defaults.ini
  23. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. %file:
  25. open FILE, '<test.out';
  26. while($sor = <FILE>)
  27. {
  28. if ($sor =~ /^\[testing\]: (.*)$/)
  29. {
  30. print "$1\n";
  31. }
  32. }
  33. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. %postrun-command: perl ./
  35. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. %contains: postrun-command(1).out
  37. cli_tcp: INIT --> SYN_SENT (on OPEN_ACTIVE)
  38. srv_tcp: INIT --> LISTEN (on OPEN_PASSIVE)
  39. [0.001 A001] A.1000 > B.2000: S 0:0(0) win 16384
  40. srv_tcp: LISTEN --> SYN_RCVD (on RCV_SYN)
  41. [0.003 B001] A.1000 < B.2000: A S 500:500(0) ack 1 win 16384
  42. cli_tcp: SYN_SENT --> ESTABLISHED (on RCV_SYN_ACK)
  43. [0.005 A002] A.1000 > B.2000: A 1:101(100) ack 501 win 16384
  44. srv_tcp: SYN_RCVD --> ESTABLISHED (on RCV_ACK)
  45. [0.207 B002] A.1000 < B.2000: A ack 101 win 16384
  46. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. %contains: stdout
  48. Calling finish() at end of Run #0...
  49. []: TcpTestNet1.cli_app: received 0 bytes in 0 packets
  50. []: TcpTestNet1.cli_tcp: finishing with 1 connections open.
  51. []: TcpTestNet1.srv_tcp: finishing with 1 connections open.
  52. []: TcpTestNet1.srv_app: received 100 bytes in 1 packets
  53. [testing]: [0.208] tcpdump finished, A:2 B:2 segments
  54. End.
  55. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. %not-contains: stdout
  57. undisposed object:
  58. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. %not-contains: stdout
  60. -- check module destructor
  61. %#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------